Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Sounds like the Trump zealots are getting a bit nervous

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Wow, this post didn't work out for you, did it?

Yep it did, since I made it there have been about 50 more threads along the same lines.

So you think Mueller indicting the Russians and not Trump or anyone in his administration is nailing Trump? Leftists are such ideologues, you think your after lunch Red Bull proves Trump is guilty
You repubs keep adding 1+1 =3 Trump is guilty as sin ,he reeks of it's his modus operandi he didn't change his spots

Riiigghhhtttt. I'm not a leftist like you, that means I'm a Republican. You're not smart enough to memorize more than one set of talking points. So that's it, the Republican ones. So if someone is say a libertarian like me, that sounds like a Republican to you! Because you're stupid!

The longer there is no proof of Trump's innocence, the more guilty that proves he is to you, isn't it, Speed Racer?
Sounds like the Trump zealots are getting a bit nervous

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Wow, this post didn't work out for you, did it?

Yep it did, since I made it there have been about 50 more threads along the same lines.

So you think Mueller indicting the Russians and not Trump or anyone in his administration is nailing Trump? Leftists are such ideologues, you think your after lunch Red Bull proves Trump is guilty
You repubs keep adding 1+1 =3 Trump is guilty as sin ,he reeks of it's his modus operandi he didn't change his spots

Riiigghhhtttt. I'm not a leftist like you, that means I'm a Republican. You're not smart enough to memorize more than one set of talking points. So that's it, the Republican ones. So if someone is say a libertarian like me, that sounds like a Republican to you! Because you're stupid!
lol I'm smarter than the average republican You're below average
The longer there is no proof of Trump's innocence, the more guilty that proves he is to you, isn't it, Speed Racer?
There is no question that Russia already controls Trump.

Trump defers to Russia in every circumstance. He can't even admit that they did anything during the election which leads to inaction across the board. Publicly defending Russia against allegations of meddling, easing up on Ukraine, no further sanctions despite a unanimous vote from Congress and most importantly, no action to either prepare our systems against future meddling or any substantive retaliation. He's
avoided and dismissed this issue from day one.

Bought and paid for.

Well....sure, well except for the whole lack of evidence thing.

I just laid out some of the more obvious circumstantial evidence. It's up to the investigators to fill in the details. The recent indictments show quite clearly that we know by name the Russian players and that they did work with Americans. Those details are being uncovered and understood.

"circumstantial evidence"

You see what you want to see, I am content to watch everything play out.

It is playing out. You just ignore all of it.

Nope. Sorry child, nobody has anything yet. YOU only see what you WANT to see.
Yep - THE definition of a Trumphole.

Thanks for that!
Riiigghhhtttt. I'm not a leftist like you, that means I'm a Republican. You're not smart enough to memorize more than one set of talking points. So that's it, the Republican ones. So if someone is say a libertarian like me, that sounds like a Republican to you! Because you're stupid!
The longer there is no proof of Trump's innocence, the more guilty that proves he is to you, isn't it, Speed Racer?
lol I'm smarter than the average republican You're below average

1) You're the one who thinks anyone who's not a leftist is a Republican and only have one set of talking points

2) You're the one who couldn't use the quoting feature correctly so I had to fix it for you
Maybe it's time for the orange anus to tell us what he's doing about russian invasion into our elections? He spouts his shit about everything else

Why didn't Niggra Prez stop it?
Just what we needed - Yet ANOTHER Trumphole Racist with Fake News...
Nice I suppose assuming you too are a Trumphole Racist who enjoys "news" from Troll Farms in St Petersburg.

Trump: Obama 'did nothing' about Russia before election

So "DrLove" is an antonym?
Maybe it's time for the orange anus to tell us what he's doing about russian invasion into our elections? He spouts his shit about everything else

Why didn't Niggra Prez stop it?
Just what we needed - Yet ANOTHER Trumphole Racist with Fake News...
Nice I suppose assuming you too are a Trumphole Racist who enjoys "news" from Troll Farms in St Petersburg.

