Mueller has a long history of prosecutorial misconduct, suborning perjury, malicious prosecution, etc.
such as the Atlanta bombing, anthrax scare, Sandy Berger, Whitey Bulger and of course the Trump collusion hoax, etc.
Revealed: Mueller's FBI Repeatedly Abused Prosecutorial Discretion

The media is absolutely colluding with the DNC in keeping this fake, putrid lie of Robert Mueller, the upright, honest
public servant going. He is anything but. He is the hatchet man for the globalist's vision of "justice" in America.

The day Rod Rosenstein appointed his pal Robert Mueller special persecutor (I mean prosecutor) America was well and truly fucked!
Mueller should be brought up on charges for being an accessory to murder just based on his work with Whitey Bulger.

Both Rosenstein, Mueller, and Comey were all involved in The Rosatom Bribery Scandal and on that alone, all three of them should have recused themselves from any investigations regarding anything Russia related.
Trump is the victim of Obama's abuse of power.

Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump.

Obama illegally used the DOJ to start a fraudulent investigation

Democrats = Banana Republic Cretins
Know how I know you’re full of shit?? Cause Trump is in power now. Republicans have had control both houses for the past two years. Trump has appointed new directors to all our law enforcement agencies. So if Obama, Clinton, Comey or anybody else was truly guilty of all these “obvious” crimes then they should and would be prosecuted. The fact that none of them are shows 1 of 2 possible things. 1 Trump and his people are incompetent in law enforcement or 2. The real facts and evidence don’t add up to criminal activity and you are misinformed

My money is on option 2
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
Trump is the victim of Obama's abuse of power.

Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump.

Obama illegally used the DOJ to start a fraudulent investigation

Democrats = Banana Republic Cretins
Know how I know you’re full of shit?? Cause Trump is in power now. Republicans have had control both houses for the past two years. Trump has appointed new directors to all our law enforcement agencies. So if Obama, Clinton, Comey or anybody else was truly guilty of all these “obvious” crimes then they should and would be prosecuted. The fact that none of them are shows 1 of 2 possible things. 1 Trump and his people are incompetent in law enforcement or 2. The real facts and evidence don’t add up to criminal activity and you are misinformed

My money is on option 2
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
Let me explain The Mueller Investigation to you in a simple Graphic that even you could understand.

The Physics Of: Clown Cars | Feature | Car and Driver


"It’s the most requested clown gag ever,” asserts Greg DeSanto. “Everyone wants to see a lot of clowns come out of a really small car.” Considering DeSanto’s position as the executive director of  the International Clown Hall of  Fame and Research Center in the consistently  hilarious burg of Baraboo, Wisconsin, this is an assertion that needs to be taken almost somewhat seriously.

However, how many clowns go in is a mix of Clown Politics (CP), Clown Size (CS), Clown Flexibility (CF), General Survivability (GS), and the critical Maximum Clown Hilarity (MCH) quotient.

Unfortunately, and contrary  to accepted folklore, clowns need to breathe. Discomfort is to be anticipated, but General Survivability demands some consideration of  physiological needs.  Moreover, the overriding concern of anyone packing clowns into a car must be that the result is Maximum Clown Hilarity. Not only must the clown car dispense clowns, it must also disgorge props such as expandable luggage, beach balls, and two-person giraffe outfits with spring-loaded necks. These props cut into the space available for clowns.

How many clowns (X) that can be stuffed into any Clown Car (CC) therefore can be expressed in this simple equation:


However, it’s the mixture of various clown types being shoved into the subject car that results in Maximum Clown Hilarity. Using the Relative Hilarity  Threshold of a six-year-old boy (RHT6) as a denominator, this can all be expressed in this straightforward equation:


Of course, the equation above doesn’t account for the use of  Wacky Props (WP), Improvised Pratfalls (IP), Goofball Mugging (GM), or Generalized Anarchy (GA). Throw those in, and the equation grows in its usefulness, elegance, and mathematical subtlety.


In layperson’s terms, according to DeSanto, all of that boils down to somewhere between 14 and 21 clowns, with their props, in the typical compact clown car.

