That’s not the bar. People don’t get arrested for forgetting about emails. His story doesn’t add up and the case would never hold up in court if true

Apparently people don't get arrested for deleting thousands of emails either or bleaching them from the server and destroying devices that had the emails. OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:
Nice diversion. Ditching the discussion huh? I don’t blame you

Lets just agree that I'm so much smarter than you that there is a limit to the discussion.
You very well could be, I don’t claim any kind of superior intellect. I just like to debate topics at face value. Are you done with this one? That’s your second diversion.

I finished this discussion with my first post, you were defeated. If you wish to explain the off the charts double standard Hillary vs Corsi have at it.
You think diverting from Corsi to Clinton won the argument?! Ok buddy. That’s a joke.
Nice diversion. Ditching the discussion huh? I don’t blame you

Lets just agree that I'm so much smarter than you that there is a limit to the discussion.
You very well could be, I don’t claim any kind of superior intellect. I just like to debate topics at face value. Are you done with this one? That’s your second diversion.

Love Carlin. This is probably the best post you’ve ever made. stick to Carlin videos and you will be much more tolerable

Carlin says it as he saw it, he made fools out of politically correct control freaks.... and career politicians

No shit
43732138_10212271343442084_5972852886441295872_n.jpg many Trump associates have been convicted of felonies so far?

4? Or is that 5?

Mueller has racked up 6 guilty plea's, 34 Federal Grand Jury indictment's and 100's of criminal charges. It's rumored he has an additional 15 sealed indictments that he is going to release.

I imagine he is waiting until Democrats are sworn is as Majority House leaders before he release's the Kracken.

Click this link to redirect to another post on this thread for video's and confirmed sworn testimony on the collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence.
Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.


Last edited: many Trump associates have been convicted of felonies so far?

4? Or is that 5?
Nothing to do with trump... Do you have a case of guilt by association?

So all the grifters, liars, thieves, perjurers, tax cheats, frauds and Conspirators against the United States that Trump hand picked and surrounded himself with....

.......were there to help him um, 'drain the swamp'? One would think you'd want fewer felons to do that.
The swamp consists %100 of Career politicians/deep state...
Apparently people don't get arrested for deleting thousands of emails either or bleaching them from the server and destroying devices that had the emails. OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:
Nice diversion. Ditching the discussion huh? I don’t blame you

Lets just agree that I'm so much smarter than you that there is a limit to the discussion.
You very well could be, I don’t claim any kind of superior intellect. I just like to debate topics at face value. Are you done with this one? That’s your second diversion.

I finished this discussion with my first post, you were defeated. If you wish to explain the off the charts double standard Hillary vs Corsi have at it.
You think diverting from Corsi to Clinton won the argument?! Ok buddy. That’s a joke.

Yes I destroyed you, sorry. many Trump associates have been convicted of felonies so far?

4? Or is that 5?
Nothing to do with trump... Do you have a case of guilt by association?

So all the grifters, liars, thieves, perjurers, tax cheats, frauds and Conspirators against the United States that Trump hand picked and surrounded himself with....

.......were there to help him um, 'drain the swamp'? One would think you'd want fewer felons to do that.
The swamp consists %100 of Career politicians/deep state...

The denial never stops with you, does it? You fucked up big time with your support & vote for Trump, and you're going to pay for it. Redirect to this post on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds there.

Click here>
Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.
Its certainly looking like a political witch hunt to me. Witnesses threatened into lying sounds like Mueller's previous cases.
The only reason Mueller is charging everyone he interviews with "Lying to The FBI" is because he started his so called Investigation with a Preconceived Conclusion. This then makes Mueller's investigation Intellectually Dishonest and Corrupt. No Investigator should ever take this approach because he corrupts his own investigation.

Mueller is not getting what he wants, and it's because his investigation has a corrupt purpose, so witnesses are thumbing their noses at him and choosing instead to go to jail for the phoney charge of "lying to the fbi" for a couple weeks, rather than lie and perjure themselves and have an eternal black mark on their souls.

The Investigation should have been to find The Truth, not to find the Non Existent Crime of "Russian Collusion"

When Rod Rosenstein and numerous others have publicly stated that the results of their Investigations show NO COLLUSION, Mueller should have resigned and posted his findings right then. If he investigates for another two years, the result will be the same which will be that there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

It's not there. Not one member of The Trump Campaign Team has been charged with any type of Collusion with Russia. None.

Mueller also Simultaneously IGNORES, The Dirty Dossier, and how that was paid for, how it was Russian Sourced, and delivered to The FBI and DOJ and used to perpetrate FRAUD on THE FISA COURT.

Mueller is not an objective man. He never has been, and his history of misconduct proves that he makes his conclusions first and then tries to fit the so called facts to his preconceived notions.

