Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Trump isn't the traitor shithead, it was Hillary and the FBI that colluded with Moscow to corrupt our election.

Now you, you're a traitor.
then tell me why no sanctions imposed by the trump scumbag I mean how many women does he have to fk while married to prove to you he's an evil POS?/

You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.

Far more? So they are not very similar, after all. That's why you support Russia and their continued sabotage of our elections.

Of course we do and encourage more dirt to be published on libtards....

We never want to see the left hold office again.

There are three reasons the Kremlin would have detected Mr. Steele’s information gathering and seen an opportunity to intervene. First, Mr. Steele did not travel to Russia to acquire his information and instead relied on intermediaries. That is a weak link, since Russia’s internal police service, the FSB, devotes significant technical and human resources to blanket surveillance of Western private citizens and government officials, with a particular focus on uncovering their Russian contacts.

Second, Mr. Steele was an especially likely target for such surveillance given that he had retired from MI-6, the British spy agency, after serving in Moscow. Russians are fond of saying that there is no such thing as a “former” intelligence officer. The FSB would have had its eye on him.}

The Steele Dossier Fits the Kremlin Playbook

The Kremlin is the author of the slander that the FBI and team Hillary bought to corrupt the election.

I doubt it, it doesn't make sense.

Trump kept saying he wanted better relationship which Russia (which has unfortunately never happened) and Purin, Lavrov and other Russian officials kept saying: "We are looking forward for it with careful optimism".

That dirty dossier was supposed to harm Russian/American relationship, not to help them. And Kremlin did NOT need it at all. Who needed it? Those who were terribly afraid of good relationship between Russia and USA: it's your Deep State and their loyal puppet McCain who brought it to US.

When you don't know the answer "Who did it?" always ask yourself "Who benefits from it?"

hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.

This whole exercise by the Left has gone so far off the rails, it isn't even funny.

1. How long has the government been surveilling Trump through the Paige FISA warrant?

2. How long did it take for the congressional committee to find the texts, e-mails, and truth of what was going on at the FBI?

So now, let us all get this straight----------->we are to be led to believe that a measly congressional committee can find evidence that quickly on what was happening in the FBI, BUT.............after surveilling the Trump campaign and everything they did, they have nothing yet, after how long of going through the transcripts, e-mails, financial documents, telephone conversations, and documents, that were handed to them by the surveilling agencies under FISA?

There is only 2 conclusions to draw from this---------->

1. There is no there, there,


2. Trump is the most brilliant spy the world has ever seen; but yet the Left says he is dumb as a box of which is it Leftists? No there, there........or he is absolutely brilliant!

The left is flailing away, and anyone with any logic, knows this! You have actual evidence of collusion in the FBI to help Hilly and the DNC, and not one piece of evidence tying Trump to anything but Kentucky Fried Chicken! Hell, they can't even arrest the supposed trigger, (if you listen to the left) Carter Paige, that started all of this. (Paige is the excuse today, yesterday it was Poapodopolis, the day before that it was the dossier. They can't even pick an excuse and stick with it longer than 36hrs)

Is President Trump passing legislation? Is he using EOs to change the nation? Has he had a large impact on much of the country?

Well, since he has, and the investigators already have all the evidence since he was surveilled, why are they letting him act as President if they have something? I mean, it isn't like they don't already know. All they have to do is indict him, and I am 100% sure that congress would have Pence assume the office until the indictment was resolved. And if he is honestly a TRAITOR, why wouldn't they to stop him? Wouldn't YOU! Do you actually believe that the NSA, all the people in Washington, and even the cabinet would allow him to remain in office if he was a puppet for COMMUNISM, Russia, which also means China?

Seriously, some of you people can really tell a tall tale. You have a special counsel, a load of Hilly hacks on the special counsels team, a ton of surveillance from way back when in the campaign, and yet; you want everyone to believe the President is a traitor, they have all the evidence that they acquired, and yet they allow him to sit in the oval office.

I don't know how dumb you think we are, but I do know how dumb we think you are-)

Let me explain WHY very possibly, the Left is in sooooooooo much trouble; and let me clarify that again with POSSIBLY.

I know it is hard for those on the Left, but let us for the sake of debate, PRETEND that there is no there, there.

Now then, the congressional Democrats know if that statement is true, do they not? This means, they are actually giving out false pretense to the American public, AND knowingly deceiving them again.

It is NOT what they did, it is rather what they did NOT do, and that is tell the truth for political purposes. Remember, they had least the Democrats on the intelligence committee, and know everything that Muehller knows, the Republicans know, and yet they carry on.

So the left HAS to be invested in this narrative, they must, or it is over for them election wise. That alone would change the mid-terms, without even proving collusion with the FBI, and DNC.

Understand, it is to late for them to backtrack and claim it was all a mistake, and forgive us, we were fooled too. They must move forward at all costs to try and keep it going until AFTER the midterms. They have no other choice.

So, when you see the left on here trying to spin away, kinda feel sorry for them. The posters did not create this fiasco, their leaders over played their hands. Tomorrow morning, the government could come out with Muehller and say------------->Trump is 100% vindicated, and the Left would have no choice but to say it wasn't so.


Because if that came out, instantly the question would be..........then why did you lie for so long, and get the MSM to tell your leaks and lies too. Both their cred is on the line, and that doesn't even include if the Republicans can tie the FBI to the Clinton scam to get her elected over Trump.

Always remember-------------> The deep state (if there really is one) has no power, unless the MSM is a willing participant feeding you their propaganda. The only bone of contention is------->is it propaganda we are being fed!

I believe THIS time we are going to find out, and while some of us, or some of them are going to be sorely disappointed, whatever the truth is, we will ALL be better for finding out what is actually going on!
So do you believe those 13 russians indicted were all a sham that they didn't have republican help?

So, you're saying Rosenstein lied?
he signed a new Russian sanctions bill. Why would he do that if he was "bought and paid for"?

Trump is a multi billionaire, he doesn't need Rubles from Putin. Hillary however, is another story.
RED There is NEVER enough for the Orange drumph and IF he really did sign a bill that would hurt Russia what took him so long ?How long ago did congress vote for it?

I get it, you hate Trump for beating your wonderful crooked Hillary and will never say anything positive about him no matter what he does. YOU ARE A TOOL, NOTHING MORE.
WRONG again Red I like tax cuts for businesses And yes I hate him for winning 17 guys on that stage with him would have been a better choice

that's your opinion, and that's all it is. But you are free to state it, and we are free to ignore it.

now, my opinion: Trump may become the best president in our history because he owes no favors to anyone, understands business and economics, and reveres our constitution.

