Mueller's indictments lead straight to the White House. Trump will be gone by Christmas.

Mods can we make sure Reasonable's IP connection is at the highest speed? He provides good entertainment value!
Its a sad and soiled bunch that can't accept the results of an election, especially when their side had the fix in, and then goes on a witch hunt about who talked to who and concoct a scheme to remove a President based on talking somehow translates to altering the voting process. Words like "meddling" and the many other like kind are not factual and do not create any technical connection but they are useful as emotive innuendo
Idiot thinks he knows more than the entire intelligence community.
Name calling emotional drivel. It's all your sorry bunch has
It's Halloween not April Fool's. Mods need to take appropriate action to try to help the butthurt brigade deal with reality! Reclass this ridiculous thread!

I would not be surprised if Manafort does not even need to be pardoned since the Swamp Rat and FBI protecter Mueller's case will be tossed out!
And you gripe about nutty posts.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
Yes, president pence will be fantastic. Lol

You people have a wishy washy leftie rightie now who will work with either side. But you're gonna do your best to push him out only to end up with a far rightie hardliner.

Makes complete sense when you consider how stupid liberals are. Lol
Trump's politics are closer to mine than Pence's but If Trump has committed treason then he has to go... Of course his supporters would still support him if he shot someone on 5th avenue
So you agree withTrump giving Big Coal the right to pollute our streams and rivers?
I don't agree with Trump on hardly anything and Pence less.
View attachment 157766
From the "Trump has no path the White House" Brigade

The mental illness of liberalism always follows the same playacting. One of them is "act as if and then it will come true"

Doesnt seem to work for them so much anymore :)
The mental illness of liberalism? God damn are you uninformed. Liberalism improved your life and everyone else's in America.

So your source is...a TV show?
Hey bonehead. Everything listed there is 100% factual. Hilarious you don't know that.
All the great achievements of the 20th century was because of liberals... and conservatives fought against each one.
Truth hurts doesn't it.
The problem is that factually almost all the statements made in that quote are incorrect.
View attachment 157766
From the "Trump has no path the White House" Brigade

The mental illness of liberalism always follows the same playacting. One of them is "act as if and then it will come true"

Doesnt seem to work for them so much anymore :)
The mental illness of liberalism? God damn are you uninformed. Liberalism improved your life and everyone else's in America.

So your source is...a TV show?
Hey bonehead. Everything listed there is 100% factual. Hilarious you don't know that.
All the great achievements of the 20th century was because of liberals... and conservatives fought against each one.
Truth hurts doesn't it.
The problem is that factually almost all the statements made in that quote are incorrect.
Please enlighten us. Which ones are incorrect? and why?
Manafort: "OK Mueller you got me. I'll spill the beans on Russian involvement. Do you want me to start telling you about the Podestas or Hillary?"
No one has any Facts to show that anyone but Papadopoulos is going any where by Christmas,
just like there are no Facts to show that Russia did not collude with some Americans to effect our election.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

Unlikely. But hey, everyone has their own fantasies... so... you know... whatever turns you on...
View attachment 157766
From the "Trump has no path the White House" Brigade

The mental illness of liberalism always follows the same playacting. One of them is "act as if and then it will come true"

Doesnt seem to work for them so much anymore :)
The mental illness of liberalism? God damn are you uninformed. Liberalism improved your life and everyone else's in America.

So your source is...a TV show?
So your source is...a TV show?

Liberals seem to be rejoicing that they will be saying "President Pence" in the New Year.


So Pence becomes President due to his campaign's collusion with a foreign government. You must despise American Democracy when you rejoice in something like that. In a fair world the White House goes to Clinton by default, because Pence would get there by treason and criminality - his only path.
Liberals seem to be rejoicing that they will be saying "President Pence" in the New Year.


So Pence becomes President due to his campaign's collusion with a foreign government. You must despise American Democracy when you rejoice in something like that. In a fair world the White House goes to Clinton by default, because Pence would get there by treason and criminality - his only path.

Clinton won't get it. The chain is set in the Constitution. I don't even know how you can get Trump out by impeachment for collusion. There's no federal crime for collusion so all of this is bullshit.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
'It's only a matter of time' = NO EVIDENCE.

Thank you for playing, but you fail. Get back to me when there is evidence...

Like when you have evidence like Tony Podesta working for the KGB Bank, the chief financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One, the same bank that paid Bill millions in speaking fees, the same bank that paid Hillary millions in 'donations'.... like the evidence of Hilary's server crimes
You keep asking for evidence. Have you been asleep for the past year?

I don't know, it's hard for me to see any Trump ties to Russia, except for the Flynn thing,

and the Manafort thing,

And the Tillerson thing,

and the Sessions thing,

and the Kushner thing,

and the Carter page thing,

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Felix Sater thing,

and the Boris Epshteyn thing,

and the Rosneft thing,

and the Gazprom thing,

and the Sergey Gorkov thing,

and the Azerbaijan thing,

and the Donald Trump Jr. thing,

and the Sergey Kislyak thing,

and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing,

and the Russian Business Interests thing,

and the Emoluments clause thing,

and the Alex Schnaider thing,

and the DNC hack thing,

and the Guccifer 2.0 thing,

and the Mike Pence "I don't know anything" thing,

and the Russian mysteriously dying thing,

and the Trump's public request to hack Hillary's email thing,

and the Trump's house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer King thing,

and the Russian Fertilizer King's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing,

and the Nuñes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing,

and the Nuñes personal investments in the Russian winery thing,

and the Cypress bank thing,

and the Trump not releasing his tax returns thing,

and the Republican party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing,

and the election hacking thing,

and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing,

and the Steele Dossier thing,

and the Leninist Bannon thing,

and the Sally Yates can't testify thing,

and the intelligence community's investigative reports thing,

and the Trump's constant reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" thing,

So there's probably nothing there since the swamp has been drained, these people would never lie, and all of this must be normal just a bunch of separate dots with absolutely no connection.

And what crimes have been committed apart from the so called hacking which has never been proven to be the Russians
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
Yes, president pence will be fantastic. Lol

You people have a wishy washy leftie rightie now who will work with either side. But you're gonna do your best to push him out only to end up with a far rightie hardliner.

Makes complete sense when you consider how stupid liberals are. Lol
Trump's politics are closer to mine than Pence's but If Trump has committed treason then he has to go... Of course his supporters would still support him if he shot someone on 5th avenue

Even if he colluded with the Russians it's not treason.
Liberals seem to be rejoicing that they will be saying "President Pence" in the New Year.


So Pence becomes President due to his campaign's collusion with a foreign government. You must despise American Democracy when you rejoice in something like that. In a fair world the White House goes to Clinton by default, because Pence would get there by treason and criminality - his only path.

Clinton won't get it. The chain is set in the Constitution. I don't even know how you can get Trump out by impeachment for collusion. There's no federal crime for collusion so all of this is bullshit.
Impeachment is not a question of law. It is a question of politics.

Your team proved this with Bill Clinton.

Pence gets a half term works for me. He will destroy himself as a far rightwinger, but at least he is a Patriot and not insane.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
Yes, president pence will be fantastic. Lol

You people have a wishy washy leftie rightie now who will work with either side. But you're gonna do your best to push him out only to end up with a far rightie hardliner.

Makes complete sense when you consider how stupid liberals are. Lol
Trump's politics are closer to mine than Pence's but If Trump has committed treason then he has to go... Of course his supporters would still support him if he shot someone on 5th avenue

Even if he colluded with the Russians it's not treason.
Yes, it is

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