Multiverse Theory Debunked. No Multiple Worlds Can Exist At The Same Time.

No Multiple Worlds Can Exist At The Same Time.

Show me where the Bible says that...…..

If you want to know how this deals with atheist science and God, then it isn't in the Bible but Kalam Cosmological Argument which states:


The atheists used to argue that we cannot know statement 3 because there exists multiverses. This paper shows that the multiple states cannot exist at the same time. That is perception or the waves. What can exist is that which can be measured (observed; consciousness does not have to be present). Thus, Kalam Cosmological Argument holds true.

To you, it means that you are wrong again. Will you ever chalk it up to experience and actually learn some real science?

If you want to know how this deals with atheist science and God

You made a scientific claim, so where is it in the Bible?

Genesis 1:1 - 'In the/a beginning God created the heavens (plural) and the earth (singular).

I Kings 8:27 -
But will God really dwell on the earth?+ Look! The heavens, yes, the heaven of the heavens, cannot contain you;+ how much less, then, this house that I have built!+

Of course, this can be interpreted multiple ways. (pun intended) One way is to assume our universe is one heaven, that there are plural universes within a still larger universe - kind of like our universe containing multiple (not infinite) galaxies.

But God dwells in still other "heavens" - 1 KIngs 8:30 (the same context).

A question would be why our universe cannot contain God. Is God simply larger in 3-d + time? Or does God's form involved additional dimensions (compare various models of String theory) that cannot be contained within our 3-d + time universe?

But OP is correct - the scientific principle of cause and effect always applies - the Divine Name Jehovah has "He causes to be" as a primary definition (in the Hebrew imperfect verb state = action in progress not yet complete.).

And OP is correct about measurement rather than consciousness to determine what state anything is in at a specific time. A cat cannot be alive and dead at the same time.

Computers are not conscious (not souls) and their measurements do not require consciousness - but they cannot be in sleep mode.

Oh, and time was created to go one way. The rate can change, but the direction from past to future cannot be changed. [Of course, we can see the past when we use telescopes.]

And the future does not exist yet for anyone to see (though patterns exist that determine much of the future - e.g. the motion of galaxies present and future).
Don't you know?

No, I don't know what part of the Bible proves your claim about planetary orbits.
And you won't post it so I have to assume you were lying.

I don't make dumb claims.

You claimed scientists can't explain planetary orbits. That's a dumb claim.
You said the Bible can explain planetary orbits. That's an even dumber claim.

As usual you remain big dumb or stupid af :laugh:. Why don't you know? I gave you the website to look up your questions.

I am intelligent and have degrees. You have no degree that I know of and just ask dumb questions. Why do you ask dumb questions?

Please answer the above questions.

I gave you the website to look up your questions.

I don't need a website. I don't need to look up any questions.
I only need your proof that the Bible explains planetary orbits. Post the verse.

I am intelligent and have degrees.

Don't forget liar. You're also a liar.

Who is you/your? I know I am not you.

Seriously - basic scientific facts are stated in the Bible, but we are then allowed the joy of discovery to find out the details.

For example, Job 26:7 states that the earth is hung upon nothing in empty space. Isaac Newton (my user namesake) discovered what that "nothing" is.

He appreciated the gravity of the matter. (pun intended)
No Multiple Worlds Can Exist At The Same Time.

Show me where the Bible says that...…..

If you want to know how this deals with atheist science and God, then it isn't in the Bible but Kalam Cosmological Argument which states:


The atheists used to argue that we cannot know statement 3 because there exists multiverses. This paper shows that the multiple states cannot exist at the same time. That is perception or the waves. What can exist is that which can be measured (observed; consciousness does not have to be present). Thus, Kalam Cosmological Argument holds true.

To you, it means that you are wrong again. Will you ever chalk it up to experience and actually learn some real science?

If you want to know how this deals with atheist science and God

You made a scientific claim, so where is it in the Bible?

Oh, you want me to find a Biblical verse for YOU on this. If I do, will it change your life for the better or worse?

