Mueller's team "improper" obtaining of emails???......REALLY??


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There is MUCH irony here......and I question the competency of Trump's legal team in accusing Mueller of improperly obtaining emails that are damaging to the Trump Keystone-Kops entourage.

FIRST, it was not too long ago when right wingers on here were "cheering" that Wikileaks (probably with Putin's valuable help) disseminated improperly gained emails from the DNC.......The cheering, back then, was supported that REGARDLESS of how those emails were obtained, the damage was justified.....

Now, the shoe is on the other foot.....and Trump's acolytes don't like it.

SECOND, if that Trump attorney had a legitimate case to make, the entire legal team would have marched over to a DC federal court of jurisdiction and BITCHED loudly.....They have NOT because there is NO case to be made and it is much BETTER to convince Trump cultists through propaganda than with legal facts.
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Good morning .... :cool:

I see you woke up early with Trump on your brain, as usual. .... :lol: :lol:
There is MUCH irony here......and I question the competency of Trump's legal team in accusing Mueller of improperly obtaining emails that are damaging to the Trump Keystone-Kops entourage.
FIRST, it was not too long ago when right wingers on here were "cheering" that Wikileaks (probably with Putin's valuable help) disseminated improperly gained emails from the DNC.......The cheering, back then, was supported that REGARDLESS of how those emails were obtained, the damage was justified.....
Now, the shoe is on the other foot.....and Trump's acolytes don't like it.
SECOND, if that Trump attorney had a legitimate case to make, the entire legal team would have marched over to a DC federal court of jurisdiction and BITCHED loudly.....They have NOT because there is N case to be made and it is much BETTER to convince Trump cultists through propaganda than with legal facts.

If Trump's mouthpiece thinks the evidence was obtained illegally he can make a motion to suppress ...IN COURT

In a statement to Buzzfeed early Sunday morning, Mueller’s office rebuked claims that investigators obtained the emails inappropriately.
“When we have obtained emails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation, we have secured either the account owner’s consent or appropriate criminal process,” Special Counsel’s Office spokesperson Peter Carr

‘Appropriate criminal process’: Mueller’s office fires back over Kushner emails — and the Trump team is screwed
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office over the weekend shot down Republican complaints that emails from Trump’s transition team — including inner-circle members like Jared Kushner — were illegally provided to investigators.
The rightwing propaganda machine is even crazier than usual at this point.Watch the queen of the harpies Jeanine Pirro go off her rocker:
“It’s time to take them out in cuffs”: Fox News’ Jeanine Pi...
Pirro must have attended law school at Trump U.
Why isn;t SHE marching up to a federal court to make the case???
As it is, reports came out a week ago about how 'evidence' NOT on the warrant to search Nanafort's home was taken. If so, Mabafort's indictment could be thrown out.

Then you have the whole exposing if the Strzok biasness / debacle, which is probably going to get Flynn's indictment thrown out...

So, again, Mueller is proving his rep as an investigative / prosecutorial F*-Up is well earned...

Federal Records Act

Ring a bell? These are the laws both Hillary and Obama violated...

(The FBI just stated they should never have released the messages sent by and pwrsonal record history on Strzok ... because it was so danaging to them / Mueller.)

'And the truth shall ser you free...'

and get you fired / indicted. :p
Hate to tell you libs that breaking the law falls under illegal search and seizure.....

The Fourth Amendment....

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.[2]
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
This statute makes it a crime for any person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived from any person those rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the U.S.

This law further prohibits a person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation or custom to willfully subject or cause to be subjected any person to different punishments, pains, or penalties, than those prescribed for punishment of citizens on account of such person being an alien or by reason of his/her color or race.

Acts under "color of any law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the bounds or limits of their lawful authority, but also acts done without and beyond the bounds of their lawful authority; provided that, in order for unlawful acts of any official to be done under "color of any law," the unlawful acts must be done while such official is purporting or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. This definition includes, in addition to law enforcement officials, individuals such as Mayors, Council persons, Judges, Nursing Home Proprietors, Security Guards, etc., persons who are bound by laws, statutes ordinances, or customs.

Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, or both, and if bodily injury results or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire shall be fined or imprisoned up to ten years or both, and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


Federal Civil Rights Statutes
Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
Federal Records Act

Ring a bell? These are the laws both Hillary and Obama violated...

(The FBI just stated they should never have released the messages sent by and pwrsonal record history on Strzok ... because it was so danaging to them / Mueller.)

'And the truth shall ser you free...'

and get you fired / indicted. :p
Chris Lu @ChrisLu44
I was the executive director of Obama's '08 transition. Norm is right. There is no expectation of privacy in transition emails: 1) they have a .gov address; 2) they were created with govt-supplied equipment; and 3) they sat on govt servers. This is just whining from Trump team …

8:50 AM - Dec 17, 2017
There is MUCH irony here......and I question the competency of Trump's legal team in accusing Mueller of improperly obtaining emails that are damaging to the Trump Keystone-Kops entourage.

FIRST, it was not too long ago when right wingers on here were "cheering" that Wikileaks (probably with Putin's valuable help) disseminated improperly gained emails from the DNC.......The cheering, back then, was supported that REGARDLESS of how those emails were obtained, the damage was justified.....

Now, the shoe is on the other foot.....and Trump's acolytes don't like it.

SECOND, if that Trump attorney had a legitimate case to make, the entire legal team would have marched over to a DC federal court of jurisdiction and BITCHED loudly.....They have NOT because there is NO case to be made and it is much BETTER to convince Trump cultists through propaganda than with legal facts.
The Trumpers were so eager to get help from Wikileaks and the Russian Secret Police when it came to disclosing private emails.

Now they are all upset when Mueller obtains emails from the GSA (which, happily is run by a Trump appointee).

Sweet payback!
Hate to tell you libs that breaking the law falls under illegal search and seizure.....
“When we have obtained emails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation, we have secured either the account owner’s consent or appropriate criminal process,” Special Counsel’s Office spokesperson Peter Carr

‘Appropriate criminal process’: Mueller’s office fires back over Kushner emails — and the Trump team is screwed
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office over the weekend shot down Republican complaints that emails from Trump’s transition team — including inner-circle members like Jared Kushner — were illegally provided to investigators.
The Trumpers were so eager to get help from Wikileaks and the Russian Secret Police when it came to disclosing private emails.
Now they are all upset when Mueller obtains emails from the GSA (which, happily is run by a Trump appointee).
Sweet payback!

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