Mueller Shows His True Colors

Mueller and his band of angry midgets cost the GOP the House last year....if he was any semblance of a man, he'd have wrapped up the hoax and got out of town. Instead he sent a SWAT team to Roger Stone's house with weapons drawn, indicted a passel of Russians we'll never see, and charged people with bank fraud and perjury that his agents actually committed. Mueller is a disgrace to the Marine uniform, the DOJ, and the FBI...his pensions should be pulled and his salary for the last two years impounded.

Even the pygmies in New Guinea stand taller than Mueller.
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:

He’ll show up to testify if asked. Unlike Trump’s co-conspirators.

But behind closed doors like a pussy.
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:


Mr. Mueller went on the record. There was Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

He was equally clear. He could not in indict a sitting president. You did read the Mueller Report RIght...there were TEN (10) Separate Incidents of Obstruction by 45.
He’ll show up to testify if asked. Unlike Trump’s co-conspirators.

Hey shit-for-brains....he said he wouldn't be testifying....didn't hear his little confession did ya?
He said he did not want to. I will make any bet with you that he will if asked; unlike Trump’s fellow criminals.
Be careful what you wish for. If Mueller testifies, the Republicans have a long list of questions they want to ask him, like when did he learn there was no collusion, and why didn't he investigate the FISA warrant.
Mueller showed us the partisan hack he really is. He added nothing to public knowledge other than to thank AG Barr, announce his retirement and closing of the special counsel's office. He purposefully convoluted and obfuscates that he could not reach a conclusion one way or the other. Well, that conclusion was not his prerogative nor charge. he was to investigate and report findings to his client, the Attorney General of the United States. He and his team tried his hardest to suggest guilt with innuendo yet not charge. He left the matter as if a direct message to the Dimwits, to continue impeachment targeting Mr. Trump at all costs. Our judicial system has been compromised, wrongly abused and turning the judiciary against the people...
Mueller and his band of angry midgets cost the GOP the House last year....if he was any semblance of a man, he'd have wrapped up the hoax and got out of town. Instead he sent a SWAT team to Roger Stone's house with weapons drawn, indicted a passel of Russians we'll never see, and charged people with bank fraud and perjury that his agents actually committed. Mueller is a disgrace to the Marine uniform, the DOJ, and the FBI...his pensions should be pulled and his salary for the last two years impounded.

Even the pygmies in New Guinea stand taller than Mueller.
CRCs are so Ironic. Laughably so.
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:


Mr. Mueller went on the record. There was Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

He was equally clear. He could not in indict a sitting president. You did read the Mueller Report RIght...there were TEN (10) Separate Incidents of Obstruction by 45.
You do realize that Mueller had the ability to Indict Trump under seal so that when he left office the criminal prosecution wheels were turning, don't you? His failure to indict was due to the fact he had no cause to indict. The DOJ confirmed his decision.

What is funny as hell to me is the report did not have to be made public at all under the law the democrats wrote and put into place. Barr could have simply concluded that there was insufficient evidence and left it at that. No one would see the report and it would have been over.

Nothing but crybabies... You would have screamed at the sky no matter what the outcome and rejoiced if he had been indicted... Hypocritical bastards!
He’ll show up to testify if asked. Unlike Trump’s co-conspirators.

Hey shit-for-brains....he said he wouldn't be testifying....didn't hear his little confession did ya?
He said he did not want to. I will make any bet with you that he will if asked; unlike Trump’s fellow criminals.
Be careful what you wish for. If Mueller testifies, the Republicans have a long list of questions they want to ask him, like when did he learn there was no collusion, and why didn't he investigate the FISA warrant.

Oh Dear....Oh My....more empty RePuBliKlan Threats.

10-Separate Incidents of Obstruction by 45. Keep dancing on the head of pin, pretty soon you will run out of room.
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:


Mr. Mueller went on the record. There was Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

He was equally clear. He could not in indict a sitting president. You did read the Mueller Report RIght...there were TEN (10) Separate Incidents of Obstruction by 45.

But he cannot prove it. Otherwise he would have convened a Grand Jury and indicted, Schlomo!
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:

He’ll show up to testify if asked. Unlike Trump’s co-conspirators.

But behind closed doors like a pussy.
Or with open doors. Your criminal heroes, meanwhile, are praying executive privilege has dictator level powers. Good job, traitor.
He’ll show up to testify if asked. Unlike Trump’s co-conspirators.

Hey shit-for-brains....he said he wouldn't be testifying....didn't hear his little confession did ya?
He said he did not want to. I will make any bet with you that he will if asked; unlike Trump’s fellow criminals.
Be careful what you wish for. If Mueller testifies, the Republicans have a long list of questions they want to ask him, like when did he learn there was no collusion, and why didn't he investigate the FISA warrant.
The Senate is free to call him up. They won’t, though. They know their house of cards is built on crimes and treason. Be careful what YOU wish for, traitor.
What did Mueller say today?