If there is no verse that proves a multiverse is impossible, you can just tell me.
Ah - a sense of humor! Multiple verses do not prove a multiverse!

But the word "heaven" in the Bible is almost always plural in Hebrew. In contrast, Earth is always singular in Scripture. (For example: Genesis 1:1.

Bottom line - there are multiple verses that read heavens (plural) in Hebrew. In fact, there is no Hebrew word equivalent to the English word "universe" with its singular prefix.
Genesis 1:1 - 'In the/a beginning God created the heavens (plural) and the earth (singular).

I Kings 8:27 -
But will God really dwell on the earth?+ Look! The heavens, yes, the heaven of the heavens, cannot contain you;+ how much less, then, this house that I have built!+

Of course, this can be interpreted multiple ways. (pun intended) One way is to assume our universe is one heaven, that there are plural universes within a still larger universe - kind of like our universe containing multiple (not infinite) galaxies.

But God dwells in still other "heavens" - 1 KIngs 8:30 (the same context).

A question would be why our universe cannot contain God. Is God simply larger in 3-d + time? Or does God's form involved additional dimensions (compare various models of String theory) that cannot be contained within our 3-d + time universe?

But OP is correct - the scientific principle of cause and effect always applies - the Divine Name Jehovah has "He causes to be" as a primary definition (in the Hebrew imperfect verb state = action in progress not yet complete.).

And OP is correct about measurement rather than consciousness to determine what state anything is in at a specific time. A cat cannot be alive and dead at the same time.

Computers are not conscious (not souls) and their measurements do not require consciousness - but they cannot be in sleep mode.

Oh, and time was created to go one way. The rate can change, but the direction from past to future cannot be changed. [Of course, we can see the past when we use telescopes.]

And the future does not exist yet for anyone to see (though patterns exist that determine much of the future - e.g. the motion of galaxies present and future).

No need to treat a fool like he is educated.

I like yours, too, but not multiple worlds. Multiple dimensions. AFAIK, there are four, but we still have to prove a fourth exists. This may be the evidence.

These are about quantum mechanics:

"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." John 14:26

"For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this in order that no one may delude you with plausible arguments. For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ. ..." Colossians 2:1-23

"That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death," Philippians 3:10

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105

"Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2

I assume by multiple worlds you are referring to parallel universe theories - this is speculation not supported by evidence. Likewise, the infinite number of universes model is not supported by evidence - it is a religious doctrine - worse: blind faith is involved.

What evolutionists fail to see (or say) is that the rate of formation of protein molecules would proceed at the same rate whether there were infinite or a finite number of universes.

If Eddington was correct, our universe's mass is about 10^79 atomic mass units - and our universe has a finite age as well.

So, if a protein had a probability of 10^78, then 10 proteins would have spontaneously generated in our universe since our universe came into existence. But they would not be in the same place at the same time.

This difficulty is not solved by asserting infinite universes since the proteins would still be produced at the same rate - in the above example - 1 protein per 1.4 billion years in a random galaxy.

Of course, informational proteins are impossible by chance - as is a universal primordial soup favorable for protein synthesis.

Bottom line - for the formation of life, the protein molecules and other necessary for life molecules would have to be formed at the same place (a specific place on earth) at the same time (some complex molecules have a short life span due to entropy).
I assume by multiple worlds you are referring to parallel universe theories - this is speculation not supported by evidence. Likewise, the infinite number of universes model is not supported by evidence - it is a religious doctrine - worse: blind faith is involved.

What came before parallel universes and Back to the Future movies was multiverses from the double slit experiment, Hugh Everett III's hypothesis, and Shrodinger's cat thought experiment. It ballooned to does consciousness need to exist before we notice the collapse? Are there different things that people can observe on a different world in the multiverse. This further supported the Copernican Principle and not the Anthropic Principle. We just lived in an universe that got lucky. Even with these infinite universes, the only being who could not be in one was God. Totally ridiculous :abgg2q.jpg:.

What evolutionists fail to see (or say) is that the rate of formation of protein molecules would proceed at the same rate whether there were infinite or a finite number of universes.

