Where did Schiff lie about meeting with Russians? I missed that

Boom, right there Schiff goes to jail. He talked about getting dirt on Trump. Illegal as hell, right? Especially if the conversation is with a Russian or a Ukranian, right? Capital Offense right there Buddy!

It's illegal to talk to Russians, Right? I mean you couldn't talk to a Russian especially if he was under FAKE investigation by the DOJ on a tarmac even if it was just about kids and golf, or you'd be thrown in jail by the FBI, Right?
Who ever said it was illegal to talk to Russians? If you need to make shit up to shape your argument then you don’t really have an argument do ya?

Every snowflake moron who claims that meeting the Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary says it was a crime.

Schiff got a prank call and reported it to law enforcement. No crime. Trump people took meetings and lied about them, so there is an investigation to see if illegal activity was at play. It’s not hard to understand

ROFL! So, you can rob a bank so long as you report it to law enforcement? Is colluding with Russians to get dirt on your political opponents a crime or not?
What are you talking about?! It’s not a crime to talk to Russians, stop acting like a dumbass. Don Jr is not in jail for taking that meeting is he?

The Russians committed crimes during the election, Trump people lied about meetings with Russians, so there is an investigation. If any of the Trump people were involved in those crimes then they are accessories to those crimes. How do you not understand this?

If it is not a crime to talk to Russians then why in The FUCK is James Comey.....Err Robert Mueller investigating people talking to Russians legally?

Please cite US code to define what crimes were committed during The Election that justifies the existence of Herr Mueller, who is a descendant of Heinrick Mueller of the Nazi SS. (yes that is a fact) Sig Heil Hitlery.

And we know Clinton lied. She lied over 150 times and destroyed over 33,000 government documents that were under two federal court orders to be preserved, so why did James Comey and Hillary Clinton commit those federal offenses?

Well you should be happy today. Mueller found Russian Collusion. Here is an Xray of Mueller with his Russian Collusion.

There was an intelligence report issued outlining crimes by Russia during the election. There were undisputed lies being told by Trump officials regarding communications with Russians during the election. Trump sanctioned the Russians and Fired Flynn so there’s no disputing the two points that I listed.

The guy in charge of investigating the guy that lied was fired by POTUS. So trumps guy at the DOJ assigned Mueller to take over the investigation.

You getting all that? It’s not that complicated.
Boom, right there Schiff goes to jail. He talked about getting dirt on Trump. Illegal as hell, right? Especially if the conversation is with a Russian or a Ukranian, right? Capital Offense right there Buddy!

It's illegal to talk to Russians, Right? I mean you couldn't talk to a Russian especially if he was under FAKE investigation by the DOJ on a tarmac even if it was just about kids and golf, or you'd be thrown in jail by the FBI, Right?
Who ever said it was illegal to talk to Russians? If you need to make shit up to shape your argument then you don’t really have an argument do ya?

Every snowflake moron who claims that meeting the Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary says it was a crime.

Schiff got a prank call and reported it to law enforcement. No crime. Trump people took meetings and lied about them, so there is an investigation to see if illegal activity was at play. It’s not hard to understand

ROFL! So, you can rob a bank so long as you report it to law enforcement? Is colluding with Russians to get dirt on your political opponents a crime or not?
What are you talking about?! It’s not a crime to talk to Russians, stop acting like a dumbass. Don Jr is not in jail for taking that meeting is he?

The Russians committed crimes during the election, Trump people lied about meetings with Russians, so there is an investigation. If any of the Trump people were involved in those crimes then they are accessories to those crimes. How do you not understand this?

If it is not a crime to talk to Russians then why in The FUCK is James Comey.....Err Robert Mueller investigating people talking to Russians legally?

Please cite US code to define what crimes were committed during The Election that justifies the existence of Herr Mueller, who is a descendant of Heinrick Mueller of the Nazi SS. (yes that is a fact) Sig Heil Hitlery.

And we know Clinton lied. She lied over 150 times and destroyed over 33,000 government documents that were under two federal court orders to be preserved, so why did James Comey and Hillary Clinton commit those federal offenses?

