Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

No. They said they were, "unwitting participants".

The Witch Hunt claims that these phantom "Russians" organized rallies against Hillary. The "unwitting participants" were those who attended.

Is it illegal now to have rallies that oppose party members?

What does the Grand Inquisitor say?

It's a component of their meddling, dope and these aren't "phantom Russians". They were identified by name.

If nothing else, you dopes should be starting to see that the Russian effort was huge and highly organized across many fronts.
Even when we stop blaming republicans they can’t help keep defending Russia.

One of them even argued Russia has the freedom of speech and freedom to prefer trump

That tells me they aren’t intellectual enough to understand the laws unless fox rush and trump agree then they’ll deny deny deny does not have 'free speech'. Russia has no Constitutional our country.

So, does that mean illegal aliens from Mexico have no rights in our country?

Oh, that's different....
You cannot see the difference between people and Countries/ Countries don't have 'rights'. BTW..I would deport every illegal now..if I had the magic wand..and your attempt to deflect from the topic is noted..and laughed at.

Russia meddling is against the law.


Which law does posting on Facebook violate? Post the text of that law?

Facebook is going to try to not post Russia’s fake news anymore. Why? Doesn’t russia have free speech?

Facebook is openly censoring any speech critical of the left. Facebook is a private company and can do as they please. I do not frequent facebook, I prefer USMB.

If you don’t like republic mueller being trumps special prosecutor aka pain in the ass think about how you sicken ken Starr and eventually he caught Clinton on some petty shit. That never went anywhere but cost us millions too

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has spent over $100 million. Now that this is over - and whether you're too stupid to grasp it or not, it IS over, we have indictments of SEC violations from 12 years ago and some ridiculous farce about prosecuting facebook posts by foreign nationals not subject to American law.

This last part a cynical attempt to distract from revelations of treason by his top lieutenant Strzok and election tampering by his Capos McCabe and Rosenstien.

This is corruption to the very roots of the Federal government directed by the very tops of these unaccountable organizations.
13 Russians have been indicted. You tell me what they were indicted for
No. They said they were, "unwitting participants".

The Witch Hunt claims that these phantom "Russians" organized rallies against Hillary. The "unwitting participants" were those who attended.

Is it illegal now to have rallies that oppose party members?

What does the Grand Inquisitor say?

It's a component of their meddling, dope and these aren't "phantom Russians". They were identified by name.

If nothing else, you dopes should be starting to see that the Russian effort was huge and highly organized across many fronts.
Even when we stop blaming republicans they can’t help keep defending Russia.

One of them even argued Russia has the freedom of speech and freedom to prefer trump

That tells me they aren’t intellectual enough to understand the laws unless fox rush and trump agree then they’ll deny deny deny
this from the person yet to cite a single law you continue to reference.

you keep using that word...i do not think it means what you think it means.
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.

Which "illegal acts," Comrade?

List them and the laws they violated.

This is the way of the Witch Hunt from the very start - innuendo, rumor, and gossip. Even with these absurd "indictments" no one can point to what laws were broken.
Russia meddling is against the law. Facebook is going to try to not post Russia’s fake news anymore. Why? Doesn’t russia have free speech?

If you don’t like republic mueller being trumps special prosecutor aka pain in the ass think about how you sicken ken Starr and eventually he caught Clinton on some petty shit. That never went anywhere but cost us millions too
please link me to the law
then the facebook posts in question that broke such law.

or shut the fuck up.
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.
and where are these facebook posts that are focused on altering our outcome? the ones i see are just pitting one extreme group against another and letting them go at it in the comments section.
All the fake news was anti hillary. Why did the Russians want trump? They have tape of him with a hooker and it’s embarrassing. Luckily for us our potus is shameless
so you've not read a single russian facebook post? they didn't want trump they wanted us at each others throats.

unlucky for us we've got a shitload of dumbasses in this country that can't even put 2+2 together here.
They hated Hillary. They would have taken anyone over her. One reason I wanted her
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.

