Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

You have to ask yourself Red,

Does the left continue on with this narrative because they actually believe it; or do they continue on with it because it is the only thing they have-)

And if it is the only thing they have, what would happen if the narrative comes out being false!

It's not a narrative, it's reality. It is happening right before your eyes and it's not the "left". It's Trump's own appointees.

What precipitated the appointment of Mueller?

The firing of Comey, and the recusal of Sessions.

But you know what, in the end it is all going to work out for all of us, since we are going to get more truth than we had in decades.
And I welcome the truth and not some coverup BS by either party I want to know WHO worked with the russians to infiltrate our elections

And I agree with 1 caveat-------->I want to know if anyone, or any entity, conspired to help either candidate to get elected against their charter, be it foreign, or domestic!
..I'll agree but really don't believe the FBI had any horse in that race

Well Ed, we shall both see, and honestly, that is all we can ask for.

I like my peeps, you like yours. I don't want either of them to get screwed by anybody. It is our job to make the case for our ideas. GOOD ideas are not relegated to one party, nor are bad. As long as it is fair, your guys winning means I have to try harder, and vice-versa. That is politics.

I do not care for your stance, but I respect it, and have talked to you extensively, and personally like you. That means I have to protect both of our interests as best I can, in this fiasco.

Let the chips fall where they may with the truth, and full speed ahead!
Grassley Memo Shocker - Did The UK Meddle In Our Elections? With Guest Phil Giraldi

The release of the "Grassley Memo" earlier this week should have made headlines, but it didn't. In addition to confirming key details from the earlier Nunes Memo on FISA abuses, the Grassley memo contained even more details on the incredible manipulation of the 2016 US presidential election. Perhaps the media is ignoring the memo because the manipulation it demonstrates is not the manipulation they want to report. There is no evidence of Russian meddling in the memo.
Instead, it looks more and more like British intelligence colluded with the Clinton campaign and key elements in the US intelligence community in an attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president

You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.
hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.
my only excuse ice is republicans can always bring out the worst in people These AH's here talk about Comey Hill, Muelleur Rosenstein going to jail and you keep silent?? You are NO ONE to call anyone fucked up

So Lisa Page and Peter Strzok committed treason in their lust to elect Hillary, but it's the Republicans fault? :abgg2q.jpg:
no, you aren't the first to say that, but if you have any proof you will be the first to prove it.

so, put up or shut up. claims without backup are bullshit.

and since we are talking about election meddling, do you care that Obama meddled in the elections in Israel and France and tried to swing the brexit vote?
Did read he didn't support Brexit and Isreal ?/ Didn't want the repub lover the thief in office but he didn't collude to bring about those results Russia has Americans that helped them Perhaps in time you'll find out repubs have no clothes

LOL, your boy Mueller has been trying for over a year and found nothing---------------except evidence of Russian collusion by the Hillary campaign and the DNC. '

careful what you wish for, dude. your house of straw is burning.

You have to ask yourself Red,

Does the left continue on with this narrative because they actually believe it; or do they continue on with it because it is the only thing they have-)

And if it is the only thing they have, what would happen if the narrative comes out being false!

It's not a narrative, it's reality. It is happening right before your eyes and it's not the "left". It's Trump's own appointees.

What precipitated the appointment of Mueller?

democrat butthurt over Hillary losing.

Sure, dope. The firing of Comey and the public admission that it was done with the intent of ending the Russia investigation had no influence on the decision of Trump's own appointee to himself appoint a special counsel to continue the investigation.

Ummm, actually from most accounts I have read, they had a vested interest in Bernie.
The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with “unwitting individuals” associated with the Trump campaign, it said.

In a Feb. 10, 2016, planning memo, the Russians were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them).”

The operations also denigrated candidates including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump’s rivals in the 2016 Republican primary, the indictment said.

The efforts included contact with “unwitting” Trump campaign officials, with the goal of “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” including the election.

Mueller’s Case of Russian Meddling in U.S. Election: Highlights

the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

Mueller knows that he has wasted millions of dollars on a failed witch hunt and now is trying to regain some credibility with this evil Russians indictment.
the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

There is no question that Russia already controls Trump.

