Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

Here's the coup de grâce:

I thought conservatives in the U.K. (Tories) were supposed to be more reasonable than the American, 'wing-nut' version :confused: :lol:

Still nothing useful to add? Negged!
You negged me? Whatever for :confused: The people in the U.K. are outraged & rightfully so. You must be a tory to officially announce that I've been negged. Lighten-up. What? Do you have Fox stocks?

A whiner too! What a surprise!! You got negged for stupidity. Live with it.
The U.K. justice system doesn't waste any time
3 arrests in UK phone hacking scandal - World news - Europe -
updated 1 hour 5 minutes ago

LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron's former communications chief and an ex-royals editor were arrested Friday in a phone hacking and police corruption scandal that has toppled a major tabloid and rattled the cozy relationship between British politicians and the Murdoch media empire.
A third arrest was reported late Friday, but police did not release the person's identity

Keep up Dumbo. All of this has already been posted and discussed!
The U.K. justice system doesn't waste any time
3 arrests in UK phone hacking scandal - World news - Europe -
updated 1 hour 5 minutes ago

LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron's former communications chief and an ex-royals editor were arrested Friday in a phone hacking and police corruption scandal that has toppled a major tabloid and rattled the cozy relationship between British politicians and the Murdoch media empire.
A third arrest was reported late Friday, but police did not release the person's identity

'British politicians'.... not Tories, you fucking idiot.... politicians. All three parties are getting blowback. So, no.... it is not 'game over' for the Tories.
Wow! Ya don't say! Who'd have thunk that! Thanks for enlightening me with that stunning piece of news!

Don't you wish you were as smart as Dotty?

No, I don't either. :lol:


Here's what I think. Dotty thinks that it is 'news' to the British people that Andy Coulson had to resign from the NotW and, since Cameron employed him, Dotty is jumping to the conclusion that this somehow implicates Cameron. That's what comes from getting half the story and running off at the mouth.
Damn, Coulson has been bailed. I guess that means the whole subject is gonna go sub judice shortly. Pity.

Or does that happen when/if he gets charged?

Both Coulson and the Royal correspondent have been bailed, but that was to be expected in a case of this sort. A third arrest has, however been made. No names, but a private detective in the pay of the NoW. Investigations will be ongoing and it is unlikely that they will appear in court until October.


I think these will not be the only ones facing charges. And I would put good money on those including journalists from other major tabloids. Fun shit!

Now, am I right in thinking that it is once charges are made, the case goes sub judice and cannot be reported until the trial?

Oh there will be plenty of heads rolling yet. And some of the prosecutions could come from your side of the Atlantic:

As deputy chief operating officer of News Corp – the US-listed company that is the ultimate owner of News International (NI), which in turn owns the News of the World , the Times , the Sunday Times and the Sun in London – the younger Murdoch has admitted he misled parliament over phone hacking, although he has stated he did not have the complete picture at the time. There have also been reports that employees routinely made payments to police officers, believed to total more than £100,000, in return for information.

The payments could leave News Corp – and possibly James Murdoch himself – facing the possibility of prosecution in the US under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) – legislation designed to stamp out bad corporate behaviour that carries severe penalties – and in the UK under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 which outlaws the interception of communications.

Tony Woodcock, a partner at the London law firm Stephenson Harwood, said section 79 of the 2000 Act enabled criminal proceedings to be brought against not only a company, but also a director where the offence was committed with their “consent or connivance” or was “attributable to any neglect on their part”. Woodcock said: “This could embrace a wide number of people at the highest level within an organisation, such as a chief executive.”

Phone-hacking could lead to News Corp prosecution in US - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 09, 2011

Yes, sub judice will kick in once charges have been laid.
I'll give the Tories credit, they raised taxes whereas the American Tories (repubs) are 100%, lock-step, opportunist, ideologues. Ask them.
See, here is a classic example of the US media misreporting the UK shitstorm around the NotW.

From Dotty's own link.

Coulson, 43, was taken into custody Friday morning on suspicion of corruption and "conspiring to intercept communications." Hours later, he was released on bail until October. He refused to answer questions from reporters as he left a police station.

3 arrests in UK phone hacking scandal - World news - Europe -

According to MSNBC's report, Coulson 'refused to answer questions from reporters'. According to Coulson himself, he was asked by the police not to talk to the media about it - because it's an ongoing investigation and he was probably implicating other people involved. UK law is different to US law. Coulson, once arrested and bailed, would be really fucking stupid to talk to the media about what his questioning.
Don't you wish you were as smart as Dotty?

No, I don't either. :lol:


Here's what I think. Dotty thinks that it is 'news' to the British people that Andy Coulson had to resign from the NotW and, since Cameron employed him, Dotty is jumping to the conclusion that this somehow implicates Cameron. That's what comes from getting half the story and running off at the mouth.