Which "illegal acts," Comrade?

List them and the laws they violated.

This is the way of the Witch Hunt from the very start - innuendo, rumor, and gossip. Even with these absurd "indictments" no one can point to what laws were broken.
***yawn*** Well..Comrade..since you are the one defending Russian the indictments..I need list nothing...and the question of whether the law was broken is one for a jury..not for you and your partisan blather.
please link me to the law
then the facebook posts in question that broke such law.

or shut the fuck up.
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.
and where are these facebook posts that are focused on altering our outcome? the ones i see are just pitting one extreme group against another and letting them go at it in the comments section.
All the fake news was anti hillary. Why did the Russians want trump? They have tape of him with a hooker and it’s embarrassing. Luckily for us our potus is shameless
so you've not read a single russian facebook post? they didn't want trump they wanted us at each others throats.

unlucky for us we've got a shitload of dumbasses in this country that can't even put 2+2 together here.
They hated Hillary. They would have taken anyone over her. One reason I wanted her
and why i didn't want her and went trump.

but *WE* have to understand *OUR OWN ACTIONS* got us these 2 candidates with our continued apathy to the inner workings of our government and our lack of accountability we continue to put in these powerful positions.

as long as they do what we want, we don't care what they do. the second the OTHER SIDE does the same thing it's amazing what we run to in order to call them out for the very same behaviors we allowed previously.
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.

Which "illegal acts," Comrade?

List them and the laws they violated.

This is the way of the Witch Hunt from the very start - innuendo, rumor, and gossip. Even with these absurd "indictments" no one can point to what laws were broken.
You tell us. Lol. You want us to do the work for you.

By the way did you read the entire tax bill? Did every republican read the entire bill before signing it? Then why did you support something you didn’t read?
The fake identities used by the Russians were purchased from a California Mexican who is in the business of identity theft.


Actually, there were no fake identities. This is just more of the corrupt Mueller innuendo and rumor bullshit. When you read the farce of an indictment, the complaint is that the Russians used fake names in setting up Facebook accounts.

There is a law against that? Really?

This is the depths that the #resist traitors have sunk to.

This is Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada's way of slinking off with some dignity.

It ain't working, the man is a disgrace.
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.

Which "illegal acts," Comrade?

List them and the laws they violated.

This is the way of the Witch Hunt from the very start - innuendo, rumor, and gossip. Even with these absurd "indictments" no one can point to what laws were broken.
***yawn*** Well..Comrade..since you are the one defending Russian the indictments..I need list nothing...and the question of whether the law was broken is one for a jury..not for you and your partisan blather.
show me how the russians helped trump. show me the ads the russians ran on facebook or anywhere else and then show me how these ads overwhelmingly pushed trump on us.

and i do wish we'd all stop the fucking "comrade" shit. this desire to paint people who disagree with us in the most extreme terms possible is a huge contributor to keeping the very trolling the russians *are* doing going strong.
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.

Which "illegal acts," Comrade?

List them and the laws they violated.

This is the way of the Witch Hunt from the very start - innuendo, rumor, and gossip. Even with these absurd "indictments" no one can point to what laws were broken.
***yawn*** Well..Comrade..since you are the one defending Russian the indictments..I need list nothing...and the question of whether the law was broken is one for a jury..not for you and your partisan blather.
show me how the russians helped trump. show me the ads the russians ran on facebook or anywhere else and then show me how these ads overwhelmingly pushed trump on us.

and i do wish we'd all stop the fucking "comrade" shit. this desire to paint people who disagree with us in the most extreme terms possible is a huge contributor to keeping the very trolling the russians *are* doing going strong.
I agree..about the comrade shyte..I just responded to the fool I was quoting....I do not think that the Russians intent was to help Trump...I think they helped Trump as an incidental consequence of destabilizing our country..and they're doing a damn fine job..thus far.
All the fake news was anti hillary. Why did the Russians want trump? They have tape of him with a hooker and it’s embarrassing. Luckily for us our potus is shameless

99% of fake news is anti-Trump.