Well you should be happy today. Mueller found Russian Collusion. Here is an Xray of Mueller with his Russian Collusion.

There was an intelligence report issued outlining crimes by Russia during the election. There were undisputed lies being told by Trump officials regarding communications with Russians during the election. Trump sanctioned the Russians and Fired Flynn so there’s no disputing the two points that I listed.

The guy in charge of investigating the guy that lied was fired by POTUS. So trumps guy at the DOJ assigned Mueller to take over the investigation.

You getting all that? It’s not that complicated.


Care to list the crimes? How about just find one that impacted a single vote or involved President Trump?

Obama told us there was nothing to worry about and that Russia could not compromise our elections all the while he was paying for Russia to compromise our election when he paid for The Russian Dossier.

You Getting ALL of That Comrade?

How does it feel to serve as Putin's Butt Plug?

What's the weather like up there?
Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political whore....so where is The Putin Approved Clinton Dossier?

Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities? They exist at The Clinton Foundation....

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write a non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The Current White House Administration with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, and it is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails from President Obama, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Mills and company on that Secret Server in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those two Federal Court Orders.

It's the same reason that despite it being proven that Hillary Clinton lied 150 times to FBI Investigators and Congress, that not her nor anyone on her staff nor anyone associated with her was ever charged with "Lying to The FBI" despite the FBI itself making jokes about how many lies Clinton and Company had told and they weren't going to do anything about.

It's the same reason Clinton lied about how many unsecured electronic devices Clinton had (17 not 1 as she claimed), not given to her by State Department IT, but bought on EBAY as Burner Devices so she could destroy them at will.

It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information.

It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

It's the same reason Clinton's secret IT guy plead the 5th 241 times despite being under immunity, and it is the same reason, Comey gave The Entire Clinton Campaign Immunity, never recorded their interviews and Exonerated Clinton Months before even talking to her.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it, and they would have continued to sell America out to the highest bidder for as long as they could, and to keep power meant to keep their scam a secret. To Lose POWER, meant their SECRET would be exposed.

Perjury is not just lying to the court. It can also be lying under oath in a civil deposition or a written affidavit or declaration. Thus, someone must risk their career and bar card (assuming they are an attorney, for example Mr. Mueller) and have solid evidence before filing a indictment before the court.
Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political whore....so where is The Putin Approved Clinton Dossier?

Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities? They exist at The Clinton Foundation....

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write a non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The Current White House Administration with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, and it is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails from President Obama, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Mills and company on that Secret Server in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those two Federal Court Orders.

It's the same reason that despite it being proven that Hillary Clinton lied 150 times to FBI Investigators and Congress, that not her nor anyone on her staff nor anyone associated with her was ever charged with "Lying to The FBI" despite the FBI itself making jokes about how many lies Clinton and Company had told and they weren't going to do anything about.

It's the same reason Clinton lied about how many unsecured electronic devices Clinton had (17 not 1 as she claimed), not given to her by State Department IT, but bought on EBAY as Burner Devices so she could destroy them at will.

It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information.

It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

It's the same reason Clinton's secret IT guy plead the 5th 241 times despite being under immunity, and it is the same reason, Comey gave The Entire Clinton Campaign Immunity, never recorded their interviews and Exonerated Clinton Months before even talking to her.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it, and they would have continued to sell America out to the highest bidder for as long as they could, and to keep power meant to keep their scam a secret. To Lose POWER, meant their SECRET would be exposed.

Perjury is not just lying to the court. It can also be lying under oath in a civil deposition or a written affidavit or declaration. Thus, someone must risk their career and bar card (assuming they are an attorney, for example Mr. Mueller) and have solid evidence before filing a indictment before the court.

If you are Hillary Clinton you can Lie At Will and nothing.....I mean ......NOTHING will happen to you. She lied 150 times just over the Secret State Department Server.

And Mueller and Weismann should have been disbarred a long time ago for Prosecutorial misconduct.
evil sorceress hillary needs to be locked up. its only fair since trump vanquished her and the american people voted for it.

