Multiculturalism and Sharia

Yes, indeed they are. They have waited over 90 years to respond to the Judeo-American aggression.

Not patient. Just a bunch of pussies.

What you don't know certainly can hurt you.

And you don't know.....

a. " WASHINGTON—Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, 62, a U.S. citizen and resident of Fairfax, Va., pleaded guilty today to conspiracy and tax violations in connection with a decades-long scheme to conceal the transfer of at least $3.5 million from the government of Pakistan to fund his lobbying efforts in America related to Kashmir." FBI ? Virginia Man Pleads Guilty in Scheme to Conceal Pakistan Government Funding for His U.S. Lobbying Efforts

b. Mr. Fai’s apparently decades-long scheme had one purpose — to hide foreign involvement in Fai’s efforts to influence U.S. government policies. A foreign government intelligence service funneled millions through Fai so he could contribute to U.S. elected officials. His largest identified donations went to the National Republican Senatorial Committee."
Foreign Influence in American Politics?Imad Ramadan in Virginia

Did you know about that?
He's not doing a very good job, we all hate Pakistan, and all Muslims are pussies and should be deported.

I was not referring to the FBI report even if that is true. I am sure there are things that the powers that be know that they cannot share with the general public to protect identities or sensitive classified information.


Everyone knows. Folks like you on the other hand choose ignorance.

“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

Cindy Sheehan


I don't think I'm the one who is ignorant on this subject.

And Cindy Sheehan is your authority? That's the best you can do? Really?
This discussion is still pointless because Sharia law will never be adopted as American law.
I was not referring to the FBI report even if that is true. I am sure there are things that the powers that be know that they cannot share with the general public to protect identities or sensitive classified information.


Everyone knows. Folks like you on the other hand choose ignorance.

“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

Cindy Sheehan


I don't think I'm the one who is ignorant on this subject.

And Cindy Sheehan is your authority? That's the best you can do? Really?

Why is Cindy Sheehan wrong?

Why is Israel Preparing for a possible attack by the hijacked Malaysan airplane? Why the guilty conscience?

This discussion is still pointless because Sharia law will never be adopted as American law.


Sharia Law, hasn't been adopted in the US?

Why can't I buy alcohol on Sunday here in Texas?

Why can't Americans buy recreational marihuana, cocaine or heroin here in Texas?

Why can't I go to Houston's Red district and pay for poon?

This discussion is still pointless because Sharia law will never be adopted as American law.
Creeping sharia has already taken hold of our state legislatures. Every state in the union has passed laws against murder, incest, and lying consistent with Muslamic bans on those very things.


Not patient. Just a bunch of pussies.

What you don't know certainly can hurt you.

And you don't know.....

a. " WASHINGTON—Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, 62, a U.S. citizen and resident of Fairfax, Va., pleaded guilty today to conspiracy and tax violations in connection with a decades-long scheme to conceal the transfer of at least $3.5 million from the government of Pakistan to fund his lobbying efforts in America related to Kashmir." FBI ? Virginia Man Pleads Guilty in Scheme to Conceal Pakistan Government Funding for His U.S. Lobbying Efforts

b. Mr. Fai’s apparently decades-long scheme had one purpose — to hide foreign involvement in Fai’s efforts to influence U.S. government policies. A foreign government intelligence service funneled millions through Fai so he could contribute to U.S. elected officials. His largest identified donations went to the National Republican Senatorial Committee."
Foreign Influence in American Politics?Imad Ramadan in Virginia

Did you know about that?
He's not doing a very good job, we all hate Pakistan, and all Muslims are pussies and should be deported.
I got negged for this post from uncletard, our own paki loving carpet kisser! What a pussy you are, negging people for Pakistan. :lol:
1. The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation.

They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation.

a. Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

b. This is their truth and their aim:
" An increasingly diverse society makes it more difficult to sustain support for solidarity. Part of the problem is a perceived loss of common values." The Piggy Bank Ban and Selling Out to Muslims | The Brussels Journal

2. Substituted was the progressive utopianism of the Soviet-leaning Vice-President Henry Wallace. No wonder sentient Liberals such as Arthur Schlesinger, jr. launched vigorous attacks on multiculturalism in his book “The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society.”
Fonte, “Sovereignty of Submission,” p.79

3. The multicultural project and the National History Standards were major ideological assaults on our nation’s mission. Besides an emphasis on group consciousness over individual citizenship, and on ethnic subcultures over national identity, the standards described the Cold War in terms of moral equivalence (e.g., the “sword play of the US and the USSR”) and actually reversed our history (“Americans believed in the perfectibility of man”...This idea, of course, the words of Lenin).