Facebook posts are not news at all.

While I get that you Stalinists would like to throw anyone who dares speak, post, or even think anything that is contrary to the goals of your filthy and patently evil party, I know of no law criminalizing posts on Facebook.
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.
and where are these facebook posts that are focused on altering our outcome? the ones i see are just pitting one extreme group against another and letting them go at it in the comments section.
All the fake news was anti hillary. Why did the Russians want trump? They have tape of him with a hooker and it’s embarrassing. Luckily for us our potus is shameless
so you've not read a single russian facebook post? they didn't want trump they wanted us at each others throats.

unlucky for us we've got a shitload of dumbasses in this country that can't even put 2+2 together here.
They hated Hillary. They would have taken anyone over her. One reason I wanted her
and why i didn't want her and went trump.

but *WE* have to understand *OUR OWN ACTIONS* got us these 2 candidates with our continued apathy to the inner workings of our government and our lack of accountability we continue to put in these powerful positions.

as long as they do what we want, we don't care what they do. the second the OTHER SIDE does the same thing it's amazing what we run to in order to call them out for the very same behaviors we allowed previously.
I say the solution is for 80% of the population needs to vote every 2 years. That’s the only way the politicians will be forced to do what the normal people want. The two parties cater to the extremes because the extremes vote. The masses not voting fucks us all unless you are rich and powerful.

This is why corporations rule what we the people should be in charge of.

We would come up with common sense taxes, infrastructure, pollution, gun laws, etc. What we have now is what the rich like. You like it too keep voting gop
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.

Which "illegal acts," Comrade?

List them and the laws they violated.

This is the way of the Witch Hunt from the very start - innuendo, rumor, and gossip. Even with these absurd "indictments" no one can point to what laws were broken.
***yawn*** Well..Comrade..since you are the one defending Russian the indictments..I need list nothing...and the question of whether the law was broken is one for a jury..not for you and your partisan blather.
show me how the russians helped trump. show me the ads the russians ran on facebook or anywhere else and then show me how these ads overwhelmingly pushed trump on us.

and i do wish we'd all stop the fucking "comrade" shit. this desire to paint people who disagree with us in the most extreme terms possible is a huge contributor to keeping the very trolling the russians *are* doing going strong.
I agree..about the comrade shyte..I just responded to the fool I was quoting....I do not think that the Russians intent was to help Trump...I think they helped Trump as an incidental consequence of destabilizing our country..and they're doing a damn fine job..thus far.
yep. trump was nothing more than a tool.

like a birth certificate.
or racism
or sexism

or *anything* people know will get a major reaction out of a collection of people and drive THEM out to "fight it".

so many can't see that. kinda disturbing as an example of our collective "intelligence".
All the fake news was anti hillary. Why did the Russians want trump? They have tape of him with a hooker and it’s embarrassing. Luckily for us our potus is shameless

99% of fake news is anti-Trump.

Facebook posts are not news at all.

While I get that you Stalinists would like to throw anyone who dares speak, post, or even think anything that is contrary to the goals of your filthy and patently evil party, I know of no law criminalizing posts on Facebook.
Run along child. I stopped reading at Stalin
and where are these facebook posts that are focused on altering our outcome? the ones i see are just pitting one extreme group against another and letting them go at it in the comments section.
All the fake news was anti hillary. Why did the Russians want trump? They have tape of him with a hooker and it’s embarrassing. Luckily for us our potus is shameless
so you've not read a single russian facebook post? they didn't want trump they wanted us at each others throats.

unlucky for us we've got a shitload of dumbasses in this country that can't even put 2+2 together here.
They hated Hillary. They would have taken anyone over her. One reason I wanted her
and why i didn't want her and went trump.

but *WE* have to understand *OUR OWN ACTIONS* got us these 2 candidates with our continued apathy to the inner workings of our government and our lack of accountability we continue to put in these powerful positions.

as long as they do what we want, we don't care what they do. the second the OTHER SIDE does the same thing it's amazing what we run to in order to call them out for the very same behaviors we allowed previously.
I say the solution is for 80% of the population needs to vote every 2 years. That’s the only way the politicians will be forced to do what the normal people want. The two parties cater to the extremes because the extremes vote. The masses not voting fucks us all unless you are rich and powerful.