Is he perfect, of course not. There has only ever been one perfect man and he died on a cross.
far far from perfect A man who has cheated 100's maybe 1000's out of rightful salaries, monies , an admitted pervert who no american bank will give a loan surrounded by what he call the best??? Yeah the best crooks money can buy

cheated out of salaries??? who when how?

pervert? you must mean Bill Clinton

No American banks? american banks are begging for Trump, Inc business

Best crooks? that would be the Obama admin-----------Comey, Lynch, Podestra, Brazille, Rezko, Ayers.

don't make yourself look more stupid by continuing this BS.
This whole exercise by the Left has gone so far off the rails, it isn't even funny.

1. How long has the government been surveilling Trump through the Paige FISA warrant?

2. How long did it take for the congressional committee to find the texts, e-mails, and truth of what was going on at the FBI?

So now, let us all get this straight----------->we are to be led to believe that a measly congressional committee can find evidence that quickly on what was happening in the FBI, BUT.............after surveilling the Trump campaign and everything they did, they have nothing yet, after how long of going through the transcripts, e-mails, financial documents, telephone conversations, and documents, that were handed to them by the surveilling agencies under FISA?

There is only 2 conclusions to draw from this---------->

1. There is no there, there,


2. Trump is the most brilliant spy the world has ever seen; but yet the Left says he is dumb as a box of which is it Leftists? No there, there........or he is absolutely brilliant!

The left is flailing away, and anyone with any logic, knows this! You have actual evidence of collusion in the FBI to help Hilly and the DNC, and not one piece of evidence tying Trump to anything but Kentucky Fried Chicken! Hell, they can't even arrest the supposed trigger, (if you listen to the left) Carter Paige, that started all of this. (Paige is the excuse today, yesterday it was Poapodopolis, the day before that it was the dossier. They can't even pick an excuse and stick with it longer than 36hrs)

Is President Trump passing legislation? Is he using EOs to change the nation? Has he had a large impact on much of the country?

Well, since he has, and the investigators already have all the evidence since he was surveilled, why are they letting him act as President if they have something? I mean, it isn't like they don't already know. All they have to do is indict him, and I am 100% sure that congress would have Pence assume the office until the indictment was resolved. And if he is honestly a TRAITOR, why wouldn't they to stop him? Wouldn't YOU! Do you actually believe that the NSA, all the people in Washington, and even the cabinet would allow him to remain in office if he was a puppet for COMMUNISM, Russia, which also means China?

Seriously, some of you people can really tell a tall tale. You have a special counsel, a load of Hilly hacks on the special counsels team, a ton of surveillance from way back when in the campaign, and yet; you want everyone to believe the President is a traitor, they have all the evidence that they acquired, and yet they allow him to sit in the oval office.

I don't know how dumb you think we are, but I do know how dumb we think you are-)
WHY did Russians want Trump to win??? Try and answer without all your repub bullshit

Ummm, actually from most accounts I have read, they had a vested interest in Bernie.
The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with “unwitting individuals” associated with the Trump campaign, it said.

In a Feb. 10, 2016, planning memo, the Russians were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them).”

The operations also denigrated candidates including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump’s rivals in the 2016 Republican primary, the indictment said.

The efforts included contact with “unwitting” Trump campaign officials, with the goal of “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” including the election.

Mueller’s Case of Russian Meddling in U.S. Election: Highlights

the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

Mueller knows that he has wasted millions of dollars on a failed witch hunt and now is trying to regain some credibility with this evil Russians indictment.
the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

There is no question that Russia already controls Trump.

Trump defers to Russia in every circumstance. He can't even admit that they did anything during the election which leads to inaction across the board. Publicly defending Russia against allegations of meddling, easing up on Ukraine, no further sanctions despite a unanimous vote from Congress and most importantly, no action to either prepare our systems against future meddling or any substantive retaliation. He's
avoided and dismissed this issue from day one.

Bought and paid for.

Nah...Russia controls you liberal nutters, that's all you people think and about ...useful idiots
Trump isn't the traitor shithead, it was Hillary and the FBI that colluded with Moscow to corrupt our election.

Now you, you're a traitor.
then tell me why no sanctions imposed by the trump scumbag I mean how many women does he have to fk while married to prove to you he's an evil POS?/

You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.

Far more? So they are not very similar, after all. That's why you support Russia and their continued sabotage of our elections.

Of course we do and encourage more dirt to be published on libtards....

We never want to see the left hold office again.

There are three reasons the Kremlin would have detected Mr. Steele’s information gathering and seen an opportunity to intervene. First, Mr. Steele did not travel to Russia to acquire his information and instead relied on intermediaries. That is a weak link, since Russia’s internal police service, the FSB, devotes significant technical and human resources to blanket surveillance of Western private citizens and government officials, with a particular focus on uncovering their Russian contacts.

Second, Mr. Steele was an especially likely target for such surveillance given that he had retired from MI-6, the British spy agency, after serving in Moscow. Russians are fond of saying that there is no such thing as a “former” intelligence officer. The FSB would have had its eye on him.}

The Steele Dossier Fits the Kremlin Playbook

The Kremlin is the author of the slander that the FBI and team Hillary bought to corrupt the election.

I doubt it, it doesn't make sense.

Trump kept saying he wanted better relationship which Russia (which has unfortunately never happened) and Purin, Lavrov and other Russian officials kept saying: "We are looking forward for it with careful optimism".

That dirty dossier was supposed to harm Russian/American relationship, not to help them. And Kremlin did NOT need it at all. Who needed it? Those who were terribly afraid of good relationship between Russia and USA: it's your Deep State and their loyal puppet McCain who brought it to US.

When you don't know the answer "Who did it?" always ask yourself "Who benefits from it?"

hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.

This whole exercise by the Left has gone so far off the rails, it isn't even funny.

1. How long has the government been surveilling Trump through the Paige FISA warrant?

2. How long did it take for the congressional committee to find the texts, e-mails, and truth of what was going on at the FBI?

So now, let us all get this straight----------->we are to be led to believe that a measly congressional committee can find evidence that quickly on what was happening in the FBI, BUT.............after surveilling the Trump campaign and everything they did, they have nothing yet, after how long of going through the transcripts, e-mails, financial documents, telephone conversations, and documents, that were handed to them by the surveilling agencies under FISA?

There is only 2 conclusions to draw from this---------->

1. There is no there, there,


2. Trump is the most brilliant spy the world has ever seen; but yet the Left says he is dumb as a box of which is it Leftists? No there, there........or he is absolutely brilliant!

The left is flailing away, and anyone with any logic, knows this! You have actual evidence of collusion in the FBI to help Hilly and the DNC, and not one piece of evidence tying Trump to anything but Kentucky Fried Chicken! Hell, they can't even arrest the supposed trigger, (if you listen to the left) Carter Paige, that started all of this. (Paige is the excuse today, yesterday it was Poapodopolis, the day before that it was the dossier. They can't even pick an excuse and stick with it longer than 36hrs)

Is President Trump passing legislation? Is he using EOs to change the nation? Has he had a large impact on much of the country?