Trump: Obama 'did nothing' about Russia before election

So "DrLove" is an antonym?
Nope, a synonym for love, faith, forgiveness and no mas on the American Carnage & tomfoolery
Maybe it's time for the orange anus to tell us what he's doing about russian invasion into our elections? He spouts his shit about everything else

Why didn't Niggra Prez stop it?
Just what we needed - Yet ANOTHER Trumphole Racist with Fake News...
Nice I suppose assuming you too are a Trumphole Racist who enjoys "news" from Troll Farms in St Petersburg.

Trump: Obama 'did nothing' about Russia before election

So "DrLove" is an antonym?
Nope, a synonym for love, faith, forgiveness and no mas on the American Carnage & tomfoolery

Not reading your posts, are you?
U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller unveiled the details of a widespread and coordinated campaign by Russians to influence the U.S. presidential election in favor of Donald Trump, delivering on his initial mandate by the Justice Department.

In an indictment announced Friday in Washington, Mueller describes a years-long, multimillion-dollar conspiracy by hundreds of Russians aimed at criticizing Hillary Clinton and supporting Senator Bernie Sanders and Trump. Mueller charged 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities and accused them of defrauding the U.S. government by interfering with the political process.

Prosecutors provided a remarkably detailed picture of how Russians used social media, fake rallies and secretive operatives in the U.S. to create “political intensity” by backing radical groups, opposition social movements and disaffected voters. The outreach from the Russians included direct contact with over 100 Americans.

This “information warfare” by the Russians didn’t affect the outcome of the presidential election, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told reporters. Trump and his Republican supporters have repeatedly denounced the Mueller investigation as a “witch hunt” and have denied any collusion. The indictment cites no instances of Russians coordinating directly with the Trump campaign.

Still, the accusations detail unprecedented foreign attempts to influence the outcome of a U.S. election, including the manipulation of accounts at big U.S. companies like Facebook, Twitter, PayPal and Instagram. Those companies will continue to face pressure to clamp down on fraudulent accounts or risk a government crackdown as intelligence officials have warned that Russians are already engaged in influencing the 2018 midterm elections.
How did they turn it in his favor? List the methods n lets review them vs just say it again.
***yawn*** Well..Comrade..since you are the one defending Russian the indictments..I need list nothing...and the question of whether the law was broken is one for a jury..not for you and your partisan blather.

So, no laws? No specific violations?

Just innuendo and a steady stream of demagoguery?

I've read the indictments. I had bought into the idea that at least identity theft was involved UNTIL I read the farce of indictments. The fucking scum actually try to claim using a fake name on Facebook violates some unknown and unknowable law.

Perhaps you lack the intellect to grasp that not only are these indictments not able to stand up in any court, they aren't even meant to. Torquemada would never even attempt these against an American or someone who could be taken into custody.
Sort of like how hillary wasn’t criminal just negligent in using private emails.

Are you ok with russia meddling?

Did Democrats lose?

Then hell yes ..

***chuckles*** You shouldn't be so quick to make a fool out of yourself.

You really can't figure this out , I despise liberal guys.....
I hate cons too. Intellectually. The well off ones are greedy selfish and ungrateful the poor ones are dumb
So, no laws? No specific violations?

Just innuendo and a steady stream of demagoguery?

I've read the indictments. I had bought into the idea that at least identity theft was involved UNTIL I read the farce of indictments. The fucking scum actually try to claim using a fake name on Facebook violates some unknown and unknowable law.

Perhaps you lack the intellect to grasp that not only are these indictments not able to stand up in any court, they aren't even meant to. Torquemada would never even attempt these against an American or someone who could be taken into custody.
Sort of like how hillary wasn’t criminal just negligent in using private emails.

Are you ok with russia meddling?

