That’s not the bar. People don’t get arrested for forgetting about emails. His story doesn’t add up and the case would never hold up in court if true

Apparently people don't get arrested for deleting thousands of emails either or bleaching them from the server and destroying devices that had the emails. OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:
Nice diversion. Ditching the discussion huh? I don’t blame you

Lets just agree that I'm so much smarter than you that there is a limit to the discussion.
You very well could be, I don’t claim any kind of superior intellect. I just like to debate topics at face value. Are you done with this one? That’s your second diversion.
That’s not the bar. People don’t get arrested for forgetting about emails. His story doesn’t add up and the case would never hold up in court if true

Apparently people don't get arrested for deleting thousands of emails either or bleaching them from the server and destroying devices that had the emails. OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:
Nice diversion. Ditching the discussion huh? I don’t blame you

Lets just agree that I'm so much smarter than you that there is a limit to the discussion.
You very well could be, I don’t claim any kind of superior intellect. I just like to debate topics at face value. Are you done with this one? That’s your second diversion.
2. Mueller is a highly political actor.

Thank God, Newt Gingrich has seen through Mueller’s act. He tweeted recently that “Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair. Look who he is hiring.check fec reports. Time to rethink.” It’s quite a rethink. Mueller is so political that he’s spent his entire career going back and forth between politicians. He worked in the first George H.W. Bush administration as an assistant attorney general, then he was a prosecutor on murder cases in Washington, D.C., after running the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, and then he flip-flopped back to be a U.S. attorney in the Bill Clinton administration. Get this: He then goes on to run the FBI for both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama (a bipartisan Congress even extended his term for two years at Obama’s request). The guy is so political he can’t even decide which side he’s on.

Newt Gingrich has to sing for his supper. His wife was appointed as the Ambassador to the Vatican. There is NO REAL evidence that Mueller is partisan. None of the prosecutors he has hired have violated any DOJ guidelines. The fact that he has worked for politicians on both sides of the aisle shows he has done his job in a bi-partisan matter. Gingrich is the one being partisan and political. There are no sides in regards to the DOJ until Trump took office. This is nothing but partisan garbage.
2. Mueller is a highly political actor.

Thank God, Newt Gingrich has seen through Mueller’s act. He tweeted recently that “Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair. Look who he is hiring.check fec reports. Time to rethink.” It’s quite a rethink. Mueller is so political that he’s spent his entire career going back and forth between politicians. He worked in the first George H.W. Bush administration as an assistant attorney general, then he was a prosecutor on murder cases in Washington, D.C., after running the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, and then he flip-flopped back to be a U.S. attorney in the Bill Clinton administration. Get this: He then goes on to run the FBI for both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama (a bipartisan Congress even extended his term for two years at Obama’s request). The guy is so political he can’t even decide which side he’s on.

Newt Gingrich has to sing for his supper. His wife was appointed as the Ambassador to the Vatican. There is NO REAL evidence that Mueller is partisan. None of the prosecutors he has hired have violated any DOJ guidelines. The fact that he has worked for politicians on both sides of the aisle shows he has done his job in a bi-partisan matter. Gingrich is the one being partisan and political. There are no sides in regards to the DOJ until Trump took office. This is nothing but partisan garbage.
Mueller is a partisan shit stain... most definitely has no credibility
That’s not the bar. People don’t get arrested for forgetting about emails. His story doesn’t add up and the case would never hold up in court if true

Apparently people don't get arrested for deleting thousands of emails either or bleaching them from the server and destroying devices that had the emails. OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:
Nice diversion. Ditching the discussion huh? I don’t blame you

Lets just agree that I'm so much smarter than you that there is a limit to the discussion.
You very well could be, I don’t claim any kind of superior intellect. I just like to debate topics at face value. Are you done with this one? That’s your second diversion.

