Muhammad Ali was a Coward

Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

And your hero on the NRA board of directors shit his pants to avoid the draft while singing about screwing 13 year old girls.
He was the biggest ticket in the sports world. Refusing to serve cost him three years as a boxer

The 3 years off gave Mr. Ali a chance to really generate heat with the fans, as well as give his future rivals like Joe Frazier time to build up their own cases and make people want to see the fights. If he had fought Joe Frazier in 1968 or 69, he would not have made nearly as much money to get his behind kicked.

Sure, it cost him a number of fights, but it made the fights he had afterwards so much bigger as far as money. And that's the name of the game, and why he started with this "black muslim" schtick in the first place. Generate heat and get people to pay to see him.
Trump laughed at those stupid enough to get drafted

Do you have a link on this? President Trump wasn't physically qualified for military service,but he never laughed at those who were qualified. Never saw it anyhow.

Bone spurs on the feet make it impossible for the prospective soldier to do long marches, which is part of military service you know.
He was the biggest ticket in the sports world. Refusing to serve cost him three years as a boxer

The 3 years off gave Mr. Ali a chance to really generate heat with the fans, as well as give his future rivals like Joe Frazier time to build up their own cases and make people want to see the fights. If he had fought Joe Frazier in 1968 or 69, he would not have made nearly as much money to get his behind kicked.

Sure, it cost him a number of fights, but it made the fights he had afterwards so much bigger as far as money. And that's the name of the game, and why he started with this "black muslim" schtick in the first place. Generate heat and get people to pay to see him.
I actually agree

But it has NOTHING to do with his refusal to serve
Trump laughed at those stupid enough to get drafted

Do you have a link on this? President Trump wasn't physically qualified for military service,but he never laughed at those who were qualified. Never saw it anyhow.

Bone spurs on the feet make it impossible for the prospective soldier to do long marches, which is part of military service you know.
Just listen to Trump bragging about his lack of military service on the Howard Stern show
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Muhammad Ali used his anti-American schtick to sell a lot of tickets to his bouts over the years. I don't think it was cowardice that caused him to dodge the draft, just a desire to make a lot of money from people willing to pay good money so Ali could get his comeuppance from Frazier or whomever.
He was the biggest ticket in the sports world. Refusing to serve cost him three years as a boxer
Very few top athletes got called into service

Elvis did
Ali was proven right about the Vietnam war

You don't get the point of the OP ..trump dodged the draft also.
Ali did not dodge the draft, he opposed the war, and did exactly as David Thoreau did, served his time for his opposition. He was far more in the American tradition than our present President.

B.S. he dodged the draft just like Trump did, it's the entire point of this thread. He would of been just like Elvis a nice easy job in Germany where he could of picked up little girls.
Trump laughed at those stupid enough to get drafted

Do you have a link on this? President Trump wasn't physically qualified for military service,but he never laughed at those who were qualified. Never saw it anyhow.

Bone spurs on the feet make it impossible for the prospective soldier to do long marches, which is part of military service you know.
Just listen to Trump bragging about his lack of military service on the Howard Stern show

You have the tapes?

Howard refused to release them.
Elvis did

Elvis was a hero, it made sense for him.

Mohammad Ali was a heel, he earned his money denouncing America. Sure, he was a talented boxer, but unless you get people interested in paying to see you get your butt kicked, I suppose Ali could have done a face turn and pander to the fans, but you already had Joe Frazier doing that as well as Foreman who was waving the flag at the 68 Olympics when some US olympians were denouncing America. Ali had to stay a heel for the big money opportunities.
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Muhammad Ali used his anti-American schtick to sell a lot of tickets to his bouts over the years. I don't think it was cowardice that caused him to dodge the draft, just a desire to make a lot of money from people willing to pay good money so Ali could get his comeuppance from Frazier or whomever.
He was the biggest ticket in the sports world. Refusing to serve cost him three years as a boxer
Very few top athletes got called into service

Elvis did
Before Vietnam
I'm sure back then the patriotic thing to do was to serve in the Vietnam War. However, in hindsight if my son was 17 and close to being drafted I would have given the US government the middle finger and moved him to Canada. Likewise, I can't agree with the OP about Ali. In fact, with all the knowledge we have now about the war I can't believe anyone would even call someone a coward for not going.

