Multiculturalism and Sharia

Likewise there is a different between a Muslim group who demands that the law be changed to accommodate or allow the implementation of Sharia Law that is in direct opposition to the law of the land and. . . .

A Christian group who demands that the law not be changed so that it requires them to accept or accommodate that which is offensive or unacceptable to those Christians.

One looks to require others to conform to its religious beliefs. The other looks to be allowed their religious beliefs without encroaching or dictating anybody else's beliefs.

Most people also can see the difference between these two things.

So at least you concede the supremacy of federal law over state and local law, if there is any conflict between the former and the latter.
15. " Americans must be aware of covert foreign influence in our political system...

a. Imad “David” Ramadan is running for the Republican nomination for the House of Delegates in Virginia’s 87th district. After a few years of generous donations to Virginia Republicans, Ramadan made his move. Investing an estimated $500,000 in his campaign, hiring out-of-state consultants, and pulling the strings of his obligated donation recipients, Ramadan appeared to believe he is owed the seat.

b. Just over 40 years old, Ramadan has lived in the US for about 20 years. Public records show that he arrived in the US, on a student visa, and never went back to Lebanon. He had married a fellow Lebanese and declared bankruptcy in 1994.

c. Then he suddenly opened a business after 2001, and became an “international business consultant.” With no apparent business experience, he bragged on his website that he served “a select group of clients.” He claimed to be the head of a law firm (though he’s not a lawyer). He claimed to represent an American women’s gym chain in India and “the Middle East.”

d. Ramadan, from what I can make out, is the scion of a Lebanese Shi’a family. He told me that his father paid for him to attend university in Virginia. It would be very interesting to hear more details about these issues.

The Lebanese Shi’a are the backbone of the terrorist organization, Hezbollah (The Party of God).

Imad’s citizenship status is murky as well. According to public records, Imad Ramadan married a fellow Lebanese, Ghanda Abdul Rahman Zoghbi on Dec. 30, 1994, in Alexandria, Virginia, while he was a graduate student. Just the month before, in Nov. 1994, court records show that Imad Ramadan declared bankruptcy.

Imad claims that he is now (2011) married to “Christie Wray” of Franklin, Virginia. Efforts to find evidence of Imad’s divorce from his first wife, the daughter of a Lebanese military intelligence general, were unsuccessful.
Foreign Influence in American Politics?Imad Ramadan in Virginia
Yes our Muslim enemies are indeed very patient. .

Yes, indeed they are. They have waited over 90 years to respond to the Judeo-American aggression.


Even if we went with revenge as the motive and accepted the rather ignorant and indeed stupid red herring of 'Judeo-American aggression', you would think those who would have been 'victims' of such 'aggression' would have ordered us out of the area and/or retaliated themselves, and they did neither.

Do not make the silly mistake of confusing what is stated as justification as what the motive actually is.


They have been trying since 1925 to remove the zionists.

But they can not compete when the US has been providing their tormentors with over 100 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillions dollars in Aid and all the military hardware they need to crush the Palestinian farmers.

All nations exist because they took over the real estate someone previously owned. Pretending the US is going to be taken over by Islam and that somehow that's unfair or even bad is disingenuous when our very existence is due to that very process taking over and wiping out the indians. Is Islam succeeds in any way imposing it's religion into our government well, that's how that goes. Whining about it though is pathetic and reveals you're either ignorant of our own orign, or hypocritical about it.
All nations exist because they took over the real estate someone previously owned. Pretending the US is going to be taken over by Islam and that somehow that's unfair or even bad is disingenuous when our very existence is due to that very process taking over and wiping out the indians. Is Islam succeeds in any way imposing it's religion into our government well, that's how that goes. Whining about it though is pathetic and reveals you're either ignorant of our own orign, or hypocritical about it.

"Pretending the US is going to be taken over by Islam and that somehow that's unfair or even bad...."

You are the poster child for imbecility.

I bet you wrote that because you had a lack of oxygen to your brain....probably your anal sphincter was choking you.
All nations exist because they took over the real estate someone previously owned. Pretending the US is going to be taken over by Islam and that somehow that's unfair or even bad is disingenuous when our very existence is due to that very process taking over and wiping out the indians. Is Islam succeeds in any way imposing it's religion into our government well, that's how that goes. Whining about it though is pathetic and reveals you're either ignorant of our own orign, or hypocritical about it.

"Pretending the US is going to be taken over by Islam and that somehow that's unfair or even bad...."

