Mueller's indictments lead straight to the White House. Trump will be gone by Christmas.

Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

Sources say.. Sources say... how many times have we heard this?
Sources say.. Sources say... how many times have we heard this?
They're helpless brainwashed sheep who believe
every Big Brother lie fed to them.
I appeal to the mods to unban some of the crazy, TDS folks who have been banned. Folks, TDS is a serious mental illness. IMO we can help TDS folks with discourse.
The WEISMANN Investigation is closed.
There were no indictments involving non-existent 'Russian Collusion'. The OP has been proven to be a debunked fantasy.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
Is this your mindless liberal automaton “two minutes hate” against Trump.
Can someone help this fool out? I’m out of patience.
Well, all that can be said is that mueller left such determintaions to the AG, and he said precisely why. And the AG, being a shameless puppet, made up a defense that would make an ambulance chaser cringe. Which, of course, is not the AGs job to do. Thats the job of the president's defense team. But, we went to lala land with president pussyboy and his fuckbois long ago.

He knew it was going to I-will-clear-you-if-you-make-me-AG but he left it to Congress and the American people. Parts of the report where he talks about Congress keeping POTUS accountable, make that pretty clear.
Can someone help this fool out? I’m out of patience.
Well, all that can be said is that mueller left such determintaions to the AG, and he said precisely why. And the AG, being a shameless puppet, made up a defense that would make an ambulance chaser cringe. Which, of course, is not the AGs job to do. Thats the job of the president's defense team. But, we went to lala land with president pussyboy and his fuckbois long ago.

He knew it was going to I-will-clear-you-if-you-make-me-AG but he left it to Congress and the American people. Parts of the report where he talks about Congress keeping POTUS accountable, make that pretty clear.
Still waiting for you to cite the section of the report and quote the text of same where Mueller makes the factual determination of corrupt intent.
But you won/t Because there is none.
Can someone help this fool out? I’m out of patience.
Well, all that can be said is that mueller left such determintaions to the AG, and he said precisely why. And the AG, being a shameless puppet, made up a defense that would make an ambulance chaser cringe. Which, of course, is not the AGs job to do. Thats the job of the president's defense team. But, we went to lala land with president pussyboy and his fuckbois long ago.

He knew it was going to I-will-clear-you-if-you-make-me-AG but he left it to Congress and the American people. Parts of the report where he talks about Congress keeping POTUS accountable, make that pretty clear.
Still waiting for you to cite the section of the report and quote the text of same where Mueller makes the factual determination of corrupt intent.
But you won/t Because there is none.

Because you are fucking stupid.

How else to explain you still waiting for it when I explained multiple times that Mueller specifically made no determination due to the DOJ guidelines?

Declination to make a prosecuratorial descision is laid out in plain langauge on first two pages of Volume 2 of Mueller's report.

Here is the link:

So just read and comeback when you have something non-stupid to add.
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Can someone help this fool out? I’m out of patience.
Well, all that can be said is that mueller left such determintaions to the AG, and he said precisely why. And the AG, being a shameless puppet, made up a defense that would make an ambulance chaser cringe. Which, of course, is not the AGs job to do. Thats the job of the president's defense team. But, we went to lala land with president pussyboy and his fuckbois long ago.

He knew it was going to I-will-clear-you-if-you-make-me-AG but he left it to Congress and the American people. Parts of the report where he talks about Congress keeping POTUS accountable, make that pretty clear.
Still waiting for you to cite the section of the report and quote the text of same where Mueller makes the factual determination of corrupt intent.
But you won/t Because there is none.
Because you are fucking stupid.
How else to explain you still waiting for it when I explained multiple times that Mueller specifically made no determination due to the DOJ guidelines.
But he did.
He made a factual determination of everything necessary for a charge of obstruction, except corrupt intent.
Had you read the report, you;d know this.