“That’s why  we don’t use fiberglass shells or kit cars,” DeSanto adds. “They  just aren’t rugged enough.  A clown car may not get much mileage on it, but after two years, it’s used up.”

Last edited:
Trump is the victim of Obama's abuse of power.

Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump.

Obama illegally used the DOJ to start a fraudulent investigation

Democrats = Banana Republic Cretins
Know how I know you’re full of shit?? Cause Trump is in power now. Republicans have had control both houses for the past two years. Trump has appointed new directors to all our law enforcement agencies. So if Obama, Clinton, Comey or anybody else was truly guilty of all these “obvious” crimes then they should and would be prosecuted. The fact that none of them are shows 1 of 2 possible things. 1 Trump and his people are incompetent in law enforcement or 2. The real facts and evidence don’t add up to criminal activity and you are misinformed

My money is on option 2
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit

If you call "inappropriate behavior" lying to a FISA Court, concealing the source of your information you used in a False Affidavit, and engaging in Illegal Wiretapping to give a rival candidate an unfair advantage during an election which was based on Propaganda purchased from Russia by Hillary Clinton and Obama...I have ocean front property to sell you in Arizona
It’s not me calling it that it’s Trumps people. Again I’ll say it. NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS OR CHARGES!! Get it through your thick head. This is Trumps show and there is no action from law enforcement to back up your lies. Youre done. I don’t care how many times you repeat your falsehoods. The facts don’t back it up
Mueller has a long history of prosecutorial misconduct, suborning perjury, malicious prosecution, etc.
such as the Atlanta bombing, anthrax scare, Sandy Berger, Whitey Bulger and of course the Trump collusion hoax, etc.
Revealed: Mueller's FBI Repeatedly Abused Prosecutorial Discretion

The media is absolutely colluding with the DNC in keeping this fake, putrid lie of Robert Mueller, the upright, honest
public servant going. He is anything but. He is the hatchet man for the globalist's vision of "justice" in America.

The day Rod Rosenstein appointed his pal Robert Mueller special persecutor (I mean prosecutor) America was well and truly fucked!
Mueller should be brought up on charges for being an accessory to murder just based on his work with Whitey Bulger.

Both Rosenstein, Mueller, and Comey were all involved in The Rosatom Bribery Scandal and on that alone, all three of them should have recused themselves from any investigations regarding anything Russia related.
Well said. We are living in a time of epic corruption and dishonesty all in an attempt to bring America to it's knees.
Let me repeat an excerpt from the above article:

“That’s why  we don’t use fiberglass shells or kit cars,” DeSanto adds. “They  just aren’t rugged enough.  A clown car may not get much mileage on it, but after two years, it’s used up.”

That's right about where we are now. Mueller's clown car is rapidly nearing the end of it's life and is used up after just two years.

I know you on The Left wanted more mileage out of The Clown Car, but The Physics of a Clown Car just doesn't permit that kind of mileage.

Time for the Left to find another Clown Car....

I suggest The Democrat Primary as a place go shopping for that.


Last edited:
Know how I know you’re full of shit?? Cause Trump is in power now. Republicans have had control both houses for the past two years. Trump has appointed new directors to all our law enforcement agencies. So if Obama, Clinton, Comey or anybody else was truly guilty of all these “obvious” crimes then they should and would be prosecuted. The fact that none of them are shows 1 of 2 possible things. 1 Trump and his people are incompetent in law enforcement or 2. The real facts and evidence don’t add up to criminal activity and you are misinformed

My money is on option 2
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
Let me explain The Mueller Investigation to you in a simple Graphic that even you could understand.

The Physics Of: Clown Cars | Feature | Car and Driver


"It’s the most requested clown gag ever,” asserts Greg DeSanto. “Everyone wants to see a lot of clowns come out of a really small car.” Considering DeSanto’s position as the executive director of  the International Clown Hall of  Fame and Research Center in the consistently  hilarious burg of Baraboo, Wisconsin, this is an assertion that needs to be taken almost somewhat seriously.