There is nothing wrong with Mueller's investigation. You are the one who is Intellectually Dishonest and Corrupt. The fact is that Mueller's investigation has been hindered by Republicans and witnesses who lie. Now apparently we have Manafort's attorneys maybe conspiring with Trump. Trump gave the dog whistle to Manafort and Corsi by saying pardons are still on the table. That is why Manafort and Corsi are lying. They are playing for a pardon.

There was nothing dirty about the dossier. It was sourced from contacts Steele had in Russia. There was no fraud in it's use. Putin wanted Trump to win so the idea Russia had anything to do with it is ridiculous.

There is no evidence of misconduct by Mueller. It shows you have the talking points down pat. Too bad there are no facts to back it up. many Trump associates have been convicted of felonies so far?

4? Or is that 5?
Nothing to do with trump... Do you have a case of guilt by association?

So all the grifters, liars, thieves, perjurers, tax cheats, frauds and Conspirators against the United States that Trump hand picked and surrounded himself with....

.......were there to help him um, 'drain the swamp'? One would think you'd want fewer felons to do that.
The swamp consists %100 of Career politicians/deep state...

The denial never stops with you, does it? You fucked up big time with your support & vote for Trump, and you're going to pay for it. Redirect to this post on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds there.

Click here>
Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.
First of all I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd...
It don’t matter in South Dakota Trump won that overwhelmingly. And trump is infinitely better than Hildabeast would ever be as president... many Trump associates have been convicted of felonies so far?

4? Or is that 5?
Nothing to do with trump... Do you have a case of guilt by association?

So all the grifters, liars, thieves, perjurers, tax cheats, frauds and Conspirators against the United States that Trump hand picked and surrounded himself with....

.......were there to help him um, 'drain the swamp'? One would think you'd want fewer felons to do that.
The swamp consists %100 of Career politicians/deep state...

So the grifters, liars, thievs, frauds, and Conspirators against the United States that Trump hand picked and surrounded himself with.....

...they're there to help him drain the '%100 career politicians'?

Seems like Trump could have picked better. I mean, per Trump these were the 'best people'.
Its certainly looking like a political witch hunt to me. Witnesses threatened into lying sounds like Mueller's previous cases.
Who says they are threatened into lying? I’ve heard the conservative radio talking points. Makes me laugh every time. None of these chumps knows what they are talking about. It’s all assumptions.

Ah, the people that were threatened into lying hello.
Every single witness has been threatened. Even General Flynn who Comey (who I think is a piece of shit) said that Flynn did not lie.

So how is a man who investigators said did not lie, ever charged with lying based on the same investigation that stated he did not lie?

House report backs claim that FBI agents did not think Flynn lied, despite guilty plea

The only reason Flynn plead guilty is they were bankrupting the guy with legal bills, he was about to lose his house. Is that really the government we want, if you dare accept a job in a presidential administration you risk the opposing political party attacking you personally with the full might of the federal government?

So you say. Flynn was lobbying for a supporter of Islamic terrorists and that is apparently okay with you. He broke the law and could have been charged with much more.
Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators.

Here's your next 10 posts...

Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators
Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators
Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators
Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators
Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators
Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators
Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators
Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators
Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators
Corsi was caught lying to federal investigators

And your next 10 posts will be you absolutely *refusing* to look at the evidence, Corsi's emails, court filings, anything.

And then laughably insisting that because you won't look at the evidence, the evidence doesn't exist.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the Trump Supporter.
Show us the evidence...... That any Trump Campaign Worker.......colluded with Russia....and then show us the evidence that any of them lied.

What lies did they tell?

Donald Trump Jr met with a Russian National expecting to receive dirt on Clinton. He can't lie because he was careless.
That’s not the bar. People don’t get arrested for forgetting about emails. His story doesn’t add up and the case would never hold up in court if true

Apparently people don't get arrested for deleting thousands of emails either or bleaching them from the server and destroying devices that had the emails. OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:

The fact is that Clinton had every right to delete personal e-mails. Yes destroying devices so things can't be recovered from them is not wrong. That is called security.
Nice diversion. Ditching the discussion huh? I don’t blame you

Lets just agree that I'm so much smarter than you that there is a limit to the discussion.
You very well could be, I don’t claim any kind of superior intellect. I just like to debate topics at face value. Are you done with this one? That’s your second diversion.

I finished this discussion with my first post, you were defeated. If you wish to explain the off the charts double standard Hillary vs Corsi have at it.
You think diverting from Corsi to Clinton won the argument?! Ok buddy. That’s a joke.

Yes I destroyed you, sorry.
Good for you, I hope you are proud of yourself. Let me know if you ever feel like finishing the conversation many Trump associates have been convicted of felonies so far?