Trump defers to Russia in every circumstance. He can't even admit that they did anything during the election which leads to inaction across the board. Publicly defending Russia against allegations of meddling, easing up on Ukraine, no further sanctions despite a unanimous vote from Congress and most importantly, no action to either prepare our systems against future meddling or any substantive retaliation. He's
avoided and dismissed this issue from day one.

Bought and paid for.

Nah...Russia controls you liberal nutters, that's all you people think and about ...useful idiots

As opposed to the idiocy of ignoring what is happening right in front of you. Trump's own appointees say your dumb as shit.
Hutch Hate to tell you but the ocean is calling me Hate leaving you alone with these lying con men Ima is the best of the bunch imo
No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.
hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.
my only excuse ice is republicans can always bring out the worst in people These AH's here talk about Comey Hill, Muelleur Rosenstein going to jail and you keep silent?? You are NO ONE to call anyone fucked up
There is no defense for your actions in wishing death on others.

I've not wished death on ANYONE. I've said ANYONE GUILTY toss em on alcatraz. To try and equate my actions to your death wishes?

You're fucked up dude.
Didn't they have firing squads for traitors??? Trump and you belong together
so now i'm a traitor and you're wishing me dead?

i rest my case.
Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.
This isn’t about trump you stupid **** this is about the fact russia meddled in our election. Why are you ok with russia meddling?

We now realize if trump was guilty they would have already charged him. So now this is strictly about russia fucking with our democracy comrad
You know the Mueller indictment kicks the Grassley memos ass.

No Comrade, I don't know that.

In fact, the Inquisition looks like it's desperate to justify it even existing.

Looks like the Grand Inquisitor is trying to show that his witch hunt actually had a basis, even though it has nothing to do with Trump.

IF there is equal justice under the law in this nation, Rod Rosenstien and James Comey are going to prison.

We know that Hillary has something that keeps her beyond the reach of the law, some evidence that would bring the whole swamp down - both corrupt sides.

But the two traitors go to prison or there will be consequences.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page will be shot as the traitors they have been already proven to be.

If these things don't happen, then we know that the law is a farce. If the law does not cover the rulers, then there is no reason the rest should pay any heed to the law and anarchy ensues.

Remember Comrade, we have the guns, we have the ambition, and we have the brains. You don't last long against us.
hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.
my only excuse ice is republicans can always bring out the worst in people These AH's here talk about Comey Hill, Muelleur Rosenstein going to jail and you keep silent?? You are NO ONE to call anyone fucked up

So Lisa Page and Peter Strzok committed treason in their lust to elect Hillary, but it's the Republicans fault? :abgg2q.jpg:
hey - this is the dude that wished trumps family dead then blamed it on trumps family and claimed he was the victim.
Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.
This isn’t about trump you stupid **** this is about the fact russia meddled in our election. Why are you ok with russia meddling?

We now realize if trump was guilty they would have already charged him. So now this is strictly about russia fucking with our democracy comrad
they're messing with america, not only our elections. you're taking that bait and trying to run but they got you hooked son.

no, you aren't the first to say that, but if you have any proof you will be the first to prove it.

so, put up or shut up. claims without backup are bullshit.

and since we are talking about election meddling, do you care that Obama meddled in the elections in Israel and France and tried to swing the brexit vote?
Did read he didn't support Brexit and Isreal ?/ Didn't want the repub lover the thief in office but he didn't collude to bring about those results Russia has Americans that helped them Perhaps in time you'll find out repubs have no clothes

LOL, your boy Mueller has been trying for over a year and found nothing---------------except evidence of Russian collusion by the Hillary campaign and the DNC. '

careful what you wish for, dude. your house of straw is burning.

You have to ask yourself Red,

Does the left continue on with this narrative because they actually believe it; or do they continue on with it because it is the only thing they have-)

And if it is the only thing they have, what would happen if the narrative comes out being false!

It's not a narrative, it's reality. It is happening right before your eyes and it's not the "left". It's Trump's own appointees.

What precipitated the appointment of Mueller?

The firing of Comey, and the recusal of Sessions.

But you know what, in the end it is all going to work out for all of us, since we are going to get more truth than we had in decades.

Exactly. It was not, "the left" , a FISA warrant on Page or a dossier. It was Trump's own stupid actions that made this what it is today.