This is why corporations rule what we the people should be in charge of.

We would come up with common sense taxes, infrastructure, pollution, gun laws, etc. What we have now is what the rich like. You like it too keep voting gop
I would love a law that made voting mandatory..if you want the perks of citizenship--you should have the responsibilities.
and where are these facebook posts that are focused on altering our outcome? the ones i see are just pitting one extreme group against another and letting them go at it in the comments section.
All the fake news was anti hillary. Why did the Russians want trump? They have tape of him with a hooker and it’s embarrassing. Luckily for us our potus is shameless
so you've not read a single russian facebook post? they didn't want trump they wanted us at each others throats.

unlucky for us we've got a shitload of dumbasses in this country that can't even put 2+2 together here.
They hated Hillary. They would have taken anyone over her. One reason I wanted her
and why i didn't want her and went trump.

but *WE* have to understand *OUR OWN ACTIONS* got us these 2 candidates with our continued apathy to the inner workings of our government and our lack of accountability we continue to put in these powerful positions.

as long as they do what we want, we don't care what they do. the second the OTHER SIDE does the same thing it's amazing what we run to in order to call them out for the very same behaviors we allowed previously.
I say the solution is for 80% of the population needs to vote every 2 years. That’s the only way the politicians will be forced to do what the normal people want. The two parties cater to the extremes because the extremes vote. The masses not voting fucks us all unless you are rich and powerful.

This is why corporations rule what we the people should be in charge of.

We would come up with common sense taxes, infrastructure, pollution, gun laws, etc. What we have now is what the rich like. You like it too keep voting gop
in a free country i can't make you vote.

we need to police ourselves 90% of the time. others can be a mix of the 10% left over. all your excuses and examples for your lot in life won't change it's still your lot in life and only you can change it.
Well..not quite as meaningless as all that...those charged cannot travel to any country with extradition treaties with the US...without risking arrest. Their assets can be frozen....court orders can be enforced on any holdings in the US.

I would love to see if you are right..and that they would never be convicted if brought to trial...I see a pretty clear case for conspiracy.

If you would love that, then list the specific acts and the federal statutes violated by these act?

Posting things critical of Hillary outrages the Stalinist democrats, but violates no actual laws.
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.

Which "illegal acts," Comrade?

List them and the laws they violated.

This is the way of the Witch Hunt from the very start - innuendo, rumor, and gossip. Even with these absurd "indictments" no one can point to what laws were broken.
***yawn*** Well..Comrade..since you are the one defending Russian the indictments..I need list nothing...and the question of whether the law was broken is one for a jury..not for you and your partisan blather.
show me how the russians helped trump. show me the ads the russians ran on facebook or anywhere else and then show me how these ads overwhelmingly pushed trump on us.

and i do wish we'd all stop the fucking "comrade" shit. this desire to paint people who disagree with us in the most extreme terms possible is a huge contributor to keeping the very trolling the russians *are* doing going strong.
I agree..about the comrade shyte..I just responded to the fool I was quoting....I do not think that the Russians intent was to help Trump...I think they helped Trump as an incidental consequence of destabilizing our country..and they're doing a damn fine job..thus far.
yep. trump was nothing more than a tool.

like a birth certificate.
or racism
or sexism

or *anything* people know will get a major reaction out of a collection of people and drive THEM out to "fight it".

so many can't see that. kinda disturbing as an example of our collective "intelligence".
IMO..mass opinion is opinion of the lowest common denominator---and those who actually think before they act..are swept away by the mindless and the manipulated.

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