Well, since he has, and the investigators already have all the evidence since he was surveilled, why are they letting him act as President if they have something? I mean, it isn't like they don't already know. All they have to do is indict him, and I am 100% sure that congress would have Pence assume the office until the indictment was resolved. And if he is honestly a TRAITOR, why wouldn't they to stop him? Wouldn't YOU! Do you actually believe that the NSA, all the people in Washington, and even the cabinet would allow him to remain in office if he was a puppet for COMMUNISM, Russia, which also means China?

Seriously, some of you people can really tell a tall tale. You have a special counsel, a load of Hilly hacks on the special counsels team, a ton of surveillance from way back when in the campaign, and yet; you want everyone to believe the President is a traitor, they have all the evidence that they acquired, and yet they allow him to sit in the oval office.

I don't know how dumb you think we are, but I do know how dumb we think you are-)

Let me explain WHY very possibly, the Left is in sooooooooo much trouble; and let me clarify that again with POSSIBLY.

I know it is hard for those on the Left, but let us for the sake of debate, PRETEND that there is no there, there.

Now then, the congressional Democrats know if that statement is true, do they not? This means, they are actually giving out false pretense to the American public, AND knowingly deceiving them again.

It is NOT what they did, it is rather what they did NOT do, and that is tell the truth for political purposes. Remember, they had least the Democrats on the intelligence committee, and know everything that Muehller knows, the Republicans know, and yet they carry on.

So the left HAS to be invested in this narrative, they must, or it is over for them election wise. That alone would change the mid-terms, without even proving collusion with the FBI, and DNC.

Understand, it is to late for them to backtrack and claim it was all a mistake, and forgive us, we were fooled too. They must move forward at all costs to try and keep it going until AFTER the midterms. They have no other choice.

So, when you see the left on here trying to spin away, kinda feel sorry for them. The posters did not create this fiasco, their leaders over played their hands. Tomorrow morning, the government could come out with Muehller and say------------->Trump is 100% vindicated, and the Left would have no choice but to say it wasn't so.


Because if that came out, instantly the question would be..........then why did you lie for so long, and get the MSM to tell your leaks and lies too. Both their cred is on the line, and that doesn't even include if the Republicans can tie the FBI to the Clinton scam to get her elected over Trump.

Always remember-------------> The deep state (if there really is one) has no power, unless the MSM is a willing participant feeding you their propaganda. The only bone of contention is------->is it propaganda we are being fed!

I believe THIS time we are going to find out, and while some of us, or some of them are going to be sorely disappointed, whatever the truth is, we will ALL be better for finding out what is actually going on!
So do you believe those 13 russians indicted were all a sham that they didn't have republican help?

So, you're saying Rosenstein lied?
no he just presented what they know for sure NOW
Russians want better relationship with US, is it a sin? It would actually benefit both countries. And only such brainwashed morons like liberals (with the help of Soros Media) can't understand such a simple thing.
Stratford you simp,,,,,,you actually think Russia wants better relationships with America Really?? They want to get whatever they can from us while weakening us and nitwits that don't get that are called republicans
Actually, it's vice versa: USA want to get whatever they can from Russia by weakening her. And Russia wants a fair partnership which could benefit both countries. And that's your Deep State's worst nightmare because it would ruin all their Globalists ideas and themselves as well.

That's why there is demonization of Putin and demonization of Trump going on so wildly.
..... WHEN in your lifetime stratford or in history did Russia want FAIR They really want the end of our American ways They JUST LIKE US have an AH in charge of the country
So far we've got ONLY ONE real irrefutable evidence: eddiew37 and Hutch Starskey are the evidence of the fact that Soros propaganda machine has been very efficient in USA and has affected a lot of American brains.

Great. Thanks for admitting that an organized disinformation campaign can indeed be effective at influencing a population.

the MSM has been doing it for years. but that's OK, right?
You mean the way the FBI tried to do?

Start by putting Comey and Rosenstien in prison for the rest of their lives.
and give trump the chair as all traitors should get

Trump isn't the traitor shithead, it was Hillary and the FBI that colluded with Moscow to corrupt our election.

Now you, you're a traitor.
then tell me why no sanctions imposed by the trump scumbag I mean how many women does he have to fk while married to prove to you he's an evil POS?/

Grassley Memo Shocker - Did The UK Meddle In Our Elections? With Guest Phil Giraldi

The release of the "Grassley Memo" earlier this week should have made headlines, but it didn't. In addition to confirming key details from the earlier Nunes Memo on FISA abuses, the Grassley memo contained even more details on the incredible manipulation of the 2016 US presidential election. Perhaps the media is ignoring the memo because the manipulation it demonstrates is not the manipulation they want to report. There is no evidence of Russian meddling in the memo.
Instead, it looks more and more like British intelligence colluded with the Clinton campaign and key elements in the US intelligence community in an attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president

You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.

Weird then, that you'd champion the causes of Russia and not that of liberal progressives.
Why is it interesting the liberal progressives are far more dangerous than the Russians.
Far more? So they are not very similar, after all. That's why you support Russia and their continued sabotage of our elections.

Of course we do and encourage more dirt to be published on libtards....

We never want to see the left hold office again.

Again, Kremlin doesn't have anything to do with that dirty dossier. That how Putin reacted on it:

Those anti-Trump forces in the US also want to "bind hand and foot" the newly-elected leader, Putin added. He said that in this way, they aim to interfere with the domestic and international policies outlined in Trump's presidential campaign.

By doing so, these forces "severely harm US interests," Putin said.

People who stand behind "fabrications" being used against Trump "are worse than prostitutes."

"They have no moral scruples," he said.

‘Worse than prostitutes’: Putin slams those behind Trump ‘leak’

There are three reasons the Kremlin would have detected Mr. Steele’s information gathering and seen an opportunity to intervene. First, Mr. Steele did not travel to Russia to acquire his information and instead relied on intermediaries. That is a weak link, since Russia’s internal police service, the FSB, devotes significant technical and human resources to blanket surveillance of Western private citizens and government officials, with a particular focus on uncovering their Russian contacts.

Second, Mr. Steele was an especially likely target for such surveillance given that he had retired from MI-6, the British spy agency, after serving in Moscow. Russians are fond of saying that there is no such thing as a “former” intelligence officer. The FSB would have had its eye on him.}

The Steele Dossier Fits the Kremlin Playbook

The Kremlin is the author of the slander that the FBI and team Hillary bought to corrupt the election.

I doubt it, it doesn't make sense.

Trump kept saying he wanted better relationship which Russia (which has unfortunately never happened) and Purin, Lavrov and other Russian officials kept saying: "We are looking forward for it with careful optimism".

