Mueller is better than I thought


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out
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Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.

Now you are reaching

What on earth did Hillary have to do with selecting Mueller?
Hillary hasn't held office in almost five years. The REPUBLICAN Congress selected Mueller

Looks like they did a good job didn't they?
I'm reaching? You mean that wasn't leaked from the Grand Jury? I suppose you're claiming it was leaked by Republicans and not all of the Clinton minions that Mueller has loaded his investigation with? Grand Jury proceedings are supposed to be secret, Winger. Whoever leaked that information about indictments being handed out to provide cover for Clinton on a week where she was getting lambasted in the news should be facing jail time!
Mueller is an old hand, and knows well how to deal with presidential over-reach. He has an impeccable record, and is held in high regard by all the old players.
And he has hand-picked an A Team who are all very good at this shit.
The Orange Clown (and his remarkably stupid sons) are sitting ducks.
I don't by the way think that Robert Mueller is the leaker...I think it's someone that's working for of the many Clinton supporters that he brought in to staff his investigation.
What is interesting about yesterdays perp walk was the absence of Flynn

Is Mueller timing his indictments or has Flynn already made a deal?
I'm reaching? You mean that wasn't leaked from the Grand Jury? I suppose you're claiming it was leaked by Republicans and not all of the Clinton minions that Mueller has loaded his investigation with? Grand Jury proceedings are supposed to be secret, Winger. Whoever leaked that information about indictments being handed out to provide cover for Clinton on a week where she was getting lambasted in the news should be facing jail time!

Me thinks you have the tail wagging the dog

Republicans have ignited yet another unfounded Clinton conspiracy in anticipation of Mueller releasing his first indictments. The smoke screen won't work
I'm reaching? You mean that wasn't leaked from the Grand Jury? I suppose you're claiming it was leaked by Republicans and not all of the Clinton minions that Mueller has loaded his investigation with? Grand Jury proceedings are supposed to be secret, Winger. Whoever leaked that information about indictments being handed out to provide cover for Clinton on a week where she was getting lambasted in the news should be facing jail time!

Me thinks you have the tail wagging the dog

Republicans have ignited yet another unfounded Clinton conspiracy in anticipation of Mueller releasing his first indictments. The smoke screen won't work

Unfounded? I'm sorry, Winger but Hillary Clinton and the DNC PAID RUSSIANS to put out a fake dossier on Donald Trump shortly before the election and then the Obama Administration used that fake dossier to get permission to wire tap the Trump campaign! That isn't a "smoke screen"! That's one more sleazy Clinton move and one more abuse of power by Barack Obama.
i expected more indictments to be handed down......they have had time..why just two?

Two and one guilty plea

Maybe Mueller is counting on the indictments to get them to take a deal. He doesn't want to file charges until all the evidence is in
i expected more indictments to be handed down......they have had time..why just two?
Mueller is using the same strategy used by a Marine Corp Rifle Company Field Commander. It is the same strategy he has used to investigate and prosecute cases his entire career. The initial attack is meant to be a probe and for setting up the next attack. Desertions and additional gains in intelligence will be followed by randomly targeted mortar rounds, snipers, and 40mm. Air assault is soon to follow.
Didn't take long....

Denying Russia collusion, Trump calls campaign aide George Papadopoulos a 'liar' and 'low level volunteer'

So Trump minimizes the role Papadopoulos played and labeled him a liar

So on one hand we have Papadopoulos who has already plead guilty to lying to the FBI vs Trump who is renowned for his tendency to lie

Who should we believe?

All the right wing can write is about Anthony T. Podesta and John Podesta; no evidence they committed the acts in the indictment. An attempt to bring Clinton in; her popular vote victory still creates havoc in the minds of Trump lovers.
i expected more indictments to be handed down......they have had time..why just two?
Mueller is using the same strategy used by a Marine Corp Rifle Company Field Commander. It is the same strategy he has used to investigate and prosecute cases his entire career. The initial attack is meant to be a probe and for setting up the next attack. Desertions and additional gains in intelligence will be followed by randomly targeted mortar rounds, snipers, and 40mm. Air assault is soon to follow.

Mueller appears to be methodically building a case

Trump can attack his motives, his staff....even fire him
But the evidence being collected by Mueller will remain
I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out
Mueller was director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013. Why didn't he do anything about this then? When it was actually happening?
Mueller has played his first few cards but still has his hand under wraps

You can already see Trump in panic mode screaming.....Hillary!....Democrats....Witch Hunt
i expected more indictments to be handed down......they have had time..why just two?
Mueller is using the same strategy used by a Marine Corp Rifle Company Field Commander. It is the same strategy he has used to investigate and prosecute cases his entire career. The initial attack is meant to be a probe and for setting up the next attack. Desertions and additional gains in intelligence will be followed by randomly targeted mortar rounds, snipers, and 40mm. Air assault is soon to follow.

Mueller appears to be methodically building a case

Trump can attack his motives, his staff....even fire him
But the evidence being collected by Mueller will remain

all those All Star investigators working the case are dissecting the Cockroach Cartel one wing, and one leg at a time.

all the RW dipshits can do is scream "CLINTON" at the top of their lungs.

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