Who ever said it was illegal to talk to Russians? If you need to make shit up to shape your argument then you don’t really have an argument do ya?

Every snowflake moron who claims that meeting the Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary says it was a crime.

Schiff got a prank call and reported it to law enforcement. No crime. Trump people took meetings and lied about them, so there is an investigation to see if illegal activity was at play. It’s not hard to understand

ROFL! So, you can rob a bank so long as you report it to law enforcement? Is colluding with Russians to get dirt on your political opponents a crime or not?
What are you talking about?! It’s not a crime to talk to Russians, stop acting like a dumbass. Don Jr is not in jail for taking that meeting is he?

The Russians committed crimes during the election, Trump people lied about meetings with Russians, so there is an investigation. If any of the Trump people were involved in those crimes then they are accessories to those crimes. How do you not understand this?

If it is not a crime to talk to Russians then why in The FUCK is James Comey.....Err Robert Mueller investigating people talking to Russians legally?

Please cite US code to define what crimes were committed during The Election that justifies the existence of Herr Mueller, who is a descendant of Heinrick Mueller of the Nazi SS. (yes that is a fact) Sig Heil Hitlery.

And we know Clinton lied. She lied over 150 times and destroyed over 33,000 government documents that were under two federal court orders to be preserved, so why did James Comey and Hillary Clinton commit those federal offenses?

Well you should be happy today. Mueller found Russian Collusion. Here is an Xray of Mueller with his Russian Collusion.

There was an intelligence report issued outlining crimes by Russia during the election. There were undisputed lies being told by Trump officials regarding communications with Russians during the election. Trump sanctioned the Russians and Fired Flynn so there’s no disputing the two points that I listed.

The guy in charge of investigating the guy that lied was fired by POTUS. So trumps guy at the DOJ assigned Mueller to take over the investigation.

You getting all that? It’s not that complicated.


Care to list the crimes? How about just find one that impacted a single vote or involved President Trump?

Obama told us there was nothing to worry about and that Russia could not compromise our elections all the while he was paying for Russia to compromise our election when he paid for The Russian Dossier.

You Getting ALL of That Comrade?

How does it feel to serve as Putin's Butt Plug?

What's the weather like up there?
I’m not doing your homework for you. Read the intelligence report and look up the code that the several Russians that have been indicted with as a result of Muellers investigation. It’s all there in black and white.
Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political whore....so where is The Putin Approved Clinton Dossier?

Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities? They exist at The Clinton Foundation....

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write a non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The Current White House Administration with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, and it is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails from President Obama, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Mills and company on that Secret Server in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those two Federal Court Orders.

It's the same reason that despite it being proven that Hillary Clinton lied 150 times to FBI Investigators and Congress, that not her nor anyone on her staff nor anyone associated with her was ever charged with "Lying to The FBI" despite the FBI itself making jokes about how many lies Clinton and Company had told and they weren't going to do anything about.

It's the same reason Clinton lied about how many unsecured electronic devices Clinton had (17 not 1 as she claimed), not given to her by State Department IT, but bought on EBAY as Burner Devices so she could destroy them at will.

It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information.

It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

It's the same reason Clinton's secret IT guy plead the 5th 241 times despite being under immunity, and it is the same reason, Comey gave The Entire Clinton Campaign Immunity, never recorded their interviews and Exonerated Clinton Months before even talking to her.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it, and they would have continued to sell America out to the highest bidder for as long as they could, and to keep power meant to keep their scam a secret. To Lose POWER, meant their SECRET would be exposed.

Perjury is not just lying to the court. It can also be lying under oath in a civil deposition or a written affidavit or declaration. Thus, someone must risk their career and bar card (assuming they are an attorney, for example Mr. Mueller) and have solid evidence before filing a indictment before the court.

If you are Hillary Clinton you can Lie At Will and nothing.....I mean ......NOTHING will happen to you. She lied 150 times just over the Secret State Department Server.

And Mueller and Weismann should have been disbarred a long time ago for Prosecutorial misconduct.