That dirty dossier was supposed to harm Russian/American relationship, not to help them. And Kremlin did NOT need it at all. Who needed it? Those who were terribly afraid of good relationship between Russia and USA: it's your Deep State and their loyal puppet McCain who brought it to US.

When you don't know the answer "Who did it?" always ask yourself "Who benefits from it?"

You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.
hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.

This whole exercise by the Left has gone so far off the rails, it isn't even funny.

1. How long has the government been surveilling Trump through the Paige FISA warrant?

2. How long did it take for the congressional committee to find the texts, e-mails, and truth of what was going on at the FBI?

So now, let us all get this straight----------->we are to be led to believe that a measly congressional committee can find evidence that quickly on what was happening in the FBI, BUT.............after surveilling the Trump campaign and everything they did, they have nothing yet, after how long of going through the transcripts, e-mails, financial documents, telephone conversations, and documents, that were handed to them by the surveilling agencies under FISA?

There is only 2 conclusions to draw from this---------->

1. There is no there, there,


2. Trump is the most brilliant spy the world has ever seen; but yet the Left says he is dumb as a box of which is it Leftists? No there, there........or he is absolutely brilliant!

The left is flailing away, and anyone with any logic, knows this! You have actual evidence of collusion in the FBI to help Hilly and the DNC, and not one piece of evidence tying Trump to anything but Kentucky Fried Chicken! Hell, they can't even arrest the supposed trigger, (if you listen to the left) Carter Paige, that started all of this. (Paige is the excuse today, yesterday it was Poapodopolis, the day before that it was the dossier. They can't even pick an excuse and stick with it longer than 36hrs)

Is President Trump passing legislation? Is he using EOs to change the nation? Has he had a large impact on much of the country?

Well, since he has, and the investigators already have all the evidence since he was surveilled, why are they letting him act as President if they have something? I mean, it isn't like they don't already know. All they have to do is indict him, and I am 100% sure that congress would have Pence assume the office until the indictment was resolved. And if he is honestly a TRAITOR, why wouldn't they to stop him? Wouldn't YOU! Do you actually believe that the NSA, all the people in Washington, and even the cabinet would allow him to remain in office if he was a puppet for COMMUNISM, Russia, which also means China?

Seriously, some of you people can really tell a tall tale. You have a special counsel, a load of Hilly hacks on the special counsels team, a ton of surveillance from way back when in the campaign, and yet; you want everyone to believe the President is a traitor, they have all the evidence that they acquired, and yet they allow him to sit in the oval office.

I don't know how dumb you think we are, but I do know how dumb we think you are-)
WHY did Russians want Trump to win??? Try and answer without all your repub bullshit
Then why were most of their Facebook posts AFTER the election?
the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

Mueller knows that he has wasted millions of dollars on a failed witch hunt and now is trying to regain some credibility with this evil Russians indictment.
Red Am I the first to tell you that Putin has trump in his back pocket? Anyone who doesn't believe russian interference will continually see them meddling in our elections and with trump in our WH we're in deep shit

no, you aren't the first to say that, but if you have any proof you will be the first to prove it.

so, put up or shut up. claims without backup are bullshit.

and since we are talking about election meddling, do you care that Obama meddled in the elections in Israel and France and tried to swing the brexit vote?
Did read he didn't support Brexit and Isreal ?/ Didn't want the repub lover the thief in office but he didn't collude to bring about those results Russia has Americans that helped them Perhaps in time you'll find out repubs have no clothes

LOL, your boy Mueller has been trying for over a year and found nothing---------------except evidence of Russian collusion by the Hillary campaign and the DNC. '

careful what you wish for, dude. your house of straw is burning.

You have to ask yourself Red,

Does the left continue on with this narrative because they actually believe it; or do they continue on with it because it is the only thing they have-)

And if it is the only thing they have, what would happen if the narrative comes out being false!

It's not a narrative, it's reality. It is happening right before your eyes and it's not the "left". It's Trump's own appointees.

What precipitated the appointment of Mueller?
Red Am I the first to tell you that Putin has trump in his back pocket? Anyone who doesn't believe russian interference will continually see them meddling in our elections and with trump in our WH we're in deep shit

no, you aren't the first to say that, but if you have any proof you will be the first to prove it.

so, put up or shut up. claims without backup are bullshit.

and since we are talking about election meddling, do you care that Obama meddled in the elections in Israel and France and tried to swing the brexit vote?
Did read he didn't support Brexit and Isreal ?/ Didn't want the repub lover the thief in office but he didn't collude to bring about those results Russia has Americans that helped them Perhaps in time you'll find out repubs have no clothes

LOL, your boy Mueller has been trying for over a year and found nothing---------------except evidence of Russian collusion by the Hillary campaign and the DNC. '

careful what you wish for, dude. your house of straw is burning.

You have to ask yourself Red,

Does the left continue on with this narrative because they actually believe it; or do they continue on with it because it is the only thing they have-)

And if it is the only thing they have, what would happen if the narrative comes out being false!

It's not a narrative, it's reality. It is happening right before your eyes and it's not the "left". It's Trump's own appointees.

What precipitated the appointment of Mueller?

democrat butthurt over Hillary losing.
Red Am I the first to tell you that Putin has trump in his back pocket? Anyone who doesn't believe russian interference will continually see them meddling in our elections and with trump in our WH we're in deep shit

no, you aren't the first to say that, but if you have any proof you will be the first to prove it.

so, put up or shut up. claims without backup are bullshit.

and since we are talking about election meddling, do you care that Obama meddled in the elections in Israel and France and tried to swing the brexit vote?
Did read he didn't support Brexit and Isreal ?/ Didn't want the repub lover the thief in office but he didn't collude to bring about those results Russia has Americans that helped them Perhaps in time you'll find out repubs have no clothes

LOL, your boy Mueller has been trying for over a year and found nothing---------------except evidence of Russian collusion by the Hillary campaign and the DNC. '

careful what you wish for, dude. your house of straw is burning.

You have to ask yourself Red,

Does the left continue on with this narrative because they actually believe it; or do they continue on with it because it is the only thing they have-)

And if it is the only thing they have, what would happen if the narrative comes out being false!

It's not a narrative, it's reality. It is happening right before your eyes and it's not the "left". It's Trump's own appointees.

What precipitated the appointment of Mueller?

The firing of Comey, and the recusal of Sessions.

But you know what, in the end it is all going to work out for all of us, since we are going to get more truth than we had in decades.
no, you aren't the first to say that, but if you have any proof you will be the first to prove it.

so, put up or shut up. claims without backup are bullshit.

and since we are talking about election meddling, do you care that Obama meddled in the elections in Israel and France and tried to swing the brexit vote?
Did read he didn't support Brexit and Isreal ?/ Didn't want the repub lover the thief in office but he didn't collude to bring about those results Russia has Americans that helped them Perhaps in time you'll find out repubs have no clothes

LOL, your boy Mueller has been trying for over a year and found nothing---------------except evidence of Russian collusion by the Hillary campaign and the DNC. '

careful what you wish for, dude. your house of straw is burning.

