Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

What is there to know about nothing? That is what he has.
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.
The word is out I don’t care what a right wing nut job says. I’m glad your here cause you represent a huge demographic but no moderates take you seriously
Haven't you figured out people are tired of moderates in both directions, and what gives you the right to speak for moderates?
No nobody wants an extreme righty or extreme lefty.

In fact trump is the perfect moderate. He’s advocating for workers not just corporations. When’s the last time a republican stuck up for labor Reagan? He’s against nafta and illegals? When’s the last time republicans were against those things? Never?
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.
The word is out I don’t care what a right wing nut job says. I’m glad your here cause you represent a huge demographic but no moderates take you seriously
Haven't you figured out people are tired of moderates in both directions, and what gives you the right to speak for moderates?
No nobody wants an extreme righty or extreme lefty.

In fact trump is the perfect moderate. He’s advocating for workers not just corporations. When’s the last time a republican stuck up for labor Reagan? He’s against nafta and illegals? When’s the last time republicans were against those things? Never?
You forgot con man.
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.
The word is out I don’t care what a right wing nut job says. I’m glad your here cause you represent a huge demographic but no moderates take you seriously
Haven't you figured out people are tired of moderates in both directions, and what gives you the right to speak for moderates?
No nobody wants an extreme righty or extreme lefty.

In fact trump is the perfect moderate. He’s advocating for workers not just corporations. When’s the last time a republican stuck up for labor Reagan? He’s against nafta and illegals? When’s the last time republicans were against those things? Never?
You forgot con man.
Yea true. I don’t believe trump is sincere. Not with the legislation he’s passed
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.
The word is out I don’t care what a right wing nut job says. I’m glad your here cause you represent a huge demographic but no moderates take you seriously
Haven't you figured out people are tired of moderates in both directions, and what gives you the right to speak for moderates?
No nobody wants an extreme righty or extreme lefty.

In fact trump is the perfect moderate. He’s advocating for workers not just corporations. When’s the last time a republican stuck up for labor Reagan? He’s against nafta and illegals? When’s the last time republicans were against those things? Never?
You forgot con man.
Yea true. I don’t believe trump is sincere. Not with the legislation he’s passed
I think he is the first president that loves America since Reagan.
The word is out I don’t care what a right wing nut job says. I’m glad your here cause you represent a huge demographic but no moderates take you seriously
Haven't you figured out people are tired of moderates in both directions, and what gives you the right to speak for moderates?
No nobody wants an extreme righty or extreme lefty.

In fact trump is the perfect moderate. He’s advocating for workers not just corporations. When’s the last time a republican stuck up for labor Reagan? He’s against nafta and illegals? When’s the last time republicans were against those things? Never?
You forgot con man.
Yea true. I don’t believe trump is sincere. Not with the legislation he’s passed
I think he is the first president that loves America since Reagan.
sure he loves america ,,,gave him the opportunity to cheat steal and grab pussy without paying a price
For those who don't know there is a difference in talking about something versus trying to do something versus actually doing it
All this noise about all the big fishes that will be caught and instead a handful of minnows

You’re not much of a fisherman are you? You use the minnows to catch the big fish.

These are “foundation charges”. They establish that a crime was committed, what that crime was, and how it was carried out. They blow Trump’s contention that there was no Russian interference right out of the water.

Best of all, it’s clear that Mueller is just getting started.
Sounds like the Trump zealots are getting a bit nervous

Sent from my iPhone using

Wow, this post didn't work out for you, did it?

Yep it did, since I made it there have been about 50 more threads along the same lines.

So you think Mueller indicting the Russians and not Trump or anyone in his administration is nailing Trump? Leftists are such ideologues, you think your after lunch Red Bull proves Trump is guilty

No, I do not think Trump did anything as far as collusion. But the very nature of a Special Prosecutor is that they will just keep going till the find something, anything. Think about a blow job in the oval office. That had nothing to do with what Starr was supposed to be looking into.

