Murdering scum

The bigger question is how many heads have been lopped off by toddlers.
In the US?
In the us and anywhere.
A lot. But the media won't report about it. Toddlers are the PC protected age group.
I feel most uneasy when I am flying.You are in the check in and see some little bastard waving a teddy bear around and you wonder what hes got wrapped up in it.
Advice - turn around and get a later flight.
The bigger question is how many heads have been lopped off by toddlers.
In the US?
In the us and anywhere.
A lot. But the media won't report about it. Toddlers are the PC protected age group.
I feel most uneasy when I am flying.You are in the check in and see some little bastard waving a teddy bear around and you wonder what hes got wrapped up in it.
Advice - turn around and get a later flight.
Yup. Whenever I see one of those little toddlers on my flight I ask an attendant to keep a special eye on them. The toddler community really needs to do some self-reflection.
The bigger question is how many heads have been lopped off by toddlers.
In the US?
In the us and anywhere.
A lot. But the media won't report about it. Toddlers are the PC protected age group.
I feel most uneasy when I am flying.You are in the check in and see some little bastard waving a teddy bear around and you wonder what hes got wrapped up in it.
Advice - turn around and get a later flight.
Yup. Whenever I see one of those little toddlers on my flight I ask an attendant to keep a special eye on them. The toddler community really needs to do some self-reflection.
Why won't Obama say "Radical Toddler Extremists"?
The bigger question is how many heads have been lopped off by toddlers.
In the US?
In the us and anywhere.
A lot. But the media won't report about it. Toddlers are the PC protected age group.
I feel most uneasy when I am flying.You are in the check in and see some little bastard waving a teddy bear around and you wonder what hes got wrapped up in it.
Advice - turn around and get a later flight.
Yup. Whenever I see one of those little toddlers on my flight I ask an attendant to keep a special eye on them. The toddler community really needs to do some self-reflection.
I am glad its not just me.
I was in a Doctors surgery the other day and some murdering little scumbag was "playing " death games with the building blocks in the corner.
I asked him why they hated us and he went on about eating vegetables and "early to bed". Its just a death cult backed by commies and Disney. That is obvious now.

At least the little shit wasnt carrying or I would be a stat now.
Toddlers Have Killed More People in the US Than Muslim Terrorists in 2016

And yet nothing gets done.Is there a powerful lobby backing toddler gun rights ?

How can you possibly compare one with the other.

This is a stupid retarded post
You're exactly right.
It makes you wonder why people waste their time worrying about Muslim terrorists when these little beggars are already in the country and causing mayhem.
We see the apologist lobby at work even here.
Next we will have some idiot telling us that armed toddlers actually save lives by preventing a million deaths every year. Its all funded by the Rothschilds you know.

Terrifying. The cold eyes of a killer.
Toddlers Have Killed More People in the US Than Muslim Terrorists in 2016

And yet nothing gets done.Is there a powerful lobby backing toddler gun rights ?

How can you possibly compare one with the other.

This is a stupid retarded post
Stuff like this gives the Regressive Left a chance to deftly attack guns and spin for the PC-protected religion at the same time.

It's a two-fer!

Oh great another toddler sympathizer. This is why we need to vote Trump. He'll get those stinking toddler monsters out of here. We need to #MakePreSchoolsGreatAgain
Toddlers Have Killed More People in the US Than Muslim Terrorists in 2016

And yet nothing gets done.Is there a powerful lobby backing toddler gun rights ?
Prescription drugs kill 100,000 people a year, what more than terrorist or even guns. Yet nothing is done about the prescription drug epidemic,
Some things are being done. For example prescribing the safe drug Marijuana over dangerous pills that lead to addiction and overdose.
Toddlers Have Killed More People in the US Than Muslim Terrorists in 2016

And yet nothing gets done.Is there a powerful lobby backing toddler gun rights ?
Prescription drugs kill 100,000 people a year, what more than terrorist or even guns. Yet nothing is done about the prescription drug epidemic,
Some things are being done. For example prescribing the safe drug Marijuana over dangerous pills that lead to addiction and overdose.
It is a good start
Well, the toddlers have to arm themselves. I mean, the Similac and Gerber cartels are starting to get dangerous, and that sweet white powdered Similac ain't gonna move itself.

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