Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

For those who don't know there is a difference in talking about something versus trying to do something versus actually doing it
All this noise about all the big fishes that will be caught and instead a handful of minnows
They can certainly be arrested and extradited to the US if they were to travel outside of Russia.
That aside. The indictments explain the extent to which Russia was committed to their efforts here. IMO, that is more imortant.

Mueller knows his chances are between slim and none that any of those Russians will travel to where they can extradited to the USA. But that wasn't his point. Mueller had to prove his investigation wasn't a witch hunt by showing there were underlying crimes he was investigating. Since collusion isn't a crime, he showed conspiracy to commit identity theft, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud serves to justify the investigations underlying crime requirement.

Mueller has many other indictments up his sleeve. How do I know? Mueller hasn't leaked any of his moves in advance, and has repeatedly taken everybody by surprise, with each indictment or guilty plea providing another piece of the Russian puzzle.
Mueller is no joke...he's playing at the highest of levels..and may be the only one in this whole mess who knows exactly where he is going..and just how to get there.

Mueller, at this point, is likely to go down in history as just another patsy for an ambitious politician.
OK..I'll bite..which politician? Obama is out of the equation..likewise Clinton. So whose water is Mueller carrying?

Nice try.

If I were to ask a random stranger on any street if Obama is a politician, they would respond; "Does a politician shit in the woods?"


Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee during the Trump administration, dope.
The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with “unwitting individuals” associated with the Trump campaign, it said.

In a Feb. 10, 2016, planning memo, the Russians were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them).”

The operations also denigrated candidates including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump’s rivals in the 2016 Republican primary, the indictment said.

The efforts included contact with “unwitting” Trump campaign officials, with the goal of “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” including the election.

Mueller’s Case of Russian Meddling in U.S. Election: Highlights

the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

Mueller knows that he has wasted millions of dollars on a failed witch hunt and now is trying to regain some credibility with this evil Russians indictment.
the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

There is no question that Russia already controls Trump.

Trump defers to Russia in every circumstance. He can't even admit that they did anything during the election which leads to inaction across the board. Publicly defending Russia against allegations of meddling, easing up on Ukraine, no further sanctions despite a unanimous vote from Congress and most importantly, no action to either prepare our systems against future meddling or any substantive retaliation. He's
avoided and dismissed this issue from day one.

Bought and paid for.

Well....sure, well except for the whole lack of evidence thing.

I just laid out some of the more obvious circumstantial evidence. It's up to the investigators to fill in the details. The recent indictments show quite clearly that we know by name the Russian players and that they did work with Americans. Those details are being uncovered and understood.

"circumstantial evidence"

You see what you want to see, I am content to watch everything play out.

It is playing out. You just ignore all of it.
I want a year, chimp. BTW...things change..paradigms shift. I'm pushing 70---and things were shitty in the 50's to....60's were no picnic either. Some of what went down in those 2 parent households..were pretty horror show...divorce was and is a blessing to some.

Mass shootings..well----they are a logical outgrowth of our culture of violence--and once something steps into becomes an option. How many of us dreamed at least once of stepping into school and mowing someone down? We didn't do it--because it was not even an option to us. Now---it's a viable option. Inevitable.

Get the fuck out of here, you claim to be a life long republican , changed two years ago and signed up for USMB a few months ago..

You sir are a liar..
You sir..are a just can't accept that I told you the unvarnished are crippled in your world view to such an extent that you cannot even tell the truth when you see it. How sad that must not be able to conceive that someone might actually be nuanced in their opinions...and look at things without a political bias.

Who are you trying to fool me or you?

I have been on the damn internet since 1993... I am a damn vetern of reading through lies and bullshit.
Damn..that makes it even worse, eh?

I would also point out...that you very effectively deflected away from answering any of the points I made in the previous posts....why is that? What is wrong with honest conversation, shorn of partisan idiocy?

Defeat the ideas...if you can..if you have the ability. Attacking the poster..without rebutting his points...concedes victory to me. ***smiles***

So you want me to make a list that's obvious to anyone why liberals suck?

Just read the news clown on how asshole's disrespect the flag, the Constitution , the national anthem, police, the military, the flag..

Liberalism is a plague that must be destroyed.

Trump's attacks on the FBI must really piss you off then.
Screw that any guy over the age of 30 that is a liberal... a clown... women that are over 30 and is a liberal I can tolerate...
You only tolerate liberal women over the age of 30?
DUDE - THAT is hilarious (or sad) Not real sure which
Maybe it's time for the orange anus to tell us what he's doing about russian invasion into our elections? He spouts his shit about everything else
Maybe it's time for the orange anus to tell us what he's doing about russian invasion into our elections? He spouts his shit about everything else
He already told us about your invasion, there is none: it's a feelings fantasy over Hillary
the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

Mueller knows that he has wasted millions of dollars on a failed witch hunt and now is trying to regain some credibility with this evil Russians indictment.
the big unanswered question remains: why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material that could be used to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted.

There is no question that Russia already controls Trump.

Trump defers to Russia in every circumstance. He can't even admit that they did anything during the election which leads to inaction across the board. Publicly defending Russia against allegations of meddling, easing up on Ukraine, no further sanctions despite a unanimous vote from Congress and most importantly, no action to either prepare our systems against future meddling or any substantive retaliation. He's
avoided and dismissed this issue from day one.

Bought and paid for.

Well....sure, well except for the whole lack of evidence thing.

I just laid out some of the more obvious circumstantial evidence. It's up to the investigators to fill in the details. The recent indictments show quite clearly that we know by name the Russian players and that they did work with Americans. Those details are being uncovered and understood.

"circumstantial evidence"

You see what you want to see, I am content to watch everything play out.

It is playing out. You just ignore all of it.