However, how many clowns go in is a mix of Clown Politics (CP), Clown Size (CS), Clown Flexibility (CF), General Survivability (GS), and the critical Maximum Clown Hilarity (MCH) quotient.

Unfortunately, and contrary  to accepted folklore, clowns need to breathe. Discomfort is to be anticipated, but General Survivability demands some consideration of  physiological needs.  Moreover, the overriding concern of anyone packing clowns into a car must be that the result is Maximum Clown Hilarity. Not only must the clown car dispense clowns, it must also disgorge props such as expandable luggage, beach balls, and two-person giraffe outfits with spring-loaded necks. These props cut into the space available for clowns.

How many clowns (X) that can be stuffed into any Clown Car (CC) therefore can be expressed in this simple equation:


However, it’s the mixture of various clown types being shoved into the subject car that results in Maximum Clown Hilarity. Using the Relative Hilarity  Threshold of a six-year-old boy (RHT6) as a denominator, this can all be expressed in this straightforward equation:


Of course, the equation above doesn’t account for the use of  Wacky Props (WP), Improvised Pratfalls (IP), Goofball Mugging (GM), or Generalized Anarchy (GA). Throw those in, and the equation grows in its usefulness, elegance, and mathematical subtlety.


In layperson’s terms, according to DeSanto, all of that boils down to somewhere between 14 and 21 clowns, with their props, in the typical compact clown car.

“That’s why  we don’t use fiberglass shells or kit cars,” DeSanto adds. “They  just aren’t rugged enough.  A clown car may not get much mileage on it, but after two years, it’s used up.”
No need to explain anything Tree. You deal in misinformation. When you get called out on it you change the subject. That makes you a troll. Why should I respect a troll?
Trump is the victim of Obama's abuse of power.

Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump.

Obama illegally used the DOJ to start a fraudulent investigation

Democrats = Banana Republic Cretins
Know how I know you’re full of shit?? Cause Trump is in power now. Republicans have had control both houses for the past two years. Trump has appointed new directors to all our law enforcement agencies. So if Obama, Clinton, Comey or anybody else was truly guilty of all these “obvious” crimes then they should and would be prosecuted. The fact that none of them are shows 1 of 2 possible things. 1 Trump and his people are incompetent in law enforcement or 2. The real facts and evidence don’t add up to criminal activity and you are misinformed

My money is on option 2
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit

If you call "inappropriate behavior" lying to a FISA Court, concealing the source of your information you used in a False Affidavit, and engaging in Illegal Wiretapping to give a rival candidate an unfair advantage during an election which was based on Propaganda purchased from Russia by Hillary Clinton and Obama...I have ocean front property to sell you in Arizona
It’s not me calling it that it’s Trumps people. Again I’ll say it. NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS OR CHARGES!! Get it through your thick head. This is Trumps show and there is no action from law enforcement to back up your lies. Youre done. I don’t care how many times you repeat your falsehoods. The facts don’t back it up
When you have Holder and Lynch in your corner and in the right party you can do all that illegal stuff and be covered. It's not that opaque.
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
Let me explain The Mueller Investigation to you in a simple Graphic that even you could understand.

The Physics Of: Clown Cars | Feature | Car and Driver


"It’s the most requested clown gag ever,” asserts Greg DeSanto. “Everyone wants to see a lot of clowns come out of a really small car.” Considering DeSanto’s position as the executive director of  the International Clown Hall of  Fame and Research Center in the consistently  hilarious burg of Baraboo, Wisconsin, this is an assertion that needs to be taken almost somewhat seriously.

However, how many clowns go in is a mix of Clown Politics (CP), Clown Size (CS), Clown Flexibility (CF), General Survivability (GS), and the critical Maximum Clown Hilarity (MCH) quotient.

Unfortunately, and contrary  to accepted folklore, clowns need to breathe. Discomfort is to be anticipated, but General Survivability demands some consideration of  physiological needs.  Moreover, the overriding concern of anyone packing clowns into a car must be that the result is Maximum Clown Hilarity. Not only must the clown car dispense clowns, it must also disgorge props such as expandable luggage, beach balls, and two-person giraffe outfits with spring-loaded necks. These props cut into the space available for clowns.

