Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

So, how goes the future of the paper?
Anybody registered at Beck WebTV? Maybe he's talking about it..... NOT!!! :D Is Beck Web TV owned by Fox? I ask because he's a former Fox employee however I've never watched him nor do I ever intend to. Is he still getting a Fox paycheck?
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Murdoch wants BSkyB so bad he can taste it. Thats why he shutter'd NoW. :(
She also denied closing the NoW was a "cynical ploy", and apologised for the decision.

News International has said it is shutting the NoW after this Sunday's edition following a spate of fresh revelations.

The 168-year-old tabloid is accused of hacking into phones of crime victims, celebrities and politicians. Police have identified 4,000 possible targets.
Murdoch wants BSkyB so bad he can taste it. Thats why he shutter'd NoW. :(
BBC News - Phone hacking probe: Ex-NoW editor Coulson bailed
She also denied closing the NoW was a "cynical ploy", and apologised for the decision.

News International has said it is shutting the NoW after this Sunday's edition following a spate of fresh revelations.

The 168-year-old tabloid is accused of hacking into phones of crime victims, celebrities and politicians. Police have identified 4,000 possible targets.

Which is exactly what I said days ago.

Fucking idiot.

Oh, and that shit about there being 4,000 more potential victims..... I told y'all that too. Funny how you ignore facts from one source and then make them a big deal from another.

Damn, you're dumb.
Hardly a 'find', since it's been a leader on most of the UK's news outlets for weeks, on and off.

And, before we get too excited about Murdock... this is SOP for vast numbers of media across the world. One wonders how many US organizations have used similar tactics.

This is a classic deflection attempt. This guy is a piece of one else..jut him. Its HIS paper.

ed..this is perfect..

"Classic deflection from someone who has made a fucking fool of himself, you think?"

No. ALL those involved in this are pieces of shit! The editor at the time (now chief executive) And the scum journalists who were responsible for the hacking. Not to forget Murdoch's son, of course.

How are the American left gonna make this all about Murdoch when journalists from other tabloids start getting arrested?

It'll be entertaining to see Dotty, rdean and mr late to the party as always, zona, spin themselves into knots at that stage.

I wonder if they'll ever research this topic before they carry on ranting so they actually know what they're talking about.
This is a classic deflection attempt. This guy is a piece of one else..jut him. Its HIS paper.

ed..this is perfect..

"Classic deflection from someone who has made a fucking fool of himself, you think?"

No. ALL those involved in this are pieces of shit! The editor at the time (now chief executive) And the scum journalists who were responsible for the hacking. Not to forget Murdoch's son, of course.

How are the American left gonna make this all about Murdoch when journalists from other tabloids start getting arrested?

It'll be entertaining to see Dotty, rdean and mr late to the party as always, zona, spin themselves into knots at that stage.

I wonder if they'll ever research this topic before they carry on ranting so they actually know what they're talking about.

It's all about Obama! :razz:
No. ALL those involved in this are pieces of shit! The editor at the time (now chief executive) And the scum journalists who were responsible for the hacking. Not to forget Murdoch's son, of course.

How are the American left gonna make this all about Murdoch when journalists from other tabloids start getting arrested?

It'll be entertaining to see Dotty, rdean and mr late to the party as always, zona, spin themselves into knots at that stage.

I wonder if they'll ever research this topic before they carry on ranting so they actually know what they're talking about.

It's all about Obama! :razz:

Well, the world does revolve around the US, and the Messiah. You British are merely puppets to entertain us.

Funny shit.
Ah yes, the Messiah. Of course, that's not what us Brits call him. We have a name much closer to the truth! :razz:
Ah yes, the Messiah. Of course, that's not what us Brits call him. We have a name much closer to the truth! :razz:


Another thing that I find entertaining as hell is the American left wingers desperation to throw the UK Conservative government under the nearest bus. They have no clue about British politics, they certainly don't seem to understand what a Conservative means in the UK. Yet again, they leap to the conclusion that your version of a Conservative is our version of a Conservative. Whereas, you and I would recognize that UK Conservatives are more like Democrats - perhaps close to a Blue Dog Dem, rather than a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: See how ignorant we can be about foreign affairs?

5th July - Three new domain names registered:- 'TheSunOn .uk'; 'TheSunOn'; ''

7th July - Murdoch closes the NoW.

Form your own conclusions!
So, Rupert Murdoch flies into London today. Perhaps he doesn't trust the capability of his staff to get rid of incriminating evidence.
So, Rupert Murdoch flies into London today. Perhaps he doesn't trust the capability of his staff to get rid of incriminating evidence.