And your comment is not perjury; you are not an attorney or a sworn law enforcement officer or officer of the court.

Your comment is, however, defamation; it is unfortunate that a tiny flying annoying gnat like you cannot be subpoenaed and ordered to provide evidence of your characterization of HRC, and if the facts cannot be substantiated, pay HRC and her attorneys lots of money.
Every snowflake moron who claims that meeting the Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary says it was a crime.

ROFL! So, you can rob a bank so long as you report it to law enforcement? Is colluding with Russians to get dirt on your political opponents a crime or not?
What are you talking about?! It’s not a crime to talk to Russians, stop acting like a dumbass. Don Jr is not in jail for taking that meeting is he?

The Russians committed crimes during the election, Trump people lied about meetings with Russians, so there is an investigation. If any of the Trump people were involved in those crimes then they are accessories to those crimes. How do you not understand this?

If it is not a crime to talk to Russians then why in The FUCK is James Comey.....Err Robert Mueller investigating people talking to Russians legally?

Please cite US code to define what crimes were committed during The Election that justifies the existence of Herr Mueller, who is a descendant of Heinrick Mueller of the Nazi SS. (yes that is a fact) Sig Heil Hitlery.

And we know Clinton lied. She lied over 150 times and destroyed over 33,000 government documents that were under two federal court orders to be preserved, so why did James Comey and Hillary Clinton commit those federal offenses?

Well you should be happy today. Mueller found Russian Collusion. Here is an Xray of Mueller with his Russian Collusion.

There was an intelligence report issued outlining crimes by Russia during the election. There were undisputed lies being told by Trump officials regarding communications with Russians during the election. Trump sanctioned the Russians and Fired Flynn so there’s no disputing the two points that I listed.

The guy in charge of investigating the guy that lied was fired by POTUS. So trumps guy at the DOJ assigned Mueller to take over the investigation.

You getting all that? It’s not that complicated.


Care to list the crimes? How about just find one that impacted a single vote or involved President Trump?

Obama told us there was nothing to worry about and that Russia could not compromise our elections all the while he was paying for Russia to compromise our election when he paid for The Russian Dossier.

You Getting ALL of That Comrade?

How does it feel to serve as Putin's Butt Plug?

What's the weather like up there?
I’m not doing your homework for you. Read the intelligence report and look up the code that the several Russians that have been indicted with as a result of Muellers investigation. It’s all there in black and white.

You asserted that there were High Crimes and Misdemeanors committed by Russia on behalf of The Trump Campaign in 2016, and by proxy stated that President Trump Colluded with Russia to achieve this.

So how about your produce YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK or walk out of here with your tail between your legs and a BIG FAT "F"!
What are you talking about?! It’s not a crime to talk to Russians, stop acting like a dumbass. Don Jr is not in jail for taking that meeting is he?

The Russians committed crimes during the election, Trump people lied about meetings with Russians, so there is an investigation. If any of the Trump people were involved in those crimes then they are accessories to those crimes. How do you not understand this?

If it is not a crime to talk to Russians then why in The FUCK is James Comey.....Err Robert Mueller investigating people talking to Russians legally?

Please cite US code to define what crimes were committed during The Election that justifies the existence of Herr Mueller, who is a descendant of Heinrick Mueller of the Nazi SS. (yes that is a fact) Sig Heil Hitlery.

And we know Clinton lied. She lied over 150 times and destroyed over 33,000 government documents that were under two federal court orders to be preserved, so why did James Comey and Hillary Clinton commit those federal offenses?

Well you should be happy today. Mueller found Russian Collusion. Here is an Xray of Mueller with his Russian Collusion.

There was an intelligence report issued outlining crimes by Russia during the election. There were undisputed lies being told by Trump officials regarding communications with Russians during the election. Trump sanctioned the Russians and Fired Flynn so there’s no disputing the two points that I listed.

The guy in charge of investigating the guy that lied was fired by POTUS. So trumps guy at the DOJ assigned Mueller to take over the investigation.

You getting all that? It’s not that complicated.


Care to list the crimes? How about just find one that impacted a single vote or involved President Trump?