How many clowns (X) that can be stuffed into any Clown Car (CC) therefore can be expressed in this simple equation:


However, it’s the mixture of various clown types being shoved into the subject car that results in Maximum Clown Hilarity. Using the Relative Hilarity  Threshold of a six-year-old boy (RHT6) as a denominator, this can all be expressed in this straightforward equation:


Of course, the equation above doesn’t account for the use of  Wacky Props (WP), Improvised Pratfalls (IP), Goofball Mugging (GM), or Generalized Anarchy (GA). Throw those in, and the equation grows in its usefulness, elegance, and mathematical subtlety.


In layperson’s terms, according to DeSanto, all of that boils down to somewhere between 14 and 21 clowns, with their props, in the typical compact clown car.

“That’s why  we don’t use fiberglass shells or kit cars,” DeSanto adds. “They  just aren’t rugged enough.  A clown car may not get much mileage on it, but after two years, it’s used up.”
No need to explain anything Tree. You deal in misinformation. When you get called out on it you change the subject. That makes you a troll. Why should I respect a troll?
What is "Russian Collusion" but an entire program of misinformation?

What is an "Insurance Policy" but a Soft Coup to disrupt our Democracy based on that Very Same Misinformation?

If you want to talk about Misinformation, then look in The Clown Mirror at your own Clown Party and your Own Clown Face.
Trump is the victim of Obama's abuse of power.

Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump.

Obama illegally used the DOJ to start a fraudulent investigation

Democrats = Banana Republic Cretins
Know how I know you’re full of shit?? Cause Trump is in power now. Republicans have had control both houses for the past two years. Trump has appointed new directors to all our law enforcement agencies. So if Obama, Clinton, Comey or anybody else was truly guilty of all these “obvious” crimes then they should and would be prosecuted. The fact that none of them are shows 1 of 2 possible things. 1 Trump and his people are incompetent in law enforcement or 2. The real facts and evidence don’t add up to criminal activity and you are misinformed

My money is on option 2
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
A lack of prosecution does not indicate a lack of criminal activity. This is so fallacious and obviously false.
This is not cause and effect as you allege (if not prosecuted no crimes committed) and in fact the higher up one is embedded in a place of power (like Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc.) the less likely one will be prosecuted for
crimes committed purely due to political inertia and the many layers of protection surrounding a powerful political figure.

Purely on a logical level alone your angry screed is false and easily disproved.
Know how I know you’re full of shit?? Cause Trump is in power now. Republicans have had control both houses for the past two years. Trump has appointed new directors to all our law enforcement agencies. So if Obama, Clinton, Comey or anybody else was truly guilty of all these “obvious” crimes then they should and would be prosecuted. The fact that none of them are shows 1 of 2 possible things. 1 Trump and his people are incompetent in law enforcement or 2. The real facts and evidence don’t add up to criminal activity and you are misinformed

My money is on option 2
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
A lack of prosecution does not indicate a lack of criminal activity. This is so fallacious and obviously false.
This is not cause and effect as you allege (if not prosecuted no crimes committed) and in fact the higher up one is embedded in a place of power (like Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc.) the less likely one will be prosecuted for
crimes committed purely due to political inertia and the many layers of protection surrounding a powerful political figure.

Purely on a logical level alone your angry screed is false and easily disproved.

Thank You. Truth is, that if you Rig The DOJ, FBI and IRS like Obama did, and like Clinton did with her Primary, you can get away with anything and never be prosecuted for it, EVEN IF THE PUBLIC IS FULLY AWARE CRIMES WERE COMMITTED.