They rejected, and indoctrinated our children in beliefs inimical to the design of our nation. Where was the belief and emphasis on equality of individual citizenship, strong American identity, anticommunism, and they faith of the Fathers of our Nation?

a. "A generational gap in American patriotism"
A generational gap in American patriotism | Pew Research Center

4. Citizenship is the goal and aspiration of Western political systems, but how to define same? If it involves affiliations and bonds between strangers, then the goal of multiculturalism is its very antithesis.

Consider just one example, and result, of multiculturalism:
Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.

Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation.
"The West and the Rest," Roger Scruton

5. Beyond the secular Progressive view that every group should and must remain separate and distinct, there is an active campaign by Muslim extremists to destroy Western civilization from within- quietly, peacefully, and even legally. Not only is this segment of the American Muslim population not willing to be part of this culture....but their design is to topple and replace it with one beholding to sharia, and ruled not by the Constitution, but by the Koran.

And Obama is helping the muslims take over this Country.

Obama: U.S. ?one of largest Muslim countries?
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1. The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation.

They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation.

a. Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

b. This is their truth and their aim:
" An increasingly diverse society makes it more difficult to sustain support for solidarity. Part of the problem is a perceived loss of common values." The Piggy Bank Ban and Selling Out to Muslims | The Brussels Journal

2. Substituted was the progressive utopianism of the Soviet-leaning Vice-President Henry Wallace. No wonder sentient Liberals such as Arthur Schlesinger, jr. launched vigorous attacks on multiculturalism in his book “The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society.”
Fonte, “Sovereignty of Submission,” p.79

3. The multicultural project and the National History Standards were major ideological assaults on our nation’s mission. Besides an emphasis on group consciousness over individual citizenship, and on ethnic subcultures over national identity, the standards described the Cold War in terms of moral equivalence (e.g., the “sword play of the US and the USSR”) and actually reversed our history (“Americans believed in the perfectibility of man”...This idea, of course, the words of Lenin).

They rejected, and indoctrinated our children in beliefs inimical to the design of our nation. Where was the belief and emphasis on equality of individual citizenship, strong American identity, anticommunism, and they faith of the Fathers of our Nation?

a. "A generational gap in American patriotism"
A generational gap in American patriotism | Pew Research Center

4. Citizenship is the goal and aspiration of Western political systems, but how to define same? If it involves affiliations and bonds between strangers, then the goal of multiculturalism is its very antithesis.

Consider just one example, and result, of multiculturalism:
Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.

Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation.
"The West and the Rest," Roger Scruton

5. Beyond the secular Progressive view that every group should and must remain separate and distinct, there is an active campaign by Muslim extremists to destroy Western civilization from within- quietly, peacefully, and even legally. Not only is this segment of the American Muslim population not willing to be part of this culture....but their design is to topple and replace it with one beholding to sharia, and ruled not by the Constitution, but by the Koran.

And Obama is helping the muslims take over this Country.

Obama: U.S. ?one of largest Muslim countries?

Obama is Determined the United States Will Not be a Christian Nation | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

To be fair, we cannot count on either party: they are both susceptible to well as some other methods.

Lobbying official is one way.
Becoming elected officials is another.

If one researches the Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai case, one is led to another individual's questionable links and leanings in the same direction.

13. " David-Imad Ramadan (born May 31, 1970) is a Lebanon-born American politician and businessman. He has been a Republican member of the Virginia House of Delegates since January 2012, representing the 87th district in Loudoun and Prince William counties... a political activist with active roles in the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV), The Loudoun County Republican Committee,[6] and the Arab-American Republican community. He has served on presidential political campaigns as well as on gubernatorial and senatorial campaigns and was appointed by RPV Chair in 2008 to ethnic outreach leadership" David Ramadan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. “When an honest person has been a member of a destructive movement and leaves it, he will feel compelled to repudiate it publicly and to warn others of the dangers it poses. This is a sure test as to whether someone has left the Muslim Brotherhood or not,” Horowitz said.

Kent Clizbe, a former CIA operations officer who has converted to Islam to marry a Muslim woman (as [Grover] Norquist has done), came away troubled from his own encounter with Imad Ramadan in August."
Grover Norquist?s New Muslim Protégé | FrontPage Magazine - Part 2

14. " Imad Ramadan is just the latest of a series of Muslim protégés discovered and promoted by Republican activist Grover Norquist, ....