And I do think that many of the Trump zealots are worried that Mueller will find something, as even they know that Trump is far from the cleanest person in the country.

You don’t think there was any collusion?

How did Roger Stone tweet about the contents of DNC emails an hour before WikiLeaks posted them?

What about Donald telling his rally supporters he’d have new dirt on Clinton as early as “next Tuesday”? This was three days before Junior’s meeting with the Russian lawyer which took place on Monday.

Or Manafort’s offer to update Russian officials on the campaign? Or Trump asking the Russians to hack Hillary?

What about the lies to the FBI about meetings with Russians?

What about Jeff Sessions settling the Russian lawyer’s money laundering case for 3 cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt?

The list goes on and on. I guess they’re all just coincidences, but combined with a Trump’s continued refusal to impose sanctions on Russia, or even to stand up to Putin, Trump looks like a treasonous piece of shit to me.
The word is out I don’t care what a right wing nut job says. I’m glad your here cause you represent a huge demographic but no moderates take you seriously
Haven't you figured out people are tired of moderates in both directions, and what gives you the right to speak for moderates?
No nobody wants an extreme righty or extreme lefty.

In fact trump is the perfect moderate. He’s advocating for workers not just corporations. When’s the last time a republican stuck up for labor Reagan? He’s against nafta and illegals? When’s the last time republicans were against those things? Never?
You forgot con man.
Yea true. I don’t believe trump is sincere. Not with the legislation he’s passed
I think he is the first president that loves America since Reagan.
I know you believe that.
At this point Filthy Don also is trying to push away any investigation of allowing a wife abuser into his administration without security clearance.

Slimey weasel.
You don’t think there was any collusion?

Oh, there was collusion. The FBI presented Hillary propaganda to a judge without revealing the source and got warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.

Hillary took $145 million from the Russians and approved sale of 20% of US uranium reserves.

Hillary claimed the DNC was hacked by Russians, then withheld the server preventing them from verifying that.

Hillary lied about the e-mails that were likely hacked by the Russians then bleach bitted and smashed her phones with hammers to cover it up.

You listed a bunch of trivial stuff you wouldn't give a shit about if they were Democrats. Even Adam Stiff and DiFi have admitted there is no evidence against Trump's team and the Mueller investigation said there was no Trump collaboration with the 13 Russians they just indicted.

If you weren't too stupid and partisan to grasp it, you'd realize I just drove over your lame crap with a steam roller
When? They have nothing.

And you know what Mueller has when none of the rest of us do ... HOW?
What is there to know about nothing? That is what he has.
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.

The former special counsel who investigated Bill Clinton has suggested President Donald Trump could be impeached if he had lied about considering dismissing Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Trump denying he considered firing Mueller could be an indictment issue, says Clinton investigator Ken Starr
The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with “unwitting individuals” associated with the Trump campaign, it said.

In a Feb. 10, 2016, planning memo, the Russians were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them).”

The operations also denigrated candidates including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump’s rivals in the 2016 Republican primary, the indictment said.

The efforts included contact with “unwitting” Trump campaign officials, with the goal of “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” including the election.

Mueller’s Case of Russian Meddling in U.S. Election: Highlights

eddie - you're dumb as a doorbell.

Which of those acts are illegal?

How long is the prison sentence for criticizing Hillary? :dunno:

Also, what is the goal of the Mewler-Torquemada witch hunt? Is it not “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” to neutralize the President of the United States?

In fact it is.

Russia meddling is against the law. Facebook is going to try to not post Russia’s fake news anymore. Why? Doesn’t russia have free speech?

If you don’t like republic mueller being trumps special prosecutor aka pain in the ass think about how you sicken ken Starr and eventually he caught Clinton on some petty shit. That never went anywhere but cost us millions too
please link me to the law
then the facebook posts in question that broke such law.

or shut the fuck up.
Are you calling Trump's national security advisor a liar or fool?

