Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

Looks like there could be additional shit about to drop. This time regarding the Times. Gordon Brown is due to make a statement in a couple of hours! Watch this space!

I've heard rumors. This is gonna be fun. :eek:

When the shit hits that this practice (the phone hacking) goes beyond News International... how are the lefties gonna keep making it all about Murdoch and the right? Fun times are ahead.

Even if confined to NI, hacking is about getting an edge on a story by illegal means. Anyone who makes it out to be political, i.e. left or right is seriously sick in the head. Incidentally, funny that NOBODY in Britain puts a left right slant on it. What does that tell you?

It tells me that Britons are less inclined to play political games than Americans. But I already knew that. It also confirms that many of my fellow Americans are quite happy to form opinions before informing themselves of the facts. That doesn't surprise me either.
the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform is the only person with the power to trigger the Public Interest Test. He does this by issuing an Intervention Notice. This sets out instructions to the OFT and Ofcom to produce reports. The OFT will investigate whether the merger will be likely to raise competition issues and Ofcom will investigate whether the merger could raise public interest concerns. This process was triggered last November and in March of this year Culture Minister, Jeremy Hunt, accepted the findings and gave approval.
Prior to the current revelations which are severely damaging to the Murdoch Media colossus. :eusa_whistle: Incidentally, why does CG think she's qualified to be posting in this thread? She referred to Labour as "Labor" & then went one step further to misspell Miliband's name. It's obvious she knows fuck all about British politics. :eusa_eh: :razz: :clap2: Sad that.

Oh good grief, are you really this stupid?
Yep. The Times, another Murdoch paper, is now embroiled in the hacking saga.

Journalists from across News International repeatedly targeted the former prime minister Gordon Brown, attempting to access his voicemail and obtaining information from his bank account, his legal file as well as his family's medical records.

There is also evidence that a private investigator used a serving police officer to trawl the police national computer for information about him.

Brown was targeted during a period of more than 10 years, both as chancellor of the exchequer and as prime minister. Some of the activity clearly was illegal. Other incidents breached his privacy but not the law. An investigation by the Guardian has found that:

• Scotland Yard has discovered references to both Brown and his wife, Sarah, in paperwork seized from Glenn Mulcaire, the private investigator who specialised in phone hacking for the News of the World;

• Abbey National bank found evidence suggesting that a "blagger" acting for the Sunday Times on six occasions posed as Brown and gained details from his account;

• Brown's London lawyers, Allen & Overy, were tricked into handing over details from his file by a conman working for the Sunday Times;

• Details from his infant son's medical records were obtained by the Sun, who published a story about the child's serious illness.

News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media |
the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform is the only person with the power to trigger the Public Interest Test. He does this by issuing an Intervention Notice. This sets out instructions to the OFT and Ofcom to produce reports. The OFT will investigate whether the merger will be likely to raise competition issues and Ofcom will investigate whether the merger could raise public interest concerns. This process was triggered last November and in March of this year Culture Minister, Jeremy Hunt, accepted the findings and gave approval.
Prior to the current revelations which are severely damaging to the Murdoch Media colossus. :eusa_whistle: Incidentally, why does CG think she's qualified to be posting in this thread? She referred to Labour as "Labor" & then went one step further to misspell Miliband's name. It's obvious she knows fuck all about British politics. :clap2: :eusa_eh: :razz: Sad that.

She clearly knows a lot more than you, so the question is why the fuck are YOU posting in it! You're proving to be a bigger twat than I gave you credit for!
Yep. The Times, another Murdoch paper, is now embroiled in the hacking saga.

Journalists from across News International repeatedly targeted the former prime minister Gordon Brown, attempting to access his voicemail and obtaining information from his bank account, his legal file as well as his family's medical records.

There is also evidence that a private investigator used a serving police officer to trawl the police national computer for information about him.

Brown was targeted during a period of more than 10 years, both as chancellor of the exchequer and as prime minister. Some of the activity clearly was illegal. Other incidents breached his privacy but not the law. An investigation by the Guardian has found that:

• Scotland Yard has discovered references to both Brown and his wife, Sarah, in paperwork seized from Glenn Mulcaire, the private investigator who specialised in phone hacking for the News of the World;

• Abbey National bank found evidence suggesting that a "blagger" acting for the Sunday Times on six occasions posed as Brown and gained details from his account;

• Brown's London lawyers, Allen & Overy, were tricked into handing over details from his file by a conman working for the Sunday Times;

• Details from his infant son's medical records were obtained by the Sun, who published a story about the child's serious illness.

News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media |

Ruh oh. :lol::lol:

Lots and lots of people are in some serious shit now.
The deal will be sidelined as it should be

Murdoch slows U.K. TV takeover bid amid scandal - CBS News
A failure to clinch the 7.5 billion pound ($11.9 billion) takeover would represent a huge setback for Murdoch, who has built up a global empire over four decades. As well as owning Fox News and the 20th Century Fox film studio, News Corp. owns a raft of newspapers and media outlets all around the world.
Just spotted this. Don't know exactly what this means in real terms, but it looks like yet another nail in someone's coffin!

US pension funds sue News Corp over NOTW closure

US pension funds have filed an amended complaint alleging "rampant nepotism" and failed corporate governance" at News Corp. in light of the ongoing phone hacking scandal.

In addition to pre-existing allegations of abuse by News Corp chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch, the amended complaint addresses revelations involving the News of the World (NOTW).

