Mueller told Barr his memo failed to fully capture "context/nature/substance" of Mueller's probe

Mueller's conclusions?
Let's hear them

We have.

Mueller testified in front of Congress?

No. He has not
/----/ You clowns won't let this go, will you? Even if Mueller testifies, answers all questions, you claim he's hiding something. After all, you got nothing else to run on.

I said a long time ago that if Mueller doesn't give the haters what they want, they will turn on him.
Trump says it's up to Mueller whether he testified. Come on Mueller!

Assume Mueller does as... well, Mueller does, protects the DoJ, admits he had some minor dispute with his good friend, Barr, over the amount of released information, but otherwise is just fine with the report and the subsequent procedure.

Mueller is an institutionalist. He'll protect Barr's reputation to safeguard the DoJ, and he'll not serve as an enabler of Article I powers. There will be no punchlines, no salty details, no occasion for a liberal victory lap, and he sure won't advocate for Trump to be hanged.

How is that going to play out? High expectations before, and then no results to phone home about?

You may be right. However, I'm hopeful that Mueller will put America first. Mueller has put too much information in writing to deny or backpedal on it. Experts will be asking him tough questions. Let's hope he responds honestly - which I expect he will. Congress needs to see the UNREDACTED Mueller report along with all supporting documentation and evidence.
It wouldn't be enough for Mueller to just tell you what's in the report, you don't trust him?

How could Mueller remember word for word all of the hundreds or thousands of pages of supporting documentation and evidence? I'm about ready to put you on permanent ignore.

Um, you DO realize he gets to bring written notes with him, right?

And if he can't be expected to reliably remember things, what's the fucking point of interrogating him?
Muller could have been precise and concise but instead did a Part 1and 2 doctoral thesis (by design) so that someone else would have to make the toughest decisions for him and thus he is off the hook and can whine for continued swamp good standing .

Mueller was clear. Very clear. That's why trump is doing anything and everything to bury that report. He's fighting to maintain his narrative.
Muller could have been precise and concise but instead did a Part 1and 2 doctoral thesis (by design) so that someone else would have to make the toughest decisions for him and thus he is off the hook and can whine for continued swamp good standing .

Mueller was clear. Very clear. That's why trump is doing anything and everything to bury that report. He's fighting to maintain his narrative.
/——/ What’s to bury? It’s readily available for Congress to read. Only two have bothered to look at it. What are democRATs afraid of?
It’s readily available for Congress to read.
No. Only 12 people and their staffers have access. And it is still redacted, and no underlying evidence comes with it.

The demand is for the fully unredacted report and all underlying evidence to be made available to the full congress. They are not going to back down from that demand.
It’s readily available for Congress to read.
No. Only 12 people and their staffers have access. And it is still redacted, and no underlying evidence comes with it.

The demand is for the fully unredacted report and all underlying evidence to be made available to the full congress. They are not going to back down from that demand.

No, because that might involve giving up their shadow puppet theatre and admitting they've wasted everyone's time and money on a partisan temper tantrum. So I agree, they're never going to stop demanding things and playing "outraged".
It’s readily available for Congress to read.
No. Only 12 people and their staffers have access. And it is still redacted, and no underlying evidence comes with it.

The demand is for the fully unredacted report and all underlying evidence to be made available to the full congress. They are not going to back down from that demand.
/——/ The democRATs won’t even read what is available- but they demand more. Go pound sand.
No, because that might involve giving up their shadow puppet theatre and admitting they've wasted everyone's time and money on a partisan temper tantrum.
And yet your cult leader President Pussyboy is scared shitless. Go direct your soothing verbal diarrhea at him, he is obviously the one in need of it.
No, because that might involve giving up their shadow puppet theatre and admitting they've wasted everyone's time and money on a partisan temper tantrum.
And yet your cult leader President Pussyboy is scared shitless. Go direct your soothing verbal diarrhea at him, he is obviously the one in need of it.
/——-/ Oh sure he is. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
The democRATs won’t even read what is available-
Correct, they wont settle for less than what they are demanding. Go ahead, throw your little hissy fit because the opposition plays hardball. I expect it from you.
/——/ You guys are are off the rails.
A top Democratic lawmaker claimed Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report shows Moscow “artificially” placed President Trump in the White House -- despite the report finding no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.
The democRATs won’t even read what is available-
Correct, they wont settle for less than what they are demanding. Go ahead, throw your little hissy fit because the opposition plays hardball. I expect it from you.
/——/ “And I’m telling you the reason why the Democrats want to see what’s redacted in this report is because they know damn well that Barr is in fact underway with his investigation right now, and they want to find out as much as they can about what Barr is gonna learn. And whether some of that is in the redacted portions of the Mueller report or not, that’s why they want to see it.” Rush
This won't end well for Republicans - historically or politically.
The democRATs won’t even read what is available-
Correct, they wont settle for less than what they are demanding. Go ahead, throw your little hissy fit because the opposition plays hardball. I expect it from you.
/——/ “And I’m telling you the reason why the Democrats want to see what’s redacted in this report is because they know damn well that Barr is in fact underway with his investigation right now, and they want to find out as much as they can about what Barr is gonna learn. And whether some of that is in the redacted portions of the Mueller report or not, that’s why they want to see it.” Rush
Haha,rush the paid liar. The guy who regurgitates his diarrhea doesn't exactly make himself look smart....
The democRATs won’t even read what is available-
Correct, they wont settle for less than what they are demanding. Go ahead, throw your little hissy fit because the opposition plays hardball. I expect it from you.
/——/ Ahhh poor wittle democRATs can have their way. Boo Hoo hoo
But you're the one crying like a little b**** here ...
/---/ I'm not crying. You clowns are chasing your tails with recycled news like little idiots.
"The New York Times reported practically the same thing back on October 2, 2016. Only back then, the New York Times claimed that Trump might not have paid any taxes for more than 18 years. It’s funny how nobody seems to remember this.

This is an old story being recycled, that Trump didn’t pay any taxes ’cause he took a billion-dollar loss and was able to write off that loss so he didn’t owe any taxes over all those years. That story has been out there. It’s been reported before. So this is the recycling of a story that claims to be new because there is a linkage (they say now) to Trump’s actual returns. Although the Times have been very, very careful to point out (impression), “We haven’t seen the returns.

“That would be illegal! We haven’t seen the returns. We have seen, uh, written transcripts of Trump’s returns from people who are legally allowed to have them.” Well, who would that be? Trump’s tax preparers, people at the IRS, what have you. Now, that bombshell back in 2016, October 2nd, was supposed to be the October Surprise that guaranteed Trump would lose to Hillary, that Trump hadn’t paid his taxes. (impression) “He had taken a billion-dollar loss. He was a rotten businessman! He might have been cheating the government, cheating the IRS." -Rush

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