Obama told us there was nothing to worry about and that Russia could not compromise our elections all the while he was paying for Russia to compromise our election when he paid for The Russian Dossier.

You Getting ALL of That Comrade?

How does it feel to serve as Putin's Butt Plug?

What's the weather like up there?
I’m not doing your homework for you. Read the intelligence report and look up the code that the several Russians that have been indicted with as a result of Muellers investigation. It’s all there in black and white.

You asserted that there were High Crimes and Misdemeanors committed by Russia on behalf of The Trump Campaign in 2016, and by proxy stated that President Trump Colluded with Russia to achieve this.

So how about your produce YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK or walk out of here with your tail between your legs and a BIG FAT "F"!
Really?! Haha, where did I assert that?! Paste my quote where you think I said that and then I can laugh even more about how your warped brain works. Go ahead, quote me.
my friends, documents uncovered by the FBI show that Obama used a pseudonym when talking with Hillary on her private email. sometimes he did so while overseas on an unprotected mobile device. when the fbi showed a copy of one such email to Huma, she bellowed: "how is that not classified?", indeed, it surely was classified.

Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified info in the same negligent manner as Crooked Hillary

this would explain why the FBI and DOJ didnt prosecute Secretary Clinton, if they did so, they would have had to do Obama
If it is not a crime to talk to Russians then why in The FUCK is James Comey.....Err Robert Mueller investigating people talking to Russians legally?

Please cite US code to define what crimes were committed during The Election that justifies the existence of Herr Mueller, who is a descendant of Heinrick Mueller of the Nazi SS. (yes that is a fact) Sig Heil Hitlery.

And we know Clinton lied. She lied over 150 times and destroyed over 33,000 government documents that were under two federal court orders to be preserved, so why did James Comey and Hillary Clinton commit those federal offenses?

Well you should be happy today. Mueller found Russian Collusion. Here is an Xray of Mueller with his Russian Collusion.

There was an intelligence report issued outlining crimes by Russia during the election. There were undisputed lies being told by Trump officials regarding communications with Russians during the election. Trump sanctioned the Russians and Fired Flynn so there’s no disputing the two points that I listed.

The guy in charge of investigating the guy that lied was fired by POTUS. So trumps guy at the DOJ assigned Mueller to take over the investigation.

You getting all that? It’s not that complicated.


Care to list the crimes? How about just find one that impacted a single vote or involved President Trump?

Obama told us there was nothing to worry about and that Russia could not compromise our elections all the while he was paying for Russia to compromise our election when he paid for The Russian Dossier.

You Getting ALL of That Comrade?

How does it feel to serve as Putin's Butt Plug?

What's the weather like up there?
I’m not doing your homework for you. Read the intelligence report and look up the code that the several Russians that have been indicted with as a result of Muellers investigation. It’s all there in black and white.

You asserted that there were High Crimes and Misdemeanors committed by Russia on behalf of The Trump Campaign in 2016, and by proxy stated that President Trump Colluded with Russia to achieve this.

So how about your produce YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK or walk out of here with your tail between your legs and a BIG FAT "F"!
Really?! Haha, where did I assert that?! Paste my quote where you think I said that and then I can laugh even more about how your warped brain works. Go ahead, quote me.

Well you are a liberal wanker so maybe I should have said 'insert" Maybe you should go back to the first question I asked of you and answer that. I know they are hard questions for you.

Especially when I got to the part when I asked you if 2+2 = 4 and then if you liked movies about gladiators.
Although Crooked Hillary is a trained lawyer who graduated from Yale Law, she seemed oblivious to law. or more likely, felt that law doesnt apply to her
Although Crooked Hillary is a trained lawyer who graduated from Yale Law, she seemed oblivious to law. or more likely, felt that law doesnt apply to her
Too stupid to practice law, too stupid to be president, too stupid to know what a classified document was.

Got yah.
There was an intelligence report issued outlining crimes by Russia during the election. There were undisputed lies being told by Trump officials regarding communications with Russians during the election. Trump sanctioned the Russians and Fired Flynn so there’s no disputing the two points that I listed.

