Mueller's indictments lead straight to the White House. Trump will be gone by Christmas.

2. Mueller's report lays out plenty of evidence in Part II
Except the one piece of evidence necessary for a charge of obstruction:
A factual determination of corrupt intent.
You lost, spud. Get over it.
Ignorant nonsence.
Admit it: You didn't understand a word I said.
I understood it much better than you ever did.
When you can quote Mueller's factual determination of corrupt intent, let us know.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
More fack news
2. Mueller's report lays out plenty of evidence in Part II
Except the one piece of evidence necessary for a charge of obstruction:
A factual determination of corrupt intent.
You lost, spud. Get over it.
Ignorant nonsence.
Admit it: You didn't understand a word I said.
I understood it much better than you ever did.
When you can quote Mueller's factual determination of corrupt intent, let us know.

More ignorant bullshit.

Mueller very specifically declined making a prosecutorial determination against a sitting president, deferring that judgement to the Congress, a body specifically empowered by the Constitution to hold POTUS accountable.
Except the one piece of evidence necessary for a charge of obstruction:
A factual determination of corrupt intent.
You lost, spud. Get over it.
Ignorant nonsence.
Admit it: You didn't understand a word I said.
I understood it much better than you ever did.
When you can quote Mueller's factual determination of corrupt intent, let us know.
More ignorant bullshit.
Three basic elements are common to most of the relevant obstruction statutes: (1) an obstructive act; (2) a nexus between the obstructive act and an official proceeding; and (3) a corrupt intent.

Applying the obstruction statutes to the President’s official conduct would involve determining as a factual matter whether he engaged in an obstructive act, whether the act had a nexus to official proceedings, and whether he was motivated by corrupt intent.

“Acting ‘corruptly’ within the meaning of § 1512(c)(2) means acting with an improper purpose and to engage in conduct knowingly and dishonestly with the specific intent to subvert, impede or obstruct” the relevant proceeding

As an initial matter, the term “corruptly” sets a demanding standard. It requires a concrete showing that a person acted with an intent to obtain an “improper advantage for [him]self or someone else, inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others.”

Direct or indirect action by the President to end a criminal investigation into his own or his family members’ conduct to protect against personal embarrassment or legal liability would constitute a core example of corruptly motivated conduct. So too would action to halt an enforcement proceeding that directly and adversely affected the President’s financial interests for the purpose of protecting those interests. In those examples, official power is being used for the purpose of protecting the President’s personal interests. In contrast, the President’s actions to serve political or policy interests would not qualify as corrupt. The President’s role as head of the government necessarily requires him to take into account political factors in making policy decisions that affect law-enforcement actions and proceedings. For instance, the President’s decision to curtail a law-enforcement investigation to avoid international friction would not implicate the obstruction-of-justice statutes.

Where did Mueller determine Trump acted with corrupt intent?
Ignorant nonsence.
Admit it: You didn't understand a word I said.
I understood it much better than you ever did.
When you can quote Mueller's factual determination of corrupt intent, let us know.
More ignorant bullshit.
Three basic elements are common to most of the relevant obstruction statutes: (1) an obstructive act; (2) a nexus between the obstructive act and an official proceeding; and (3) a corrupt intent.

Applying the obstruction statutes to the President’s official conduct would involve determining as a factual matter whether he engaged in an obstructive act, whether the act had a nexus to official proceedings, and whether he was motivated by corrupt intent.

“Acting ‘corruptly’ within the meaning of § 1512(c)(2) means acting with an improper purpose and to engage in conduct knowingly and dishonestly with the specific intent to subvert, impede or obstruct” the relevant proceeding

As an initial matter, the term “corruptly” sets a demanding standard. It requires a concrete showing that a person acted with an intent to obtain an “improper advantage for [him]self or someone else, inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others.”

Direct or indirect action by the President to end a criminal investigation into his own or his family members’ conduct to protect against personal embarrassment or legal liability would constitute a core example of corruptly motivated conduct. So too would action to halt an enforcement proceeding that directly and adversely affected the President’s financial interests for the purpose of protecting those interests. In those examples, official power is being used for the purpose of protecting the President’s personal interests. In contrast, the President’s actions to serve political or policy interests would not qualify as corrupt. The President’s role as head of the government necessarily requires him to take into account political factors in making policy decisions that affect law-enforcement actions and proceedings. For instance, the President’s decision to curtail a law-enforcement investigation to avoid international friction would not implicate the obstruction-of-justice statutes.

Where did Mueller determine Trump acted with corrupt intent?

Idiot, quote the part where Mueller declines making the determination.

It is in the first section of his report on Obstruction

He laid out the facts and left it for Congress to charge (impeach) the sitting president.
Idiot, quote the part where Mueller declines making the determination.
Mueller made the factual determination that Trump committed obstruction acts
Mueller made the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation
Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?
He laid out the facts and left it for Congress to charge (impeach) the sitting president.
The Executive Branch never, ever investigated for the Legislative Branch. If you didn't know that you need to take an Elementary School Civics class.

