Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

If your going to go @ "naming names" CalGirl, get it right lol Its "Miliband" :rolleyes:

fucking idiot (your own words ;)

On the bright side, at least I know what this whole situation is actually about.... and it ain't about left or right wing politics. Idiot.
Three cheers for Miliband :)
Murdoch, Brooks meet amid newspaper crisis - World news - Europe -
"When the public have seen the disgusting revelations that we have seen this week, the idea that this organization, which engaged in these terrible practices, should be allowed to take over BSkyB, to get that 100 percent stake, without the criminal investigation having been completed...frankly that just won't wash with the public," he told the BBC.

Three cheers for Miliband! Why? Because he fits your political sympathies? :cuckoo:

Britain's opposition leader Ed Miliband warned that a Murdoch takeover of BSkyB should not be allowed while a phone-hacking investigation is ongoing, and he vowed to push for a parliamentary vote if Prime Minister David Cameron fails to act.

It’s all very well for Miliband to shout his mouth off about David Cameron acting on preventing or delaying the takeover of BSkyB, but he knows full well why the government can’t do this. It was HIS government who liberalized the regulatory regime for media mergers through the Enterprise Act 2002 and the Communications Act 2003. BSkyB is a publicly listed corporation. There are firmly established procedures and legislation for dealing with proposed takeovers of such bodies and the law lays down that at no stage in the standard merger regime is there any role for Government ministers. However, under the media merger regime there is a role for ministerial involvement, but only in the Public Interest Test. Specifically, the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform is the only person with the power to trigger the Public Interest Test. He does this by issuing an Intervention Notice. This sets out instructions to the OFT and Ofcom to produce reports. The OFT will investigate whether the merger will be likely to raise competition issues and Ofcom will investigate whether the merger could raise public interest concerns. This process was triggered last November and in March of this year Culture Minister, Jeremy Hunt, accepted the findings and gave approval.

So, it would be illegal for government to intercede at this stage and the only bodies that can delay or question the takeover are Ofcom and the OFT. Even then, they must follow due process. Given that the tests for pluracy and public interest were passed, I guess the only area that Ofcom might be able to intercede would be on the issue as to whether NI (UK CEO Rebekah Brooks) is a ‘fit and proper’ owner. That can’t be answered until a full investigation/inquiry has been completed.

Yeh. Three cheers for Miliband. :cuckoo: In trying to hold Cameron accountable, he is simply trying to score political points. I wouldn't expect you to understand this as you know nothing about the background to this, which has been going on for some time. That's why you should take care in making sweeping statements about political issues you are not au fait with.
If your going to go @ "naming names" CalGirl, get it right lol Its "Miliband" :rolleyes:

fucking idiot (your own words ;)

That's not how you spell Miliband...

...It's spelt: d-i-c-k-h-e-a-d.

They should have elected David, instead of Ed.... but know I understand why they didn't. It's easier to spell Ed. :lol:

I am somewhat impressed that the American left continue to totally misunderstand this whole clusterfuck. :lol:
Robert Preston, BBC Business Editor.... the NotW was buying information from the Royal Families protection officers. Information included their private mobile numbers. The Met Police is gonna be in deep shit.

Let's hope these two bastards won't be smiling for much longer!

We won't be that lucky, Col. Those at the top will survive, mainly by throwing the minions under the bus.

Big question will be.... can Murdoch manage to keep his bid to buy BSkyB on track? I'm thinking not. LMAO
We won't be that lucky, Col. Those at the top will survive, mainly by throwing the minions under the bus.

Big question will be.... can Murdoch manage to keep his bid to buy BSkyB on track? I'm thinking not. LMAO

Well, whether Murdoch can keep his takeover bid on track now depends on how Ofcom and the OFT respond to the letter Jeremy Hunt has sent to them. He has asked whether they wish to change their approval for the takeover to go ahead in light of the revelations about NI. At the very least, let's hope they postpone takeover procedures until after an inquiry.
We won't be that lucky, Col. Those at the top will survive, mainly by throwing the minions under the bus.

Big question will be.... can Murdoch manage to keep his bid to buy BSkyB on track? I'm thinking not. LMAO

Well, whether Murdoch can keep his takeover bid on track now depends on how Ofcom and the OFT respond to the letter Jeremy Hunt has sent to them. He has asked whether they wish to change their approval for the takeover to go ahead in light of the revelations about NI. At the very least, let's hope they postpone takeover procedures until after an inquiry.

I honestly don't see how they can continue with their current view after this. I'm also puzzled about why the Met Police is investigating it's own behavior. Police Officer friends of mine say that the standard procedure would be for another force to be called in to investigate.

Interesting stuff.

I am finding Ed Miliband's faux outrage very funny though. He keeps repeating the same shit.
Having said that, anyone who calls for a media outlet to be closed just because they disagree with that station's coverage.... those people are unAmerican.... that's Chris. One wonders how many more on the left would be happy to see Fox closed down... for no other reason than they just don't like what Fox says.

