Mueller Shows His True Colors

I'll go with the Decorated Marine over Don the Con and the leg humper Hannity.

I mean I don't like some of the thinks he's done but shit, who's more trustworthy than Dale Cooper.

Hannity? I can't stand Hannity but his motives are true....get the sons of bitches who tried to overthrow our government and hang em high....literally....on the South Lawn.
I'll go with the Decorated Marine over Don the Con and the leg humper Hannity.

I mean I don't like some of the thinks he's done but shit, who's more trustworthy than Dale Cooper.

Hannity? I can't stand Hannity but his motives are true....get the sons of bitches who tried to overthrow our government and hang em high....literally....on the South Lawn.

Boy are you going to be disappointed.
I'll go with the Decorated Marine over Don the Con and the leg humper Hannity.

I mean I don't like some of the thinks he's done but shit, who's more trustworthy than Dale Cooper.

Hannity? I can't stand Hannity but his motives are true....get the sons of bitches who tried to overthrow our government and hang em high....literally....on the South Lawn.

Tried? We took a third of the Government in 2018 and we're coming for it all in 2020.
Tried? We took a third of the Government in 2018 and we're coming for it all in 2020.

LMAO!! You'll be lucky to hold Kali and New Yawk. Trump will mindlock on Breyer and Ginsberg, stopping their black hearts and stack the Court for the next 30 years....there are no words to describe how FUCKED your party is....if I were you I'd flee to Canuckistan.
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:

Good for Mueller...when this is all said and done, he will be recognized as the hero he has been while all the Republicans in Congress are known for their cowardice.
Bob is probably drunk on his ass sobbing in "mommy's" lap by now because Weinstein slapped his face behind the curtain for being a pussy.
Classic CRC fear of the truth and of true patriotism to this country.
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:

Mueller has shown his true colors; a man of ethics and morality. He is a truth teller to a group of liars; the Trumpsters.
Isn't it telling how donnie's deplorables cannot even recognize ethics and morality anymore?
-"With Mueller complicit in Uranium 1 , every move he makes is calculated to save himself from that chapter .This was probably one of the most treasonous acts ever perpetrated against the Republic, so he has no choice but to play along."-

A total snake.

Mueller has shown his true colors; a man of ethics and morality. He is a truth teller to a group of liars; the Trumpsters.

Trump kicked his fairy ass around the block and you know get to impeaching the President and guaranteeing him a LANDSLIDE in 2020....I double-dog dare ya.
We know that GOP senators have a yellow streak a mile wide when it comes to donnie and his deplorables. No ethics or morality to be seen on the Right.
Notice in his closing statement that he doesn't mention Russia, which means that in a roundabout way, he's not denying that there was domestic spying on the Trump campaign by the FBI and other intelligence people.

"....And I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments, that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election. And that allegation deserves the attention of every American. Thank you.
the prick didnt have the stones to face congressional republicans

is that like Trump refusing to face anyone or anything?
Mueller pulled a Comey trying to keep the lie alive... Muller is scared shitless that he could be sucked into the attempted Coup de' Taut.

it's coup d'etat you frickin moron
Billy_Bob was using literary license to make a funny. There was no overthrow of government at all.

sorry but billy bob = dumb ass ........
Nice running away...

You do understand that Hillary and the Obama Admin used every facet of the government in an attempt to fix the election.... TO subvert the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.... That is the very destruction of our Constitutional Republic form of government. It was most certifiably a Coup De' Taut. People should be hung for this IMHO!
Did you not even read the Mueller Report. Legally, he had no authority to open up an investigation of Hillary Clinton.

Maybe you can link me to the section he said that. And failing that, explain why looking into Russian interference wouldn't include looking at Clinton....she's the one that colluded with them. Mueller did what Putin could never do....turn Americans against each other with half the country hoping Trump was a traitor......Vlad must astonished.
Mueller's authority is found in his appointment which is available online. The Mueller investigation followed the evidence and it all pointed to damaging the Clinton campaign. Claiming Clinton involvement is a false flag to move the attention away from Trump.
Mueller pulled a Comey trying to keep the lie alive... Muller is scared shitless that he could be sucked into the attempted Coup de' Taut.

it's coup d'etat you frickin moron
Billy_Bob was using literary license to make a funny. There was no overthrow of government at all.

sorry but billy bob = dumb ass ........
Nice running away...

You do understand that Hillary and the Obama Admin used every facet of the government in an attempt to fix the election.... TO subvert the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.... That is the very destruction of our Constitutional Republic form of government. It was most certifiably a Coup De' Taut. People should be hung for this IMHO!

1st of all, please fucking learn how to fucking spell coup d'etat
OK; we got that over with.

2nd of all, please understand that as much as YOU wanna fuck this thread in the ass with YOUR "Hillary" & "Obama" shit, the thread is NOT about "Hillary" nor "Obama"

Now, go fuck off ..............
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:


Mueller was very Comey-esque today.
Mueller pulled a Comey trying to keep the lie alive... Muller is scared shitless that he could be sucked into the attempted Coup de' Taut.

it's coup d'etat you frickin moron
Billy_Bob was using literary license to make a funny. There was no overthrow of government at all.

sorry but billy bob = dumb ass ........
Nice running away...

You do understand that Hillary and the Obama Admin used every facet of the government in an attempt to fix the election.... TO subvert the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.... That is the very destruction of our Constitutional Republic form of government. It was most certifiably a Coup De' Taut. People should be hung for this IMHO!

1st of all, please fucking learn how to fucking spell coup d'etat
OK; we got that over with.

2nd of all, please understand that as much as YOU wanna fuck this thread in the ass with YOUR "Hillary" & "Obama" shit, the thread is NOT about "Hillary" nor "Obama"

Now, go fuck off ..............
Poor little ass wipe... The facts are clear that Mueller's investigation was a sham from the beginning.. and that started with Hillary and Obama... Please take your own advice and fuck off..

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