You have to ask yourself Red,

Does the left continue on with this narrative because they actually believe it; or do they continue on with it because it is the only thing they have-)

And if it is the only thing they have, what would happen if the narrative comes out being false!

It's not a narrative, it's reality. It is happening right before your eyes and it's not the "left". It's Trump's own appointees.

What precipitated the appointment of Mueller?

The firing of Comey, and the recusal of Sessions.

But you know what, in the end it is all going to work out for all of us, since we are going to get more truth than we had in decades.
And I welcome the truth and not some coverup BS by either party I want to know WHO worked with the russians to infiltrate our elections
no, you aren't the first to say that, but if you have any proof you will be the first to prove it.

so, put up or shut up. claims without backup are bullshit.

and since we are talking about election meddling, do you care that Obama meddled in the elections in Israel and France and tried to swing the brexit vote?
Did read he didn't support Brexit and Isreal ?/ Didn't want the repub lover the thief in office but he didn't collude to bring about those results Russia has Americans that helped them Perhaps in time you'll find out repubs have no clothes

LOL, your boy Mueller has been trying for over a year and found nothing---------------except evidence of Russian collusion by the Hillary campaign and the DNC. '

careful what you wish for, dude. your house of straw is burning.

You have to ask yourself Red,

Does the left continue on with this narrative because they actually believe it; or do they continue on with it because it is the only thing they have-)

And if it is the only thing they have, what would happen if the narrative comes out being false!

It's not a narrative, it's reality. It is happening right before your eyes and it's not the "left". It's Trump's own appointees.

What precipitated the appointment of Mueller?

The firing of Comey, and the recusal of Sessions.

But you know what, in the end it is all going to work out for all of us, since we are going to get more truth than we had in decades.

Actually you need to throw Comey's leaks in there too.
Stratford you simp,,,,,,you actually think Russia wants better relationships with America Really?? They want to get whatever they can from us while weakening us and nitwits that don't get that are called republicans
Actually, it's vice versa: USA want to get whatever they can from Russia by weakening her. And Russia wants a fair partnership which could benefit both countries. And that's your Deep State's worst nightmare because it would ruin all their Globalists ideas and themselves as well.

That's why there is demonization of Putin and demonization of Trump going on so wildly.
..... WHEN in your lifetime stratford or in history did Russia want FAIR They really want the end of our American ways They JUST LIKE US have an AH in charge of the country
So far we've got ONLY ONE real irrefutable evidence: eddiew37 and Hutch Starskey are the evidence of the fact that Soros propaganda machine has been very efficient in USA and has affected a lot of American brains.

Great. Thanks for admitting that an organized disinformation campaign can indeed be effective at influencing a population.

the MSM has been doing it for years. but that's OK, right?

Sure, dope. That is just the same as a foreign adversary undertaking an unprecedented and highly organized influence campaign meant to undermine the credibility and integrity of our institutions.

I wonder how many of those social media memes and narratives placed by Russians that you still diligently employ even to this day.
and give trump the chair as all traitors should get

Trump isn't the traitor shithead, it was Hillary and the FBI that colluded with Moscow to corrupt our election.

Now you, you're a traitor.
then tell me why no sanctions imposed by the trump scumbag I mean how many women does he have to fk while married to prove to you he's an evil POS?/

Grassley Memo Shocker - Did The UK Meddle In Our Elections? With Guest Phil Giraldi

The release of the "Grassley Memo" earlier this week should have made headlines, but it didn't. In addition to confirming key details from the earlier Nunes Memo on FISA abuses, the Grassley memo contained even more details on the incredible manipulation of the 2016 US presidential election. Perhaps the media is ignoring the memo because the manipulation it demonstrates is not the manipulation they want to report. There is no evidence of Russian meddling in the memo.
Instead, it looks more and more like British intelligence colluded with the Clinton campaign and key elements in the US intelligence community in an attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president

You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.

Why is it interesting the liberal progressives are far more dangerous than the Russians.
Far more? So they are not very similar, after all. That's why you support Russia and their continued sabotage of our elections.

Of course we do and encourage more dirt to be published on libtards....

We never want to see the left hold office again.

Again, Kremlin doesn't have anything to do with that dirty dossier. That how Putin reacted on it:

Those anti-Trump forces in the US also want to "bind hand and foot" the newly-elected leader, Putin added. He said that in this way, they aim to interfere with the domestic and international policies outlined in Trump's presidential campaign.

By doing so, these forces "severely harm US interests," Putin said.

People who stand behind "fabrications" being used against Trump "are worse than prostitutes."

"They have no moral scruples," he said.

‘Worse than prostitutes’: Putin slams those behind Trump ‘leak’

There are three reasons the Kremlin would have detected Mr. Steele’s information gathering and seen an opportunity to intervene. First, Mr. Steele did not travel to Russia to acquire his information and instead relied on intermediaries. That is a weak link, since Russia’s internal police service, the FSB, devotes significant technical and human resources to blanket surveillance of Western private citizens and government officials, with a particular focus on uncovering their Russian contacts.

Second, Mr. Steele was an especially likely target for such surveillance given that he had retired from MI-6, the British spy agency, after serving in Moscow. Russians are fond of saying that there is no such thing as a “former” intelligence officer. The FSB would have had its eye on him.}

The Steele Dossier Fits the Kremlin Playbook

The Kremlin is the author of the slander that the FBI and team Hillary bought to corrupt the election.

I doubt it, it doesn't make sense.

Trump kept saying he wanted better relationship which Russia (which has unfortunately never happened) and Purin, Lavrov and other Russian officials kept saying: "We are looking forward for it with careful optimism".

That dirty dossier was supposed to harm Russian/American relationship, not to help them. And Kremlin did NOT need it at all. Who needed it? Those who were terribly afraid of good relationship between Russia and USA: it's your Deep State and their loyal puppet McCain who brought it to US.

When you don't know the answer "Who did it?" always ask yourself "Who benefits from it?"

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.
hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.

This whole exercise by the Left has gone so far off the rails, it isn't even funny.

1. How long has the government been surveilling Trump through the Paige FISA warrant?

2. How long did it take for the congressional committee to find the texts, e-mails, and truth of what was going on at the FBI?

So now, let us all get this straight----------->we are to be led to believe that a measly congressional committee can find evidence that quickly on what was happening in the FBI, BUT.............after surveilling the Trump campaign and everything they did, they have nothing yet, after how long of going through the transcripts, e-mails, financial documents, telephone conversations, and documents, that were handed to them by the surveilling agencies under FISA?

