Multiculturalism and Sharia

No, it's isn't, we're just used to it here. There is no God and Country in Christianity, just God. There's no God and Country in Islam either, just God, and the Submission to Him.
Steer clear of theology. You are even more ignorant of that subject than you are of Political Science.
You can say that as often as you like, it still won't make it true.

You can deny it as often as you like, but that won't make you any less ignorant.
Changes nothing.

No, it changes everything. The Constitution is based on the concept that freedom allows each to believe in and worship whatever God and/or require allegiance to no god, and the federal government will have no say in that. Sharia Law requires government to force all to obey the dictates of Allah no matter what God they worship.

Obviously these two things cannot be in any way compatible.

Tell that to all your pals who said the government cannot legally require the Christian businesses to serve the gays.

The government should have no power whatsoever to require a private business to serve anybody UNLESS the same government has, for whatever reason, put a monopoly in place in which case the business of course must serve the whole community. A business who refuses to serve gay people or who refuses to serve black people or who refuses to serve Italians or who refuses to serve Christians will have to live with whatever consequences of those choices might be. But that is for society to decide, not the federal government as government was intended to be via our Constitution.
Multiculturalism and Sharia aren't compatible. Sharia demands to be the only culture, or they cut your balls off.
No, it changes everything. The Constitution is based on the concept that freedom allows each to believe in and worship whatever God and/or require allegiance to no god, and the federal government will have no say in that. Sharia Law requires government to force all to obey the dictates of Allah no matter what God they worship.

Obviously these two things cannot be in any way compatible.

Tell that to all your pals who said the government cannot legally require the Christian businesses to serve the gays.

The government should have no power whatsoever to require a private business to serve anybody UNLESS the same government has, for whatever reason, put a monopoly in place in which case the business of course must serve the whole community. A business who refuses to serve gay people or who refuses to serve black people or who refuses to serve Italians or who refuses to serve Christians will have to live with whatever consequences of those choices might be. But that is for society to decide, not the federal government as government was intended to be via our Constitution.

The federal government is 'society'. We have a government of the People.

You should get out of this country. Please.
No, it changes everything. The Constitution is based on the concept that freedom allows each to believe in and worship whatever God and/or require allegiance to no god, and the federal government will have no say in that. Sharia Law requires government to force all to obey the dictates of Allah no matter what God they worship.

Obviously these two things cannot be in any way compatible.

Tell that to all your pals who said the government cannot legally require the Christian businesses to serve the gays.

The government should have no power whatsoever to require a private business to serve anybody UNLESS the same government has, for whatever reason, put a monopoly in place in which case the business of course must serve the whole community. A business who refuses to serve gay people or who refuses to serve black people or who refuses to serve Italians or who refuses to serve Christians will have to live with whatever consequences of those choices might be. But that is for society to decide, not the federal government as government was intended to be via our Constitution.

Ha ha. All of us remember your Duck Dynasty 'tolerance' argument, which was based on you saying over and over and over and over

that there was a difference between saying something racist and doing something racist.

You were defending the right to say not the right to do.

Now we see the real you, who wants racist actions, not just words, to be a person's right. I say, let them talk long enough and the real bigot will come out.
Tell that to all your pals who said the government cannot legally require the Christian businesses to serve the gays.

The government should have no power whatsoever to require a private business to serve anybody UNLESS the same government has, for whatever reason, put a monopoly in place in which case the business of course must serve the whole community. A business who refuses to serve gay people or who refuses to serve black people or who refuses to serve Italians or who refuses to serve Christians will have to live with whatever consequences of those choices might be. But that is for society to decide, not the federal government as government was intended to be via our Constitution.

The federal government is 'society'. We have a government of the People.

You should get out of this country. Please.

Spoken like a true leftist who really does believe that the federal government is 'society'. You would have a really REALLY tough time in my history class when we show that the government is to be directed by people--a government 'of the people, by the people, for the people' and not a government that has all power over the people. Which of course is what Sharia Law demands of the government--power to enforce Sharia Law.
The government should have no power whatsoever to require a private business to serve anybody UNLESS the same government has, for whatever reason, put a monopoly in place in which case the business of course must serve the whole community. A business who refuses to serve gay people or who refuses to serve black people or who refuses to serve Italians or who refuses to serve Christians will have to live with whatever consequences of those choices might be. But that is for society to decide, not the federal government as government was intended to be via our Constitution.

The federal government is 'society'. We have a government of the People.

You should get out of this country. Please.

Spoken like a true leftist who really does believe that the federal government is 'society'. You would have a really REALLY tough time in my history class when we show that the government is to be directed by people--a government 'of the people, by the people, for the people' and not a government that has all power over the people. Which of course is what Sharia Law demands of the government--power to enforce Sharia Law.

Arguendo, if it became a strategy of foreign fundamentalist movements to alter, co-opt,...overcome....the this nation's to go about it?
Certainly not by force.