President Trump's national security adviser said that Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections is beyond dispute, marking a sharp reversal of Trump's frequent dismissal of alleged Russian cyber-meddling as a "hoax." H.R. McMaster was speaking at an international conference in Munich in response to a question from a Russian delegate. So Trump can lie to his base but not the rest of us.

McMaster said that “with the FBI indictment, the evidence is now incontrovertible” of Russia cyber-meddling.


Then we have Trump tweeting this: Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.

In remarks in August 2017, at a rally in Huntington, W.V., Trump mocked the notion of Russian meddling in the elections, calling it a "total fabrication" and an excuse by Democrats for Hillary Clinton's loss in the presidential election.

"We won because millions of patriotic Americans voted to take back their country," he told the audience. "Have you seen any Russians in West Virginia or Ohio or Pennsylvania? Are there any Russians here tonight? Any Russians?"

The 37-page indictment released by Mueller charges that some of the 13 defendants in fact did travel to the United States "under false pretenses in order to collect intelligence for their interference operations."

McMaster: Russian meddling in U.S. elections is beyond dispute

I don't need to read it. When Trump's boy read it and said the Russian's are guilty, I'll believe him over liar Trump or idiot you who believes everything Trump says.
The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with “unwitting individuals” associated with the Trump campaign, it said.

In a Feb. 10, 2016, planning memo, the Russians were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them).”

The operations also denigrated candidates including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump’s rivals in the 2016 Republican primary, the indictment said.

The efforts included contact with “unwitting” Trump campaign officials, with the goal of “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” including the election.

Mueller’s Case of Russian Meddling in U.S. Election: Highlights

eddie - you're dumb as a doorbell.

Which of those acts are illegal?

How long is the prison sentence for criticizing Hillary? :dunno:

Also, what is the goal of the Mewler-Torquemada witch hunt? Is it not “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” to neutralize the President of the United States?

In fact it is.

Russia meddling is against the law. Facebook is going to try to not post Russia’s fake news anymore. Why? Doesn’t russia have free speech?

If you don’t like republic mueller being trumps special prosecutor aka pain in the ass think about how you sicken ken Starr and eventually he caught Clinton on some petty shit. That never went anywhere but cost us millions too
please link me to the law
then the facebook posts in question that broke such law.

or shut the fuck up.
Are you calling Trump's national security advisor a liar or fool?

President Trump's national security adviser said that Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections is beyond dispute, marking a sharp reversal of Trump's frequent dismissal of alleged Russian cyber-meddling as a "hoax." H.R. McMaster was speaking at an international conference in Munich in response to a question from a Russian delegate. So Trump can lie to his base but not the rest of us.

McMaster said that “with the FBI indictment, the evidence is now incontrovertible” of Russia cyber-meddling.


Then we have Trump tweeting this: Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.

In remarks in August 2017, at a rally in Huntington, W.V., Trump mocked the notion of Russian meddling in the elections, calling it a "total fabrication" and an excuse by Democrats for Hillary Clinton's loss in the presidential election.

"We won because millions of patriotic Americans voted to take back their country," he told the audience. "Have you seen any Russians in West Virginia or Ohio or Pennsylvania? Are there any Russians here tonight? Any Russians?"

The 37-page indictment released by Mueller charges that some of the 13 defendants in fact did travel to the United States "under false pretenses in order to collect intelligence for their interference operations."

McMaster: Russian meddling in U.S. elections is beyond dispute

I don't need to read it. When Trump's boy read it and said the Russian's are guilty, I'll believe him over liar Trump or idiot you who believes everything Trump says.
the moron is blaming everyone ...except putin
The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with “unwitting individuals” associated with the Trump campaign, it said.

In a Feb. 10, 2016, planning memo, the Russians were instructed to “use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them).”

The operations also denigrated candidates including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Trump’s rivals in the 2016 Republican primary, the indictment said.