Corruption like that....Corruption like seen in THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION THUMBS ITS NOSE at The American People and THE RULE OF LAW!
Know how I know you’re full of shit?? Cause Trump is in power now. Republicans have had control both houses for the past two years. Trump has appointed new directors to all our law enforcement agencies. So if Obama, Clinton, Comey or anybody else was truly guilty of all these “obvious” crimes then they should and would be prosecuted. The fact that none of them are shows 1 of 2 possible things. 1 Trump and his people are incompetent in law enforcement or 2. The real facts and evidence don’t add up to criminal activity and you are misinformed

My money is on option 2
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit

If you call "inappropriate behavior" lying to a FISA Court, concealing the source of your information you used in a False Affidavit, and engaging in Illegal Wiretapping to give a rival candidate an unfair advantage during an election which was based on Propaganda purchased from Russia by Hillary Clinton and Obama...I have ocean front property to sell you in Arizona
It’s not me calling it that it’s Trumps people. Again I’ll say it. NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS OR CHARGES!! Get it through your thick head. This is Trumps show and there is no action from law enforcement to back up your lies. Youre done. I don’t care how many times you repeat your falsehoods. The facts don’t back it up
When you have Holder and Lynch in your corner and in the right party you can do all that illegal stuff and be covered. It's not that opaque.
Holder and Lynch have been gone for two years.Trump has had his own people in there. So where’s the beef?!
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
Let me explain The Mueller Investigation to you in a simple Graphic that even you could understand.

The Physics Of: Clown Cars | Feature | Car and Driver


"It’s the most requested clown gag ever,” asserts Greg DeSanto. “Everyone wants to see a lot of clowns come out of a really small car.” Considering DeSanto’s position as the executive director of  the International Clown Hall of  Fame and Research Center in the consistently  hilarious burg of Baraboo, Wisconsin, this is an assertion that needs to be taken almost somewhat seriously.

However, how many clowns go in is a mix of Clown Politics (CP), Clown Size (CS), Clown Flexibility (CF), General Survivability (GS), and the critical Maximum Clown Hilarity (MCH) quotient.

Unfortunately, and contrary  to accepted folklore, clowns need to breathe. Discomfort is to be anticipated, but General Survivability demands some consideration of  physiological needs.  Moreover, the overriding concern of anyone packing clowns into a car must be that the result is Maximum Clown Hilarity. Not only must the clown car dispense clowns, it must also disgorge props such as expandable luggage, beach balls, and two-person giraffe outfits with spring-loaded necks. These props cut into the space available for clowns.

How many clowns (X) that can be stuffed into any Clown Car (CC) therefore can be expressed in this simple equation:


However, it’s the mixture of various clown types being shoved into the subject car that results in Maximum Clown Hilarity. Using the Relative Hilarity  Threshold of a six-year-old boy (RHT6) as a denominator, this can all be expressed in this straightforward equation:


Of course, the equation above doesn’t account for the use of  Wacky Props (WP), Improvised Pratfalls (IP), Goofball Mugging (GM), or Generalized Anarchy (GA). Throw those in, and the equation grows in its usefulness, elegance, and mathematical subtlety.


In layperson’s terms, according to DeSanto, all of that boils down to somewhere between 14 and 21 clowns, with their props, in the typical compact clown car.

“That’s why  we don’t use fiberglass shells or kit cars,” DeSanto adds. “They  just aren’t rugged enough.  A clown car may not get much mileage on it, but after two years, it’s used up.”
No need to explain anything Tree. You deal in misinformation. When you get called out on it you change the subject. That makes you a troll. Why should I respect a troll?
What is "Russian Collusion" but an entire program of misinformation?

What is an "Insurance Policy" but a Soft Coup to disrupt our Democracy based on that Very Same Misinformation?

If you want to talk about Misinformation, then look in The Clown Mirror at your own Clown Party and your Own Clown Face.
Kicking the can to a new subject again I see. Nice try but no cigar. You accuse all these people of crimes yet Trumps law enforcement agencies are not pursuing any of it. Admit you’re full of shit and then we can move on to you next faux topic.
Know how I know you’re full of shit?? Cause Trump is in power now. Republicans have had control both houses for the past two years. Trump has appointed new directors to all our law enforcement agencies. So if Obama, Clinton, Comey or anybody else was truly guilty of all these “obvious” crimes then they should and would be prosecuted. The fact that none of them are shows 1 of 2 possible things. 1 Trump and his people are incompetent in law enforcement or 2. The real facts and evidence don’t add up to criminal activity and you are misinformed

My money is on option 2
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
A lack of prosecution does not indicate a lack of criminal activity. This is so fallacious and obviously false.
This is not cause and effect as you allege (if not prosecuted no crimes committed) and in fact the higher up one is embedded in a place of power (like Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc.) the less likely one will be prosecuted for
crimes committed purely due to political inertia and the many layers of protection surrounding a powerful political figure.

