Mueller Wants Manafort to Die Behind Bars – Seeks 20 to 24 Years in Prison

Whatever he gets, he gets.

He should not have broken and complied with Muller... then start lying to Muller against that agreement.

I mean, really? That is nonsensical. If he was not going to cooperate then just do not cooperate.
Dude chose to talk so I got no sympathy. If he had told them to take a hike from beginning to end then I’d be sending money to a go fund me for his family and defense.
if the agreement is off, then why aren't the guilty pleas off. They were part of the agreement. Obviously, Manafort is still be held to his part of the agreement, while Mueller isn't. That's your conception of justice.
That is not how plea deals work. You cant unplead. He pleaded guilty and the prosecutor offered lighter sentencing for his assistance in other crimes. He then failed to provide that help (by lying) so his lighter sentence is gone. The guilty plea is already a done deal.

This is how law works.
You're just admitting that plea deals are inherently unjust. If the deal is gone, then his guilty plea should be gone, and they should go back to square one.

What you're saying is that the deal is gone, only it isn't. Mueller part is gone, but Manafort's guilty plea still remains.
It is not unjust at all. He knew EXACTLY what the consequences were.

He entered into the agreement willingly of his own accord. He knew what the rules were beforehand. He knew what the consequences were if he lied. It was all on the table right in front of him. My 2 year old knows better than to pull something like this.
Of course it's unjust. You would know that if you weren't such a loathsome unprincipled douchebag. The fact that he knew them means nothing since he had a gun held to his head. The victims of Stalin's show trials also knew what they were in for. Being told you are getting fucked up the ass doesn't make it any less unjust.
He didn't have a gun to his head. He had HIS OWN CRIMES held to his head.

When did the right start supporting career criminals?
You are only convincing me that you're an idiot. It wasn't a free choice by any stretch of the imagination.
Manafort has been treated better than any one of us would have been. I have zero sympathy for traitors. Stone is next.
Utter horseshit.

How many Americans have been criminally prosecuted for making a false statement on their mortgage application?
Mueller did an investigation on Manafort.

He came up with some things that Manafort was guilty of, but he wanted Manafort to help him out with his investigation, so he offered him a plea deal. Less time in jail if he cooperated.

The guilt was already there, which is why Manafort took the plea deal.

Manafort lied again after making the plea deal, which rendered the agreement null and void, but since he was still guilty, they decided to go for the maximum sentence, because evidence of the crimes were still there.

Only an idiot like BritPat doesn't understand this.
Spare us the rationalizations for Mueller's witch hunt. He knew within weeks that there was no "Russian collusion." He then went on a hunt for some sacrificial lambs.
Mueller is a life long republican.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's not anymore.
You certainly won't see him attending any Republican functions because he's not welcome there.

Mueller is a lifelong douchebag.

vietnam vet, bronze star & purple heart recipient, & dropped the hammer on big time mafioso. lol....
So once he did a good thing, but you believe that gives him a get-out-of-jail-free card for life?

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. No respectable Republican would socialize with Mueller after this witch hunt. Democrats will have to take him under their wing. That's where he belongs.

& just because flynn was a high ranking officer in the US military doesn't mean he is anymore.....................
He's retired from the military, moron.

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