Mueller told Barr his memo failed to fully capture "context/nature/substance" of Mueller's probe

Mueller does not want to be responsible for himself. He could and should have been concise and explicitly clear but instead some rambling thesis where others have to decipher him and now he’s girly bitching about it when he deliberately set it up this way.

He was very clear and very concise. Which parts are you having problems with?
The part where he is whining about the public not grasping the nuances of his work

There is no such part. There's only the false narratives pushed by Barr that sat uncorrected for a month. Mueller, being the consumate professional, sought to remedy that cuntery but again was marginalized.

That's ok though, because Barr's actions have made hours of public Mueller testimony all but certain.
/----/ Always glad to school you libtards:
Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.

When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.

Mueller complained that Barr’s letter did not capture ‘context’ of Trump probe
Is this another case of where conservatives pretend there's this major disagreement when there isn't? Like when they were going on and on and on about how so many Americans weren't for Obamacare, but when you look at the facts, it's that more than half wanted MORE done via Obamacare, not less, and/or not at all, like Republicans did.

Your link didn't specify which media, so I think that I'm right, AND that you are reaching...

/----/ Always glad to school you libtards:
Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.

When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.

Mueller complained that Barr’s letter did not capture ‘context’ of Trump probe
Is this another case of where conservatives pretend there's this major disagreement when there isn't? Like when they were going on and on and on about how so many Americans weren't for Obamacare, but when you look at the facts, it's that more than half wanted MORE done via Obamacare, not less, and/or not at all, like Republicans did.

Your link didn't specify which media, so I think that I'm right, AND that you are reaching...

/----/ "Americans weren't for Obamacare, but when you look at the facts, it's that more than half wanted MORE done via Obamacare"
Post the poll so we can see the demographics - not that we don't believe you.
/----/ "Americans weren't for Obamacare, but when you look at the facts, it's that more than half wanted MORE done via Obamacare"
Post the poll so we can see the demographics - not that we don't believe you.
I don't have the time to go looking for that stuff.

So you can believe me or not, but, I think you know that I'm not lying.
/----/ "Americans weren't for Obamacare, but when you look at the facts, it's that more than half wanted MORE done via Obamacare"
Post the poll so we can see the demographics - not that we don't believe you.
I don't have the time to go looking for that stuff.

So you can believe me or not, but, I think you know that I'm not lying.
/----/ Don't have time? I found it in less than 1 second.. Obozocare affected 330,000 Americans but they only found 400 who wanted to keep it and improve it. That's why you didn't want to post it. You know the poll is bogus.
Poll: Majority of Americans want to keep Obamacare
The poll, which surveyed 801 people ages 18 and older from March 2 to March 5,...
Muller could have been precise and concise but instead did a Part 1and 2 doctoral thesis (by design) so that someone else would have to make the toughest decisions for him and thus he is off the hook and can whine for continued swamp good standing .
/----/ Always glad to school you libtards:
Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.

When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.

Mueller complained that Barr’s letter did not capture ‘context’ of Trump probe
Is this another case of where conservatives pretend there's this major disagreement when there isn't? Like when they were going on and on and on about how so many Americans weren't for Obamacare, but when you look at the facts, it's that more than half wanted MORE done via Obamacare, not less, and/or not at all, like Republicans did.

Your link didn't specify which media, so I think that I'm right, AND that you are reaching...



Let's check.

"When we started this health care debate a year ago, 85 percent of the American people had health insurance, and 95 percent of the 85 percent were happy with it."
George Will on Sunday, February 21st, 2010 in a roundtable segment on ABC's This Week"
Will says that 95 percent of people with health insurance are satisfied with it PolitiFact

Here's what we found, poll by poll, in reverse chronological order:

Quinnipiac University, Sept. 2009. "How satisfied are you with your health insurance plan?" 54 percent very satisfied, 34 percent somewhat.Total: 88 percent satisfaction.

Quinnipiac University, June 2009. "How satisfied are you with your health insurance plan?" 49 percent very satisfied, 36 somewhat satisfied.Total: 85 percent satisfaction.

ABC News/Washington Post, June 2009. "For each specific item I name, please tell me whether you are very satisfied with it, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. ... Your health insurance coverage." 42 percent very satisfied, 39 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 81 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, May 2009. "Overall, how satisfied are you with your current health insurance plan?" 21 percent extremely satisfied, 37 percent very satisfied, 30 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 88 percent satisfaction.

