Mueller's indictments lead straight to the White House. Trump will be gone by Christmas.

Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

It may lead to the Whitehouse but Obama's already gone, dummy.
He laid out the facts and left it for Congress to charge (impeach) the sitting president.
The Executive Branch never, ever investigated for the Legislative Branch. If you didn't know that you need to take an Elementary School Civics class.

Mueller didn't specify any crime Trump committed because he couldn't find one.

The Democrat run House has already voted overwhelmingly that Trump committed no impeachable offense 322-95. A large majority of Democrats included

In lopsided vote, House kills effort to impeach Trump

Trump won. Move on.

that impeachment motion had nothing to do with Obstruction of Justice

Have you read the Mueller report?
Mueller details -10- obstructive acts and how they nexus with the ongoing investigation.
Volume II, Section II, A-L
Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

Mueller DID make the factual determination that Trump committed obstructive acts
Mueller DID make the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation

Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?

Can someone help this fool out? I’m out of patience.
How do you obstruct the investigation of a crime that never happened ?

Yep, we got another one that needs a lot of help.

I'm glad you are finally realizing you need help.

And I''m not glad your jokes are getting more retarded by the day.
Look again trump has the men on his side

The men have made their judgement

The deep state and democrats guilty of high treason

What group can over power the men's judgements?

Only foolish losers
AG Barr is going to send someone to prison, and it isn't Trump.
Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Obama, and Hillary better lawyer up. Those involved in FISAgate, Spygate, and Emailgate will soon be wearing prison stripes.
Why are you asking us? Ask president pussyboy.

It's a rhetorical question genius.

That's dumb. It should be an actual question.

"Hey president pussyboy...why did you expend so much time and effort obstructing crimes that, supposedly, do not exist?"

How was he obstructing? We know that Comey was breaking the rules and should had been fired. We now know Mueller had nothing on the President at any time and was so incompetent he didn’t know his entire staff were anti-Trumpers.

Firing both of them would had been a good thing.
The Executive Branch never, ever investigated for the Legislative Branch. If you didn't know that you need to take an Elementary School Civics class.

Mueller didn't specify any crime Trump committed because he couldn't find one.

The Democrat run House has already voted overwhelmingly that Trump committed no impeachable offense 322-95. A large majority of Democrats included

In lopsided vote, House kills effort to impeach Trump

Trump won. Move on.

that impeachment motion had nothing to do with Obstruction of Justice

Have you read the Mueller report?
Mueller details -10- obstructive acts and how they nexus with the ongoing investigation.
Volume II, Section II, A-L
Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

Mueller DID make the factual determination that Trump committed obstructive acts
Mueller DID make the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation

Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?

Can someone help this fool out? I’m out of patience.
How do you obstruct the investigation of a crime that never happened ?

Yep, we got another one that needs a lot of help.

I'm glad you are finally realizing you need help.

And I''m not glad your jokes are getting more retarded by the day.

It's hard to lower them to your level, but if I park half my brain at the door, and drink a lot of alcohol. I am just barely capable of lowering my intellect to your level.

But it's really hard.

Just sayin...
AG Barr is going to send someone to prison, and it isn't Trump.
Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Obama, and Hillary better lawyer up. Those involved in FISAgate, Spygate, and Emailgate will soon be wearing prison stripes.
AG Barr is going to send someone to prison, and it isn't Trump.
Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Obama, and Hillary better lawyer up. Those involved in FISAgate, Spygate, and Emailgate will soon be wearing prison stripes.

Pure fantasy
That fat piece of republican shit will be lucky if he doesn't end up in jail
How was he obstructing? We know that Comey was breaking the rules and should had been fired. We now know Mueller had nothing on the President at any time and was so incompetent he didn’t know his entire staff were anti-Trumpers.

Firing both of them would had been a good thing.
Trump should have knocked Comey out, then fired him.
What the left and media detest is that the current President has to courage to tell it as it is, not shudder in fear. What a crock of crap. Someday the left will wake up and realize the people of this country have had enough of closed door and back alley deals.


Or, the Country wakes up and finds that it has been taken over by third world illegal aliens itching to vote themselves more Welfare Benefits. That's the Socialist Plan, and the socialist Vehicle is the Democratic Party.

It really can be summed up as follows:

Turn Texas Blue with Mexicans and Central Americans.

And the Great American Experiment of Washington, Jefferson, over.

That maybe the outcome, but you have the CAUSE wrong.. Texas is a victim here of it's own prosperity generating govt...

A lot of trend is the influx of folks moving INTO Texas and out of business hostile Blue states. That's the "interior" of Texas and the suburban precincts adjacent to the big cities...

The trend at the BORDER line is slower but has been that way for decades... And that's a fight between 3rd and 5th generation Mexican immigrants and the new wave of socialist inspired Central American immigrants who followed them up here...

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