Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

This is a classic deflection attempt. This guy is a piece of one else..jut him. Its HIS paper.

ed..this is perfect..

"Classic deflection from someone who has made a fucking fool of himself, you think?"

No. ALL those involved in this are pieces of shit! The editor at the time (now chief executive) And the scum journalists who were responsible for the hacking. Not to forget Murdoch's son, of course.

How are the American left gonna make this all about Murdoch when journalists from other tabloids start getting arrested?

It'll be entertaining to see Dotty, rdean and mr late to the party as always, zona, spin themselves into knots at that stage.

I wonder if they'll ever research this topic before they carry on ranting so they actually know what they're talking about.

Because this is all about Murdoch.

FoxNews is the American News of the World.
No. ALL those involved in this are pieces of shit! The editor at the time (now chief executive) And the scum journalists who were responsible for the hacking. Not to forget Murdoch's son, of course.

How are the American left gonna make this all about Murdoch when journalists from other tabloids start getting arrested?

It'll be entertaining to see Dotty, rdean and mr late to the party as always, zona, spin themselves into knots at that stage.

I wonder if they'll ever research this topic before they carry on ranting so they actually know what they're talking about.

Because this is all about Murdoch.

FoxNews is the American News of the World.

No mate. It's all about the News of the World and B Sky B...but you carry on spouting in your parochial bubble. Do you even know anything about B Sky B? Of course, you will now read up on it and claim you do, but it is clear to me that you haven't even thought about how it fits in.

Another thing that I find entertaining as hell is the American left wingers desperation to throw the UK Conservative government under the nearest bus. They have no clue about British politics, they certainly don't seem to understand what a Conservative means in the UK. Yet again, they leap to the conclusion that your version of a Conservative is our version of a Conservative. Whereas, you and I would recognize that UK Conservatives are more like Democrats - perhaps close to a Blue Dog Dem, rather than a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: See how ignorant we can be about foreign affairs?

On PBS I saw a British comedian. He was talking about his visit to the USA. He said, "They have two parties over there. There's the uh, the democratic party, which is something like our labor party. Then they have the republican party, which is something like our Labor party."

Even foreigners recognize that the dems and reps are the same.
Wrong. The Tories raised taxes in the U.K. to address their debt. ;) :clap2:

Once again, you prove your ignorance. I guess you've risen to your own level of substandard. The debt wasn't created by the Tories. It was left to them by Labour's term in office. If you did your homework you would see that Labour raised hundreds of stealth taxes and several increases on income taxes. The Tories have reduced public spending and increased VAT to start getting us out of the abyss created by Labour. Now, if you want to learn something about our politics, which is obviously beyond your comprehension at the moment, start by reading this.

Labour tax and benefit reforms punished families earning over £30,000 | Mail Online
Just as I suspected. He's throwing the NoTW under the bus (and all the employees that go along w/ it) so he can get a controlling interest in BSkyB:
updated 1 hour 2 minutes ago
Scandal-plagued UK tabloid preps final edition - World news - Europe -
LONDON — Rupert Murdoch was expected to fly to London to tackle a scandal engulfing his media empire while journalists prepared the last edition of a best-selling weekly they say he has sacrificed to protect plans to expand his television business.

Welcome to the party! You're only three days late! But thanks for turning up. I was in need of a laugh.
Just as I suspected. He's throwing the NoTW under the bus (and all the employees that go along w/ it) so he can get a controlling interest in BSkyB:
updated 1 hour 2 minutes ago
Scandal-plagued UK tabloid preps final edition - World news - Europe -
LONDON — Rupert Murdoch was expected to fly to London to tackle a scandal engulfing his media empire while journalists prepared the last edition of a best-selling weekly they say he has sacrificed to protect plans to expand his television business.

Welcome to the party! You're only three days late! But thanks for turning up. I was in need of a laugh.

He suspected..... :lol::lol::lol: He's entertaining... in an 'omg, how ignorant can one person be' kind of way.

That, and that hysterical comment about the Tories. :lol::lol: Ignorance is funny, but not pretty to watch.
Just as I suspected. He's throwing the NoTW under the bus (and all the employees that go along w/ it) so he can get a controlling interest in BSkyB:

Welcome to the party! You're only three days late! But thanks for turning up. I was in need of a laugh.

