Mueller Now Trying To Get Fired

So you are saying all 6 Investigations by 6 different groups all concluding there was No Collusion Is EVIDENCE OF GUILT?

Based on that, Nothing would satisfy your bloodlust.

The House Republicans could not have admitted guilt any better than their terminating the investigation. It's another form of party first, country second.
The thing with Mueller refusing to investigate Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, COIE Lawfirm and The DNC soliciting Russian Agents for Russian Propaganda is a huge Moral and Ethical Dilemmna.

Using Russian Propaganda and The FBI to interfere with an Election and stop a duly elected President from taking and holding office is a Soul Damning Offense.

This is why Mueller lacks any integrity and people know it. The people he hand picked makes it even uglier. And the texts and obvious bias and lack of direction and inability to name a crime he is turning every rock over to find is the rope around his neck.

His only issue now outside his obvious bias and lack of moral ground to stand on is that he refuses to end this honorably.

He can’t end this honorably because it was never an honorable thing they committed to in the first place. It was a most dishonorable agenda born out of a lie and political desperation. It cannot end well.

He just might get his wish....the majority of the American people want this to be over and do not understand why Mueller will not give a progress report...if Trump replaces Sessions Mueller's day are numbered...Trump is feeling emboldened with his new poll numbers and knows that the people want the Russian investigation to end...So I'm guessing it's only a matter of days before Trump makes his move....
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Mueller still owes him Greens fees from when Mueller tried to join a Trump Country Club and couldn’t afford The Dues.

You really believe that? Lol. Wow. You'll believe anything then. Hey; send me all your money and I'll grant you three wishes. It's true!
Mueller does things his way and no idiot cons will change that.
He was chosen to be the Special Counsel because of his impeccable credentials and EVERYONE in Congress respected him.
Yet you blast this American war hero Nd never say a word about the 1300 Trump lies and daily bonehead comments
Mueller is only trying to protect Obama Clinton and himself....He will be investigated too...I've been saying it for weeks and we are on the verge of a new special prosecutor to investigate the FBI and Obama's DOJ
Yup. I've been saying that since the beginning.
Trump gives them rope.
They hang themselves.
He moves forward.

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