'Multiple victims' shot at Southern California church: sheriff

" Authorities said the shooting occurred during a lunch banquet following a morning church service, and that a group of church-goers “hog-tied” the shooter’s leg with an extension cord and took two weapons from the suspect."
Well, that's the end of this story.

"... the shooter, described as an Asian male in his 60s..."
And earlier Faux News was speculating that it could be a copy cat killer of the Buffalo shooter.

This doesn’t fit the narrative so it will get memory holed.
i wish there was a section outside of current events for mass shootings. i don't think it would encourage folks to do bad things, but we would keep track of the problem and come up with solutions

Too bad their carry laws are so restrictive. A gun in the right hands could have stopped this before it was even a mass shooting.
And earlier Faux News was speculating that it could be a copy cat killer of the Buffalo shooter.

This doesn’t fit the narrative so it will get memory holed.
So speculating that both might be racial incidents is now somehow bad?

There really ARE no solutions to evil people choosing to do evil things once there is no longer any respect for laws. The gun grabbers, I'll be kind and give most of them the benefit of a doubt, actually believe that keeping citizens from owning firearms will solve or greatly reduce the problem. That's the exact thing the government has been trying with illegal drugs for DECADES.

Our history proves conclusively that mass shootings have only become a problem since the 80s. Guns were around LONG before then. Why didn't these things happen back then as often as today? People had a degree of self restraint and weren't being wound up by a psycho-media run by Marxist sympathizers. Their goal is the degradation, then the destruction of this nation. Those who are cheering them on are going to suffer just as profoundly as those they hate.
Mass media feeds the copy cat syndrome. The growing lawlessness in the country combined with it is a really bad combination.
Before that...

5/10: mass shootings in Baltimore (2x), Chicago (2x), Philadelphia, and Brookshire, TX

5/9: mass shootings in Detroit and Tuscaloosa

5/8: mass shooting in Clarkston, GA

5/7: mass shootings in Lexington, Garland, Miami, and Fairfield, OH
The lumping in of gang shootings with "mass shootings" is only being done now to inflate the numbers.

It's like claiming a shooting two blocks from a school over a bag of dope is somehow a "school shooting" because one of them had a relationship with the school is another way of pumping them up.
Before that...

5/10: mass shootings in Baltimore (2x), Chicago (2x), Philadelphia, and Brookshire, TX

5/9: mass shootings in Detroit and Tuscaloosa

5/8: mass shooting in Clarkston, GA

5/7: mass shootings in Lexington, Garland, Miami, and Fairfield, OH

Those are not mass public shootings…those are gang bangers shooting at each other ……not the same crime, not the same problem, vastly different solutions.
Motherfucker Jones is an extreme left wrong-wing lies and propaganda source. Why would we want this forum to pattern any part of itself after that?

Their mass shooting data base is actually accurate…they follow the definition of mass public shootings, while the other sources lie and put gang shootings in their lists…..

Mother Jones listed 6 mass public shootings in 2021…..total killed 43.

Keep in mind,

Deer kill 200 people a year

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 a year

ladders kill 300 people a year…

cars kill 39,000

That perspective shows that mass public shootings are the rarest of rare events in a country of over 330 million people.

But you can’t stampede uninformed Americans with only 6 crazy people and a total of 43 killed…..so anti-gun fanatics have had to lie and lump in all gang related shootings in the democrat party controlled cities to inflate the number….
Well, that's the end of this story.

"... the shooter, described as an Asian male in his 60s..."
Yes. I was wondering about that.

Laguna Woods is a retirement community.

My first thought was, "old people?" Gee that's unusual, an old mass shooter.

i'm sure there's more to this story than we know

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