Muhammad Ali was a Coward

Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

I know your just here because you need attention. For some reason, either your blow up doll has too many patch holes in it and is starting to look like Trump or or or the sheep is sleep, something is forcing you to reveal your ignorance here and I'm trying to help you. BECAUSE THE BIGGEST JOKE OF DODGING THE DRAFT IS THAT ORANGE MF THAT LOOKS LIKE YOUR BLOW UP DOLL!! WHO IF ANYBODY SHOULD BE FIGHTING FOR THEIR COUNTRY, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE TRUMPS, THEN AND THE TRUMPS NOW, because this nation afforded this family the wealth it enjoys. Blacks on the other please!!
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

I know your just here because you need attention. For some reason, either your blow up doll has too many patch holes in it and is starting to look like Trump or or or the sheep is sleep, something is forcing you to reveal your ignorance here and I'm trying to help you. BECAUSE THE BIGGEST JOKE OF DODGING THE DRAFT IS THAT ORANGE MF THAT LOOKS LIKE YOUR BLOW UP DOLL!! WHO IF ANYBODY SHOULD BE FIGHTING FOR THEIR COUNTRY, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE TRUMPS, THEN AND THE TRUMPS NOW, because this nation afforded this family the wealth it enjoys. Blacks on the other please!!

What about blacks? We’re you going to say hand outs and special treatment?
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

I respect Ali.

I don't agree with his choice, but he was a MAN and stood by his principles regardless of the cost, prison included.

If he was a MAN he would have served.

Nope. He did his time to support his principles.

His nation was at war. There is nothing good about what he did. Men of same age were dying in Vietnam doing the right thing. No justification for his coward ass.

Going to a foreign country and murdering poor brown people who never hurt anyone was the right thing? You are not a patriot. In fact, people like you are incredibly dangerous to a free society.

When did that happen, del?

In Vietnam a Soviet backed, trained, and armed force violently overthrew the French provisional government and established Ho Chi Minh as dictator who then invaded the South. The Soviet Empire was absolutely a threat to America, practically on the heels of Hitler and the Nazis pulling the same shit of knocking off one country after another.
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Pssst... I don't mean to embarrass you, but both your ignorance and hypocrisy are showing...

Your lack of an argument is showing.

Why argue? The OP is wrong, the OP is unlikely to change his mind, the effort would be pointless.
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Well so was George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, and yet they got elected to be the Commander...

Ali made his choice and I may not agree it was his choice...

George W Bush was not back home burning draft cards, and neither was Donald Trump. Your batting average is 1 for 3 which is above the Mendoza line, but very inaccurate.

We're they sent to Vietnam?

No, so stop pretending they were serving while others were dying!

If you want to call Bill Clinton a coward, so be it but everyone from that era knew the Guard was where the rich kid hid while the poor kid went in their place and other rich kids had doctors lying about their bone spurs...

So stop rewriting history, or better stop being a coward and call Trump and Bush what they are, oh wait you voted for that trash so you love cowards as long as they are Republican!

Millions of people were not sent to Vietnam. I had two older cousins in the Army in the 60s, and neither went to Vietnam. Their father and their uncle did!

Cowards don't fly single-engine fighters that have a glide slope of a brick. Trump was medically DQed. Learn to live with it.

Money can't Buy you Love, but it sure can buy you a deferment! :rolleyes:

At least Ali was more honest about it, stood up like a man and owned up to it, rather than hiding behind a college student status, and then a medical deferment when the college excuse ran out.
I'm sure back then the patriotic thing to do was to serve in the Vietnam War. However, in hindsight if my son was 17 and close to being drafted I would have given the US government the middle finger and moved him to Canada. Likewise, I can't agree with the OP about Ali. In fact, with all the knowledge we have now about the war I can't believe anyone would even call someone a coward for not going.

From your first statement you prove you have no clue....Vietnam was not a popular war.....the real problem with it was that the government exempted the ellites from having to was very easy to get a deferment. Those who got drafted were for the most part poor, uneducated and unable for whatever reason to get a deferrment though they were very easy to get. These lower class draftees many of them minorities created big problems in the military....especially regarding discipline. Which broke down in many,many cases in Vietnam...not even to mention all the drug usage...this fiasco of drafting only the lower elements in society motivated the move to create an all volunteer military....which we have been able to maintain due to the fact that we have not had a major war that required the numbers that were needed in WWII. There are good and bad aspects of a volunteer Army....but national service of some sort should be required when the youth reach it in the military or some other would result in a more united citizenry....if the children of the elites were required to sacrifice as the common people have been required to do. We need some programs that would open up areas for National Service like FDR initiated ....The CCC ...civilian conservation corps, The WPA one of many Great Depression relief programs created under the auspices of the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act, which Roosevelt had signed the month before. The WPA, the Public Works Administration (PWA) and other federal assistance programs put unemployed Americans to work in return for temporary financial assistance. Out of the 10 million jobless men in the United States in 1935, 3 million were helped by WPA jobs alone. But not only did it put unemployed folks to contributed to patriotism in general.....people were much more united and the end result was our victory in WW2. Folks like ali helped create more division and hatred of our Nation...and the most outrageous thing was how the Supreme Ct. slapped veterans in the face by allowing Ali to avoid the draft.
When did that happen, del?

In Vietnam a Soviet backed, trained, and armed force violently overthrew the French provisional government and established Ho Chi Minh as dictator who then invaded the South. The Soviet Empire was absolutely a threat to America, practically on the heels of Hitler and the Nazis pulling the same shit of knocking off one country after another.

Nothing that happened in Vietnam was a threat to American security. Our aggression there was typical American imperialism, just like Korea and Iraq.
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Muhammad Ali used his anti-American schtick to sell a lot of tickets to his bouts over the years. I don't think it was cowardice that caused him to dodge the draft, just a desire to make a lot of money from people willing to pay good money so Ali could get his comeuppance from Frazier or whomever.
I'm sure back then the patriotic thing to do was to serve in the Vietnam War. However, in hindsight if my son was 17 and close to being drafted I would have given the US government the middle finger and moved him to Canada. Likewise, I can't agree with the OP about Ali. In fact, with all the knowledge we have now about the war I can't believe anyone would even call someone a coward for not going.
It took more guts to say NO to that war than it did to go. Not all draftees went to Vietnam and most of those who did go never saw combat. Ali was guaranteed to not serve in combat but he didn`t want to be seen as someone who gave his approval to that criminal act.
Ali would have been expected to put on a uniform and make public appearances supporting the war. Much like Joe Louis did. Ali knew better
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

If only he had been demonized with those pesky Bone Spurs! Then we could say he was a Hero!
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Muhammad Ali used his anti-American schtick to sell a lot of tickets to his bouts over the years. I don't think it was cowardice that caused him to dodge the draft, just a desire to make a lot of money from people willing to pay good money so Ali could get his comeuppance from Frazier or whomever.
He was the biggest ticket in the sports world. Refusing to serve cost him three years as a boxer
Very few top athletes got called into service

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