Um, pretty much everyone on the left?
The anti-liberty left views freedom of speech as enemy #1..

Truely? Who here besides Chris said that?
Having said that, anyone who calls for a media outlet to be closed just because they disagree with that station's coverage.... those people are unAmerican.... that's Chris. One wonders how many more on the left would be happy to see Fox closed down... for no other reason than they just don't like what Fox says.

Um, pretty much everyone on the left?
The anti-liberty left views freedom of speech as enemy #1..

Truely? Who here besides Chris said that?

Plenty. And no, I'm not gonna trawl the board to 'prove' it. But we regularly see posts from the left shouting to close down Fox.
Fox lies and Murdoc lies and cheats.

I would like to see Murdoc forced to sell all of his holdings in media so that we could get back to making "news" tell the truth.
London (CNN) -- Media baron Rupert Murdoch has not apologized to the family of a murdered British teenage girl whose phone messages were illegally intercepted by people working for his News of the World newspaper, a lawyer for the girl's family said Monday.The scandal over the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone and allegations that terror victims and fallen troops may also have been targeted forced the best-selling 168-year-old newspaper to close up shop this weekend.

Rebekah Brooks, who was editor of the newspaper at the time of the Dowler hacking, should resign, Dowler family lawyer Mark Lewis said Monday.

"She should do the honorable thing," Lewis said. "She was editor at the time Milly was taken. She should take editorial responsibility" for the actions of her journalists, Lewis said.

Brooks has since been promoted to chief executive of News International, the company that publishes Murdoch's British newspapers. Murdoch has stood by her so far.

Lawyer: Murdoch hasn't apologized for hacking of murdered girl's phone -
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London (CNN) -- Media baron Rupert Murdoch has not apologized to the family of a murdered British teenage girl whose phone messages were illegally intercepted by people working for his News of the World newspaper, a lawyer for the girl's family said Monday.The scandal over the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone and allegations that terror victims and fallen troops may also have been targeted forced the best-selling 168-year-old newspaper to close up shop this weekend.

Rebekah Brooks, who was editor of the newspaper at the time of the Dowler hacking, should resign, Dowler family lawyer Mark Lewis said Monday.

"She should do the honorable thing," Lewis said. "She was editor at the time Milly was taken. She should take editorial responsibility" for the actions of her journalists, Lewis said.

Cameron connected to hacking scandal? Brooks has since been promoted to chief executive of News International, the company that publishes Murdoch's British newspapers. Murdoch has stood by her so far.

Lawyer: Murdoch hasn't apologized for hacking of murdered girl's phone -

Since the scandal broke during the years of a Labour government, and given that Brown and Blair were both very close to News International, any honest person would be questioning both parties relationship with News International.

I am, however, not surprised that Chris ignores that in his desperate - and somewhat ignorant - attempt to link it to the Conservative Government.... and, at the risk of pointing out the blatantly obvious to the terminally stupid - British Conservatives are closer to the Democrats than they are to Republicans. I guess some people just judge others on a label.... 'Conservative' = bad.

Looks like there could be additional shit about to drop. This time regarding the Times. Gordon Brown is due to make a statement in a couple of hours! Watch this space!
Looks like there could be additional shit about to drop. This time regarding the Times. Gordon Brown is due to make a statement in a couple of hours! Watch this space!

I've heard rumors. This is gonna be fun. :eek:

When the shit hits that this practice (the phone hacking) goes beyond News International... how are the lefties gonna keep making it all about Murdoch and the right? Fun times are ahead.
Looks like there could be additional shit about to drop. This time regarding the Times. Gordon Brown is due to make a statement in a couple of hours! Watch this space!

I've heard rumors. This is gonna be fun. :eek:

When the shit hits that this practice (the phone hacking) goes beyond News International... how are the lefties gonna keep making it all about Murdoch and the right? Fun times are ahead.

Even if confined to NI, hacking is about getting an edge on a story by illegal means. Anyone who makes it out to be political, i.e. left or right is seriously sick in the head. Incidentally, funny that NOBODY in Britain puts a left right slant on it. What does that tell you?
the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform is the only person with the power to trigger the Public Interest Test. He does this by issuing an Intervention Notice. This sets out instructions to the OFT and Ofcom to produce reports. The OFT will investigate whether the merger will be likely to raise competition issues and Ofcom will investigate whether the merger could raise public interest concerns. This process was triggered last November and in March of this year Culture Minister, Jeremy Hunt, accepted the findings and gave approval.
Prior to the current revelations which are severely damaging to the Murdoch Media colossus. :eusa_whistle: Incidentally, why does CG think she's qualified to be posting in this thread? She referred to Labour as "Labor" & then went one step further to misspell Miliband's name. It's obvious she knows fuck all about British politics. :clap2: :eusa_eh: :razz: Sad that.
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