You are the poster child for imbecility.

I bet you wrote that because you had a lack of oxygen to your brain....probably your anal sphincter was choking you.

where do people like this come from......? pakistan perhaps....?
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Yes, indeed they are. They have waited over 90 years to respond to the Judeo-American aggression.


Even if we went with revenge as the motive and accepted the rather ignorant and indeed stupid red herring of 'Judeo-American aggression', you would think those who would have been 'victims' of such 'aggression' would have ordered us out of the area and/or retaliated themselves, and they did neither.

Do not make the silly mistake of confusing what is stated as justification as what the motive actually is.


They have been trying since 1925 to remove the zionists.

But they can not compete when the US has been providing their tormentors with over 100 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillions dollars in Aid and all the military hardware they need to crush the Palestinian farmers.


Their tormenters? The State of Israel is smaller than the State of New Jersey and is home to a little over 7 million people, 20% of whom are Arab who enjoy full citizenship and rights with the Jews as well as representation on the Knesset. Please point to a single Arab nation or any other Muslim nation that affords full citizenship and rights to Jews and/or allows them representation in their governments.

The State of Israel was not taken by conquest but the land was given by England who controlled the area and was established by a U.N. resolution to provide a homeland for Jews displaced by real tormenters in WWII. It eventually became a haven for Jews experiencing discrimination and persecution from all over the world.

Israel would not be a problem to a single living soul if its neighbors would just allow it to be in peace. But they will not. It is not Israel who are the tormenters.
All nations exist because they took over the real estate someone previously owned. Pretending the US is going to be taken over by Islam and that somehow that's unfair or even bad is disingenuous when our very existence is due to that very process taking over and wiping out the indians. Is Islam succeeds in any way imposing it's religion into our government well, that's how that goes. Whining about it though is pathetic and reveals you're either ignorant of our own orign, or hypocritical about it.

"Pretending the US is going to be taken over by Islam and that somehow that's unfair or even bad...."

You are the poster child for imbecility.

I bet you wrote that because you had a lack of oxygen to your brain....probably your anal sphincter was choking you.

where do people like this come from......? pakistan perhaps....?

I have a suspicion that some folks believe that they get paid for matter how stupid the attempt is.
It's interesting that you say that here, now, but during the infamous Duck Dynasty controversy you were calling for it to be made illegal for groups to try to economically harm businesses because of their political views.

Yes, it should be illegal to organize and pressure the advertisers, suppliers, and customers/clients of a private business or person for no other reason than to damage, destroy, or harm the person or business because he/it holds an unpopular or politically incorrect point of view.

That is a very different thing than my personal choice of who I will or will not do business with or my reasons for making that choice.

Are you able to see the difference between these two things?

There is no material difference between an organization composed of individuals who have made a likeminded personal choice and one individual making a personal choice.

There is a difference between personal choice and organized vindictive and punative attacks on a person or organization. I know the distinction between these two things is really difficult for some to grasp, but try okay?
Even if we went with revenge as the motive and accepted the rather ignorant and indeed stupid red herring of 'Judeo-American aggression', you would think those who would have been 'victims' of such 'aggression' would have ordered us out of the area and/or retaliated themselves, and they did neither.

Do not make the silly mistake of confusing what is stated as justification as what the motive actually is.


They have been trying since 1925 to remove the zionists.

But they can not compete when the US has been providing their tormentors with over 100 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillions dollars in Aid and all the military hardware they need to crush the Palestinian farmers.


Their tormenters? The State of Israel is smaller than the State of New Jersey and is home to a little over 7 million people, 20% of whom are Arab who enjoy full citizenship and rights with the Jews as well as representation on the Knesset.



So someday there will be a Prime Minister named Muhammad?

What happens if the Arab majority votes to dissolve the Jewish State and become a radical Islamist Republic aligned with Persia?

The State of Israel was not taken by conquest but the land was given by England who controlled the area and was established by a U.N. resolution to provide a homeland for Jews displaced by real tormenters in WWII.

Do you be lying?

So if the land was not acquired by conquest what was the purpose of Menachem Begin's Stern Gang?


WHERE in the British Mandate did the Allies authorize the UK to partition Palestine? Specifically what Article are you referring to.
Yes, it should be illegal to organize and pressure the advertisers, suppliers, and customers/clients of a private business or person for no other reason than to damage, destroy, or harm the person or business because he/it holds an unpopular or politically incorrect point of view.

That is a very different thing than my personal choice of who I will or will not do business with or my reasons for making that choice.

