Mueller's team "improper" obtaining of emails???......REALLY??

The rightwing propaganda machine is even crazier than usual at this point.

Watch the queen of the harpies Jeanine Pirro go off her rocker:

“It’s time to take them out in cuffs”: Fox News’ Jeanine Pi...

Pirro must have attended law school at Trump U.

Why isn't SHE marching up to a federal court to make the case???
Because she doesn’t have one.

This is just another ridiculous lie from the right, the idiocy of conservative fake news.
There is MUCH irony here......and I question the competency of Trump's legal team in accusing Mueller of improperly obtaining emails that are damaging to the Trump Keystone-Kops entourage.

FIRST, it was not too long ago when right wingers on here were "cheering" that Wikileaks (probably with Putin's valuable help) disseminated improperly gained emails from the DNC.......The cheering, back then, was supported that REGARDLESS of how those emails were obtained, the damage was justified.....

Now, the shoe is on the other foot.....and Trump's acolytes don't like it.

SECOND, if that Trump attorney had a legitimate case to make, the entire legal team would have marched over to a DC federal court of jurisdiction and BITCHED loudly.....They have NOT because there is NO case to be made and it is much BETTER to convince Trump cultists through propaganda than with legal facts.


The rightwing propaganda machine is even crazier than usual at this point.

Watch the queen of the harpies Jeanine Pirro go off her rocker:

“It’s time to take them out in cuffs”: Fox News’ Jeanine Pi...

Pirro must have attended law school at Trump U.

Why isn't SHE marching up to a federal court to make the case???
Actually she is the ciminal, her husband was convicted of tax evasion. And speeding at 119mph.

So where we sit today is "FBI bad", but police still good.
...evidence any day now..

You want "evidence"?????

Has about the indictments and declaration of guilt by at least FIVE of Trump's morons???

Bear in mind that Mueller has been at it for less than 7 months......
Be patient (and be very afraid....LOL),
The real trouble will start if he tries to fire Mueller Then the shit will hit the fan

Eddie, I am actually HOPING for Trump to "fire" Mueller.....The repercussions will speed up Trump's demise......and I mean that in all sincerity.
Let the real fun begin.
The real trouble will start if he tries to fire Mueller Then the shit will hit the fan

Eddie, I am actually HOPING for Trump to "fire" Mueller.....The repercussions will speed up Trump's demise......and I mean that in all sincerity.
Let the real fun begin.
I'm caught between a rock and a hard place as to the above Yes I'd like to see anything that brings the trump swine down BUT on the other hand I'd like to see him dangling and twisting in the wind lying to protect himself and family
I know. You're desperately hoping those facts will go away but they will not. The truth will come out. It worries you. We get it.

No, ALL means, keep harping on how a NON candidate like Hillary should be investigated.....RATHER than the oval office's sitting orange buffoon.......

Let us know how it'll all turn out..............LOL
What is Mueller investigating?

I don't know if he was legally allowed access to the emails, but assuming he did couldn't he just have done key word searches and moved on?

It would be stupid to do anything that could be considered illegal on a government server (unless you take emails like some people did).

Judging by what people have been charged with this sounds like a fishing expedition and someone needs to narrow his investigation.
This isn't going to end good for mueller. His covering of the previous admin on uranium one is about to come back on him 10 fold.
That ship sailed long ago when you wasted years harping on benghazi. Uranium one is pre-benghazi.

Theres nothing to deflect from trump. Mueller and company are covering their own collusion with russia and uranium one.
Mueller a LIFELONG republican

Since Watergate, EVERY special prosecutor has been of the opposition party of the one that was being investigated......

here we have a REPUBLICAN prosecutor investigating a REPUBLICAN administration, and right wingers are STILL bitching.....Go figure.
Mueller a LIFELONG republican

Since Watergate, EVERY special prosecutor has been of the opposition party of the one that was being investigated......

here we have a REPUBLICAN prosecutor investigating a REPUBLICAN administration, and right wingers are STILL bitching.....Go figure.
But they love this BS tax cut And today Putin calls trump to thank him Wonder if they made a date with each other
The truth is easy I respect yours and PC's ability to find and post the stuff you do But that said I'm on a complete opposite side of most of it You belittle a dem party thats fought for the rights and welfare of the little people...

Thank you for the statement / compliment. That being said...

Obama illegally spied on Americans, repotrrs, and the media...used the IRS as a weapon against 'little people' who opposed his agenda / his re-election...aided the terrorists who murdered the middle class / little people...created a Congressional process where they stole the tax dollars of the middle class / 'little people' and used that money to silence the victims of their sexual misconduct ... put a punitive monetary tax on poor people who could not afford ACA premiums ... was exposed through their own personal e-mails to be racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

You repeat / recite the DNC talking points really well, but the facts do not back them up.

I believe you are smarter than to buy all of that 'Dems good / GOP bad' garbage.

100+ lost elections, loss of the House / Senate / WH, Running a criminal 2016 candidate who was rejected.... Americans don't buy it all, either.

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