He suspected..... :lol::lol::lol: He's entertaining... in an 'omg, how ignorant can one person be' kind of way.

That, and that hysterical comment about the Tories. :lol::lol: Ignorance is funny, but not pretty to watch.

Yeh. I reckon you could fill the Library of Congress with what DotCom doesn't know!
The Tories aren't so bad over there. They had the spine to raise taxes on the wealthiest. Sadly, the American Tories (Repubs) are too beholden to big business to follow suit.
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How many people recognize the name "Sulzberger"? Not many I expect but it is an important name behind the scenes in the mainstream media. Thanks to the unrelenting hysterical effort by the left to silence opposition opinion, everyone recognizes the head of FOX news. Who knows who runs ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, PBS, CNN or the Washington Post? See my point?
How many people recognize the name "Sulzberger"? Not many I expect but it is an important name behind the scenes in the mainstream media. Thanks to the unrelenting hysterical effort by the left to silence opposition opinion, everyone recognizes the head of FOX news. Who knows who runs ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, PBS, CNN or the Washington Post? See my point?

Frankly? No I fail to see your point, since this a thread about the News of the World and its hacking of Milly Dowlers phone. Suggest you go forth and multiply!
The Tories aren't so bad over there. They had the spine to raise taxes on the wealthiest. Sadly, the American Tories (Repubs) are too beholden to big business to follow suit.

Not really. They're politicians. Right, left or centre, they're all scum. That's why it's always ironic when the media and politicians fall out with each other. You couldn't put a cigarette paper between a politician and a journo. They're both lower than a snake's belly!
Good for Miliband:
Murdoch, Brooks meet amid newspaper crisis - World news - Europe -
Cameron came under growing pressure on Sunday to halt Murdoch's bid for BSkyB, at least until an investigation into phone-hacking had been completed.
On Sunday, opposition Labour Party leader Ed Miliband warned that a Murdoch takeover of BSkyB should not be allowed while the phone-hacking investigation is ongoing.

:lol::lol: You do realize that the Labor party are even more buddy/buddy with Murdoch than the Tories, right?

And, you do realize that the UK Tories are more like Democrats than Republicans, right?

Oh, and.... are you aware that this shit.... the phone hacking, the investigation and all that.... all went down on Blair/Brown's watches.... those dudes are Labor. You think they're the ones that are the equivalent of Democrats.... except they aren't.

Annnnnd.... you are aware that Cameron has already asked for the decision on the sale of BSkyB be delayed.... this is just political grandstanding by the drooling boyking of the labor party.

Man, you just keep showing how fucking stupid you are.

Three cheers for Miliband :)
Murdoch, Brooks meet amid newspaper crisis - World news - Europe -
"When the public have seen the disgusting revelations that we have seen this week, the idea that this organization, which engaged in these terrible practices, should be allowed to take over BSkyB, to get that 100 percent stake, without the criminal investigation having been completed...frankly that just won't wash with the public," he told the BBC.
Three cheers for Miliband :)
Murdoch, Brooks meet amid newspaper crisis - World news - Europe -
"When the public have seen the disgusting revelations that we have seen this week, the idea that this organization, which engaged in these terrible practices, should be allowed to take over BSkyB, to get that 100 percent stake, without the criminal investigation having been completed...frankly that just won't wash with the public," he told the BBC.


That's why you struggle to maintain a facade of intellect. You cherry pick your 'news'. Use the UK media.... use a non partisan source... and read up on the whole story, not just the recent shit hitting the fan. As you have already been informed, this goes back to the Labor/Labour Government.... Blair.... and then Brown..... and the only reason it's not Milliband is because Labor/Labour lost the last election.

In fact, the only major party in Britain who is not tainted by this clusterfuck is the Liberal Democrats. An intelligent left wing poster would use them as the moral highground.... not Labor/Labour.... fucking idiot. And.... the LibDems are further left than Labor/Labour.... hence they would be more in line with your own political views.

Consider yourself schooled in UK politics. Idiot.
If your going to go @ "naming names" CalGirl, get it right lol Its "Miliband" :rolleyes:

fucking idiot (your own words ;)

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