The efforts included contact with “unwitting” Trump campaign officials, with the goal of “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” including the election.

Mueller’s Case of Russian Meddling in U.S. Election: Highlights

eddie - you're dumb as a doorbell.

Which of those acts are illegal?

How long is the prison sentence for criticizing Hillary? :dunno:

Also, what is the goal of the Mewler-Torquemada witch hunt? Is it not “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” to neutralize the President of the United States?

In fact it is.

Russia meddling is against the law. Facebook is going to try to not post Russia’s fake news anymore. Why? Doesn’t russia have free speech?

If you don’t like republic mueller being trumps special prosecutor aka pain in the ass think about how you sicken ken Starr and eventually he caught Clinton on some petty shit. That never went anywhere but cost us millions too
please link me to the law
then the facebook posts in question that broke such law.

or shut the fuck up.
Are you calling Trump's national security advisor a liar or fool?

President Trump's national security adviser said that Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections is beyond dispute, marking a sharp reversal of Trump's frequent dismissal of alleged Russian cyber-meddling as a "hoax." H.R. McMaster was speaking at an international conference in Munich in response to a question from a Russian delegate. So Trump can lie to his base but not the rest of us.

McMaster said that “with the FBI indictment, the evidence is now incontrovertible” of Russia cyber-meddling.


Then we have Trump tweeting this: Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.

In remarks in August 2017, at a rally in Huntington, W.V., Trump mocked the notion of Russian meddling in the elections, calling it a "total fabrication" and an excuse by Democrats for Hillary Clinton's loss in the presidential election.

"We won because millions of patriotic Americans voted to take back their country," he told the audience. "Have you seen any Russians in West Virginia or Ohio or Pennsylvania? Are there any Russians here tonight? Any Russians?"

The 37-page indictment released by Mueller charges that some of the 13 defendants in fact did travel to the United States "under false pretenses in order to collect intelligence for their interference operations."

McMaster: Russian meddling in U.S. elections is beyond dispute

I don't need to read it. When Trump's boy read it and said the Russian's are guilty, I'll believe him over liar Trump or idiot you who believes everything Trump says.
the moron is blaming everyone ...except putin

If Exxon and Trump came out and admitted global warming was real and they just didn't want to have to pay to go green USMB republicans would still continue to deny.

Just like they continue to deny Bush lied us into Iraq and they defended him for 16 years until

At Least Trump Got One Thing Right. There Were No WMDs in Iraq | HuffPost
eddie - you're dumb as a doorbell.

Which of those acts are illegal?

How long is the prison sentence for criticizing Hillary? :dunno:

Also, what is the goal of the Mewler-Torquemada witch hunt? Is it not “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions” to neutralize the President of the United States?

In fact it is.

Russia meddling is against the law. Facebook is going to try to not post Russia’s fake news anymore. Why? Doesn’t russia have free speech?

If you don’t like republic mueller being trumps special prosecutor aka pain in the ass think about how you sicken ken Starr and eventually he caught Clinton on some petty shit. That never went anywhere but cost us millions too
please link me to the law
then the facebook posts in question that broke such law.

or shut the fuck up.
Are you calling Trump's national security advisor a liar or fool?

President Trump's national security adviser said that Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections is beyond dispute, marking a sharp reversal of Trump's frequent dismissal of alleged Russian cyber-meddling as a "hoax." H.R. McMaster was speaking at an international conference in Munich in response to a question from a Russian delegate. So Trump can lie to his base but not the rest of us.

McMaster said that “with the FBI indictment, the evidence is now incontrovertible” of Russia cyber-meddling.


Then we have Trump tweeting this: Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.

In remarks in August 2017, at a rally in Huntington, W.V., Trump mocked the notion of Russian meddling in the elections, calling it a "total fabrication" and an excuse by Democrats for Hillary Clinton's loss in the presidential election.

"We won because millions of patriotic Americans voted to take back their country," he told the audience. "Have you seen any Russians in West Virginia or Ohio or Pennsylvania? Are there any Russians here tonight? Any Russians?"