Mueller didn't specify any crime Trump committed because he couldn't find one.

The Democrat run House has already voted overwhelmingly that Trump committed no impeachable offense 322-95. A large majority of Democrats included

In lopsided vote, House kills effort to impeach Trump

Trump won. Move on.
Idiot, quote the part where Mueller declines making the determination.
Mueller made the factual determination that Trump committed obstruction acts
Mueller made the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation
Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?

Mueller specifically says that no matter the evidence he COULD NOT make a determination against a sitting president as per DOJ guidelines.

I don’t know what mental defect you have to not be able to understand this simple concept after having it explained to you multiple times now.
Idiot, quote the part where Mueller declines making the determination.
Mueller made the factual determination that Trump committed obstruction acts
Mueller made the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation
Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?
How proud you must be...your best defense of the man in charge of enforcing our laws is that he is too stupid and ignorant to know what is illegal...
Mueller specifically says that no matter the evidence he COULD NOT make a determination against a sitting president as per DOJ guidelines.
And yet:
Mueller DID make the factual determination that Trump committed obstructive acts
Mueller DID make the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation

Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?
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Trump rules by instability. he wins by making everything around him unstable. that way, Trump controls the chaos!
Mueller specifically says that no matter the evidence he COULD NOT make a determination against a sitting president as per DOJ guidelines.
And yet:
Mueller DID make the factual determination that Trump committed obstruction acts
Mueller DID make the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation

Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?


What part of that you don’t get???

Mueller laid out only the facts of the matter, not his judgement about them.
Mueller specifically says that no matter the evidence he COULD NOT make a determination against a sitting president as per DOJ guidelines.
And yet:
Mueller DID make the factual determination that Trump committed obstruction acts
Mueller DID make the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation
Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?
Have you read the Mueller report?
Mueller details -10- obstructive acts and how they nexus with the ongoing investigation.
Volume II, Section II, A-L
Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

Mueller DID make the factual determination that Trump committed obstructive acts
Mueller DID make the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation

Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?
Surely you can point to proven examples of deliberate lying by the AP and are not just making up bullshit...right? :rolleyes:
I guess you were comatose during the whole "Russia / Trump Collusion" thing.

There was never, ever, any evidence that supported the 2-1/2 year lie.
I already presented one to you that you responded little liar.
Shameless lie. Your claim was that the AP systematically invents false sources. You presented one instance of an erroneous report, which was corrected within minutes by the AP, that didnt even involve a source. So, no, you are not only a liar, but an embarrassing little liar who can't get it through his head that he was caught in the act.
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He laid out the facts and left it for Congress to charge (impeach) the sitting president.
The Executive Branch never, ever investigated for the Legislative Branch. If you didn't know that you need to take an Elementary School Civics class.

Mueller didn't specify any crime Trump committed because he couldn't find one.

The Democrat run House has already voted overwhelmingly that Trump committed no impeachable offense 322-95. A large majority of Democrats included

In lopsided vote, House kills effort to impeach Trump

Trump won. Move on.

that impeachment motion had nothing to do with Obstruction of Justice

Mueller specifically says that no matter the evidence he COULD NOT make a determination against a sitting president as per DOJ guidelines.
And yet:
Mueller DID make the factual determination that Trump committed obstruction acts
Mueller DID make the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation
Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?
Have you read the Mueller report?
Mueller details -10- obstructive acts and how they nexus with the ongoing investigation.
Volume II, Section II, A-L
Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

Mueller DID make the factual determination that Trump committed obstructive acts
Mueller DID make the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation

Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?

Can someone help this fool out? I’m out of patience.
He laid out the facts and left it for Congress to charge (impeach) the sitting president.
The Executive Branch never, ever investigated for the Legislative Branch. If you didn't know that you need to take an Elementary School Civics class.

Mueller didn't specify any crime Trump committed because he couldn't find one.

The Democrat run House has already voted overwhelmingly that Trump committed no impeachable offense 322-95. A large majority of Democrats included

In lopsided vote, House kills effort to impeach Trump

Trump won. Move on.

that impeachment motion had nothing to do with Obstruction of Justice

Mueller specifically says that no matter the evidence he COULD NOT make a determination against a sitting president as per DOJ guidelines.
And yet:
Mueller DID make the factual determination that Trump committed obstruction acts
Mueller DID make the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation
Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?
Have you read the Mueller report?
Mueller details -10- obstructive acts and how they nexus with the ongoing investigation.
Volume II, Section II, A-L
Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

Mueller DID make the factual determination that Trump committed obstructive acts
Mueller DID make the factual determination those obstructive acts had a nexus with an ongoing investigation

Where did Mueller make the factual determination Trump acted with corrupt intent?

Can someone help this fool out? I’m out of patience.
How do you obstruct the investigation of a crime that never happened ?

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