Purely on a logical level alone your angry screed is false and easily disproved.
When you have a candidate in there that ran on draining the swamp and “locking her up” he has a mandate and every right to go after her an anybody else that were involved in these “deep state” crimes. They aren’t being pursued because the facts don’t line up with the fake narrative y’all spit out. Trumps move is to turn the table so when he gets heat he blames his opponents. Only problem is he doesn’t use honest arguments. He takes crumbs of truth and spins up his own narrative which his minions run with. He convincing, I’ll give you that but if you could look at his statements skeptically for a minute I think you’d see the game he is playing. It’s transparent and obvious. Sorry but when it comes to facts and reality y’all got nothing.
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
A lack of prosecution does not indicate a lack of criminal activity. This is so fallacious and obviously false.
This is not cause and effect as you allege (if not prosecuted no crimes committed) and in fact the higher up one is embedded in a place of power (like Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc.) the less likely one will be prosecuted for
crimes committed purely due to political inertia and the many layers of protection surrounding a powerful political figure.

Purely on a logical level alone your angry screed is false and easily disproved.

Thank You. Truth is, that if you Rig The DOJ, FBI and IRS like Obama did, and like Clinton did with her Primary, you can get away with anything and never be prosecuted for it, EVEN IF THE PUBLIC IS FULLY AWARE CRIMES WERE COMMITTED.

Corruption like that....Corruption like seen in THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION THUMBS ITS NOSE at The American People and THE RULE OF LAW!
Haha, you act like you respect the rule of law, unless of course it is hurting Trump, in that case it’s all deep state corruption. Nice!
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
A lack of prosecution does not indicate a lack of criminal activity. This is so fallacious and obviously false.
This is not cause and effect as you allege (if not prosecuted no crimes committed) and in fact the higher up one is embedded in a place of power (like Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc.) the less likely one will be prosecuted for
crimes committed purely due to political inertia and the many layers of protection surrounding a powerful political figure.

Purely on a logical level alone your angry screed is false and easily disproved.

Thank You. Truth is, that if you Rig The DOJ, FBI and IRS like Obama did, and like Clinton did with her Primary, you can get away with anything and never be prosecuted for it, EVEN IF THE PUBLIC IS FULLY AWARE CRIMES WERE COMMITTED.

Corruption like that....Corruption like seen in THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION THUMBS ITS NOSE at The American People and THE RULE OF LAW!

Yeah, it what you say is true, that Obama did all that bad stuff, why is Comey still a free man in the USA?
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

You Russian are working overtime on the "Discredit Mueller NOW" shitshow. The only shitshow is in Dumb Donald's pants, now that Cohen has admitted to meeting with Russian government officials throughout the 2016 Campaign, just like the Steele Dossier said he did.

So now Trump is going to try to claim that Conspiracy against the United States of America ISN'T a crime. Good luck with that one Alexei!
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
Let me explain The Mueller Investigation to you in a simple Graphic that even you could understand.

The Physics Of: Clown Cars | Feature | Car and Driver


"It’s the most requested clown gag ever,” asserts Greg DeSanto. “Everyone wants to see a lot of clowns come out of a really small car.” Considering DeSanto’s position as the executive director of  the International Clown Hall of  Fame and Research Center in the consistently  hilarious burg of Baraboo, Wisconsin, this is an assertion that needs to be taken almost somewhat seriously.

However, how many clowns go in is a mix of Clown Politics (CP), Clown Size (CS), Clown Flexibility (CF), General Survivability (GS), and the critical Maximum Clown Hilarity (MCH) quotient.