There is only 2 conclusions to draw from this---------->

1. There is no there, there,


2. Trump is the most brilliant spy the world has ever seen; but yet the Left says he is dumb as a box of which is it Leftists? No there, there........or he is absolutely brilliant!

The left is flailing away, and anyone with any logic, knows this! You have actual evidence of collusion in the FBI to help Hilly and the DNC, and not one piece of evidence tying Trump to anything but Kentucky Fried Chicken! Hell, they can't even arrest the supposed trigger, (if you listen to the left) Carter Paige, that started all of this. (Paige is the excuse today, yesterday it was Poapodopolis, the day before that it was the dossier. They can't even pick an excuse and stick with it longer than 36hrs)

Is President Trump passing legislation? Is he using EOs to change the nation? Has he had a large impact on much of the country?

Well, since he has, and the investigators already have all the evidence since he was surveilled, why are they letting him act as President if they have something? I mean, it isn't like they don't already know. All they have to do is indict him, and I am 100% sure that congress would have Pence assume the office until the indictment was resolved. And if he is honestly a TRAITOR, why wouldn't they to stop him? Wouldn't YOU! Do you actually believe that the NSA, all the people in Washington, and even the cabinet would allow him to remain in office if he was a puppet for COMMUNISM, Russia, which also means China?

Seriously, some of you people can really tell a tall tale. You have a special counsel, a load of Hilly hacks on the special counsels team, a ton of surveillance from way back when in the campaign, and yet; you want everyone to believe the President is a traitor, they have all the evidence that they acquired, and yet they allow him to sit in the oval office.

I don't know how dumb you think we are, but I do know how dumb we think you are-)
WHY did Russians want Trump to win??? Try and answer without all your repub bullshit
Then why were most of their Facebook posts AFTER the election?
first they tried to weaken hillary then after the election tried to weaken america
Did read he didn't support Brexit and Isreal ?/ Didn't want the repub lover the thief in office but he didn't collude to bring about those results Russia has Americans that helped them Perhaps in time you'll find out repubs have no clothes

LOL, your boy Mueller has been trying for over a year and found nothing---------------except evidence of Russian collusion by the Hillary campaign and the DNC. '

careful what you wish for, dude. your house of straw is burning.

You have to ask yourself Red,

Does the left continue on with this narrative because they actually believe it; or do they continue on with it because it is the only thing they have-)

And if it is the only thing they have, what would happen if the narrative comes out being false!

It's not a narrative, it's reality. It is happening right before your eyes and it's not the "left". It's Trump's own appointees.

What precipitated the appointment of Mueller?

The firing of Comey, and the recusal of Sessions.

But you know what, in the end it is all going to work out for all of us, since we are going to get more truth than we had in decades.
And I welcome the truth and not some coverup BS by either party I want to know WHO worked with the russians to infiltrate our elections

And I agree with 1 caveat-------->I want to know if anyone, or any entity, conspired to help either candidate to get elected against their charter, be it foreign, or domestic!
LOL, your boy Mueller has been trying for over a year and found nothing---------------except evidence of Russian collusion by the Hillary campaign and the DNC. '

careful what you wish for, dude. your house of straw is burning.

You have to ask yourself Red,

Does the left continue on with this narrative because they actually believe it; or do they continue on with it because it is the only thing they have-)

And if it is the only thing they have, what would happen if the narrative comes out being false!

It's not a narrative, it's reality. It is happening right before your eyes and it's not the "left". It's Trump's own appointees.

What precipitated the appointment of Mueller?

The firing of Comey, and the recusal of Sessions.

But you know what, in the end it is all going to work out for all of us, since we are going to get more truth than we had in decades.
And I welcome the truth and not some coverup BS by either party I want to know WHO worked with the russians to infiltrate our elections

And I agree with 1 caveat-------->I want to know if anyone, or any entity, conspired to help either candidate to get elected against their charter, be it foreign, or domestic!
..I'll agree but really don't believe the FBI had any horse in that race
Trump isn't the traitor shithead, it was Hillary and the FBI that colluded with Moscow to corrupt our election.

Now you, you're a traitor.
then tell me why no sanctions imposed by the trump scumbag I mean how many women does he have to fk while married to prove to you he's an evil POS?/

You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.

Far more? So they are not very similar, after all. That's why you support Russia and their continued sabotage of our elections.

Of course we do and encourage more dirt to be published on libtards....

We never want to see the left hold office again.

There are three reasons the Kremlin would have detected Mr. Steele’s information gathering and seen an opportunity to intervene. First, Mr. Steele did not travel to Russia to acquire his information and instead relied on intermediaries. That is a weak link, since Russia’s internal police service, the FSB, devotes significant technical and human resources to blanket surveillance of Western private citizens and government officials, with a particular focus on uncovering their Russian contacts.

Second, Mr. Steele was an especially likely target for such surveillance given that he had retired from MI-6, the British spy agency, after serving in Moscow. Russians are fond of saying that there is no such thing as a “former” intelligence officer. The FSB would have had its eye on him.}

The Steele Dossier Fits the Kremlin Playbook

The Kremlin is the author of the slander that the FBI and team Hillary bought to corrupt the election.

I doubt it, it doesn't make sense.

Trump kept saying he wanted better relationship which Russia (which has unfortunately never happened) and Purin, Lavrov and other Russian officials kept saying: "We are looking forward for it with careful optimism".

That dirty dossier was supposed to harm Russian/American relationship, not to help them. And Kremlin did NOT need it at all. Who needed it? Those who were terribly afraid of good relationship between Russia and USA: it's your Deep State and their loyal puppet McCain who brought it to US.

When you don't know the answer "Who did it?" always ask yourself "Who benefits from it?"

hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.

This whole exercise by the Left has gone so far off the rails, it isn't even funny.

1. How long has the government been surveilling Trump through the Paige FISA warrant?

2. How long did it take for the congressional committee to find the texts, e-mails, and truth of what was going on at the FBI?

So now, let us all get this straight----------->we are to be led to believe that a measly congressional committee can find evidence that quickly on what was happening in the FBI, BUT.............after surveilling the Trump campaign and everything they did, they have nothing yet, after how long of going through the transcripts, e-mails, financial documents, telephone conversations, and documents, that were handed to them by the surveilling agencies under FISA?

There is only 2 conclusions to draw from this---------->

1. There is no there, there,


2. Trump is the most brilliant spy the world has ever seen; but yet the Left says he is dumb as a box of which is it Leftists? No there, there........or he is absolutely brilliant!

The left is flailing away, and anyone with any logic, knows this! You have actual evidence of collusion in the FBI to help Hilly and the DNC, and not one piece of evidence tying Trump to anything but Kentucky Fried Chicken! Hell, they can't even arrest the supposed trigger, (if you listen to the left) Carter Paige, that started all of this. (Paige is the excuse today, yesterday it was Poapodopolis, the day before that it was the dossier. They can't even pick an excuse and stick with it longer than 36hrs)

Is President Trump passing legislation? Is he using EOs to change the nation? Has he had a large impact on much of the country?