Nope. Sorry child, nobody has anything yet. YOU only see what you WANT to see.
There is no question that Russia already controls Trump.

Trump defers to Russia in every circumstance. He can't even admit that they did anything during the election which leads to inaction across the board. Publicly defending Russia against allegations of meddling, easing up on Ukraine, no further sanctions despite a unanimous vote from Congress and most importantly, no action to either prepare our systems against future meddling or any substantive retaliation. He's
avoided and dismissed this issue from day one.

Bought and paid for.

Well....sure, well except for the whole lack of evidence thing.

I just laid out some of the more obvious circumstantial evidence. It's up to the investigators to fill in the details. The recent indictments show quite clearly that we know by name the Russian players and that they did work with Americans. Those details are being uncovered and understood.

"circumstantial evidence"

You see what you want to see, I am content to watch everything play out.

It is playing out. You just ignore all of it.

Nope. Sorry child, nobody has anything yet. YOU only see what you WANT to see.
GATES to plead guilty Testify against Manafort Trump wets pants
Sounds like the Trump zealots are getting a bit nervous

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Wow, this post didn't work out for you, did it?

Yep it did, since I made it there have been about 50 more threads along the same lines.

So you think Mueller indicting the Russians and not Trump or anyone in his administration is nailing Trump? Leftists are such ideologues, you think your after lunch Red Bull proves Trump is guilty
Well....sure, well except for the whole lack of evidence thing.

I just laid out some of the more obvious circumstantial evidence. It's up to the investigators to fill in the details. The recent indictments show quite clearly that we know by name the Russian players and that they did work with Americans. Those details are being uncovered and understood.

"circumstantial evidence"

You see what you want to see, I am content to watch everything play out.

It is playing out. You just ignore all of it.

Nope. Sorry child, nobody has anything yet. YOU only see what you WANT to see.
GATES to plead guilty Testify against Manafort Trump wets pants
Yet another "Trump is done" feelings fantasy
Sounds like the Trump zealots are getting a bit nervous

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Wow, this post didn't work out for you, did it?

Yep it did, since I made it there have been about 50 more threads along the same lines.

So you think Mueller indicting the Russians and not Trump or anyone in his administration is nailing Trump? Leftists are such ideologues, you think your after lunch Red Bull proves Trump is guilty

No, I do not think Trump did anything as far as collusion. But the very nature of a Special Prosecutor is that they will just keep going till the find something, anything. Think about a blow job in the oval office. That had nothing to do with what Starr was supposed to be looking into.

And I do think that many of the Trump zealots are worried that Mueller will find something, as even they know that Trump is far from the cleanest person in the country.
Sounds like the Trump zealots are getting a bit nervous

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Wow, this post didn't work out for you, did it?

Yep it did, since I made it there have been about 50 more threads along the same lines.

So you think Mueller indicting the Russians and not Trump or anyone in his administration is nailing Trump? Leftists are such ideologues, you think your after lunch Red Bull proves Trump is guilty

It was treats for the Left
Sounds like the Trump zealots are getting a bit nervous

Sent from my iPhone using

Wow, this post didn't work out for you, did it?

Yep it did, since I made it there have been about 50 more threads along the same lines.

So you think Mueller indicting the Russians and not Trump or anyone in his administration is nailing Trump? Leftists are such ideologues, you think your after lunch Red Bull proves Trump is guilty
You repubs keep adding 1+1 =3 Trump is guilty as sin ,he reeks of it's his modus operandi he didn't change his spots
Sounds like the Trump zealots are getting a bit nervous

Sent from my iPhone using

Wow, this post didn't work out for you, did it?

Yep it did, since I made it there have been about 50 more threads along the same lines.

So you think Mueller indicting the Russians and not Trump or anyone in his administration is nailing Trump? Leftists are such ideologues, you think your after lunch Red Bull proves Trump is guilty

No, I do not think Trump did anything as far as collusion. But the very nature of a Special Prosecutor is that they will just keep going till the find something, anything. Think about a blow job in the oval office. That had nothing to do with what Starr was supposed to be looking into.

And I do think that many of the Trump zealots are worried that Mueller will find something, as even they know that Trump is far from the cleanest person in the country.

And yet, a year and a half of investigation has even Democrats admitting they have no evidence. Mueller is clearly looking for a way out now by indicting a bunch of Russians. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to have the integrity to investigate Democrats who are guilty of at least bribery and obstruction
***chuckles*** You shouldn't be so quick to make a fool out of yourself.
they can't help themselves ,,it's in their genes
Like in yours to want people dead?
Thought I splained that to you ? I don't want you or them to die just suffer
So it's all better because now it's suffer in front of a firing squad?

"oh don't kill them just shoot fingers off!"

Fucked up.
NO suffer with the f-ed up policies of trump you support The policies our young will be paying the price for
Do I need to go quote your wishes of death to Trump, then me?
There is no question that Russia already controls Trump.

Trump defers to Russia in every circumstance. He can't even admit that they did anything during the election which leads to inaction across the board. Publicly defending Russia against allegations of meddling, easing up on Ukraine, no further sanctions despite a unanimous vote from Congress and most importantly, no action to either prepare our systems against future meddling or any substantive retaliation. He's
avoided and dismissed this issue from day one.

Bought and paid for.

Well....sure, well except for the whole lack of evidence thing.

I just laid out some of the more obvious circumstantial evidence. It's up to the investigators to fill in the details. The recent indictments show quite clearly that we know by name the Russian players and that they did work with Americans. Those details are being uncovered and understood.

"circumstantial evidence"

You see what you want to see, I am content to watch everything play out.

It is playing out. You just ignore all of it.

Nope. Sorry child, nobody has anything yet. YOU only see what you WANT to see.

You're right, dope. Nothing to see at all. Carry on.


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