Mueller best effort is to go after The rights leaders family


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
They are all criminals and frauds and if they get anyone of them , they are daddy's taught family, they will sell out their daddy and become states evidence quicker then a blink of the eye. Not only would it be justice but it would be fun to watch.
You can't just root out a democratically elected leader of a democracy like that. We do that to other countries, not ours, c'mon now.
They are all criminals and frauds and if they get anyone of them , they are daddy's taught family, they will sell out their daddy and become states evidence quicker then a blink of the eye. Not only would it be justice but it would be fun to watch.
There's that guilty until proven innocent crap again. Sorry, but that's not the way it works around here.
You can't just root out a democratically elected leader of a democracy like that. We do that to other countries, not ours, c'mon now.
Your nuts when we are weeding out this countries biggest threat and in my opinion our biggest enemy.
They are all criminals and frauds and if they get anyone of them , they are daddy's taught family, they will sell out their daddy and become states evidence quicker then a blink of the eye. Not only would it be justice but it would be fun to watch.
There's that guilty until proven innocent crap again. Sorry, but that's not the way it works around here.
He is as guilty as OJ and that doesn't seem to be a problem with the guilty before proving innocent routine. I know he will go to jail, New York charges most likely.

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