4? Or is that 5?
Nothing to do with trump... Do you have a case of guilt by association?

So all the grifters, liars, thieves, perjurers, tax cheats, frauds and Conspirators against the United States that Trump hand picked and surrounded himself with....

.......were there to help him um, 'drain the swamp'? One would think you'd want fewer felons to do that.
The swamp consists %100 of Career politicians/deep state...

The denial never stops with you, does it? You fucked up big time with your support & vote for Trump, and you're going to pay for it. Redirect to this post on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds there.

Click here>
Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.
First of all I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd...
It don’t matter in South Dakota Trump won that overwhelmingly. And trump is infinitely better than Hildabeast would ever be as president...

Well frankly, I don't believe that you didn't vote for Trump. He has destroyed the Republican party. The longer he is in office the more damage he will do. I myself was a lifelong Republican before you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. and I have over 17K posts on this board to prove it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

If House Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do will Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019.

This is going to make Hillary Clinton's emails look like child's play.

For you Trump supporter's who want see what's coming at you, redirect by clicking this link.

Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.

Enron "railroading"?

Anyone surprised that Trumpers who defend this bullshit also defend fucking ENRON?
Trump is the victim of Obama's abuse of power.

Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump.

Obama illegally used the DOJ to start a fraudulent investigation

Democrats = Banana Republic Cretins
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

There's no doubt that Robert Mueller has the answers to all of his questions, & only a very STUPID person would go in and lie at this time.

But this is NOT fake news. There is collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. This article was confirmed by James Clapper--(national intelligence director) under sworn testimony over a year ago.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of James Clapper's sworn testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

Shep Smith confirms in this February 2017 video that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

And it didn't help matters that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

The issue you have now, is Democrats will be sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019. Trump is not going to have the typical Republican house rodeo clowns there to protect, obstruct & manufacture conspiracy's out of Mueller's investigation. Nancy Pelosi is already lining up the subpoena's that will be put in a open public hearing and testimony forum. She is going to get Trump's tax returns via the House Ways and Means committee. It's rumored that Mueller is going to unleash the Kracken with another 15 sealed indictments on top of the 34 he already has.

IOW--in short, Donald Trump's days in office are numbered.

A good book for you to read that will prepare for what's coming is this.


Nothing to do with trump... Do you have a case of guilt by association?

So all the grifters, liars, thieves, perjurers, tax cheats, frauds and Conspirators against the United States that Trump hand picked and surrounded himself with....

.......were there to help him um, 'drain the swamp'? One would think you'd want fewer felons to do that.
The swamp consists %100 of Career politicians/deep state...

The denial never stops with you, does it? You fucked up big time with your support & vote for Trump, and you're going to pay for it. Redirect to this post on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds there.

Click here>
Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.
First of all I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd...
It don’t matter in South Dakota Trump won that overwhelmingly. And trump is infinitely better than Hildabeast would ever be as president...

Well frankly, I don't believe that you didn't vote for Trump. He has destroyed the Republican party. The longer he is in office the more damage he will do. I myself was a lifelong Republican before you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. and I have over 17K posts on this board to prove it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

If House Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do will Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019.

This is going to make Hillary Clinton's emails look like child's play.

For you Trump supporter's who want see what's coming at you, redirect by clicking this link.

Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.

The GOP establishment deserves to be destroyed...
of course I much prefer trump to Hildabeast, but I did not vote for trump... like I said I wrote in a candidate knowing trump would win South Dakota overwhelmingly.
Last edited:
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

You're running scared now.
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

There's no doubt that Robert Mueller has the answers to all of his questions, & only a very STUPID person would go in and lie at this time.

But this is NOT fake news. There is collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. This article was confirmed by James Clapper--(national intelligence director) under sworn testimony over a year ago.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of James Clapper's sworn testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

Shep Smith confirms in this February 2017 video that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

And it didn't help matters that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

The issue you have now, is Democrats will be sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019. Trump is not going to have the typical Republican house rodeo clowns there to protect, obstruct & manufacture conspiracy's out of Mueller's investigation. Nancy Pelosi is already lining up the subpoena's that will be put in a open public hearing and testimony forum. She is going to get Trump's tax returns via the House Ways and Means committee. It's rumored that Mueller is going to unleash the Kracken with another 15 sealed indictments on top of the 34 he already has.

IOW--in short, Donald Trump's days in office are numbered.

A good book for you to read that will prepare for what's coming is this.


View attachment 231495

Yeah I would say that Treason, Obstruction & Lies is serious. It makes what Richard Nixon did, look like a misdemeanor --:auiqs.jpg:


For those of you that want to see what's going to happen when House Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019--just redirect to this link that includes one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony, watch one FOX NEWS video & another video of Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on National T.V.

Click here
Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.
Last edited:

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