Unfortunately, and contrary  to accepted folklore, clowns need to breathe. Discomfort is to be anticipated, but General Survivability demands some consideration of  physiological needs.  Moreover, the overriding concern of anyone packing clowns into a car must be that the result is Maximum Clown Hilarity. Not only must the clown car dispense clowns, it must also disgorge props such as expandable luggage, beach balls, and two-person giraffe outfits with spring-loaded necks. These props cut into the space available for clowns.

How many clowns (X) that can be stuffed into any Clown Car (CC) therefore can be expressed in this simple equation:


However, it’s the mixture of various clown types being shoved into the subject car that results in Maximum Clown Hilarity. Using the Relative Hilarity  Threshold of a six-year-old boy (RHT6) as a denominator, this can all be expressed in this straightforward equation:


Of course, the equation above doesn’t account for the use of  Wacky Props (WP), Improvised Pratfalls (IP), Goofball Mugging (GM), or Generalized Anarchy (GA). Throw those in, and the equation grows in its usefulness, elegance, and mathematical subtlety.


In layperson’s terms, according to DeSanto, all of that boils down to somewhere between 14 and 21 clowns, with their props, in the typical compact clown car.

“That’s why  we don’t use fiberglass shells or kit cars,” DeSanto adds. “They  just aren’t rugged enough.  A clown car may not get much mileage on it, but after two years, it’s used up.”
No need to explain anything Tree. You deal in misinformation. When you get called out on it you change the subject. That makes you a troll. Why should I respect a troll?
What is "Russian Collusion" but an entire program of misinformation?

What is an "Insurance Policy" but a Soft Coup to disrupt our Democracy based on that Very Same Misinformation?

If you want to talk about Misinformation, then look in The Clown Mirror at your own Clown Party and your Own Clown Face.
Kicking the can to a new subject again I see. Nice try but no cigar. You accuse all these people of crimes yet Trumps law enforcement agencies are not pursuing any of it. Admit you’re full of shit and then we can move on to you next faux topic.

Once The Mueller Distraction-Misdirection is done tying up The Trump Administration's Legal Staff, Done wasting Taxpayer money, done tying up The DOJ and FBI, The Hammer will start to fall.

The Mueller Investigation really was designed to keep the dogs off of The Political Criminals in THE DNC for about two years in the hopes The Dems could take back The House and help squash more Investigations while launching more of their own to keep the dogs off of themselves. Now that The Dems won back The House, The Mueller Investigation will wind down. There really is not much more he can do to drag the FAUX Investigation out. Once he is done, The Dems will try to launch more Fake Investigations in to Nothing Burgers, but they won't go too far.

To get to the bottom of The Dirty Dossier, Insurance Policy and FISA Gate, we are going to need a Legitimate Investigation. Not one like Mueller's which is designed to protect The Democrat Party, Ignore its crimes, sweep them under the rug and distract The Public with nonsensical bullshit that has Zero to do with Russia.

Ever see a bunch of clowns in Jail? Quite Hilarious!
Last edited:
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
A lack of prosecution does not indicate a lack of criminal activity. This is so fallacious and obviously false.
This is not cause and effect as you allege (if not prosecuted no crimes committed) and in fact the higher up one is embedded in a place of power (like Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc.) the less likely one will be prosecuted for
crimes committed purely due to political inertia and the many layers of protection surrounding a powerful political figure.

Purely on a logical level alone your angry screed is false and easily disproved.
When you have a candidate in there that ran on draining the swamp and “locking her up” he has a mandate and every right to go after her an anybody else that were involved in these “deep state” crimes. They aren’t being pursued because the facts don’t line up with the fake narrative y’all spit out. Trumps move is to turn the table so when he gets heat he blames his opponents. Only problem is he doesn’t use honest arguments. He takes crumbs of truth and spins up his own narrative which his minions run with. He convincing, I’ll give you that but if you could look at his statements skeptically for a minute I think you’d see the game he is playing. It’s transparent and obvious. Sorry but when it comes to facts and reality y’all got nothing.

If Trump wasn't Draining The Swamp then we would never Know about The Insurance Policy, FISA GATE, and Clinon-Obama-DNC-Fusion GPS-COIE Lawfirm Collusion with Russia, Steel and Skirpal

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