Did Democrats lose?

Then hell yes ..

***chuckles*** You shouldn't be so quick to make a fool out of yourself.
they can't help themselves ,,it's in their genes

Genes of loving america the way it used to be before liberals took over and tried to destroy it?
Did this idiot get banned? Love it! He seemed like an unstable guy. How do we stop guys like this from purchasing anything more than 5 rounds?
So far nothing has been proven except your stupidity spouting accusations that have never, and will never be proven. It would of happened by now.
First come the indictments

When? They have nothing.

And you know what Mueller has when none of the rest of us do ... HOW?
What is there to know about nothing? That is what he has.
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
First come the indictments

When? They have nothing.

And you know what Mueller has when none of the rest of us do ... HOW?
What is there to know about nothing? That is what he has.
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.
All the fake news was anti hillary. Why did the Russians want trump? They have tape of him with a hooker and it’s embarrassing. Luckily for us our potus is shameless
so you've not read a single russian facebook post? they didn't want trump they wanted us at each others throats.

unlucky for us we've got a shitload of dumbasses in this country that can't even put 2+2 together here.
They hated Hillary. They would have taken anyone over her. One reason I wanted her
and why i didn't want her and went trump.

but *WE* have to understand *OUR OWN ACTIONS* got us these 2 candidates with our continued apathy to the inner workings of our government and our lack of accountability we continue to put in these powerful positions.

as long as they do what we want, we don't care what they do. the second the OTHER SIDE does the same thing it's amazing what we run to in order to call them out for the very same behaviors we allowed previously.
I say the solution is for 80% of the population needs to vote every 2 years. That’s the only way the politicians will be forced to do what the normal people want. The two parties cater to the extremes because the extremes vote. The masses not voting fucks us all unless you are rich and powerful.

This is why corporations rule what we the people should be in charge of.

We would come up with common sense taxes, infrastructure, pollution, gun laws, etc. What we have now is what the rich like. You like it too keep voting gop
I would love a law that made voting mandatory..if you want the perks of citizenship--you should have the responsibilities.
Not mandatory but you dont get the $100 tax break if you don’t vote.
When? They have nothing.

And you know what Mueller has when none of the rest of us do ... HOW?
What is there to know about nothing? That is what he has.
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.
The word is out I don’t care what a right wing nut job says. I’m glad your here cause you represent a huge demographic but no moderates take you seriously
And you know what Mueller has when none of the rest of us do ... HOW?
What is there to know about nothing? That is what he has.
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.
The word is out I don’t care what a right wing nut job says. I’m glad your here cause you represent a huge demographic but no moderates take you seriously
Gates now ,,,one by one up the ladder until they get to the swine in the presidents seat
And you know what Mueller has when none of the rest of us do ... HOW?
What is there to know about nothing? That is what he has.
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.
The word is out I don’t care what a right wing nut job says. I’m glad your here cause you represent a huge demographic but no moderates take you seriously
Haven't you figured out people are tired of moderates in both directions, they see them as the establishment, and what gives you the right to speak for moderates?
Last edited:
What is there to know about nothing? That is what he has.
wouldn't you like to be sure ?that 17 experts find nothing after all this time?
And isn’t what we are all assuming? Trump is innocent until proven guilty so republicans shouldn’t cry that we are investigating just in case.

History will prove half of America voted for an idiot and con man twice. Bush then trump.

How much better things would be if it were gore instead of bush but then would Lieberman have been the democratic nominee in 2008?
The word is out, Obama was the idiot and traitor, but nice try.
The word is out I don’t care what a right wing nut job says. I’m glad your here cause you represent a huge demographic but no moderates take you seriously
Haven't you figured out people are tired of moderates in both directions, and what gives you the right to speak for moderates?
I am a moderate. In fact people who know me question if I’m really a liberal. Of course you guys know I am but I’m a moderate one and I know moderate conservatives and you sir are not one

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