The guy in charge of investigating the guy that lied was fired by POTUS. So trumps guy at the DOJ assigned Mueller to take over the investigation.

You getting all that? It’s not that complicated.


Care to list the crimes? How about just find one that impacted a single vote or involved President Trump?

Obama told us there was nothing to worry about and that Russia could not compromise our elections all the while he was paying for Russia to compromise our election when he paid for The Russian Dossier.

You Getting ALL of That Comrade?

How does it feel to serve as Putin's Butt Plug?

What's the weather like up there?
I’m not doing your homework for you. Read the intelligence report and look up the code that the several Russians that have been indicted with as a result of Muellers investigation. It’s all there in black and white.

You asserted that there were High Crimes and Misdemeanors committed by Russia on behalf of The Trump Campaign in 2016, and by proxy stated that President Trump Colluded with Russia to achieve this.

So how about your produce YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK or walk out of here with your tail between your legs and a BIG FAT "F"!
Really?! Haha, where did I assert that?! Paste my quote where you think I said that and then I can laugh even more about how your warped brain works. Go ahead, quote me.

Well you are a liberal wanker so maybe I should have said 'insert" Maybe you should go back to the first question I asked of you and answer that. I know they are hard questions for you.

Especially when I got to the part when I asked you if 2+2 = 4 and then if you liked movies about gladiators.
You tend to bring up several random subjects in your ranting posts. I like to get to the point so I usually stop reading after the first paragraph or question and just address that. Since you seem to be running from my last rebuttal of your nonesense to something else, do you care to restate the question that you want me to answer?

Care to list the crimes? How about just find one that impacted a single vote or involved President Trump?

Obama told us there was nothing to worry about and that Russia could not compromise our elections all the while he was paying for Russia to compromise our election when he paid for The Russian Dossier.

You Getting ALL of That Comrade?

How does it feel to serve as Putin's Butt Plug?

What's the weather like up there?
I’m not doing your homework for you. Read the intelligence report and look up the code that the several Russians that have been indicted with as a result of Muellers investigation. It’s all there in black and white.

You asserted that there were High Crimes and Misdemeanors committed by Russia on behalf of The Trump Campaign in 2016, and by proxy stated that President Trump Colluded with Russia to achieve this.

So how about your produce YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK or walk out of here with your tail between your legs and a BIG FAT "F"!
Really?! Haha, where did I assert that?! Paste my quote where you think I said that and then I can laugh even more about how your warped brain works. Go ahead, quote me.

Well you are a liberal wanker so maybe I should have said 'insert" Maybe you should go back to the first question I asked of you and answer that. I know they are hard questions for you.

Especially when I got to the part when I asked you if 2+2 = 4 and then if you liked movies about gladiators.
You tend to bring up several random subjects in your ranting posts. I like to get to the point so I usually stop reading after the first paragraph or question and just address that. Since you seem to be running from my last rebuttal of your nonesense to something else, do you care to restate the question that you want me to answer?

No, I just pose question after question that you refuse to answer. It's called Outting Hypocrisy.

It's not my fault I played you like a drum. You were just too stupid to recognize it.

Too Stupid to Recognize it..... like Hillary Clinton looking at a Classified Document marked "Classified"!!!

Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political whore....so where is The Putin Approved Clinton Dossier?

Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities? They exist at The Clinton Foundation....

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write a non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The Current White House Administration with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, and it is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails from President Obama, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Mills and company on that Secret Server in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those two Federal Court Orders.

It's the same reason that despite it being proven that Hillary Clinton lied 150 times to FBI Investigators and Congress, that not her nor anyone on her staff nor anyone associated with her was ever charged with "Lying to The FBI" despite the FBI itself making jokes about how many lies Clinton and Company had told and they weren't going to do anything about.

It's the same reason Clinton lied about how many unsecured electronic devices Clinton had (17 not 1 as she claimed), not given to her by State Department IT, but bought on EBAY as Burner Devices so she could destroy them at will.

It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information.