US pension funds sue News Corp over NOTW closure - IFAonline
The deal will be sidelined as it should be

Murdoch slows U.K. TV takeover bid amid scandal - CBS News
A failure to clinch the 7.5 billion pound ($11.9 billion) takeover would represent a huge setback for Murdoch, who has built up a global empire over four decades. As well as owning Fox News and the 20th Century Fox film studio, News Corp. owns a raft of newspapers and media outlets all around the world.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Do you ever actually read what other people say..... Cameron has already put the brakes on the takeover of BSkyB.

The deal will be sidelined as it should be

Murdoch slows U.K. TV takeover bid amid scandal - CBS News
A failure to clinch the 7.5 billion pound ($11.9 billion) takeover would represent a huge setback for Murdoch, who has built up a global empire over four decades. As well as owning Fox News and the 20th Century Fox film studio, News Corp. owns a raft of newspapers and media outlets all around the world.

The reason the takeover finds itself in the long grass is rather ironic. Murdoch has actually shot himself in the foot, purosely. The Competitions Commission AND the EU had previously cleared the takeover as not contravening any competition rules. But, now that News Corp has withdrawn its proposals to keep Sky News separate from the rest of the group, it has to go before the Competition Commission again. Sneaky bastards are trying to avoid further discussion on whether they are fit individuals to run a broadcast company. They are trying to win the day on the single issue of plurality!
Why don't you people have a "moral fitness" clause, for the issuance of licence', as does the U.S.?
The deal will be sidelined as it should be

Murdoch slows U.K. TV takeover bid amid scandal - CBS News
A failure to clinch the 7.5 billion pound ($11.9 billion) takeover would represent a huge setback for Murdoch, who has built up a global empire over four decades. As well as owning Fox News and the 20th Century Fox film studio, News Corp. owns a raft of newspapers and media outlets all around the world.

The reason the takeover finds itself in the long grass is rather ironic. Murdoch has actually shot himself in the foot, purosely. The Competitions Commission AND the EU had previously cleared the takeover as not contravening any competition rules. But, now that News Corp has withdrawn its proposals to keep Sky News separate from the rest of the group, it has to go before the Competition Commission again. Sneaky bastards are trying to avoid further discussion on whether they are fit individuals to run a broadcast company. They are trying to win the day on the single issue of plurality!

There is very little point in explaining stuff to Dotty. Unless he reads it in the media, it isn't true.... and then, when he does read it.... it will be 'something he knew all along'. :lol::lol:
London (CNN) -- Media baron Rupert Murdoch has not apologized to the family of a murdered British teenage girl whose phone messages were illegally intercepted by people working for his News of the World newspaper, a lawyer for the girl's family said Monday.The scandal over the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone and allegations that terror victims and fallen troops may also have been targeted forced the best-selling 168-year-old newspaper to close up shop this weekend.

Rebekah Brooks, who was editor of the newspaper at the time of the Dowler hacking, should resign, Dowler family lawyer Mark Lewis said Monday.

"She should do the honorable thing," Lewis said. "She was editor at the time Milly was taken. She should take editorial responsibility" for the actions of her journalists, Lewis said.

Cameron connected to hacking scandal? Brooks has since been promoted to chief executive of News International, the company that publishes Murdoch's British newspapers. Murdoch has stood by her so far.

Lawyer: Murdoch hasn't apologized for hacking of murdered girl's phone -

Since the scandal broke during the years of a Labour government, and given that Brown and Blair were both very close to News International, any honest person would be questioning both parties relationship with News International.

I am, however, not surprised that Chris ignores that in his desperate - and somewhat ignorant - attempt to link it to the Conservative Government.... and, at the risk of pointing out the blatantly obvious to the terminally stupid - British Conservatives are closer to the Democrats than they are to Republicans. I guess some people just judge others on a label.... 'Conservative' = bad.


The personal insults make you look silly, really. There is no need for it.

The Cameron headline was left there when I copy and pasted it by mistake.

I couldn't care less about British politics.
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Almost as appalling is the fact that the only reason liberals give a shit about this story is because its Murdoch's company. If this was an NBC or NYT company, they'd be as quiet as a church mouse......
Almost as appalling is the fact that the only reason liberals give a shit about this story is because its Murdoch's company. If this was an NBC or NYT company, they'd be as quiet as a church mouse......

Absolutely right. They don't care about ethics, or journalistic standards.... unless it suits their agenda.
Why don't you people have a "moral fitness" clause, for the issuance of licence', as does the U.S.?

Again you show your ignorance! Perhaps you should read up on our broadcast acts before you open that juvenile cakehole! If you have nothing to contribute why do you bother commenting? It only seves to make you look more and more ridiculous.
London (CNN) -- Media baron Rupert Murdoch has not apologized to the family of a murdered British teenage girl whose phone messages were illegally intercepted by people working for his News of the World newspaper,

Has Barack Obama apologized to the family of the border patrol agent killed by the guns he provided to Mexican drug lords in his botched frame-up of Arizona?

When will Obama apologize and step down for his role in the death of Brian Terry? It was guns his administration to the Mexican cartels that were used to kill him. When will Obama apologize and resign?
London (CNN) -- Media baron Rupert Murdoch has not apologized to the family of a murdered British teenage girl whose phone messages were illegally intercepted by people working for his News of the World newspaper,

Has Barack Obama apologized to the family of the border patrol agent killed by the guns he provided to Mexican drug lords in his botched frame-up of Arizona?

When will Obama apologize and step down for his role in the death of Brian Terry? It was guns his administration to the Mexican cartels that were used to kill him. When will Obama apologize and resign?

When will you learn to post in the right thread! :cuckoo:

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