Yes, well Cameron's credibility has taken a dent based on poor judgement in employing Coulson in the first place, but that's all. Dotty probably doesn't even realise that Coulson resigned as Cameron's press chief in January when revelations of the phone hackings surfaced.
I'll give the Tories credit, they raised taxes whereas the American Tories (repubs) are 100%, lock-step, opportunist, ideologues. Ask them.

They also slashed public spending by vast amounts of money. They have backbone, the Brits.

But that is beside the point. Colin and I are both waiting anxiously for your evidence that this is 'game over' for the Tories.
I'll give the Tories credit, they raised taxes whereas the American Tories (repubs) are 100%, lock-step, opportunist, ideologues. Ask them.

What the fuck has this to do with the subject at hand? My God! You really are a moron!

Here's what I think. Dotty thinks that it is 'news' to the British people that Andy Coulson had to resign from the NotW and, since Cameron employed him, Dotty is jumping to the conclusion that this somehow implicates Cameron. That's what comes from getting half the story and running off at the mouth.

Yes, well Cameron's credibility has taken a dent based on poor judgement in employing Coulson in the first place, but that's all. Dotty probably doesn't even realise that Coulson resigned as Cameron's press chief in January when revelations of the phone hackings surfaced.

I am sure that the Labor party will (carefully) wag their fingers at Cameron, but since Cameron was very open, as was Coulson, about the NotW fiasco at that time, I don't see it as significant.

And it's not like the Labor party are squeaky clean in this. They have a very fine tightrope to walk. Especially since this all went down on Labor's watch. :lol:
This definitely needs to be sorted-out before this "deal" is addressed.
3 arrests in UK phone hacking scandal - World news - Europe -
The hacking revelations horrified the nation and advertisers, who pulled their ads en masse. News International, the British arm of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., jettisoned the paper in hopes of saving its $19 billion (12 billion pound) deal to take over satellite broadcaster British Sky Broadcasting. But the British government on Friday signaled the deal would be delayed due to the crisis.
Good find. The reputation of the paper from top to bottom deserves tarnished.

Hardly a 'find', since it's been a leader on most of the UK's news outlets for weeks, on and off.

And, before we get too excited about Murdock... this is SOP for vast numbers of media across the world. One wonders how many US organizations have used similar tactics.

This is a classic deflection attempt. This guy is a piece of one else..jut him. Its HIS paper.

ed..this is perfect..

"Classic deflection from someone who has made a fucking fool of himself, you think?"
Last edited:
Coulson arrested over tabloid scandal - Yahoo! News
Cameron looked rattled during the toughest press conference of his year in power, but he defended his decision to hire Andy Coulson, the former editor of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World tabloid, which is to shut this weekend.
He admitted the scandal went to the heart of the British establishment, saying: "The truth is, we have all been in this together -- the press, politicians and leaders of all parties, and yes, that includes me."
At least he admits it.
Here's what I think. Dotty thinks that it is 'news' to the British people that Andy Coulson had to resign from the NotW and, since Cameron employed him, Dotty is jumping to the conclusion that this somehow implicates Cameron. That's what comes from getting half the story and running off at the mouth.

Yes, well Cameron's credibility has taken a dent based on poor judgement in employing Coulson in the first place, but that's all. Dotty probably doesn't even realise that Coulson resigned as Cameron's press chief in January when revelations of the phone hackings surfaced.

I am sure that the Labor party will (carefully) wag their fingers at Cameron, but since Cameron was very open, as was Coulson, about the NotW fiasco at that time, I don't see it as significant.

And it's not like the Labor party are squeaky clean in this. They have a very fine tightrope to walk. Especially since this all went down on Labor's watch. :lol:

Well, Labour will snipe at Cameron for hiring an ex NoW editor, but any other mud flinging can only arise if it is shown that any politicians knew of these events, which I doubt they did. There was a cross party House of Commons investigation in 2009, but NoW executives denied all allegations and media phone hacking remained rumour and speculation, until April this year when NoW finally admitted it.
Good find. The reputation of the paper from top to bottom deserves tarnished.

Hardly a 'find', since it's been a leader on most of the UK's news outlets for weeks, on and off.

And, before we get too excited about Murdock... this is SOP for vast numbers of media across the world. One wonders how many US organizations have used similar tactics.

This is a classic deflection attempt. This guy is a piece of one else..jut him. Its HIS paper.

ed..this is perfect..

"Classic deflection from someone who has made a fucking fool of himself, you think?"

No. ALL those involved in this are pieces of shit! The editor at the time (now chief executive) And the scum journalists who were responsible for the hacking. Not to forget Murdoch's son, of course.

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