'Mueller Presser MUCH WORSE Than What Comey Did'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Forget putting a 'finger' on the judicial scale, The Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz declared Mueller just put his ELBOW on that judicial scale!

Robert Mueller "put his elbow on the scale" and his decision to do so was "much worse" than what then-FBI Director James Comey did in 2016.

In his 'drive-by' press conference, Mueller declared, "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

"That was absolutely inappropriate for him to say. It was worse than anything Comey said when he exonerated Hillary Clinton and then said, but she engaged in extremely careless conduct," Dershowitz declared.

"Dershowitz said Comey was broadly "condemned" for his July 2016 announcement about the Clinton email probe and "helping the Democrats" was Mueller's only possible motive" for his appearance Wednesday morning."

Robert Mueller 'put his elbow on the scale,' says Alan Dershowitz: 'Much worse' than what Comey did

Dershowitz is paid to say stupid shit. It’s a sweet gig, but nobody should take him seriously.
Forget putting a 'finger' on the judicial scale, The Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz declared Mueller just put his ELBOW on that judicial scale!

Robert Mueller "put his elbow on the scale" and his decision to do so was "much worse" than what then-FBI Director James Comey did in 2016.

In his 'drive-by' press conference, Mueller declared, "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

"That was absolutely inappropriate for him to say. It was worse than anything Comey said when he exonerated Hillary Clinton and then said, but she engaged in extremely careless conduct," Dershowitz declared.

"Dershowitz said Comey was broadly "condemned" for his July 2016 announcement about the Clinton email probe and "helping the Democrats" was Mueller's only possible motive" for his appearance Wednesday morning."

Robert Mueller 'put his elbow on the scale,' says Alan Dershowitz: 'Much worse' than what Comey did


Muller statement, “I did it this way, I’m right because I’m Bob Muller, this is my testimony, that’s all I’m saying because I have a legacy to protect “.

Robert Muller is one of the most corrupt mother fuckers in Washington. Always has been and his time is coming. I know he won’t go to prison, it what’s coming will be so much worse, and that is, high school text books will have his name mentioned in the same paragraph as “coup” and “treason”. I’m okay with that. I love it when turds like that fail. He failed.
the "presser" must be getting to the Trumpbots , "Muller" must be scared shitless.

Mueller basically said that Trump is guilty until Mueller exonerates him.

That is a disgusting abuse of prosecutorial power.
My guess is Mueller himself committed numerous crimes over the years and during his own appointment as Special Counsel, so he's in hot water too, so like an Octopus, clouded the water to make an escape for himself.
Mueller basically said that Trump is guilty until Mueller exonerates him.

That is a disgusting abuse of prosecutorial power.
No, that's not what Mueller did...


What Robert Mueller did was simply state what the 'Mueller Report' that you guys were all lauding as gospel, once Barr had so mischaracterized it's findings.

Mueller correctly stated what was in the Mueller report.

And you far rightwing bastards have lost your crap ever since.
Mueller basically said that Trump is guilty until Mueller exonerates him.

That is a disgusting abuse of prosecutorial power.
He's a hack.

His own Biased Report showed "insufficient evidence" & "No Collusion"

In a Grand Jury or Criminal Trial that renders a verdict of Not Guilty.

There is no Verdict of "Exonerated"

Either there is evidence to suggest Indictment or their is Insufficient Evidence.
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Mueller basically said that Trump is guilty until Mueller exonerates him.

That is a disgusting abuse of prosecutorial power.
No, that's not what Mueller did...


What Robert Mueller did was simply state what the 'Mueller Report' that you guys were all lauding as gospel, once Barr had so mischaracterized it's findings.

Mueller correctly stated what was in the Mueller report.

And you far rightwing bastards have lost your crap ever since.

Think that if it gives you comfort. You're wrong. But you do get 10 Points For Consistency!!!!!!
Mueller basically said that Trump is guilty until Mueller exonerates him.

That is a disgusting abuse of prosecutorial power.
No, that's not what Mueller did...


What Robert Mueller did was simply state what the 'Mueller Report' that you guys were all lauding as gospel, once Barr had so mischaracterized it's findings.

Mueller correctly stated what was in the Mueller report.

And you far rightwing bastards have lost your crap ever since.

No, it showed no wrongdoing. Keep screaming at saturn.
Mueller basically said that Trump is guilty until Mueller exonerates him.

That is a disgusting abuse of prosecutorial power.

Yeah, basically. But then mueller has a lot of skeletons to protect.

Indeed. I am getting ready to read "Licensed to Lie". Mueller is a Corruptocrat, just like his snuggle-buddy Comey.
Mueller is a gutless hack. He holds a press conference to publicly smear president Trump but doesn't have the stones to come right out and tell congress they should impeach him and why and present his evidence. Mueller didn't even have the stones to contradict his boss Barr.
Mueller basically said that Trump is guilty until Mueller exonerates him.

That is a disgusting abuse of prosecutorial power.

Yeah, basically. But then mueller has a lot of skeletons to protect.

Indeed. I am getting ready to read "Licensed to Lie". Mueller is a Corruptocrat, just like his snuggle-buddy Comey.

I saw that over at the bookstore and am going to pick a copy up. The trails around mueller are many.
Mueller basically said that Trump is guilty until Mueller exonerates him.

That is a disgusting abuse of prosecutorial power.

Yeah, basically. But then mueller has a lot of skeletons to protect.

Indeed. I am getting ready to read "Licensed to Lie". Mueller is a Corruptocrat, just like his snuggle-buddy Comey.

I saw that over at the bookstore and am going to pick a copy up. The trails around mueller are many.

He and Comey are two peas in a pod: self-serving, corrupt, devious, dishonest.
My guess is Mueller himself committed numerous crimes over the years and during his own appointment as Special Counsel, so he's in hot water too, so like an Octopus, clouded the water to make an escape for himself.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

It's not a Coinkidink that Comey's hit piece editorial and Mueller's fake press conference occurred nearly simultaneously while Barr's investigations into the way they conducted their "investigations" are heating up.
Mueller basically said that Trump is guilty until Mueller exonerates him.

That is a disgusting abuse of prosecutorial power.

Yeah, basically. But then mueller has a lot of skeletons to protect.

Indeed. I am getting ready to read "Licensed to Lie". Mueller is a Corruptocrat, just like his snuggle-buddy Comey.

I saw that over at the bookstore and am going to pick a copy up. The trails around mueller are many.
The weirdest fact about Mueller is that Seth Rich was murdered right outside Mueller's doorstep.

No one talks about that.

Of course, no one talks about Vince Foster committing suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head three times either.
the "presser" must be getting to the Trumpbots , "Muller" must be scared shitless.

Why would anyone be stressed by this 'political drive-by'? The only one who proved he is scared is Mueller himself by declaring he refuses to stand behind / defend his investigation or answer any questions about it under oath before Congress.

Using a little snowflake reasoning, if Mueller had nothing to hide he would have no problem testifying and answering under oath before Congress about his investigation...

Instead, he seeks to 'fire' this 'political torpedo' at the President then simply be allowed to 'take his ball and go home' without facing any questions from our government (Congress) about doing so.

I love how Democrats / snowflakes - like Mueller just did - create their own little world that has its / their own little rules and demand that everyone else live by those rules.


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