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that the DOJ OLC opinion that a President can't be indicted played no part in Mueller's findings

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that Mueller wanted BARR not Congress to make any further decisions as to charges or impeachment or further investigations

More importantly he said that Trump was lying when he said that Russia did nothing in the election. In fact it was a Russian military operation and a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated effort to help Trump get elected (despite what Trump claims to believe that came FROM Putin)
What did Mueller say today?

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that the DOJ OLC opinion that a President can't be indicted played no part in Mueller's findings

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that Mueller wanted BARR not Congress to make any further decisions as to charges or impeachment or further investigations

More importantly he said that Trump was lying when he said that Russia did nothing in the election. In fact it was a Russian military operation and a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated effort to help Trump get elected (despite what Trump claims to believe that came FROM Putin)
... and still no Russian connection
Mueller stepped in it today....the heat must be touching him a bit....just like Comey and Brennan and Clapper...they want to hide behind the skirts of the liberal left...but that won't work...Barr will dig them out by the roots.....Mueller is the deep state....
William Barr with his bias and his favorability toward Trump has acted more like a defense lawyer than the U.S. Attorney General. Today Robert Mueller wanted to set the record straight.

Provided below are direct quotes from Mueller's statement. They will be in bold italics so nobody can say they missed them or were confused, although some will say that anyway or avoid the comments altogether.

The attorney general has made the report on our investigation largely public. We are formally closing the special counsel’s office, and as well, I’m resigning from the Department of Justice to return to private life.

Barr and Trump refuse to allow Congress to see the full, unredacted version of the report. Congress can see only what Barr will allow them to see. That is a clear sign of guilt.

Russian intelligence officers who were part of the Russian military launched a concerted attack on our political system. The releases were designed and timed to interfere with our election and to damage a presidential candidate.

That candidate was Hillary Clinton. The Russians wanted Trump to become our next President.

When a subject of an investigation obstructs that investigation or lies to investigators, it strikes at the core of the government’s effort to find the truth and hold wrongdoers accountable.

This volume [First] includes a discussion of the Trump campaign’s response to this activity, as well as our conclusion that there was insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy.

Contrary, to Trump's pronouncements of innocence, that does not mean he is innocent. It means there was not sufficient evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to convict Trump in a court of law. That was not possible anyway. Mueller than makes guilt or innocence clear.

If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.

Clearly, that is the most important statement in the entire presentation. Trump, Sanders, and Jay Sekulow completely ignored that statement in their statements today.

The introduction to the volume two of our report explains that decision. It explains that under long-standing department policy, a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office.

The special counsel’s office is part of the Department of Justice and by regulation, it was bound by that department policy. Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.

Clearly, that is the second most important statement in Mueller's presentation. Barr falsely claimed that OLC rule of not charging a sitting President did not, I repeat, did not, play a role in Mueller's Report.

Obviously, it did. The OLC's ruling played a huge role in the report.

Barr lied.

The opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing.

Barr said Mueller was equivocal about Congress's role. Obviously, Mueller left it up to Congress in terms of the next step.

Barr lied.

It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge.

So that was Justice Department policy. Those were the principles under which we operated. And from them, we concluded that we would not reach a determination one way or the other about whether the president committed a crime.

Always the true professional.
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:

Mueller has shown his true colors; a man of ethics and morality. He is a truth teller to a group of liars; the Trumpsters.

LMFAO, Starr shoved it in your face, Mueller did no such thing to the right, only to tell us that Hillary's stolen emails didn't lie she rigged the DNC nomination and something about funny Russian memes no one remembers or seen

In the report, which contained graphic details of Clinton and Lewinsky's sexual relationship, Starr claimed Clinton performed actions that were "inconsistent with the president's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws" and outlined a case for impeaching him on 11 possible grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.[7]
He’ll show up to testify if asked. Unlike Trump’s co-conspirators.

Hey shit-for-brains....he said he wouldn't be testifying....didn't hear his little confession did ya?
He said he did not want to. I will make any bet with you that he will if asked; unlike Trump’s fellow criminals.
Be careful what you wish for. If Mueller testifies, the Republicans have a long list of questions they want to ask him, like when did he learn there was no collusion, and why didn't he investigate the FISA warrant.

Oh Dear....Oh My....more empty RePuBliKlan Threats.

10-Separate Incidents of Obstruction by 45. Keep dancing on the head of pin, pretty soon you will run out of room.
There was no collusion, shit for brains.

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