From your first statement you prove you have no clue....Vietnam was not a popular war.....the real problem with it was that the government exempted the ellites from having to was very easy to get a deferment. Those who got drafted were for the most part poor, uneducated and unable for whatever reason to get a deferrment though they were very easy to get. These lower class draftees many of them minorities created big problems in the military....especially regarding discipline. Which broke down in many,many cases in Vietnam...not even to mention all the drug usage...this fiasco of drafting only the lower elements in society motivated the move to create an all volunteer military....which we have been able to maintain due to the fact that we have not had a major war that required the numbers that were needed in WWII. There are good and bad aspects of a volunteer Army....but national service of some sort should be required when the youth reach it in the military or some other would result in a more united citizenry....if the children of the elites were required to sacrifice as the common people have been required to do. We need some programs that would open up areas for National Service like FDR initiated ....The CCC ...civilian conservation corps, The WPA one of many Great Depression relief programs created under the auspices of the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act, which Roosevelt had signed the month before. The WPA, the Public Works Administration (PWA) and other federal assistance programs put unemployed Americans to work in return for temporary financial assistance. Out of the 10 million jobless men in the United States in 1935, 3 million were helped by WPA jobs alone. But not only did it put unemployed folks to contributed to patriotism in general.....people were much more united and the end result was our victory in WW2. Folks like ali helped create more division and hatred of our Nation...and the most outrageous thing was how the Supreme Ct. slapped veterans in the face by allowing Ali to avoid the draft.

You're an idiot. I have spoken with many veterans that said they went because they thought it was the right thing to do. Some very close to me. I'm right about my first statement. I never said it applied to everyone who went. But no doubt there was a sense of "cowardice" if one went to Canada or made up an excuse. HENCE THE THREAD TITLE THAT I DISAGREE WITH. smh.
I believe Ali was sincere in his opposition to the draft. He would have probably gotten a non combat job, teaching officers how to box, giving exhibitions etc., but risked prison for his principles. Funny, not a word about bush/bolton/trump/cheney war mongering draft dodgers.

Ali would have been a coward if he put on a uniform and made public appearances about how great the war was
I didn’t know cowards supported our troops.
I served from 1967 to 1970..USN Minesweepers in the Mekong Delta and off the coast--Yankee and Zulu stations. When I left the service--honorably---I protested the war. I was a member of the Vietnam Vets Against the War. Having made an exhaustive study of the war, it's clear that our reasons for engaging were fucked up..and had been from the beginning..Ike wanted to appease the French and reestablish the French hegemony--Kennedy was Catholic and felt an affinity for the South....LBJ thought the war was shit..but couldn't see his way he tried to fight his way out..they all thought McNamara was a genius and bought into the sound of dominoes falling...Nixon made a desert, and called it peace.
The end result? The sovereign nation of Vietnam--and the lasting lesson that the concept of, "My country--right or wrong", was immoral.
Knowing what I know now..would I have gone? Hell no!

Ali? He took a stand...and he paid the price. To lessen that price is to lessen the stand. I respect his stand...and I would never pardon him.
I believe Ali was sincere in his opposition to the draft. He would have probably gotten a non combat job, teaching officers how to box, giving exhibitions etc., but risked prison for his principles. Funny, not a word about bush/bolton/trump/cheney war mongering draft dodgers.
White conservative Christian dodgers are patriots -- blacks are un-patriotic...

Even the black folks who went over to Vietnam were still not seen as patriotic.
I believe Ali was sincere in his opposition to the draft. He would have probably gotten a non combat job, teaching officers how to box, giving exhibitions etc., but risked prison for his principles. Funny, not a word about bush/bolton/trump/cheney war mongering draft dodgers.

Ali would have been a coward if he put on a uniform and made public appearances about how great the war was
I didn’t know cowards supported our troops.
I served from 1967 to 1970..USN Minesweepers in the Mekong Delta and off the coast--Yankee and Zulu stations. When I left the service--honorably---I protested the war. I was a member of the Vietnam Vets Against the War. Having made an exhaustive study of the war, it's clear that our reasons for engaging were fucked up..and had been from the beginning..Ike wanted to appease the French and reestablish the French hegemony--Kennedy was Catholic and felt an affinity for the South....LBJ thought the war was shit..but couldn't see his way he tried to fight his way out..they all thought McNamara was a genius and bought into the sound of dominoes falling...Nixon made a desert, and called it peace.
The end result? The sovereign nation of Vietnam--and the lasting lesson that the concept of, "My country--right or wrong", was immoral.
Knowing what I know now..would I have gone? Hell no!

Ali? He took a stand...and he paid the price. To lessen that price is to lessen the stand. I respect his stand...and I would never pardon him.
Opposing an unjust war is patriotic
Are you one of those nuts who screams “race traitor!” and “genocide!” When you see an interracial couple?

Does hating racist white people trigger you?

Ali was not fond of people who wanted to see him and people like him oppressed and lynched. Only buckdancing minstrels like Jesse Lee or Diamond and Silk would be in favor of that.
Ali was proven right about the Vietnam war

Another worthless comment by a worthless poster. All Ali proved is that islam doesn't believe in countries so why would he fight for that made him a famous millionaire for beating the hell out of other negroes. If you knew anything about Vietnam and what happened there, you might think twice about being a closet-communist.

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