Are you able to see the difference between these two things?

There is no material difference between an organization composed of individuals who have made a likeminded personal choice and one individual making a personal choice.

There is a difference between personal choice and organized vindictive and punative attacks on a person or organization. I know the distinction between these two things is really difficult for some to grasp, but try okay?

There's no difference. Both are free speech and/or freedom of assembly.


They have been trying since 1925 to remove the zionists.

But they can not compete when the US has been providing their tormentors with over 100 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillions dollars in Aid and all the military hardware they need to crush the Palestinian farmers.


Their tormenters? The State of Israel is smaller than the State of New Jersey and is home to a little over 7 million people, 20% of whom are Arab who enjoy full citizenship and rights with the Jews as well as representation on the Knesset.



So someday there will be a Prime Minister named Muhammad?

What happens if the Arab majority votes to dissolve the Jewish State and become a radical Islamist Republic aligned with Persia?

The State of Israel was not taken by conquest but the land was given by England who controlled the area and was established by a U.N. resolution to provide a homeland for Jews displaced by real tormenters in WWII.

Do you be lying?

So if the land was not acquired by conquest what was the purpose of Menachem Begin's Stern Gang?


WHERE in the British Mandate did the Allies authorize the UK to partition Palestine? Specifically what Article are you referring to.

I'm simply not in the mood to teach a history class this morning and certainly not to one of the masters of red herrings and non sequitur, but no, we won't have a Israeli Prime Minister named Muhammad UNLESS the Arabs outside of Israel choose to make peace with the Jews and choose to accept Israel as having a right to exist. And even then maybe not because for the first time in their long, LONG history, the Jews are able to live in a place that they are allowed to be who and what they are without danger of challenge from anybody. And they will choose to protect that right.
Yes, it should be illegal to organize and pressure the advertisers, suppliers, and customers/clients of a private business or person for no other reason than to damage, destroy, or harm the person or business because he/it holds an unpopular or politically incorrect point of view.

That is a very different thing than my personal choice of who I will or will not do business with or my reasons for making that choice.

Are you able to see the difference between these two things?

There is no material difference between an organization composed of individuals who have made a likeminded personal choice and one individual making a personal choice.

There is a difference between personal choice and organized vindictive and punative attacks on a person or organization. I know the distinction between these two things is really difficult for some to grasp, but try okay?

So I guess in your world it would be illegal for Guiness and Sam Adams breweries to have pulled their sponsorship from the St. Patrick's Day parade because of that organization's ban on gays?

lol, how would that work?
There is no material difference between an organization composed of individuals who have made a likeminded personal choice and one individual making a personal choice.

There is a difference between personal choice and organized vindictive and punative attacks on a person or organization. I know the distinction between these two things is really difficult for some to grasp, but try okay?

There's no difference. Both are free speech and/or freedom of assembly.

No. One is a choice that involves ourselves only. The other is gang activity intended to punish others for wrong beliefs, the very antithesis of individual rights and liberty.
Their tormenters? The State of Israel is smaller than the State of New Jersey and is home to a little over 7 million people, 20% of whom are Arab who enjoy full citizenship and rights with the Jews as well as representation on the Knesset.



So someday there will be a Prime Minister named Muhammad?

What happens if the Arab majority votes to dissolve the Jewish State and become a radical Islamist Republic aligned with Persia?

The State of Israel was not taken by conquest but the land was given by England who controlled the area and was established by a U.N. resolution to provide a homeland for Jews displaced by real tormenters in WWII.

Do you be lying?

So if the land was not acquired by conquest what was the purpose of Menachem Begin's Stern Gang?


WHERE in the British Mandate did the Allies authorize the UK to partition Palestine? Specifically what Article are you referring to.

I'm simply not in the mood to teach a history class this morning and certainly not to one of the masters of red herrings and non sequitur, but no, we won't have a Israeli Prime Minister named Muhammad UNLESS the Arabs outside of Israel choose to make peace with the Jews and choose to accept Israel as having a right to exist. And even then maybe not because for the first time in their long, LONG history, the Jews are able to live in a place that they are allowed to be who and what they are without danger of challenge from anybody. And they will choose to protect that right.

You know Libertarians have been looking for their own place under the sun.

But unfortunately we do not believe in initiating aggression. Otherwise we would invade a small peaceful country which is populated by farmers as Palestine used to be.

I can understand why Bibi suspects that Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 is going to make an unscheduled landing in TelAviv.