What’s wrong with Muslims running for public office or assuming prominent positions in the conservative movement? Nothing at all – as long as they are clear about the primacy of the U.S. Constitution over Koranic (or Sharia) law.

So how do you identify an Islamist – that is, someone who believes in the Koranic precept that Islam must dominate the world through voluntary submission or by force – especially if he goes out of his way to appear non-aggressive?

The answer is actually pretty simple. You listen to see if he denounces Islamic dictatorship – the rule of Hezbollah in Lebanon, the rule of the Shiite clerics in Iran, the rule of Hamas in Gaza or the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, or the rule of the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia."
Grover Norquist?s New Muslim Protégé | FrontPage Magazine - Part 2

After the revelations of communist infiltration and control of Franklin Roosevelt's administration, wouldn't you think Americans would pay closer attention to who is running the government?

A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
The government should have no power whatsoever to require a private business to serve anybody UNLESS the same government has, for whatever reason, put a monopoly in place in which case the business of course must serve the whole community. A business who refuses to serve gay people or who refuses to serve black people or who refuses to serve Italians or who refuses to serve Christians will have to live with whatever consequences of those choices might be. But that is for society to decide, not the federal government as government was intended to be via our Constitution.

The federal government is 'society'. We have a government of the People.

You should get out of this country. Please.

Spoken like a true leftist who really does believe that the federal government is 'society'. You would have a really REALLY tough time in my history class when we show that the government is to be directed by people--a government 'of the people, by the people, for the people' and not a government that has all power over the people. Which of course is what Sharia Law demands of the government--power to enforce Sharia Law.

Society is composed of the voters. The voters choose their government. The government is the voice of the voters, therefore it is the voice of society.

Our society, much to your dismay obviously, has chosen to make racial discrimination illegal in many areas. Business is one of them.
Spoken like a true leftist who really does believe that the federal government is 'society'. You would have a really REALLY tough time in my history class when we show that the government is to be directed by people--a government 'of the people, by the people, for the people' and not a government that has all power over the people. Which of course is what Sharia Law demands of the government--power to enforce Sharia Law.

Arguendo, if it became a strategy of foreign fundamentalist movements to alter, co-opt,...overcome....the this nation's to go about it?
Certainly not by force.

11. In his novel "The Last Patriot," Brad Thor puts these words in the mouth of a Muslim terrorist, speaking about the ease of surmounting our system, and navigating our society:
"[Don't] overestimate the people of this nation. That are soft and stupid. The reason political correctness and multiculturalism exists is because they are too lazy to hold others to what it once meant to be an American. This nation is dying...."

Let's add....impatient. Everything is "now." That is both our strength and our weakness: our enemies are very, very patient.

Yes our Muslim enemies are indeed very patient. They have all eternity to accomplish their goals. All that is required of them by Allah is to obey Allah's laws among which, as opportunity offers itself, to relentlessly push toward the goal of bringing all the world to be under Allah's authority and in conformity with Allah's Sharia Law.

The Christian goal is similar--the Great Commission is to go into all the world and make disciples--but the purpose is different. The purpose is to bring all the world to God's salvation and not to initiate a list of rules and laws by which all are required to live by.

Christians don't want to impose rules and laws on the people? You must be joking. Do you have any idea how much money from Christians, because they're Christians, has gone into making one man one woman marriage the only legal marriage in this country?

And that's just for starters.
The federal government is 'society'. We have a government of the People.

You should get out of this country. Please.

Spoken like a true leftist who really does believe that the federal government is 'society'. You would have a really REALLY tough time in my history class when we show that the government is to be directed by people--a government 'of the people, by the people, for the people' and not a government that has all power over the people. Which of course is what Sharia Law demands of the government--power to enforce Sharia Law.

Society is composed of the voters. The voters choose their government. The government is the voice of the voters, therefore it is the voice of society.

Our society, much to your dismay obviously, has chosen to make racial discrimination illegal in many areas. Business is one of them.

The unspoken assumption in your erroneous post is that the electorate has access to informed discussions that highlight both sides of the issues on which elections hinge.

That is not the case in our society.

Both the main stream media and the 'education' systems are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Left.

Until that situation is resolved, if it is resolved, the people will have very little to go on but propaganda.