Love Carlin. This is probably the best post you’ve ever made. stick to Carlin videos and you will be much more tolerable
That’s not the bar. People don’t get arrested for forgetting about emails. His story doesn’t add up and the case would never hold up in court if true

Apparently people don't get arrested for deleting thousands of emails either or bleaching them from the server and destroying devices that had the emails. OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:
Nice diversion. Ditching the discussion huh? I don’t blame you

Lets just agree that I'm so much smarter than you that there is a limit to the discussion.
You very well could be, I don’t claim any kind of superior intellect. I just like to debate topics at face value. Are you done with this one? That’s your second diversion.

I finished this discussion with my first post, you were defeated. If you wish to explain the off the charts double standard Hillary vs Corsi have at it.
3. Mueller is too thorough and taking too long.

This thing is seriously taking forever. Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders spoke for all of us in saying that, “the president is frustrated by the continued witch hunt of the Russia investigation and he’d love for this to come to a full conclusion so that everyone can focus fully on the thing that he was elected to do.” You and me, both, friend. Could Mueller go any slower? It’s as if he’s a highly methodical actor systematically gathering strings on multiple broad areas simultaneously: Trump-Russia collusion, Trump Organization business dealings, misconduct in the Trump campaign, and obstruction of justice. He needs to hurry this thing along. Trump just wants to be cleared without the fuss of an investigation. Wouldn’t you? The president knows he is innocent and only wishes to spare us all the pain of this drawn-out ordeal. Of course, Trump recently told the New York Times that “I’m not under investigation. For what? I didn’t do anything wrong.” It’s completely reasonable of Trump to be frustrated that this investigation — which doesn’t exist — is taking so long and that Mueller is being so thorough about it.

Sanders is Trump's bitch who will lie for him despite claiming to be a Christian. If Trump is innocent then he should take some advice from Trey Gowdy and act innocent. The fact is that the voters want Mueller to take as much time as is needed to do a thorough job. Did you have any complaints about Ken Starr's investigation?
Political correct people are hate filled control freaks, that can’t stand free thinkers.
Apparently people don't get arrested for deleting thousands of emails either or bleaching them from the server and destroying devices that had the emails. OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:
Nice diversion. Ditching the discussion huh? I don’t blame you

Lets just agree that I'm so much smarter than you that there is a limit to the discussion.
You very well could be, I don’t claim any kind of superior intellect. I just like to debate topics at face value. Are you done with this one? That’s your second diversion.

Love Carlin. This is probably the best post you’ve ever made. stick to Carlin videos and you will be much more tolerable

Carlin says it as he saw it, he made fools out of politically correct control freaks.... and career politicians
The clown show is from the partisan hacks making shit up about the probe. So far very little if anything has leaked out so we really don’t know what they know. We are left with idiots like you creating your own narratives to suit your political agenda. You’re not fooling anybody.
An empty vessel has nothing to leak.
That’s the point, you don’t know what’s in the vessel. You may pretend you do but you’d be full of shit
A Corrupt Vessel Cannot Contain Good Contents. If a glove falls in to the mud, does the mud get glovey or does the glove get muddy?
You’re trying to get too deep, you’re just going to confuse yourself. Fact is you’ve been fed a bunch of hyperbolic spin and you don’t know what you are talking about. Muller has kept to himself. You don’t know what he has or how he got it so you can throw out all the names and accusations you can think of but it won’t change the fact that you are full of shit.

5. He’s hiring bad people with conflicts of interest.

Trump warned us that Mueller’s staff comprises “some very bad and conflicted people.” Fact check: True. Some of Mueller’s staff attorneys have indeed committed the iniquitous crime of donating to Democratic candidates. This is what matters. Ignore their famed careers as prosecutors or appellate lawyers. Ignore the Supreme Court clerkships. Mueller’s staff actually are just human embodiments of contributions to Democratic candidates. No previous special prosecutor has ever employed people with political affiliations. We can’t recall any Republicans in sight for Kenneth Starr’s investigation, and Democrats absolutely fled from working for the Watergate special prosecutor and in the Iran-Contra investigation. If Mueller’s team isn’t wearing #MAGA t-shirts to work underneath their suits, the whole endeavor is hopelessly biased.