If Eddington was correct, our universe's mass is about 10^79 atomic mass units - and our universe has a finite age as well.

So, if a protein had a probability of 10^78, then 10 proteins would have spontaneously generated in our universe since our universe came into existence. But they would not be in the same place at the same time.

Last point first. Yes, this means that two things could not be in the same place at the same time in our universe as a wave. It can only exist when it is measured, i.e. observed.

I would agree with Eddington. Did he write a paper on it?

This difficulty is not solved by asserting infinite universes since the proteins would still be produced at the same rate - in the above example - 1 protein per 1.4 billion years in a random galaxy.

Of course, informational proteins are impossible by chance - as is a universal primordial soup favorable for protein synthesis.

Bottom line - for the formation of life, the protein molecules and other necessary for life molecules would have to be formed at the same place (a specific place on earth) at the same time (some complex molecules have a short life span due to entropy).

People who like quantum mechanics should get a kick out of this.

We have an experiment now that shows that multiverses cannot exist. The many worlds theory that a majority of scientists believe today is just illusion. It only exists when the quantum particles are measure (observed) and consciousness does not have to be present.

To put it in terms of the Shrodinger's Cat thought experiment, we cannot have the cat existing in two states at the same time or superposition. It is either alive or dead when we observe it.

How this was shown was in 2011 when two scientists. Shan Yu and Danko Nikolic of the Max Planck Institute, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, in their paper Annalen der Physik, showed that consciousness was not necessary and only measurement. It means through measurement that the reality of one state or another exists. For example, with Shrodinger's cat, it can either be dead or alive, but can't be both at the same time. That is just illusion even though we can map the illusion with light particles. As per the double slit experiment, the reality exists when it is measured. What we see is just the potential probablilities when things are not measured (observed).

What does it mean in practical terms? For one, you can't go backward in time. The majority of atheist scientists who believed and still believe in multiverses are wrong. I don't know what other silly things they believed, so I'll stop here :laugh:.

With that, there is still one more experiment to deal with the future MAYBE affecting the past.

There can not be an experiment to rule out multiverses at least until there is definitive proof of what the universe we are in actually is.

Why could there not be more universes?

I am not saying that there are just that the people who know need drugs
There can not be an experiment to rule out multiverses at least until there is definitive proof of what the universe we are in actually is.

Why could there not be more universes?

I am not saying that there are just that the people who know need drugs

Stop being silly. You were just given one. It means we cannot have Shrodinger's cat exist as both dead and alive nor Hugh Everett III's many worlds hypothesis. Consciousness does not have anything to do with it so no humans need to be involved; Just scientific measurement or observation. Just have a camera measure Shrodinger's cat. Even if you stick the camera inside the box, it will be dead or alive, but never both. If you don't believe this scientific method, then you are the stupidest fuck in the world. Holy shit. You can't recognize a breakthrough even if it hit you in the head.

Where this may lead is to evidence of the 4th dimension or multidimensions hypothesis. We already have atheist scientist Brian Greene claiming ten dimensions or more. AFAIK, there are only four dimensions.

We also have FTL travel of the quantum entanglement or spooky action at a distance. The superdeterminism likely doesn't exist for that in this world either as Einstein's hidden variable theory was debunked. It means we have free will.

Something new to think about now from the findings is can the future change the present, i.e. something that is going to happen in the future affect something now.

With the 4th dimension, we have Flatland to help explain it. Even though esalla, ding, and others think we live in a 3-dimensional world (which we do), our brains only see it in 2-D. Our brains convert the information to add depth because of having two eyes. If you cover one eye with an eyepatch and enter a room that you are familar where your friend stretched a rope across, then you will have problems figuring out where the rope is. If there are objects in the room you are familiar with, then you'll be able to figure out where the rope is.

This could be a topic for another day when more evidence for a 4th dimension existing shows up.
There can not be an experiment to rule out multiverses at least until there is definitive proof of what the universe we are in actually is.

Why could there not be more universes?

