Multiple people shot N.O. High school graduation ceremony

interesting that shootings are happening in red states... I wonder just how much the crazy wokesters might be behind them... to discredit conservatives in general.

As we know, Louisiana is leading the nation in calling abortion what it is: murder.

I wouldn't put much past the crazy libs
New Orleans is 59% black. No one has to tell them to do stupid shit.
So, let's put this on the front page of every outlet, and make sure that the first 25 minutes of every news broadcast covers this so that the shooter, and other future copycatters, can get their fame and the attention they are seeking.

That alone makes the media culpable for any future shootings.
That's a possibility but I still think it's CIA mind-control through television and video games.
There's no better time than immediately following another shooting to point to the 'culture' of continuous wars, death, and killing in America
I agree. Leftists sure do murder a lot of innocent people, including 65 million "unwanted" babies
Seems that the deranged always have guns

400 million guns and only a few make a big enough splash.

If it were guns, the problem would be blood running in every gutter and the bodies would be piled 8 feet high.

Since that is not the case, perhaps we should look to the people who egg on the hatred. Those who speak, indirectly, the unstable in our society with their permissiveness to hate people, to demonize those they disagree with.

To attribute motives to those they deem less than human.

The media and our out-of-control politics of personal destruction.

400 million guns and only a few make a big enough splash.

If it were guns, the problem would be blood running in every gutter and the bodies would be piled 8 feet high.

Since that is not the case, perhaps we should look to the people who egg on the hatred. Those who speak, indirectly, the unstable in our society with their permissiveness to hate people, to demonize those they disagree with.

To attribute motives to those they deem less than human.

The media and our out-of-control politics of personal destruction.
It's a shame that those who are blasted away in these slaughters are not the children of solely gun nuts. Even then, they would still pledge their allegiance to the 2nd Amendment.
It's just deranged people seeking attention and the media is obliging them. There is almost always an uptick in copycat shootings after a big sensationalized story.
Yep. And, when I watch Fox News, they keep saying that the reporting is a problem because it leads to copy cat shootings. Time to stop spending hours and days on these. Take away the sensationalism of the events so the perps know they won't get the attention.
It's a shame that those who are blasted away in these slaughters are not the children of solely gun nuts. Even then, they would still pledge their allegiance to the 2nd Amendment.
It is a shame you don't really understand what is going on here. Good luck to you.
It's a shame that those who are blasted away in these slaughters are not the children of solely gun nuts. Even then, they would still pledge their allegiance to the 2nd Amendment.
It is a shame that those who hate people who don't agree with them, continue to enable those who kill the innocent.
Yep. And, when I watch Fox News, they keep saying that the reporting is a problem because it leads to copy cat shootings. Time to stop spending hours and days on these. Take away the sensationalism of the events so the perps know they won't get the attention.
Two problems with that... first, they are the propaganda arm of the Democrat party and need to spin up the rage over "guns", and second, they need the clicks to make their profits. They don't give a damn about dead children. They dream of such slaughters to give them wealth and relevance.
Wow this is a tough crowd. Just give the kids hand guns and see what happens. Or better yet let all of Congress have guns and a shoot out. Last one standing is the winner.
FAR, FAR more deaths occur in this nation from semi-auto handguns than by long guns of any style or capacity. IF it were possible to remove all the AR-style weapons, you folks would be back in a couple of years demanding semi-auto pistols be removed so as to stop the slaughter. NO. THIS FAR, NO FARTHER. If you want THIS right, you'll have to do more than spin propaganda and vote.
That is such a good point.

So let's ask the anti-gun crowd what their next target is after the AR-15.
American automaton chimp violence. Monkeysee, monkeydo. Generalized American apathy is why America is collapsing. It's an apathy that compels the perpetrator(s) to seek recognition because they have been cancelled by that apathy. That is the pathology. It will continue to occur using any other weapon besides guns.
Two problems with that... first, they are the propaganda arm of the Democrat party and need to spin up the rage over "guns", and second, they need the clicks to make their profits. They don't give a damn about dead children. They dream of such slaughters to give them wealth and relevance.
And, it shows in the context of abortions and how they relish the thought of having an abortion to torture and kill the children.

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