Mueller team disputes BuzzFeed report claiming Trump told Cohen to lie

"This is either a massive reporting screw up or the Special Counsel is freaked out and angry about the rare leak so he’s trying to discredit it. Or perhaps something in between.

As others are pointing out, the BuzzFeed report triggered Dem members of Congress to put some pressure on Mueller to share info so for the first time Mueller was highly incentivized to go public to calm the waters" - Ryan Lizza

" Enough with the games. There is far too much at stake for this country. You and your client can provide clarity as to what transpired and you should do it immediately by answering a simple question: "Did Trump direct Michael Cohen to lie to Congress?" Yes or No." - Avenatti to Lanny Davis
"This is either a massive reporting screw up or the Special Counsel is freaked out and angry about the rare leak so he’s trying to discredit it. Or perhaps something in between.

As others are pointing out, the BuzzFeed report triggered Dem members of Congress to put some pressure on Mueller to share info so for the first time Mueller was highly incentivized to go public to calm the waters" - Ryan Lizza

" Enough with the games. There is far too much at stake for this country. You and your client can provide clarity as to what transpired and you should do it immediately by answering a simple question: "Did Trump direct Michael Cohen to lie to Congress?" Yes or No." - Avenatti to Lanny Davis

That is not the main thing. The main thing is mueller trying to blackmail trump to stop him from going after the more serious crimes of the deep state

Trump has the men on his side more and more and mueller may be panicking
News just out how Latinos are switching sides to trump

A 19 point increase in one month from the latest Marist poll

Trump is gaining more power and even with the Chinese gonna go on s buying spree for us goods over the next 2 years

China fears any nation that unwise voters can elect crooks

Trump now has the power to stop mueller
And the editor for Buzzfeed is doubling down

Journalism in the Trump era:

Buzzfeed- Mueller has documented info that Trump ordered Cohen to lie.

Mueller- That's not accurate.

Buzzfeed- Prove it.
And the editor for Buzzfeed is doubling down

Journalism in the Trump era:

Buzzfeed- Mueller has documented info that Trump ordered Cohen to lie.

Mueller- That's not accurate.

Buzzfeed- Prove it.

If I'm them, I hunt down the two people they paid for this story and ask for my money back. Anyone want to bet they paid for these stories? Talk about an incentive.
Ain't life grand? More fake news DEBUNKED!!!!!

Special counsel issues rare statement disputing BuzzFeed's Cohen report

Special counsel Robert Mueller's office issued a rare statement Friday disputing a report from BuzzFeed News that President Trump had told his former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,”:113: special counsel spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to BuzzFeed released on Friday night.

Carr did not immediately respond to The Hill's request for additional comment.
"I'm totally calm about this. The Mueller statement talks about the *characterization* being wrong, not the content. This isn't a sweeping "no." They *declined comment* on the front end and issued a wordsmithed statement. Breathe." - Rowdy Rick Wilson

Jesus Christ, man. Have some damn self-respect.
Another day wasted for all the conspiracy theorist anti Trumpers who wanted it so badly to be the truth. NyQuil shots for all.
should the Buzzfeed thread be deleted since its fake news? just sayin
Why would anyone do that? Trump did NOT tell Cohen to lie to Congress, and folks need to know who's naughty and who's nice. I'm not sure of the left is going to have many followers by the time the next vote rolls around, but the American people are tired of being lied to, seeing newly elected Democrats morphing into soulless dowagers in line with the Maxine Waters' harassment club, but the President's speech tomorrow morning could govern exactly how much more he is going to use his office to lead the land in the absence of any truth coming from the left, which is actually ordering press corps members to say treasonous things that will damage the most important office on Capitol Hill--the Oval office. That's one speech I'm going to make every effort to hear.
Just heard this on Lou Dobbs as per Robert Mueller's office.

I'm too mad to type anything else

Just confirmed on CNN

The question you should ask yourself, why the Mueller do this? There is no reason he had to do so, his office could have just ignored the story.

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