I am not saying that there are just that the people who know need drugs

Stop being silly. You were just given one. It means we cannot have Shrodinger's cat exist as both dead and alive nor Hugh Everett III's many worlds hypothesis. Consciousness does not have anything to do with it so no humans need to be involved; Just scientific measurement or observation. Just have a camera measure Shrodinger's cat. Even if you stick the camera inside the box, it will be dead or alive, but never both. If you don't believe this scientific method, then you are the stupidest fuck in the world. Holy shit. You can't recognize a breakthrough even if it hit you in the head.

Where this may lead is to evidence of the 4th dimension or multidimensions hypothesis. We already have atheist scientist Brian Greene claiming ten dimensions or more. AFAIK, there are only four dimensions.

We also have FTL travel of the quantum entanglement or spooky action at a distance. The superdeterminism likely doesn't exist for that in this world either as Einstein's hidden variable theory was debunked. It means we have free will.

Something new to think about now from the findings is can the future change the present, i.e. something that is going to happen in the future affect something now.

I was not given anything as multiverses can not be ruled in or out based on the level of information currently known.

LOL even the universe we are in is undefined
With the 4th dimension, we have Flatland to help explain it. Even though esalla, ding, and others think we live in a 3-dimensional world (which we do), our brains only see it in 2-D. Our brains convert the information to add depth because of having two eyes. If you cover one eye with an eyepatch and enter a room that you are familar where your friend stretched a rope across, then you will have problems figuring out where the rope is. If there are objects in the room you are familiar with, then you'll be able to figure out where the rope is.

This could be a topic for another day when more evidence for a 4th dimension existing shows up.

Flatland explains nothing and is not scientifically accredited, seriously Jim not every youtube video is meant to be taken seriously as you clearly do
I was not given anything as multiverses can not be ruled in or out based on the level of information currently known.

LOL even the universe we are in is undefined

Haha, what science do you subscribe to?
Flatland explains nothing and is not scientifically accredited, seriously Jim not every youtube video is meant to be taken seriously as you clearly do

It explained how flatlanders recognize each other due to some process in the brain. They would just see a dot or line, but somehow they recognize each other. It's the same with us. Our two eyes and brains that God designed for us is what gives us depth. We just see 2-D objects in reality as that is what is projected onto our brain, but somehow we're able to see it with depth. Why can't you understand this? Do I have to find an elementary youtube for you :aug08_031:?

We see in 2D. Not 3D.

3D effect with sunglasses.
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Flatland explains nothing and is not scientifically accredited, seriously Jim not every youtube video is meant to be taken seriously as you clearly do

It explained how flatlanders recognize each other due to some process in the brain. They would just see a dot or line, but somehow they recognize each other. It's the same with us. Our two eyes and brains that God designed for us is what gives us depth. We just see 2-D objects in reality as that is what is projected onto our brain, but somehow we're able to see it with depth. Why can't you understand this? Do I have to find an elementary youtube for you :aug08_031:?
Was popeye involved
I watched the first video. The host does not rule out multiple universes but merely notes there are challenges to the Multiverse Theory.

As an aside, I think some people confuse different universes with different dimensions. They are not the same thing.
I watched the first video. The host does not rule out multiple universes but merely notes there are challenges to the Multiverse Theory.

As an aside, I think some people confuse different universes with different dimensions. They are not the same thing.

Multiverses were based on Hugh Everett's many worlds thesis. He was laughed at, but modern theoretical physicists started taking it more seriously with Erwin Shrodinger's cat thought experiment in 1935. Yet, there was no eveidence of it from what Stephen Hawking was trying to find in the past remnants of big bang's space and time. This experiment demonstrates no consciousness is needed. Only scientific measurement which is called observation. Thus, in this world we can only see the particles just like we can only see particles with larger objects like the tennis ball experiment. No one can show that both states exist at the same time through observation.

From the 2011 paper, I would think more theoretical physicists will ignore the multiverse. We do not see things just pop into existence (common sense) and go to the multidimensional hypothesis like Brian Greene and strings.

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