ABC News/Washington Post, June 2009. "For each specific item I name, please tell me whether you are very satisfied with it, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. ... Your health insurance coverage." 42 percent very satisfied, 39 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 81 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, Aug. 2008. "Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following aspects of your health care. ... Quality of health care I receive through my (health insurance) plan." 31 percent extremely satisfied, 41 percent very satisfied, 23 somewhat satisfied. Total: 95 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, Aug. 2008. "Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following aspects of your health care. ... Overall satisfaction with my health (insurance) care plan." 23 percent extremely satisfied, 38 percent very satisfied, 30 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 91 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, May 2008. "Overall, how satisfied are you with your current health insurance plan?" 17 percent extremely satisfied, 36 percent very satisfied, 33 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 86 percent satisfaction.

If you average these eight scores, the total rate of satisfaction is 87 percent. In all but one poll, the satisfaction level was below Will's stated level of 95 percent.

One poll, taken five months before Obama was inaugurated, did come up with 95 percent satisfaction. But alone among these eight polls, that survey asked participants about the "quality of health care I receive through my (health insurance) plan." While we decided that the wording was close enough to merit inclusion on our list, the modest difference in satisfaction levels may stem from the way the question was phrased. Many people feel more warmly toward their doctors than they do toward their insurers.

So, while one poll with unique wording pegged satisfaction at 95 percent, the average of all relevant polls over a two-year period was eight points lower than what Will cited. However, Will is correct that the levels of satisfaction with one's own health insurance are consistently high. Indeed, they're extraordinarily high, when one considers how rarely surveys find such high levels of agreement among Americans. Since Will portrayed the larger point accurately, even while modestly overstating the number, we rate his comment Mostly True.

Will says that 95 percent of people with health insurance are satisfied with it

Try again????
Trump says it's up to Mueller whether he testified. Come on Mueller!

Assume Mueller does as... well, Mueller does, protects the DoJ, admits he had some minor dispute with his good friend, Barr, over the amount of released information, but otherwise is just fine with the report and the subsequent procedure.

Mueller is an institutionalist. He'll protect Barr's reputation to safeguard the DoJ, and he'll not serve as an enabler of Article I powers. There will be no punchlines, no salty details, no occasion for a liberal victory lap, and he sure won't advocate for Trump to be hanged.

How is that going to play out? High expectations before, and then no results to phone home about?

You may be right. However, I'm hopeful that Mueller will put America first. Mueller has put too much information in writing to deny or backpedal on it. Experts will be asking him tough questions. Let's hope he responds honestly - which I expect he will. Congress needs to see the UNREDACTED Mueller report along with all supporting documentation and evidence.

"However, I'm hopeful that Mueller will miraculously have something to say other than what he said in his report, because I think 'America' means 'getting Trump because I hate him'."

You do realize that your pathetic cover story of "put America first, answer honestly" as code for "FINALLY give us the attack on Trump we want" would basically mean that he lied in his report, right?
You may be right. However, I'm hopeful that Mueller will put America first. Mueller has put too much information in writing to deny or backpedal on it. Experts will be asking him tough questions. Let's hope he responds honestly - which I expect he will. Congress needs to see the UNREDACTED Mueller report along with all supporting documentation and evidence.

Yes, Mueller will be truthful and put America first. Protecting the institutions that make up the Republic is exactly how Mueller understands putting America first.

Even Graham has by now understood that game. Formerly adamantly opposed to Mueller testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he now called in Mueller if - IF - Mueller wished to contradict Barr's depiction of the Barr-Mueller phone call (in which Mueller allegedly said he found no misrepresentation in Barr's four-page memo to Congress). What is Graham doing here? He bets Mueller will not call his good friend, Barr, Attorney General of the U.S. of A., a liar. So, there's political hay to be made here, even if Mueller just doesn't show up. It demonstrates Barr's depiction was correct when, in all likelihood, it was not.

That's the problem with "Go Mueller". Or so I see it.

Even if Mueller just stands by the letter he wrote to Barr - that's good enough for me. Mueller laid out his concerns very clearly.

None of which had a damned thing with Barr doing anything wrong OR mischaracterizing the actual results of the report.

I somehow doubt that's what you actually mean is "good enough for you".
Trump says it's up to Mueller whether he testified. Come on Mueller!

If you expect him to say something at odds with the report that will finally give you Trump in chains, you'll be disappointed.

All Mueller has to do is answer questions about his investigation - under oath. Congress also needs the complete unredacted report along with all supporting information and evidence.