Well, since he has, and the investigators already have all the evidence since he was surveilled, why are they letting him act as President if they have something? I mean, it isn't like they don't already know. All they have to do is indict him, and I am 100% sure that congress would have Pence assume the office until the indictment was resolved. And if he is honestly a TRAITOR, why wouldn't they to stop him? Wouldn't YOU! Do you actually believe that the NSA, all the people in Washington, and even the cabinet would allow him to remain in office if he was a puppet for COMMUNISM, Russia, which also means China?

Seriously, some of you people can really tell a tall tale. You have a special counsel, a load of Hilly hacks on the special counsels team, a ton of surveillance from way back when in the campaign, and yet; you want everyone to believe the President is a traitor, they have all the evidence that they acquired, and yet they allow him to sit in the oval office.

I don't know how dumb you think we are, but I do know how dumb we think you are-)
WHY did Russians want Trump to win??? Try and answer without all your repub bullshit
Then why were most of their Facebook posts AFTER the election?
first they tried to weaken hillary then after the election tried to weaken america
they're trying to weaken america. you're a fucking fool if you think they give a shit one way or the other who is in office. they just want us tearing ourselves up and look at you.

wishing death on people for no other reason than you don't like them and then doubling down in a pelosi style in blaming THEM for making you WANT to kill them and suddenly, you're the victim in all this.

that more than anything defines a huge gap of who we are, eddie. you defined yourself in that whole "what can i say the mean republicans made me do it".

no one MAKES you do a thing, eddie. do they? are you that weak that some facebook posts will make you want to kill someone THEN blame THEM for YOUR actions? you can't have a more accurate definition of liberals than this and why we're so fucked up as a country than your own mirror, eddie.

it's what YOU want.
YOU'RE the victim when you don't get you way
you made me want you dead...wah.

where is your own personal responsibility for what you say, do and think? eddie? where? please show me as your rush to victimhood made me lose any form of respect i ever even *wanted* to hold out for you. both sides are doing some seriously stupid shit these days but which side is wishing the other dead? which side is actively killing people for *disagreeing* with them?

YOU wished innocent people dead
YOU blamed them for doing it
YOU ran to being a victim for your own actions

and like a liberal, you have no answer as to why the famous facebook trollings happened AFTER the election, you have no questions as to WHY the media isn't reporting on this, you just want what you want and willing to twist reality to fit your desires. since you can't answer the question you throw out generic statements of doom and gloom at random.

aka - liberalness.

YOU ... are fucked up and the poster child for why we're so dysfunctional as a country.
WHY did Russians want Trump to win??? Try and answer without all your repub bullshit

Ummm, actually from most accounts I have read, they had a vested interest in Bernie.
The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with “unwitting individuals” associated with the Trump campaign, it said.

In a Feb. 10, 2016, planning memo, the Russians were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them).”

The operations also denigrated candidates including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump’s rivals in the 2016 Republican primary, the indictment said.

The efforts included contact with “unwitting” Trump campaign officials, with the goal of “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” including the election.

Mueller’s Case of Russian Meddling in U.S. Election: Highlights

the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

Mueller knows that he has wasted millions of dollars on a failed witch hunt and now is trying to regain some credibility with this evil Russians indictment.
the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

There is no question that Russia already controls Trump.

Trump defers to Russia in every circumstance. He can't even admit that they did anything during the election which leads to inaction across the board. Publicly defending Russia against allegations of meddling, easing up on Ukraine, no further sanctions despite a unanimous vote from Congress and most importantly, no action to either prepare our systems against future meddling or any substantive retaliation. He's
avoided and dismissed this issue from day one.

Bought and paid for.

Well....sure, well except for the whole lack of evidence thing.

I just laid out some of the more obvious circumstantial evidence. It's up to the investigators to fill in the details. The recent indictments show quite clearly that we know by name the Russian players and that they did work with Americans. Those details are being uncovered and understood.
What do you do with a country fixing our elections??

You mean the way the FBI tried to do?

Start by putting Comey and Rosenstien in prison for the rest of their lives.
and give trump the chair as all traitors should get

Trump isn't the traitor shithead, it was Hillary and the FBI that colluded with Moscow to corrupt our election.

Now you, you're a traitor.
then tell me why no sanctions imposed by the trump scumbag I mean how many women does he have to fk while married to prove to you he's an evil POS?/

Grassley Memo Shocker - Did The UK Meddle In Our Elections? With Guest Phil Giraldi

The release of the "Grassley Memo" earlier this week should have made headlines, but it didn't. In addition to confirming key details from the earlier Nunes Memo on FISA abuses, the Grassley memo contained even more details on the incredible manipulation of the 2016 US presidential election. Perhaps the media is ignoring the memo because the manipulation it demonstrates is not the manipulation they want to report. There is no evidence of Russian meddling in the memo.
Instead, it looks more and more like British intelligence colluded with the Clinton campaign and key elements in the US intelligence community in an attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president

You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.

Another backfire. You liberal progressives and Russia have a lot in common.
Weird then, that you'd champion the causes of Russia and not that of liberal progressives.
Why is it interesting the liberal progressives are far more dangerous than the Russians.
Far more? So they are not very similar, after all. That's why you support Russia and their continued sabotage of our elections.

Of course we do and encourage more dirt to be published on libtards....

We never want to see the left hold office again.

Again, Kremlin doesn't have anything to do with that dirty dossier. That how Putin reacted on it:

Those anti-Trump forces in the US also want to "bind hand and foot" the newly-elected leader, Putin added. He said that in this way, they aim to interfere with the domestic and international policies outlined in Trump's presidential campaign.

By doing so, these forces "severely harm US interests," Putin said.

People who stand behind "fabrications" being used against Trump "are worse than prostitutes."

"They have no moral scruples," he said.

‘Worse than prostitutes’: Putin slams those behind Trump ‘leak’

There are three reasons the Kremlin would have detected Mr. Steele’s information gathering and seen an opportunity to intervene. First, Mr. Steele did not travel to Russia to acquire his information and instead relied on intermediaries. That is a weak link, since Russia’s internal police service, the FSB, devotes significant technical and human resources to blanket surveillance of Western private citizens and government officials, with a particular focus on uncovering their Russian contacts.

Second, Mr. Steele was an especially likely target for such surveillance given that he had retired from MI-6, the British spy agency, after serving in Moscow. Russians are fond of saying that there is no such thing as a “former” intelligence officer. The FSB would have had its eye on him.}

The Steele Dossier Fits the Kremlin Playbook

The Kremlin is the author of the slander that the FBI and team Hillary bought to corrupt the election.

I doubt it, it doesn't make sense.

