Murder Town USA: Joe Biden Calls It Home

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
And now that he's running for the presidency, all of the murder we're seeing shouldn't really be seen as a coincidence.

It's what he'll bring. And clearly it has begun . Look around. These are his people. This is his base.


The first thing that happens when I arrive at the Wilmington, Delaware, train station is that the newsstand cashier hands me counterfeit money as change when I buy an umbrella. Next, I walk outside and look for Sergeant Andrea Janvier. She's just over five feet tall, weighs about 100 pounds and has 18 years on the force, including 13 undercover in the drug unit. This fall she became Wilmington's public information officer, which means it's now her job to be nice to journalists like me.


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And now that he's running for the presidency, all of the murder we're seeing shouldn't really be sen as a coincidence.

It's what he'll bring. These are his people. This is his base.

Another liberal shithole.
Wilmington violent crime is 80.1. (The US average is 22.7)
Wilmington property crime is 68.7. (The US average is 35.4)
I bet he's jealous of how well Obama 'organized' Chicago; all the murders every weekend there have set the standards for other Democratic run cities, like Portland. I saw a film clip of the vermin Mayor there 'deploring all the violence in our cities and saying it was caused by Trump. lol what a sick lying tard, and a horrible actor, too.
I live ten minutes from Wilmington. For now. It's bad. Really bad.

If it wasn't the corporate headquarters of the world, I wouldn't go within a hundred miles of the place.
I live ten minutes from Wilmington. For now. It's bad. Really bad.

If it wasn't the corporate headquarters of the world, I wouldn't go within a hundred miles of the place.
Yep, certainly can’t beat the corporate-friendly environment, offering numerous benefits in terms of convenience, tax liability and legal protection for businesses. Hmmm, wonder how that happened.
So many BDS threads.

And none of the attacks have any effect. It's just the Trump cult helplessly tossing propaganda between themselves. The rest of the nation ignores it.

Wasn't really an attack on my part.

And, really, I can't see how effect is even relevant here. Biden and Trump aren't really much different at all policy-wise. Not major policy.

But, as usual, nobody is really talking about major policy. We have reality tv going on. That's all people are talking about. So there's really no discussion about major policy issues at all and people end up just believing they're different in some way when they're really not.

So, what's to be had by 'attacking'' either of the two? There's no effect to be made.

As I said, I live here. What we're seeing on the streets of America now in the final weeks prior to the election night is what happens on a daily basis in the home town of the candidate from Wilmington, Delaware.

I was just sharing it as a courtesy to the casual viewer.

Dont worry, I'll probably pound orange man nice and good, on major policy, too, as we move closer to the election. Not that I don't already. But I'll probably pour it on pretty thick just for giggles. The stuff nobody ever talks about.
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So many BDS threads.

And none of the attacks have any effect. It's just the Trump cult helplessly tossing propaganda between themselves. The rest of the nation ignores it.

Wasn't really an attack on my part.

And, really, I can't see how effect is even relevant here. Biden and Trump aren't really much different at all policy-wise. Not major policy.

But, as usual, nobody is really talking about major policy. We have reality tv going on.

So, what's to be had by 'attacking'' either of the two? There's no effect to be made.

As I said, I live here. What we're seeing on the streets of America now in the final weeks prior to the election night is what happens on a daily basis in the home town of the candidate from Wilmington, Delaware.

I was just sharing it as a courtesy to the casual viewer.

Dont worry, I'll probably pound orange man nice and good, on major policy, too, as we move closer to the election. Not that I don't already. But I'll probably pour it on pretty thick just for giggles.
Stating facts and the truth is an attack on the Left.

Just say'in.
All that verbiage and the answer to why is right there staring everyone in the face.....ovaload of nighas.

You can go to any town or city in America and the more nighas dey got the more crime and violence they will have.....but so many are clueless running around trying to blame everything but the real cause.

Of course the media is no help in fact they are a hindrance.....they got to stick to their narrative 'blacks are victims'. Yeh victims of their own kind but the media does not and will not admit dat.

Thus the merry go round goes round and in no problem can ever be solved if you are not willing to admit what the problem is.
And now that he's running for the presidency, all of the murder we're seeing shouldn't really be seen as a coincidence.

It's what he'll bring. And clearly it has begun . Look around. These are his people. This is his base.


The first thing that happens when I arrive at the Wilmington, Delaware, train station is that the newsstand cashier hands me counterfeit money as change when I buy an umbrella. Next, I walk outside and look for Sergeant Andrea Janvier. She's just over five feet tall, weighs about 100 pounds and has 18 years on the force, including 13 undercover in the drug unit. This fall she became Wilmington's public information officer, which means it's now her job to be nice to journalists like me.


" crime epidemic, their answers read like the devil's Christmas list: poverty, racism, lack of economic opportunities, drug and alcohol abuse, gun violence, high dropout rates, teenage pregnancy, stressed families and more." This could be any democRat ran town, city, or state. This only proves we have way above our share drooling idiots that vote.
So many BDS threads.

And none of the attacks have any effect. It's just the Trump cult helplessly tossing propaganda between themselves. The rest of the nation ignores it.
i see you ignore it also---just saying
All that verbiage and the answer to why is right there staring everyone in the face.....ovaload of nighas.

You can go to any town or city in America and the more nighas dey got the more crime and violence they will have.....but so many are clueless running around trying to blame everything but the real cause.

Of course the media is no help in fact they are a hindrance.....they got to stick to their narrative 'blacks are victims'. Yeh victims of their own kind but the media does not and will not admit dat.

Thus the merry go round goes round and in no problem can ever be solved if you are not willing to admit what the problem is.
journalist---person to report the news without bias...PERIOD
All that verbiage and the answer to why is right there staring everyone in the face.....ovaload of nighas.

You can go to any town or city in America and the more nighas dey got the more crime and violence they will have.....but so many are clueless running around trying to blame everything but the real cause.

Of course the media is no help in fact they are a hindrance.....they got to stick to their narrative 'blacks are victims'. Yeh victims of their own kind but the media does not and will not admit dat.

Thus the merry go round goes round and in no problem can ever be solved if you are not willing to admit what the problem is.
Take your racism some where else, it's not welcome here.
Let's do the math. Blacks are infinitely more violent, more criminal, and more low IQ than anyone on the planet. Government programs granting Blacks preferential treatment in jobs, in housing, etc. means there is even more discrimination against Whites, who are less violent and have higher IQs than Blacks. Generally jewish folks who obtained massive amounts of cash as a result of reparations for declaring war on Germany and other fake history seem to be behind the genocide against Whitey.
And now that he's running for the presidency, all of the murder we're seeing shouldn't really be seen as a coincidence.

It's what he'll bring. And clearly it has begun . Look around. These are his people. This is his base.

For the record, I don't always like being right.

They're just walking up to people and killing them arbitrarily now, all across the nation. It's almost as if they view their actions as an act of revolution or social justice.

Homeless, my ass....

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Hello and welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly as we amp up the confirmation bias and scare you shitless whenever you see a negro.

Also tonight, our special guest David Duke will try to explain the mystery of why these mud people don't vote Republican.
So many BDS threads.

And none of the attacks have any effect. It's just the Trump cult helplessly tossing propaganda between themselves. The rest of the nation ignores it.
Sez the lying traitor.
Hello and welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly as we amp up the confirmation bias and scare you shitless whenever you see a negro.

Also tonight, our special guest David Duke will try to explain the mystery of why these mud people don't vote Republican.
Sez the lying traitor.

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