It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

It's the same reason Clinton's secret IT guy plead the 5th 241 times despite being under immunity, and it is the same reason, Comey gave The Entire Clinton Campaign Immunity, never recorded their interviews and Exonerated Clinton Months before even talking to her.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it, and they would have continued to sell America out to the highest bidder for as long as they could, and to keep power meant to keep their scam a secret. To Lose POWER, meant their SECRET would be exposed.

Perjury is not just lying to the court. It can also be lying under oath in a civil deposition or a written affidavit or declaration. Thus, someone must risk their career and bar card (assuming they are an attorney, for example Mr. Mueller) and have solid evidence before filing a indictment before the court.

If you are Hillary Clinton you can Lie At Will and nothing.....I mean ......NOTHING will happen to you. She lied 150 times just over the Secret State Department Server.

And Mueller and Weismann should have been disbarred a long time ago for Prosecutorial misconduct.
If only someone in the GOP were to investigate H. Clinton......if only...if only...if only....
I’m not doing your homework for you. Read the intelligence report and look up the code that the several Russians that have been indicted with as a result of Muellers investigation. It’s all there in black and white.

You asserted that there were High Crimes and Misdemeanors committed by Russia on behalf of The Trump Campaign in 2016, and by proxy stated that President Trump Colluded with Russia to achieve this.

So how about your produce YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK or walk out of here with your tail between your legs and a BIG FAT "F"!
Really?! Haha, where did I assert that?! Paste my quote where you think I said that and then I can laugh even more about how your warped brain works. Go ahead, quote me.

Well you are a liberal wanker so maybe I should have said 'insert" Maybe you should go back to the first question I asked of you and answer that. I know they are hard questions for you.

Especially when I got to the part when I asked you if 2+2 = 4 and then if you liked movies about gladiators.
You tend to bring up several random subjects in your ranting posts. I like to get to the point so I usually stop reading after the first paragraph or question and just address that. Since you seem to be running from my last rebuttal of your nonesense to something else, do you care to restate the question that you want me to answer?

No, I just pose question after question that you refuse to answer. It's called Outting Hypocrisy.

It's not my fault I played you like a drum. You were just too stupid to recognize it. Kinda like Hillary Clinton looking at a Classified Document marked "Classified"

Yes I am going to ignore a dozen questions in a post because thats a pointless and inefficient way to debate. Take it one subject at a time and I’m happy engage. So for the second time, what question do you want me to answer?

Nice Meme of Adam btw, I’m very close with his family. Good people
You asserted that there were High Crimes and Misdemeanors committed by Russia on behalf of The Trump Campaign in 2016, and by proxy stated that President Trump Colluded with Russia to achieve this.

So how about your produce YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK or walk out of here with your tail between your legs and a BIG FAT "F"!
Really?! Haha, where did I assert that?! Paste my quote where you think I said that and then I can laugh even more about how your warped brain works. Go ahead, quote me.

Well you are a liberal wanker so maybe I should have said 'insert" Maybe you should go back to the first question I asked of you and answer that. I know they are hard questions for you.

Especially when I got to the part when I asked you if 2+2 = 4 and then if you liked movies about gladiators.
You tend to bring up several random subjects in your ranting posts. I like to get to the point so I usually stop reading after the first paragraph or question and just address that. Since you seem to be running from my last rebuttal of your nonesense to something else, do you care to restate the question that you want me to answer?

No, I just pose question after question that you refuse to answer. It's called Outting Hypocrisy.

It's not my fault I played you like a drum. You were just too stupid to recognize it. Kinda like Hillary Clinton looking at a Classified Document marked "Classified"

Yes I am going to ignore a dozen questions in a post because thats a pointless and inefficient way to debate. Take it one subject at a time and I’m happy engage. So for the second time, what question do you want me to answer?

Nice Meme of Adam btw, I’m very close with his family. Good people

Ignore one, Ignore a dozen, Ignore 20, 30. So long as you can Ignore any and all questions that lead you to the truth which might interfere with your propagandizing your audience with lies.

Don't play with professionals when you are an amateur.


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