There will indeed be truth. It just might not be what you believe it will be.
hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.
my only excuse ice is republicans can always bring out the worst in people These AH's here talk about Comey Hill, Muelleur Rosenstein going to jail and you keep silent?? You are NO ONE to call anyone fucked up
There is no defense for your actions in wishing death on others.

I've not wished death on ANYONE. I've said ANYONE GUILTY toss em on alcatraz. To try and equate my actions to your death wishes?

You're fucked up dude.
Didn't they have firing squads for traitors??? Trump and you belong together
so now i'm a traitor and you're wishing me dead?

i rest my case.
I believe trump colluded with Russia but it will never be proven.

Still we need to address Russia’s meddling no?
Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.
This isn’t about trump you stupid **** this is about the fact russia meddled in our election. Why are you ok with russia meddling?

We now realize if trump was guilty they would have already charged him. So now this is strictly about russia fucking with our democracy comrad
they're messing with america, not only our elections. you're taking that bait and trying to run but they got you hooked son.

Huh? I think we agree
hopefully a firing squad is the last thing the trump family will see
You are fucked up dude.
my only excuse ice is republicans can always bring out the worst in people These AH's here talk about Comey Hill, Muelleur Rosenstein going to jail and you keep silent?? You are NO ONE to call anyone fucked up
There is no defense for your actions in wishing death on others.

I've not wished death on ANYONE. I've said ANYONE GUILTY toss em on alcatraz. To try and equate my actions to your death wishes?

You're fucked up dude.
Didn't they have firing squads for traitors??? Trump and you belong together
so now i'm a traitor and you're wishing me dead?

i rest my case.
I no more want you dead than I do the trump family It was just a way of showing my hate for them and I took it too far
hope you understand I'm beaching it ...later
You are fucked up dude.
my only excuse ice is republicans can always bring out the worst in people These AH's here talk about Comey Hill, Muelleur Rosenstein going to jail and you keep silent?? You are NO ONE to call anyone fucked up
There is no defense for your actions in wishing death on others.

I've not wished death on ANYONE. I've said ANYONE GUILTY toss em on alcatraz. To try and equate my actions to your death wishes?

You're fucked up dude.
Didn't they have firing squads for traitors??? Trump and you belong together
so now i'm a traitor and you're wishing me dead?

i rest my case.
I believe trump colluded with Russia but it will never be proven.

Still we need to address Russia’s meddling no?
Facebook, Twitter: Russian actors sought to undermine Trump after election

that stuff? it's not only the elections and how is what they did illegal? if obama weaponized the fbi, doj and cia, then the russians are weaponizing the average american citizen against each other and they simply do not care how.

to think they have a vested interest in trump is stupid at this point. they are only trolling the living shit out of us and far too many don't get that yet.
The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with “unwitting individuals” associated with the Trump campaign, it said.

In a Feb. 10, 2016, planning memo, the Russians were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them).”

The operations also denigrated candidates including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump’s rivals in the 2016 Republican primary, the indictment said.

The efforts included contact with “unwitting” Trump campaign officials, with the goal of “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” including the election.

Mueller’s Case of Russian Meddling in U.S. Election: Highlights

eddie - you're dumb as a doorbell.

Which of those acts are illegal?

How long is the prison sentence for criticizing Hillary? :dunno:

Also, what is the goal of the Mewler-Torquemada witch hunt? Is it not “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” to neutralize the President of the United States?

In fact it is.
my only excuse ice is republicans can always bring out the worst in people These AH's here talk about Comey Hill, Muelleur Rosenstein going to jail and you keep silent?? You are NO ONE to call anyone fucked up
There is no defense for your actions in wishing death on others.

I've not wished death on ANYONE. I've said ANYONE GUILTY toss em on alcatraz. To try and equate my actions to your death wishes?

You're fucked up dude.
Didn't they have firing squads for traitors??? Trump and you belong together
so now i'm a traitor and you're wishing me dead?

i rest my case.
I believe trump colluded with Russia but it will never be proven.

