'Multiple victims' shot at Southern California church: sheriff

The GOP has a solution:

Everyone just strap on a six shooter, like in Dodge city, so that we can all shoot the "bad guy."....which of course is usually a MAGA cult member.
Which would make most of the US much safer.
In the Blue slums, everybody already has a weapon.
There really ARE no solutions to evil people choosing to do evil things once there is no longer any respect for laws. The gun rabbers, I'll be kind and give most of them the benefit of a doubt, actually believe that keeping citizens from owning firearms will solve or greatly reduce the problem. That's the exact thing the government has been trying with illegal drugs for DECADES.

Our history proves conclusively that mass shootings have only become a problem since the 80s. Guns were around LONG before then. Why didn't these things happen back then as often as today? People had a degree of self restraint and weren't being wound up by a psycho-media run by Marxist sympathizers. Their goal is the degradation, then the destruction of this nation. Those who are cheering them on are going to suffer just as profoundly as those they hate.

Yep. Have become a problem since Reagans drug war, and the takeover of the Republican party by the warrior culture.

And they are definitely psycho media run. The end of the Fairness Doctrine, the beginning of right wing hate radio starting with Rush Limbaugh, then the television version of psycho hate media with Fox News, and it only morphed from their.

Now Donald Trump, and the MAGAMITES, have taken psychosis, and hate to a whole other level. I damn sure would make them suffer profoundly if I could. Wiping them from the face of the planet would be preferable.

And Australia proved after their last mass shooting, that you can absolutely end them, by ending gun culture, and prohibiting the possession of firearms by most people. Same thing in New Zealand.
during a press conference aired live on fox news law enforcement officials say that an Asian male shot and killed 1 person and injured 5 others 4 of them critically .. at this time law enforcement hasnt determined a motive.

Yep. Have become a problem since Reagans drug war, and the takeover of the Republican party by the warrior culture.

And they are definitely psycho media run. The end of the Fairness Doctrine, the beginning of right wing hate radio starting with Rush Limbaugh, then the television version of psycho hate media with Fox News, and it only morphed from their.

Now Donald Trump, and the MAGAMITES, have taken psychosis, and hate to a whole other level. I damn sure would make them suffer profoundly if I could. Wiping them from the face of the planet would be preferable.

And Australia proved after their last mass shooting, that you can absolutely end them, by ending gun culture, and prohibiting the possession of firearms by most people. Same thing in New Zealand.
And Australia's crime rate went through the roof, including the murder rate.
during a press conference aired live on fox news law enforcement officials say that an Asian male shot and killed 1 person and injured 5 others 4 of them critically .. at this time law enforcement hasnt determined a motive.

Yep the bullets are finally starting to fly in the new civil war.

I wonder when it will show up at a city near you?
it was breaking news on fox news channel and they also played the law enforcement press conference on the shooting ...
during a press conference aired live on fox news law enforcement officials say that an Asian male shot and killed 1 person and injured 5 others 4 of them critically .. at this time law enforcement hasnt determined a motive.

I've seen another source day the shooter was an Asian man in his 60s. That'll destroy the Left's white supremacy bullshit.
Yep. Have become a problem since Reagans drug war, and the takeover of the Republican party by the warrior culture.

And they are definitely psycho media run. The end of the Fairness Doctrine, the beginning of right wing hate radio starting with Rush Limbaugh, then the television version of psycho hate media with Fox News, and it only morphed from their.

Now Donald Trump, and the MAGAMITES, have taken psychosis, and hate to a whole other level. I damn sure would make them suffer profoundly if I could. Wiping them from the face of the planet would be preferable.

And Australia proved after their last mass shooting, that you can absolutely end them, by ending gun culture, and prohibiting the possession of firearms by most people. Same thing in New Zealand.
Not true people are still killed with gun in Australia you dumb fuck.
I wonder if the media will call this one a hate crime since it is a Christian church. No mention of mental illness which is at the root of all incidents like these.
during a press conference aired live on fox news law enforcement officials say that an Asian male shot and killed 1 person and injured 5 others 4 of them critically .. at this time law enforcement hasnt determined a motive.

Ban assault rifles
it was breaking news on fox news channel and they also played the law enforcement press conference on the shooting ...
Fox is worried that it's going to come out that the white supremist shooter who murdered 10 blacks today was very upset with Fox after Trump bashed Fox once in 2019, twice in 2020 and once in 2021.

So they're telling you about this one asian who killed one person. BFD.
during a press conference aired live on fox news law enforcement officials say that an Asian male shot and killed 1 person and injured 5 others 4 of them critically .. at this time law enforcement hasnt determined a motive.

Well it's about time like it's been a while(Texas?)since we had a decent church shooting! Look for a copycat shoot em up school incident just to keep the ole ball rolling! Maybe one of the many loons in American society will get the bawls to hit a hospital maternity ward & take out two for one shot? When a society is rolling over & heading down to Davey Jones locker the lunatics start coming out of the shadows. I often wondered what it would be like to be in a country that is @ the verge of collapse, like I expected a foreign army overrunning America would be the end of America. The thought of Americans destroying themselves was just beyond my comprehension, but not anymore.
Ban churches!
Ban minorities

Found this picture of the church on yelp. Clearly they were targeted because of their race


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