The 37-page indictment released by Mueller charges that some of the 13 defendants in fact did travel to the United States "under false pretenses in order to collect intelligence for their interference operations."

McMaster: Russian meddling in U.S. elections is beyond dispute

I don't need to read it. When Trump's boy read it and said the Russian's are guilty, I'll believe him over liar Trump or idiot you who believes everything Trump says.
the moron is blaming everyone ...except putin

If Exxon and Trump came out and admitted global warming was real and they just didn't want to have to pay to go green USMB republicans would still continue to deny.

Just like they continue to deny Bush lied us into Iraq and they defended him for 16 years until

At Least Trump Got One Thing Right. There Were No WMDs in Iraq | HuffPost
He also got it right when he said he could shoot some one on 5th Ave. and still have no problems These repub sheep will gobble up any BS he throws
If not for the courage of the fearless Muells the minnows would be lost....the minnows would be lost
And you know what Mueller has when none of the rest of us do ... HOW?
What is there to know about nothing? That is what he has.
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.

The former special counsel who investigated Bill Clinton has suggested President Donald Trump could be impeached if he had lied about considering dismissing Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Trump denying he considered firing Mueller could be an indictment issue, says Clinton investigator Ken Starr
Buffoon. It is not illegal to think about something but never do it. Jesus H Christ
Russia meddling is against the law. Facebook is going to try to not post Russia’s fake news anymore. Why? Doesn’t russia have free speech?

If you don’t like republic mueller being trumps special prosecutor aka pain in the ass think about how you sicken ken Starr and eventually he caught Clinton on some petty shit. That never went anywhere but cost us millions too
please link me to the law
then the facebook posts in question that broke such law.

or shut the fuck up.
Are you calling Trump's national security advisor a liar or fool?

President Trump's national security adviser said that Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections is beyond dispute, marking a sharp reversal of Trump's frequent dismissal of alleged Russian cyber-meddling as a "hoax." H.R. McMaster was speaking at an international conference in Munich in response to a question from a Russian delegate. So Trump can lie to his base but not the rest of us.

McMaster said that “with the FBI indictment, the evidence is now incontrovertible” of Russia cyber-meddling.


Then we have Trump tweeting this: Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.

In remarks in August 2017, at a rally in Huntington, W.V., Trump mocked the notion of Russian meddling in the elections, calling it a "total fabrication" and an excuse by Democrats for Hillary Clinton's loss in the presidential election.

"We won because millions of patriotic Americans voted to take back their country," he told the audience. "Have you seen any Russians in West Virginia or Ohio or Pennsylvania? Are there any Russians here tonight? Any Russians?"

The 37-page indictment released by Mueller charges that some of the 13 defendants in fact did travel to the United States "under false pretenses in order to collect intelligence for their interference operations."

McMaster: Russian meddling in U.S. elections is beyond dispute

I don't need to read it. When Trump's boy read it and said the Russian's are guilty, I'll believe him over liar Trump or idiot you who believes everything Trump says.
the moron is blaming everyone ...except putin

If Exxon and Trump came out and admitted global warming was real and they just didn't want to have to pay to go green USMB republicans would still continue to deny.

Just like they continue to deny Bush lied us into Iraq and they defended him for 16 years until

At Least Trump Got One Thing Right. There Were No WMDs in Iraq | HuffPost
He also got it right when he said he could shoot some one on 5th Ave. and still have no problems These repub sheep will gobble up any BS he throws

I can't wait to hear what Iceberg says. Yesterday he was saying these indictments were a joke but how can he continue to say that when Trump's own National Security Advisor says that's not true?
please link me to the law
then the facebook posts in question that broke such law.

or shut the fuck up.
Are you calling Trump's national security advisor a liar or fool?

