Mueller files complaint against Manafort judge

The trial is real, the judge kissed prosecution's butt, and it looks like Manafort is toast lightly buttered.
Mueller team files complaint against Manafort trial judge over latest reprimand

That does not sound like the actions of someone who expects to win.

Nor does it seem wise while the trial is ongoing
This is a mistrial, if it is not, then the trial is not even real

Judge says it’s cureable. But I’ve said before that the best they are going to be able to hope for soon is a mistrial is this nonsense continues
So the judge fucked up, and he says that his fuck up was no big deal...………….

Grow up, if this trial is not a mistrial, then the trial is phony, the jury has been prejudiced against the prosecution. Now that said I want the prosecution to lose, still this is wrong and this trial must end
Mueller team files complaint against Manafort trial judge over latest reprimand

That does not sound like the actions of someone who expects to win.

Nor does it seem wise while the trial is ongoing
This is a mistrial, if it is not, then the trial is not even real

Judge says it’s cureable. But I’ve said before that the best they are going to be able to hope for soon is a mistrial is this nonsense continues
So the judge fucked up, and he says that his fuck up was no big deal...………….

Grow up, if this trial is not a mistrial, then the trial is phony, the jury has been prejudiced against the prosecution. Now that said I want the prosecution to lose, still this is wrong and this trial must end

It’s normal for this stuff to happen. All parties usually try to avoid a miss trial at all costs. It’s a pain in the butt to try to retry the trial
Keep praying, Avatar, because that is your only hope.
I hope there is a mistrial....for the Judge's actions.... the judge is trying to influence the jury with his flamboyant gestures and comments from minute one of the trial.... they seem quite inappropriate, from the view of a layman like me.

A mistrial gives the prosecution a chance for another judge....with a clean headed jury.... without influence of such a vocal and seemingly unprofessional judge

Prosecution can not appeal a verdict, the Defense can....

Time for a clean slate, and a do over! :) Though highly unlikely.....
I don't see why this trial means a damn thing as far as Russian Collusion in the 2016 election. That's what Mueller was hired to dig into, so why is he wasting his time and our money on this stuff? Hey, if Manafort did something illegal then fine, turn it over to the DOJ to prosecute the guy and press on with the main issue. Which is, did anyone in or out of the Trump campaign collude with the Russians to in any way influence the 2016 election? So far, I haven't seen diddly to suggest any illegal wrong-doing.
Not to worry... Special Counsel Robert Mueller will connect the dots for you, in his own good time.
So, I hear that the judge climbed down, and served-up what passes for an apology to the Department of Justice today, eh?

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