The fact is that the Justice Department's guidelines on political activity have not been violated and they have not been found to have any conflicts by the DOJ. None of them are major donors to either side. That is not all that matters. The fact is that there are people who work in the FBI and DOJ and they have political leanings. The AG is appointed by the President. That means he is partisan. There is no evidence of bias.

You definitely are a clown.
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

The clown show is from the partisan hacks making shit up about the probe. So far very little if anything has leaked out so we really don’t know what they know. We are left with idiots like you creating your own narratives to suit your political agenda. You’re not fooling anybody.

Is it made up that Mueller and his cronies on this Investigation were involved in Prosecutorial Misconduct?

Altering Witness Statements?

Manufacturing Evidence?

Laying Perjury Traps?

Railroading Innocent Men to Jail?

Forced The US Taxpayer to pay millions in Restitution to their Victims?

Half of his team was fired because of Corruption and Bias and are under criminal investigation?

Were financial donors to Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama's campaigns?

Please show me which of these statements are untrue.

I'll be waiting.

There are no such thing as 'perjury traps'. That's just a made up term used by liars who don't want to testify.

Like....our President for example.

And its laughable that conservatives would *ever* complain about a special counsel investigation 'drifting from its initial purpose'. As Ken Starr's investigation spanned half a decade and somehow folded a blowjob into an investigation into real estate.

So if you make a statement about a legal meeting on a certain date in a disclosure form you filed properly, and Herr Mueller Grills you over that and several other meetings, and you do not recall the correct date or time, and Mueller charges you with perjury, is that a perjury trap?

Be careful how you answer, because you may be accuse of lying if you do not make a precise statement.

Donald Trump Perjury Trap: Legitimate Concern | National Review

Do you have any other sources than garbage right wing compromised sources?
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

There's no doubt that Robert Mueller has the answers to all of his questions, & only a very STUPID person would go in and lie at this time.

But this is NOT fake news. There is collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. This article was confirmed by James Clapper--(national intelligence director) under sworn testimony over a year ago.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of James Clapper's sworn testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

Shep Smith confirms in this February 2017 video that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

And it didn't help matters that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

The issue you have now, is Democrats will be sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019. Trump is not going to have the typical Republican house rodeo clowns there to protect, obstruct & manufacture conspiracy's out of Mueller's investigation. Nancy Pelosi is already lining up the subpoena's that will be put in a open public hearing and testimony forum. She is going to get Trump's tax returns via the House Ways and Means committee. It's rumored that Mueller is going to unleash the Kracken with another 15 sealed indictments on top of the 34 he already has.

IOW--in short, Donald Trump's days in office are numbered.

A good book for you to read that will prepare for what's coming is this.


Last edited:
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

There's no doubt that Robert Mueller has the answers to all of his questions, & only a very STUPID person would go in and lie at this time.

But this is NOT fake news. There is collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. This article was confirmed by James Clapper--(national intelligence director) under sworn testimony over a year ago.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of James Clapper's sworn testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

Shep Smith confirms in this February 2017 video that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

And it didn't help matters that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

The issue you have now, is Democrats will be sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019. Trump is not going to have the typical Republican house rodeo clowns there to protect, obstruct & manufacture conspiracy's out of Mueller's investigation. Nancy Pelosi is already lining up the subpoena's that will be put in a open public hearing and testimony forum. It's rumored that Mueller is going to unleash the Kracken with another 15 sealed indictments on top of the 34 he already has.

IOW--in short, Donald Trump's days in office are numbered.

A good book for you to read that will prepare for what's coming is this.


Why don’t you take your nothing burger and shove it up your fucking ass many Trump associates have been convicted of felonies so far?

4? Or is that 5?
Nothing to do with trump... Do you have a case of guilt by association?

So all the grifters, liars, thieves, perjurers, tax cheats, frauds and Conspirators against the United States that Trump hand picked and surrounded himself with....

.......were there to help him um, 'drain the swamp'? One would think you'd want fewer felons to do that.

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