Still we need to address Russia’s meddling no?
Facebook, Twitter: Russian actors sought to undermine Trump after election

that stuff? it's not only the elections and how is what they did illegal? if obama weaponized the fbi, doj and cia, then the russians are weaponizing the average american citizen against each other and they simply do not care how.

to think they have a vested interest in trump is stupid at this point. they are only trolling the living shit out of us and far too many don't get that yet.
and what is trump doing to prevent that? Blaming the FBI for the school shooting???
The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with “unwitting individuals” associated with the Trump campaign, it said.

In a Feb. 10, 2016, planning memo, the Russians were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them).”

The operations also denigrated candidates including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump’s rivals in the 2016 Republican primary, the indictment said.

The efforts included contact with “unwitting” Trump campaign officials, with the goal of “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” including the election.

Mueller’s Case of Russian Meddling in U.S. Election: Highlights

the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

Mueller knows that he has wasted millions of dollars on a failed witch hunt and now is trying to regain some credibility with this evil Russians indictment.
the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

There is no question that Russia already controls Trump.

Trump defers to Russia in every circumstance. He can't even admit that they did anything during the election which leads to inaction across the board. Publicly defending Russia against allegations of meddling, easing up on Ukraine, no further sanctions despite a unanimous vote from Congress and most importantly, no action to either prepare our systems against future meddling or any substantive retaliation. He's
avoided and dismissed this issue from day one.

Bought and paid for.

Nah...Russia controls you liberal nutters, that's all you people think and about ...useful idiots

As opposed to the idiocy of ignoring what is happening right in front of you. Trump's own appointees say your dumb as shit.
Hutch Hate to tell you but the ocean is calling me Hate leaving you alone with these lying con men Ima is the best of the bunch imo

Russians want better relationship with US, is that a crime? It would actually benefit both countries. And only such brainwashed morons like you liberals (with the "help" of Soros Media of course) can't understand such a simple thing.

Barack Obama deeply interfered in the last Russian election, creating anger in the Putin camp.

What Russia wants is to create chaos as payback for the CIA and NSA infringing on their elections. Obama is a nasty little turd and pissed the Russians off.
There is no defense for your actions in wishing death on others.

I've not wished death on ANYONE. I've said ANYONE GUILTY toss em on alcatraz. To try and equate my actions to your death wishes?

You're fucked up dude.
Didn't they have firing squads for traitors??? Trump and you belong together
so now i'm a traitor and you're wishing me dead?

i rest my case.
I believe trump colluded with Russia but it will never be proven.

Still we need to address Russia’s meddling no?
Facebook, Twitter: Russian actors sought to undermine Trump after election

that stuff? it's not only the elections and how is what they did illegal? if obama weaponized the fbi, doj and cia, then the russians are weaponizing the average american citizen against each other and they simply do not care how.

to think they have a vested interest in trump is stupid at this point. they are only trolling the living shit out of us and far too many don't get that yet.
and what is trump doing to prevent that? Blaming the FBI for the school shooting???
having to deal with a dysfunctional country full of anger russians put in there while you soak that russian propoganda gravy up with extra biscuits.

have you read the ads in question? no. your hate won't let you. i said long ago your hate was both driving and blinding you and you won't even look at the ads themselves because it may mean trump isn't the worst thing out there.

to me the worst out there are people you've never met wishing you dead because you disagree with them.

enjoy that mirror.
my only excuse ice is republicans can always bring out the worst in people These AH's here talk about Comey Hill, Muelleur Rosenstein going to jail and you keep silent?? You are NO ONE to call anyone fucked up
There is no defense for your actions in wishing death on others.

I've not wished death on ANYONE. I've said ANYONE GUILTY toss em on alcatraz. To try and equate my actions to your death wishes?

You're fucked up dude.
Didn't they have firing squads for traitors??? Trump and you belong together
so now i'm a traitor and you're wishing me dead?

i rest my case.
I believe trump colluded with Russia but it will never be proven.

Still we need to address Russia’s meddling no?
Facebook, Twitter: Russian actors sought to undermine Trump after election

that stuff? it's not only the elections and how is what they did illegal? if obama weaponized the fbi, doj and cia, then the russians are weaponizing the average american citizen against each other and they simply do not care how.

to think they have a vested interest in trump is stupid at this point. they are only trolling the living shit out of us and far too many don't get that yet.
Too damn true...Putin cares not a whit who is President..he just wants us at each-others throats--while he nibbles at Europe.

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