11. In his novel "The Last Patriot," Brad Thor puts these words in the mouth of a Muslim terrorist, speaking about the ease of surmounting our system, and navigating our society:
"[Don't] overestimate the people of this nation. That are soft and stupid. The reason political correctness and multiculturalism exists is because they are too lazy to hold others to what it once meant to be an American. This nation is dying...."

Let's add....impatient. Everything is "now." That is both our strength and our weakness: our enemies are very, very patient.
The federal government is 'society'. We have a government of the People.

You should get out of this country. Please.

Spoken like a true leftist who really does believe that the federal government is 'society'. You would have a really REALLY tough time in my history class when we show that the government is to be directed by people--a government 'of the people, by the people, for the people' and not a government that has all power over the people. Which of course is what Sharia Law demands of the government--power to enforce Sharia Law.

Arguendo, if it became a strategy of foreign fundamentalist movements to alter, co-opt,...overcome....the this nation's to go about it?
Certainly not by force.

11. In his novel "The Last Patriot," Brad Thor puts these words in the mouth of a Muslim terrorist, speaking about the ease of surmounting our system, and navigating our society:
"[Don't] overestimate the people of this nation. That are soft and stupid. The reason political correctness and multiculturalism exists is because they are too lazy to hold others to what it once meant to be an American. This nation is dying...."

Let's add....impatient. Everything is "now." That is both our strength and our weakness: our enemies are very, very patient.

Yes our Muslim enemies are indeed very patient. They have all eternity to accomplish their goals. All that is required of them by Allah is to obey Allah's laws among which, as opportunity offers itself, to relentlessly push toward the goal of bringing all the world to be under Allah's authority and in conformity with Allah's Sharia Law.

The Christian goal is similar--the Great Commission is to go into all the world and make disciples--but the purpose is different. The purpose is to bring all the world to God's salvation and not to initiate a list of rules and laws by which all are required to live by.
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Yes our Muslim enemies are indeed very patient. .

Yes, indeed they are. They have waited over 90 years to respond to the Judeo-American aggression.

Not patient. Just a bunch of pussies.

What you don't know certainly can hurt you.

And you don't know.....

a. " WASHINGTON—Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, 62, a U.S. citizen and resident of Fairfax, Va., pleaded guilty today to conspiracy and tax violations in connection with a decades-long scheme to conceal the transfer of at least $3.5 million from the government of Pakistan to fund his lobbying efforts in America related to Kashmir." FBI ? Virginia Man Pleads Guilty in Scheme to Conceal Pakistan Government Funding for His U.S. Lobbying Efforts

b. Mr. Fai’s apparently decades-long scheme had one purpose — to hide foreign involvement in Fai’s efforts to influence U.S. government policies. A foreign government intelligence service funneled millions through Fai so he could contribute to U.S. elected officials. His largest identified donations went to the National Republican Senatorial Committee."
Foreign Influence in American Politics?Imad Ramadan in Virginia

Did you know about that?
Yes our Muslim enemies are indeed very patient. .

Yes, indeed they are. They have waited over 90 years to respond to the Judeo-American aggression.


Even if we went with revenge as the motive and accepted the rather ignorant and indeed stupid red herring of 'Judeo-American aggression', you would think those who would have been 'victims' of such 'aggression' would have ordered us out of the area and/or retaliated themselves, and they did neither.

Do not make the silly mistake of confusing what is stated as justification as what the motive actually is.
We need to stop creeping Shariah. The Muslims are taking over this country. Just look at this law the ND state legislature passed:
12.1-16 Homicide
12.1-16-01. Murder.
1. A person is guilty of murder, a class AA felony, if the person: a. Intentionally or knowingly causes the death of another human being;
Hmmm, where have I heard that before?

Qur'an 4:29 (Pickthall) - O ye who believe! Squander not your wealth among yourselves in vanity, except it be a trade by mutual consent, and kill not one another. Lo! Allah is ever Merciful unto you.

I guess I should make myself clearer. I don't often actually read her posts in detail any longer.

And yet you spend all this time posting about them. Hmmmm....

I know you don't believe half the crap she pumps out but you're always around to pinch hit. I'm not sure why, but I've been tossing around a few ideas and I may be getting close. Stay tuned. Until then I'll just put you in the same column as this fellow;

"p.s. PC might be copy & pasting staff but she chooses correctly to illustrate her own thoughts."
I agree that the 9/11 Commission reported no evidence that anybody in the Clinton or Bush Administrations knew about the hijackers. Or that Israel was implicated in any way.

There is, however, quite a bit of information on the motives of the hijackers and this does not look suppressed to me:

Just for a quick overview, I would refer you to Pages XV and XVI in the Preface of the official report here:

I could not persuade my computer to copy the pertinent paragraphs.




I was not referring to the FBI report even if that is true. I am sure there are things that the powers that be know that they cannot share with the general public to protect identities or sensitive classified information.


Everyone knows. Folks like you on the other hand choose ignorance.

“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

Cindy Sheehan


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