Mueller caught in hos own investigation

Guy deserves to be fired.....his band of partisan operatives booted from govt payroll
Washington (CNN)Special Counsel Robert Mueller briefly did some legal work for a company that was part of a Middle East energy and arms project pushed by Michael Flynn, the former Trump national security adviser who Mueller is now investigating as part of the Russian meddling probe. Mueller briefly did work for Flynn-tied firm - CNNPolitics
Every lib pushing this has ties to it..........

"In June 2016 while at Wilmer Hale, Mr. Mueller spent less than half an hour on an IronBridge litigation matter that was handled by another partner. That amount did not meet the reporting requirement."

"Trump's first visit to Soviet Moscow in 1987 looks, with hindsight, to be part of a pattern. The dossier by the former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele asserts that the Kremlin had been cultivating Trump for “at least five years” before his stunning victory in the 2016 US presidential election. This would take us back to around 2011 or 2012.

In fact, the Soviet Union was interested in him too, three decades earlier. The top level of the Soviet diplomatic service arranged his 1987 Moscow visit. With assistance from the KGB. It took place while Kryuchkov was seeking to improve the KGB's operational techniques in one particular and sensitive area. The spy chief wanted KGB staff abroad to recruit more Americans."

The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow
Robert Mueller, the understated, square-jawed former Marine, has built a professional reputation that is beyond reproach – first as a prosecutor, then later as the FBI director who reinvented the bureau after the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

He is devoutly nonpartisan. That neutrality allows him to be a better public servant, he has said.

His colleagues describe him as calm, thorough and focused.

In May, the deputy attorney general of the U.S. Department of Justice named Mueller, a 1973 UVA Law School graduate, special counsel in the inquiry whose central question has hounded the current administration: To what extent, if any, did President Donald J. Trump and his advisers collude with Russia ...?

The answer could take months to explore, if not years.

No matter what the investigation might find, the 73-year-old Mueller is expected to conduct the probe as he has always gone about his work: conscientiously. “I accept this responsibility and will discharge it to the best of my ability,” he announced upon resigning from his law firm, WilmerHale.

Professor and former UVA Law Dean John C. Jeffries, a member of Mueller’s law class, said no better person could have been selected for the job.

“Robert Mueller is the perfect choice,” Jeffries said. “Most important is his integrity. For Bob, integrity is not merely a policy or a practice; it’s character. He is incapable of dishonesty or dissembling. Additionally, he has the skill and experience to be effective. His appointment has been universally applauded, as it should be.”

Honor and Integrity Make ’73 Law Grad Robert Mueller Right for Election Inquiry
mueller?? mueller?? anyone??


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