Mueller team disputes BuzzFeed report claiming Trump told Cohen to lie

Irrespective of the Buzzfeed story as a whole, Trump’s presidency is already in deep trouble.

Just listened to Maddow interview editor of Buzz-feed. He says his sources are solid and his reporters are not backing off of the story.

Make of that what you will but this is the first time Mueller office has issued a public statement at all, and it seems they don’t want certain information Buzzfeed has gettin out right now.

With Cohen set to testify before Congress in two weeks, it’s now a race on who is going to put out certain information.

I see now why Trump is making all of the noise he is. It’s crunch time.



"The number of people who don't know the difference between BuzzFeed and BuzzFeed News is astonishing. One shares polls telling you which kind of donut are you & the other's had 8 Pulitzer Prize nominations in the past 2 years."
"So this morning leftist friends were messaging me to gloat that Trump was finished. I kept my chill and was like... I’ve heard this once or twice before. Buzzfeed’s story got squashed way faster than I expected though!"
Actually he isn't standing by his story.

Actually, I just heard him say he was - live on Rachel Maddow. Stop lying...

BuzzFeed's Editor-in-Chief, Ben Smith, on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow show.

"We stand by our reporting and the sources who informed us".
When Rats have been caught..... what do these Demonrats losers do?

they come up with some shit!
BuzzFeed lies?????? you don't say! :auiqs.jpg:

I thought it was Mueller that you sheep take his word like it is the gospel.
This must be hard for you,sorry for your loss

Not in the least, I have said for my whole time on this forum I did not think Trump did anything.

Sorry to burst your little partisan sheep bubble, but not everyone lives in the sheep pen like you

They are saying that Mueller does not want the story released at this time. Interesting....

Ya, Mueller just wanted to say it's fake news so he could hold it to later claim it's all the truth. Proving he's a liar for saying it's fake news.

Truly libtarded.

What does Mueller gain by saying it is fake news? why not just ignore it?

They are saying that Mueller does not want the story released at this time. Interesting....

Ya, Mueller just wanted to say it's fake news so he could hold it to later claim it's all the truth. Proving he's a liar for saying it's fake news.

Truly libtarded.

What does Mueller gain by saying it is fake news? why not just ignore it?

Because every single dumb ass libtardo was running around Congress making complete asses of themselves.

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