And this once great nation will continue on into the abyss.
Spoken like a true leftist who really does believe that the federal government is 'society'. You would have a really REALLY tough time in my history class when we show that the government is to be directed by people--a government 'of the people, by the people, for the people' and not a government that has all power over the people. Which of course is what Sharia Law demands of the government--power to enforce Sharia Law.

Society is composed of the voters. The voters choose their government. The government is the voice of the voters, therefore it is the voice of society.

Our society, much to your dismay obviously, has chosen to make racial discrimination illegal in many areas. Business is one of them.

The unspoken assumption in your erroneous post is that the electorate has access to informed discussions that highlight both sides of the issues on which elections hinge.

That is not the case in our society.

Both the main stream media and the 'education' systems are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Left.

Until that situation is resolved, if it is resolved, the people will have very little to go on but propaganda.

And this once great nation will continue on into the abyss.

Who in the electorate can't watch Foxnews, or turn on rightwing talk radio?

Where is the conservative voice suppressed? Certainly not on tv or radio, and very certainly not on the internet.

Who is denied the right to vote for conservative school board members, or conservative state representatives - the people who decide education policy?
No, it changes everything. The Constitution is based on the concept that freedom allows each to believe in and worship whatever God and/or require allegiance to no god, and the federal government will have no say in that. Sharia Law requires government to force all to obey the dictates of Allah no matter what God they worship.

Obviously these two things cannot be in any way compatible.

Tell that to all your pals who said the government cannot legally require the Christian businesses to serve the gays.

The government should have no power whatsoever to require a private business to serve anybody UNLESS the same government has, for whatever reason, put a monopoly in place in which case the business of course must serve the whole community. A business who refuses to serve gay people or who refuses to serve black people or who refuses to serve Italians or who refuses to serve Christians will have to live with whatever consequences of those choices might be. But that is for society to decide, not the federal government as government was intended to be via our Constitution.

It's interesting that you say that here, now, but during the infamous Duck Dynasty controversy you were calling for it to be made illegal for groups to try to economically harm businesses because of their political views.
Tell that to all your pals who said the government cannot legally require the Christian businesses to serve the gays.

The government should have no power whatsoever to require a private business to serve anybody UNLESS the same government has, for whatever reason, put a monopoly in place in which case the business of course must serve the whole community. A business who refuses to serve gay people or who refuses to serve black people or who refuses to serve Italians or who refuses to serve Christians will have to live with whatever consequences of those choices might be. But that is for society to decide, not the federal government as government was intended to be via our Constitution.

It's interesting that you say that here, now, but during the infamous Duck Dynasty controversy you were calling for it to be made illegal for groups to try to economically harm businesses because of their political views.

Yes, it should be illegal to organize and pressure the advertisers, suppliers, and customers/clients of a private business or person for no other reason than to damage, destroy, or harm the person or business because he/it holds an unpopular or politically incorrect point of view.

That is a very different thing than my personal choice of who I will or will not do business with or my reasons for making that choice.

Are you able to see the difference between these two things?
Likewise there is a different between a Muslim group who demands that the law be changed to accommodate or allow the implementation of Sharia Law that is in direct opposition to the law of the land and. . . .

A Christian group who demands that the law not be changed so that it requires them to accept or accommodate that which is offensive or unacceptable to those Christians.

One looks to require others to conform to its religious beliefs. The other looks to be allowed their religious beliefs without encroaching or dictating anybody else's beliefs.

Most people also can see the difference between these two things.
The government should have no power whatsoever to require a private business to serve anybody UNLESS the same government has, for whatever reason, put a monopoly in place in which case the business of course must serve the whole community. A business who refuses to serve gay people or who refuses to serve black people or who refuses to serve Italians or who refuses to serve Christians will have to live with whatever consequences of those choices might be. But that is for society to decide, not the federal government as government was intended to be via our Constitution.

It's interesting that you say that here, now, but during the infamous Duck Dynasty controversy you were calling for it to be made illegal for groups to try to economically harm businesses because of their political views.

Yes, it should be illegal to organize and pressure the advertisers, suppliers, and customers/clients of a private business or person for no other reason than to damage, destroy, or harm the person or business because he/it holds an unpopular or politically incorrect point of view.

That is a very different thing than my personal choice of who I will or will not do business with or my reasons for making that choice.

Are you able to see the difference between these two things?

There is no material difference between an organization composed of individuals who have made a likeminded personal choice and one individual making a personal choice.
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