The question re: the unredacted report continues to be, "Why?" Just because you're questioning Mueller about your unsubtantiated fishing expedition rather than just randomly shouting about doesn't constitute a compelling need to violate the laws about grand jury testimony.
Per Washington Post. Being reported on CNN. Link below.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III expressed his concerns in a letter to William P. Barr after the attorney general publicized Mueller's principal conclusions. Mueller also pressed Barr in a phone call to release executive summaries of his report.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

At the time the letter was sent on March 27, Barr had announced that Mueller had not found a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian officials seeking to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Barr also said Mueller had not reached a conclusion about whether Trump had tried to obstruct justice, but Barr reviewed the evidence and found it insufficient to support such a charge.

Days after Barr’s announcement, Mueller wrote a previously unknown private letter to the Justice Department, which revealed a degree of dissatisfaction with the public discussion of Mueller’s work that shocked senior Justice Department officials, according to people familiar with the discussions.

More: Mueller complained to Barr that memo did not capture ‘context’ of probe

Good for Mueller speaking out about his report being twisted by Barr.

First, it was a 4 page summary of a 400+ page report, summaries are not the place for "context or scope", it a fucking summary.

Second, Mueller was given the opportunity to read the summary before it was released, he declined, that was the point where he should have given input. Not after the release.

So fuck Mueller and fuck you commies.

Trump says it's up to Mueller whether he testified. Come on Mueller!

Assume Mueller does as... well, Mueller does, protects the DoJ, admits he had some minor dispute with his good friend, Barr, over the amount of released information, but otherwise is just fine with the report and the subsequent procedure.

Mueller is an institutionalist. He'll protect Barr's reputation to safeguard the DoJ, and he'll not serve as an enabler of Article I powers. There will be no punchlines, no salty details, no occasion for a liberal victory lap, and he sure won't advocate for Trump to be hanged.

How is that going to play out? High expectations before, and then no results to phone home about?

You may be right. However, I'm hopeful that Mueller will put America first. Mueller has put too much information in writing to deny or backpedal on it. Experts will be asking him tough questions. Let's hope he responds honestly - which I expect he will. Congress needs to see the UNREDACTED Mueller report along with all supporting documentation and evidence.
It wouldn't be enough for Mueller to just tell you what's in the report, you don't trust him?
Trump says it's up to Mueller whether he testified. Come on Mueller!

Assume Mueller does as... well, Mueller does, protects the DoJ, admits he had some minor dispute with his good friend, Barr, over the amount of released information, but otherwise is just fine with the report and the subsequent procedure.

Mueller is an institutionalist. He'll protect Barr's reputation to safeguard the DoJ, and he'll not serve as an enabler of Article I powers. There will be no punchlines, no salty details, no occasion for a liberal victory lap, and he sure won't advocate for Trump to be hanged.

How is that going to play out? High expectations before, and then no results to phone home about?

You may be right. However, I'm hopeful that Mueller will put America first. Mueller has put too much information in writing to deny or backpedal on it. Experts will be asking him tough questions. Let's hope he responds honestly - which I expect he will. Congress needs to see the UNREDACTED Mueller report along with all supporting documentation and evidence.
It wouldn't be enough for Mueller to just tell you what's in the report, you don't trust him?

How could Mueller remember word for word all of the hundreds or thousands of pages of supporting documentation and evidence? I'm about ready to put you on permanent ignore.
Trump says it's up to Mueller whether he testified. Come on Mueller!

Assume Mueller does as... well, Mueller does, protects the DoJ, admits he had some minor dispute with his good friend, Barr, over the amount of released information, but otherwise is just fine with the report and the subsequent procedure.

Mueller is an institutionalist. He'll protect Barr's reputation to safeguard the DoJ, and he'll not serve as an enabler of Article I powers. There will be no punchlines, no salty details, no occasion for a liberal victory lap, and he sure won't advocate for Trump to be hanged.

How is that going to play out? High expectations before, and then no results to phone home about?

You may be right. However, I'm hopeful that Mueller will put America first. Mueller has put too much information in writing to deny or backpedal on it. Experts will be asking him tough questions. Let's hope he responds honestly - which I expect he will. Congress needs to see the UNREDACTED Mueller report along with all supporting documentation and evidence.
It wouldn't be enough for Mueller to just tell you what's in the report, you don't trust him?

How could Mueller remember word for word all of the hundreds or thousands of pages of supporting documentation and evidence? I'm about ready to put you on permanent ignore.

It certainly sounds like you're saying that you don't trust his conclusions. You really seem to think that there's some little nugget buried in there that he maybe forgot about that will give you what you want.

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