Trump kept saying he wanted better relationship which Russia (which has unfortunately never happened) and Purin, Lavrov and other Russian officials kept saying: "We are looking forward for it with careful optimism".

That dirty dossier was supposed to harm Russian/American relationship, not to help them. And Kremlin did NOT need it at all. Who needed it? Those who were terribly afraid of good relationship between Russia and USA: it's your Deep State and their loyal puppet McCain who brought it to US.

When you don't know the answer "Who did it?" always ask yourself "Who benefits from it?"

Grassley Memo Shocker - Did The UK Meddle In Our Elections? With Guest Phil Giraldi

The release of the "Grassley Memo" earlier this week should have made headlines, but it didn't. In addition to confirming key details from the earlier Nunes Memo on FISA abuses, the Grassley memo contained even more details on the incredible manipulation of the 2016 US presidential election. Perhaps the media is ignoring the memo because the manipulation it demonstrates is not the manipulation they want to report. There is no evidence of Russian meddling in the memo.
Instead, it looks more and more like British intelligence colluded with the Clinton campaign and key elements in the US intelligence community in an attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president

You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.
hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.

This whole exercise by the Left has gone so far off the rails, it isn't even funny.

1. How long has the government been surveilling Trump through the Paige FISA warrant?

2. How long did it take for the congressional committee to find the texts, e-mails, and truth of what was going on at the FBI?

So now, let us all get this straight----------->we are to be led to believe that a measly congressional committee can find evidence that quickly on what was happening in the FBI, BUT.............after surveilling the Trump campaign and everything they did, they have nothing yet, after how long of going through the transcripts, e-mails, financial documents, telephone conversations, and documents, that were handed to them by the surveilling agencies under FISA?

There is only 2 conclusions to draw from this---------->

1. There is no there, there,


2. Trump is the most brilliant spy the world has ever seen; but yet the Left says he is dumb as a box of which is it Leftists? No there, there........or he is absolutely brilliant!

The left is flailing away, and anyone with any logic, knows this! You have actual evidence of collusion in the FBI to help Hilly and the DNC, and not one piece of evidence tying Trump to anything but Kentucky Fried Chicken! Hell, they can't even arrest the supposed trigger, (if you listen to the left) Carter Paige, that started all of this. (Paige is the excuse today, yesterday it was Poapodopolis, the day before that it was the dossier. They can't even pick an excuse and stick with it longer than 36hrs)

Is President Trump passing legislation? Is he using EOs to change the nation? Has he had a large impact on much of the country?

Well, since he has, and the investigators already have all the evidence since he was surveilled, why are they letting him act as President if they have something? I mean, it isn't like they don't already know. All they have to do is indict him, and I am 100% sure that congress would have Pence assume the office until the indictment was resolved. And if he is honestly a TRAITOR, why wouldn't they to stop him? Wouldn't YOU! Do you actually believe that the NSA, all the people in Washington, and even the cabinet would allow him to remain in office if he was a puppet for COMMUNISM, Russia, which also means China?

Seriously, some of you people can really tell a tall tale. You have a special counsel, a load of Hilly hacks on the special counsels team, a ton of surveillance from way back when in the campaign, and yet; you want everyone to believe the President is a traitor, they have all the evidence that they acquired, and yet they allow him to sit in the oval office.

I don't know how dumb you think we are, but I do know how dumb we think you are-)

The FBI and DOJ at the very highest levels have conspired to fix an American presidential level. Fact.

The FBI plotted the overthrow of a sitting president - Fact.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are guilty of treason - Fact

James Comey is guilty AT THE VERY LEAST of obstruction of justice by exonerating Hillary prior to the investigation, espionage for leaking classified and secret information to the DNC press. - Fact

Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstien are guilty at the very least of election tampering while colluding with a foreign government to buy information they used in an attempt to defeat Donald Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton. - Fact

Regardless of how the all in DNC media spins it, the facts are clear.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada releasing these indictments against Russian nationals, individuals not in this country who will never face trial. Indictments that revolve around the concept that posting on facebook is a criminal act, indictments that would be laughed out of any legitimate court, is a desperate and flaccid "hail Mary" act

The utter farce of Rod Rosenstien, not in handcuffs as he belongs, but up on stage reading unenforceable indictments for acts that tens of thousands of Soros paid trolls engage in every day, acts that can never and will never be prosecuted, shows the depth of the corruption in the absurdly named "justice department."

The Witch Hunt has been going on for a year, but not a peep from the Grand Inquisitor on the collusion between McCabe and Russia to create the "Steele Dossier" that he used to try and corrupt the U.S. election. No indictments of the co-conspirators in the Hillary camp who used Steele as a mule to the Kremlin and Sydney Blumanthal to fabricate dirt in hopes of defeating Trump.

Why has the Inquisition ignored the clear and overwhelming evidence that it took Congress to release? Ah, because the Inquisition is a Witch Hunt and corrupt to it's foundation.

This is an extremely desperate act by the Witch Hunt to distract from the facts that are coming out of Congress that clearly show treason and corruption by the FBI and the DOJ.
WHY did Russians want Trump to win??? Try and answer without all your repub bullshit

Ummm, actually from most accounts I have read, they had a vested interest in Bernie.
The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with “unwitting individuals” associated with the Trump campaign, it said.

In a Feb. 10, 2016, planning memo, the Russians were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them).”

The operations also denigrated candidates including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump’s rivals in the 2016 Republican primary, the indictment said.

The efforts included contact with “unwitting” Trump campaign officials, with the goal of “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” including the election.

Mueller’s Case of Russian Meddling in U.S. Election: Highlights

the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

Mueller knows that he has wasted millions of dollars on a failed witch hunt and now is trying to regain some credibility with this evil Russians indictment.
the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

There is no question that Russia already controls Trump.

Trump defers to Russia in every circumstance. He can't even admit that they did anything during the election which leads to inaction across the board. Publicly defending Russia against allegations of meddling, easing up on Ukraine, no further sanctions despite a unanimous vote from Congress and most importantly, no action to either prepare our systems against future meddling or any substantive retaliation. He's
avoided and dismissed this issue from day one.

Bought and paid for.

Nah...Russia controls you liberal nutters, that's all you people think and about ...useful idiots

As opposed to the idiocy of ignoring what is happening right in front of you. Trump's own appointees say you're dumb as shit.
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You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.
hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.
my only excuse ice is republicans can always bring out the worst in people These AH's here talk about Comey Hill, Muelleur Rosenstein going to jail and you keep silent?? You are NO ONE to call anyone fucked up
There is no defense for your actions in wishing death on others.

I've not wished death on ANYONE. I've said ANYONE GUILTY toss em on alcatraz. To try and equate my actions to your death wishes?

You're fucked up dude.
Didn't they have firing squads for traitors??? Trump and you belong together

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