Muhammad Ali was a Coward

Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

I respect Ali.

I don't agree with his choice, but he was a MAN and stood by his principles regardless of the cost, prison included.

If he was a MAN he would have served.

Nope. He did his time to support his principles.

His nation was at war. There is nothing good about what he did. Men of same age were dying in Vietnam doing the right thing. No justification for his coward ass.
What "right thing" causes your own death?

You have bass ackwards morals.
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Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

I respect Ali.

I don't agree with his choice, but he was a MAN and stood by his principles regardless of the cost, prison included.

If he was a MAN he would have served.

Nope. He did his time to support his principles.

His nation was at war. There is nothing good about what he did. Men of same age were dying in Vietnam doing the right thing. No justification for his coward ass.

Going to a foreign country and murdering poor brown people who never hurt anyone was the right thing? You are not a patriot. In fact, people like you are incredibly dangerous to a free society.
It's kind of disingenuous to call yourself a "conscientious objector" when you job is beating the crap out of other people with your fists.

I'm just sayin'.

You nailed it....not even to mention he was a follower of the most intolerant, backward and violent religion in all of history. His religious mentor was Elijah Muhammed who controlled and used Ali shamelessly. Malcom X exposed the real elijah muhammed and was assasinated for it.
ali was bad for not serving but trump is good to go.....drink the orange kool aid

Ali was drafted and refused to go....big difference. Trump was never drafted. There is a thing called 'the law' and supposedly we are a nation of laws....try and wrap your head around that boyo.
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

You mean like how Donald Trump volunteered?
He was also the most pathological liar in sports history when he said it's against his religious beliefs to kill; I've read the Quran and I can assure you it's a book of bloodthirst cover to cover, stem to stern.
The Supreme Court took that into account in their decision on Ali
Carter pardoned all the dodgers in 1977. But Ali remains as a coward.

I am glad you agree that Donald Trump is a coward.
Notice how OP waited until Muhammed Ali was dead to start this thread?

He didn't want to take a chance until he was sure Ali couldn't come find him.
Why would he need boxing gloves in the jungle?

If you believe you could have taken Ali then you should have offer yourself up, but I doubt it would have happen.

Look, many cowards of that time and you might believe Ali was a coward and if so then three of our last four Presidents were cowards from running away, hiding in the Guard or using doctors to dodge and yet many forgive them...

No one enjoys war, well except nutters...
Trump was not a coward

He courageously fought bone spurs and he knows more than the Generals

You know my old troll add tires of trolling on subjects like this...

Bill Clinton dodged the draft...

George W. Bush was hid in the Guard.

Donald Trump was rich enough to have a doctor say he was not fit for service...

So yes they were cowards because a poor kid went in their place, but at that time no one really wanted to fight in that police action...

As for Trump comments, he an idiot that make other idiot foam at the mouth!

Most people forget the fact that Trump could not know which doctor would evaluate him.

As for your last comment, please don't call other people idiots without proofreading your comment.

Awww, Donald Trump is white trash that you excuse because of the R after his name. I am sure you would proudly die for him as fools like you do daily!

Also Trump was not being sent to war because he was not poor, so stop lying!

Is that like Obama being Black ghetto filth but yet you idiot Liberals gave him pass on being the worst President ever because he was a Democrat?

Or is that more like you dumbas Liberals giving Crooked Hillary a pass on being corrupt, an asshole and dishonest because she was the Moon Bat Party's Presidential nominee?
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Wow. This coming from a supporter of Captain Bone Spurs.

Who took Trump's place in Vietnam? Did he live?

You can't call people chicken for avoiding the Vietnam war & then vote for & supportg Donald Trump who dissed veterans.

My God.
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Pssst... I don't mean to embarrass you, but both your ignorance and hypocrisy are showing...
Muhammad Ali had a legitimate status as a conscientious objector

Fat Donnie faked heel spurs
If you believe you could have taken Ali then you should have offer yourself up, but I doubt it would have happen.

Look, many cowards of that time and you might believe Ali was a coward and if so then three of our last four Presidents were cowards from running away, hiding in the Guard or using doctors to dodge and yet many forgive them...

No one enjoys war, well except nutters...
Trump was not a coward

He courageously fought bone spurs and he knows more than the Generals

You know my old troll add tires of trolling on subjects like this...

Bill Clinton dodged the draft...

George W. Bush was hid in the Guard.

Donald Trump was rich enough to have a doctor say he was not fit for service...

So yes they were cowards because a poor kid went in their place, but at that time no one really wanted to fight in that police action...

As for Trump comments, he an idiot that make other idiot foam at the mouth!

Most people forget the fact that Trump could not know which doctor would evaluate him.

As for your last comment, please don't call other people idiots without proofreading your comment.

Awww, Donald Trump is white trash that you excuse because of the R after his name. I am sure you would proudly die for him as fools like you do daily!

Also Trump was not being sent to war because he was not poor, so stop lying!

Is that like Obama being Black ghetto filth but yet you idiot Liberals gave him pass on being the worst President ever because he was a Democrat?

Or is that more like you dumbas Liberals giving Crooked Hillary a pass on being corrupt, an asshole and dishonest because she was the Moon Bat Party's Presidential nominee?

Obama did not grow up in a black ghetto. You are quite uninformed, uneducated & just plain dumber than shit.
I'm sure back then the patriotic thing to do was to serve in the Vietnam War. However, in hindsight if my son was 17 and close to being drafted I would have given the US government the middle finger and moved him to Canada. Likewise, I can't agree with the OP about Ali. In fact, with all the knowledge we have now about the war I can't believe anyone would even call someone a coward for not going.
Trump was not a coward

He courageously fought bone spurs and he knows more than the Generals

You know my old troll add tires of trolling on subjects like this...

Bill Clinton dodged the draft...

George W. Bush was hid in the Guard.

Donald Trump was rich enough to have a doctor say he was not fit for service...

So yes they were cowards because a poor kid went in their place, but at that time no one really wanted to fight in that police action...

As for Trump comments, he an idiot that make other idiot foam at the mouth!

Most people forget the fact that Trump could not know which doctor would evaluate him.

As for your last comment, please don't call other people idiots without proofreading your comment.

Awww, Donald Trump is white trash that you excuse because of the R after his name. I am sure you would proudly die for him as fools like you do daily!

Also Trump was not being sent to war because he was not poor, so stop lying!

Is that like Obama being Black ghetto filth but yet you idiot Liberals gave him pass on being the worst President ever because he was a Democrat?

Or is that more like you dumbas Liberals giving Crooked Hillary a pass on being corrupt, an asshole and dishonest because she was the Moon Bat Party's Presidential nominee?

Obama did not grow up in a black ghetto. You are quite uninformed, uneducated & just plain dumber than shit.

You're right. I don't think they have a black ghetto in Kenya.
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

At least he was up front about his concientiuos objection. He put his career and his freedom on the line.

Unlike cadet bonespurs who was and is a real coward that was refusing to rent his daddy's apartments to minorities, while a man name Robert Mueller was recieving medals for bravery.
I'm sure back then the patriotic thing to do was to serve in the Vietnam War. However, in hindsight if my son was 17 and close to being drafted I would have given the US government the middle finger and moved him to Canada. Likewise, I can't agree with the OP about Ali. In fact, with all the knowledge we have now about the war I can't believe anyone would even call someone a coward for not going.
It took more guts to say NO to that war than it did to go. Not all draftees went to Vietnam and most of those who did go never saw combat. Ali was guaranteed to not serve in combat but he didn`t want to be seen as someone who gave his approval to that criminal act.

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