President Trump's national security adviser said that Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections is beyond dispute, marking a sharp reversal of Trump's frequent dismissal of alleged Russian cyber-meddling as a "hoax." H.R. McMaster was speaking at an international conference in Munich in response to a question from a Russian delegate. So Trump can lie to his base but not the rest of us.

McMaster said that “with the FBI indictment, the evidence is now incontrovertible” of Russia cyber-meddling.


Then we have Trump tweeting this: Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.

In remarks in August 2017, at a rally in Huntington, W.V., Trump mocked the notion of Russian meddling in the elections, calling it a "total fabrication" and an excuse by Democrats for Hillary Clinton's loss in the presidential election.

"We won because millions of patriotic Americans voted to take back their country," he told the audience. "Have you seen any Russians in West Virginia or Ohio or Pennsylvania? Are there any Russians here tonight? Any Russians?"

The 37-page indictment released by Mueller charges that some of the 13 defendants in fact did travel to the United States "under false pretenses in order to collect intelligence for their interference operations."

McMaster: Russian meddling in U.S. elections is beyond dispute

I don't need to read it. When Trump's boy read it and said the Russian's are guilty, I'll believe him over liar Trump or idiot you who believes everything Trump says.
the moron is blaming everyone ...except putin

If Exxon and Trump came out and admitted global warming was real and they just didn't want to have to pay to go green USMB republicans would still continue to deny.

Just like they continue to deny Bush lied us into Iraq and they defended him for 16 years until

At Least Trump Got One Thing Right. There Were No WMDs in Iraq | HuffPost
He also got it right when he said he could shoot some one on 5th Ave. and still have no problems These repub sheep will gobble up any BS he throws

I can't wait to hear what Iceberg says. Yesterday he was saying these indictments were a joke but how can he continue to say that when Trump's own National Security Advisor says that's not true?
Oh he'll come up with some republican BS
What is there to know about nothing? That is what he has.
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.

The former special counsel who investigated Bill Clinton has suggested President Donald Trump could be impeached if he had lied about considering dismissing Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Trump denying he considered firing Mueller could be an indictment issue, says Clinton investigator Ken Starr
Buffoon. It is not illegal to think about something but never do it. Jesus H Christ
Don't argue with me argue with your republican nut ken starr.

If Donald Trump lied to the American people when he called reports he tried to fire Robert Mueller “fake news”, that would be grounds for impeachment, the independent counsel who investigated the Clinton White House said on Sunday.

Are you saying Congress couldn't impeach Trump for lying to us?

Trump ordered White House counsel Donald McGahn to fire Mueller. McGahn reportedly said he would resign rather than carry our the order, which he said would have a devastating effect on Trump’s presidency. Since June, the president has repeatedly denied publicly that he was considering firing Mueller. White House officials have also repeatedly claimed the president has not discussed firing him.

Trump told reporters at the same time: “I haven’t given it any thought.” He added: “Well, I’ve been reading about it from you people. You say, ‘Oh, I’m going to dismiss him.’ No, I’m not dismissing anybody.”

Some Republicans said on Sunday that reports Trump had to be talked down from firing Mueller were a serious concern and should prompt congressional action.

Attempting to fire Mueller would mean “the end of [Trump’s] presidency,” the South Carolina senator Lindsay Graham, a sponsor of potential legislation, said on ABC.

“It’s pretty clear to me that everybody in the White House knows that it’d be the end of President Trump’s presidency if he fired Mr Mueller,” Graham said.

Asked if there was “a red line the president could cross with you” regarding the special counsel, McCarthy said the question was unfair.

“The president and his team have fully cooperated,” he said. “You’re making hypotheticals.”

Asked if he believed there was some kind of “deep state that’s out to get the president”, as some on the right claim, McCarthy said he had never believed that but said some recent reports about the FBI would “give anybody doubt”.

“You’re painting a conspiracy,” host Chuck Todd said.

“I think the public has the right to know,” McCarthy answered.

Yes McCarthy, the public does have a right to know so let the investigation continue.

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