Still waiting for you to cite the section of the report and quote the text of same where Mueller makes the factual determination of corrupt intent.
But you won/t Because there is none.
Can someone help this fool out? I’m out of patience.
Well, all that can be said is that mueller left such determintaions to the AG, and he said precisely why. And the AG, being a shameless puppet, made up a defense that would make an ambulance chaser cringe. Which, of course, is not the AGs job to do. Thats the job of the president's defense team. But, we went to lala land with president pussyboy and his fuckbois long ago.

He knew it was going to I-will-clear-you-if-you-make-me-AG but he left it to Congress and the American people. Parts of the report where he talks about Congress keeping POTUS accountable, make that pretty clear.
Still waiting for you to cite the section of the report and quote the text of same where Mueller makes the factual determination of corrupt intent.
But you won/t Because there is none.
Because you are fucking stupid.
How else to explain you still waiting for it when I explained multiple times that Mueller specifically made no determination due to the DOJ guidelines.
But he did.
He made a factual determination of everything necessary for a charge of obstruction, except corrupt intent.

NO HE DID NOT. You are posting pure bullshit.

All he did was lay out the facts of what happened. No place does he make any judgement of what these actions add up to.

For example, on page 24 of Volume 2 report documents that Trump told Comey to "let Flynn go" - but it makes absolutely no judgement or legal analysis on whether that act satisfies various criteria of Obstruction of Justice.

Why? Because Mueller belives it is Congressional job to charge a sitting President, not his and since he cannot bring the charges, he cannot accuse.
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But he did.
He made a factual determination of everything necessary for a charge of obstruction, except corrupt intent.
He did. They're in the report. You should read it.
10 factual determinations of obstructive acts, and 10 factual determinations of the relationship between those acts and an ongoing investigation.
10 episodes where Trump might have obstructed justice
But -zero- factual determinations of corrupt intent.
You're posting pure bullshit.
But he did.
He made a factual determination of everything necessary for a charge of obstruction, except corrupt intent.
He did. They're in the report.

Idiot, no they are not.

All the Volume 2 report contains is facts of what happened (and general DOJ guidelines and law issues)

AGAIN, Volume 2, page 24 talks about Trump asking Comey to "let Flynn go", show me ANY legal analysys or determination of how that act fits in with Obstruction of Justice criterias.
But he did.
He made a factual determination of everything necessary for a charge of obstruction, except corrupt intent.
He did. They're in the report.
Idiot, no they are not.
It does not matter how many times or how forcefully you lie to yourself, the facts remains:
- Mueller made 10 factual determinations of obstructive acts;
- Mueller made 10 factual determinations of the relationship between those acts and an ongoing investigation;
- Mueller made zero- factual determinations of corrupt intent.

Absent the factual determination of corrupt intent, there can be no obstruction of justice.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

But he did.
He made a factual determination of everything necessary for a charge of obstruction, except corrupt intent.
He did. They're in the report. You should read it.
10 factual determinations of obstructive acts, and 10 factual determinations of the relationship between those acts and an ongoing investigation.
10 episodes where Trump might have obstructed justice
But -zero- factual determinations of corrupt intent.
You're posting pure bullshit.
lets this shut you up

direct quote from Mueller
“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”
But he did.
He made a factual determination of everything necessary for a charge of obstruction, except corrupt intent.
He did. They're in the report. You should read it.
10 factual determinations of obstructive acts, and 10 factual determinations of the relationship between those acts and an ongoing investigation.
10 episodes where Trump might have obstructed justice
But -zero- factual determinations of corrupt intent.
You're posting pure bullshit.
lets this shut you up
direct quote from Mueller
“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”
I know. So?
But he did.
He made a factual determination of everything necessary for a charge of obstruction, except corrupt intent.
He did. They're in the report. You should read it.
10 factual determinations of obstructive acts, and 10 factual determinations of the relationship between those acts and an ongoing investigation.
10 episodes where Trump might have obstructed justice
But -zero- factual determinations of corrupt intent.
You're posting pure bullshit.
lets this shut you up
direct quote from Mueller
“As we say in the report and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”
I know. So?
No crime no obstruction
how do you obstruct something that never existed

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