There is a difference between personal choice and organized vindictive and punative attacks on a person or organization. I know the distinction between these two things is really difficult for some to grasp, but try okay?

There's no difference. Both are free speech and/or freedom of assembly.

No. One is a choice that involves ourselves only. The other is gang activity intended to punish others for wrong beliefs, the very antithesis of individual rights and liberty.

So one person who boycotts a business is okay, but if he dares encourage someone else to join him,

he should go to jail.

lol you're daft.


So someday there will be a Prime Minister named Muhammad?

What happens if the Arab majority votes to dissolve the Jewish State and become a radical Islamist Republic aligned with Persia?

Do you be lying?

So if the land was not acquired by conquest what was the purpose of Menachem Begin's Stern Gang?


WHERE in the British Mandate did the Allies authorize the UK to partition Palestine? Specifically what Article are you referring to.

I'm simply not in the mood to teach a history class this morning and certainly not to one of the masters of red herrings and non sequitur, but no, we won't have a Israeli Prime Minister named Muhammad UNLESS the Arabs outside of Israel choose to make peace with the Jews and choose to accept Israel as having a right to exist. And even then maybe not because for the first time in their long, LONG history, the Jews are able to live in a place that they are allowed to be who and what they are without danger of challenge from anybody. And they will choose to protect that right.

You know Libertarians have been looking for their own place under the sun.

But unfortunately we do not believe in initiating aggression. Otherwise we would invade a small peaceful country which is populated by farmers as Palestine used to be.

I can understand why Bibi suspects that Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 is going to make an unscheduled landing in TelAviv.


Well, since you insist on parroting leftwing nonsense instead of actually reading the history and knowing the truth of how Israel came to be, and continue to be the harbinger of non sequitur and really silly comparisons, I'll just tip my leprechaun hat and be on my way. No need to further hijack PC's excellent topic here. Do have a nice day.
So, how, exactly does a foreign ideology become part of American culture, society.....and law?


16. " Veteran journalist Cliff Kincaid points out today in Accuracy in Media that Republicans Boost Al-Jazeera.

Reports long-time investigator Kincaid: “Meantime, an Al-Jazeera contributor, Republican David Ramadan,... his mission includes ‘educating the Republican party on the Arab-American and Muslim community on what we need from candidates in order to support them.’”

We asked, in April, about Mr. Ramadan’s support for the Ground Zero Mosque, his detailed views on Shariah (there is nothing about his attitude toward Shariah on his current website at the time of publishing this post) and Political Islam, and about the company he keeps when lobbying on Islamic matters —the signers of his Ground Zero Mosque letter.

a. " .... and his breach of the oath of American citizenship by signing a petition with his two brothers called DEMAND[ING] THE RIGHT TO VOTE AS CITIZENS OF LEBANON.... questions about Ramadan’s past do need answers.....Let me be very clear. I am not saying one way or another David Ramadan is aligned with any international terrorist organization nor am I claiming he has ties to any foreign state.”
Did Hezbollah, Foreign Agents, and Unions infiltrate the Republican Party?

17. Shariah, a Key Concern — Especially in Northern Virginia
For GOP leaders offended by anyone raising the subject of Shariah in polite society, we suggest they visit northern Virginia Republican Representative Frank Wolf’s proposed legislation and statements on Shariah. In a June 23, 2011 letter, Mr. Wolf writes –

“I have grown increasingly concerned over the past few years that other forms of law outside federal and state laws are being applied in court cases in the United States. My concerns were recently confirmed by a Center for Security Policy study which reported that 50 appellate court cases from 23 different states involve conflicts between Shariah (Islamic Law) and U.S. state law. The analysis also found that Shariah has been applied or formally recognized in state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy.”
BlueRidgeForum » David Ramadan: Are Virginia GOP Eyes ?Wide Shut??

Time is not on our side.
There's no difference. Both are free speech and/or freedom of assembly.

No. One is a choice that involves ourselves only. The other is gang activity intended to punish others for wrong beliefs, the very antithesis of individual rights and liberty.

So one person who boycotts a business is okay, but if he dares encourage someone else to join him,

he should go to jail.

lol you're daft.

More daft than somebody who accuses me of something I never said? Or who seems to be incapable of understanding a simple concept? Oh well. I will also set you aside as disinterested in the topic and return to the interesting topic of how Sharia law would also presume the moral highground to dictate how everybody else should speak, dress, worship, and profess lest there be punishment for choosing one's own opinions.

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