I have to say, I found it somewhat strange that NotW staff have been told that after they leave the building after work today, their news room will be considered a 'crime scene'. So, if it is going to be a crime scene, why the hell are they allowing the staff in there at all? I appreciate that the staff have been instructed not to remove anything from the building but, other than frisking each individual as they leave, how are they gonna ensure no one removes evidence?

How do they know that no one will trash computer hard drives?

Seems quite odd to me.
Even more distrubing ?


The Metropolitan Police force is also facing an inquiry by the police watchdog over claims its officers took money from the News of the World in exchange for information. The original police investigation into phone hacking, shelved after Goodman and Mulcaire were jailed, was reopened earlier this year.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Paul Stephenson said he was "determined" to see any officers who received payoffs from journalists facing criminal conviction.
Brian Paddick, a former senior police commander, told the BBC one journalist paid $50,000 (30,000 pounds) for police information and others paid cash in envelopes handed over at a drive-thru fast food restaurant near the News International headquarters.

Some payoffs were "jeopardizing serious criminal investigations by giving out confidential information that could be useful to criminals," Paddick said.

Allowing media corporations to dominate the media in an area or in a nation, like they do in England and like is now allowed here is a terrible mistake.
Even more distrubing ?


The Metropolitan Police force is also facing an inquiry by the police watchdog over claims its officers took money from the News of the World in exchange for information. The original police investigation into phone hacking, shelved after Goodman and Mulcaire were jailed, was reopened earlier this year.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Paul Stephenson said he was "determined" to see any officers who received payoffs from journalists facing criminal conviction.
Brian Paddick, a former senior police commander, told the BBC one journalist paid $50,000 (30,000 pounds) for police information and others paid cash in envelopes handed over at a drive-thru fast food restaurant near the News International headquarters.

Some payoffs were "jeopardizing serious criminal investigations by giving out confidential information that could be useful to criminals," Paddick said.

Allowing media corporations to dominate the media in an area or in a nation, like they do in England and like is now allowed here is a terrible mistake.

Yea, it was disturbing..... when Colin and I both mentioned it the first time. Could you keep up?
Even more distrubing ?


The Metropolitan Police force is also facing an inquiry by the police watchdog over claims its officers took money from the News of the World in exchange for information. The original police investigation into phone hacking, shelved after Goodman and Mulcaire were jailed, was reopened earlier this year.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Paul Stephenson said he was "determined" to see any officers who received payoffs from journalists facing criminal conviction.
Brian Paddick, a former senior police commander, told the BBC one journalist paid $50,000 (30,000 pounds) for police information and others paid cash in envelopes handed over at a drive-thru fast food restaurant near the News International headquarters.

Some payoffs were "jeopardizing serious criminal investigations by giving out confidential information that could be useful to criminals," Paddick said.

Allowing media corporations to dominate the media in an area or in a nation, like they do in England and like is now allowed here is a terrible mistake.

Allowing? The very reason arrests are being made now that it has come to light is because it isn't allowed! :cuckoo:
Ah yes, the Messiah. Of course, that's not what us Brits call him. We have a name much closer to the truth! :razz:


Another thing that I find entertaining as hell is the American left wingers desperation to throw the UK Conservative government under the nearest bus. They have no clue about British politics, they certainly don't seem to understand what a Conservative means in the UK. Yet again, they leap to the conclusion that your version of a Conservative is our version of a Conservative. Whereas, you and I would recognize that UK Conservatives are more like Democrats - perhaps close to a Blue Dog Dem, rather than a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: See how ignorant we can be about foreign affairs?

On PBS I saw a British comedian. He was talking about his visit to the USA. He said, "They have two parties over there. There's the uh, the democratic party, which is something like our labor party. Then they have the republican party, which is something like our Labor party."

Even foreigners recognize that the dems and reps are the same.
Ah yes, the Messiah. Of course, that's not what us Brits call him. We have a name much closer to the truth! :razz:


Another thing that I find entertaining as hell is the American left wingers desperation to throw the UK Conservative government under the nearest bus. They have no clue about British politics, they certainly don't seem to understand what a Conservative means in the UK. Yet again, they leap to the conclusion that your version of a Conservative is our version of a Conservative. Whereas, you and I would recognize that UK Conservatives are more like Democrats - perhaps close to a Blue Dog Dem, rather than a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: See how ignorant we can be about foreign affairs?

On PBS I saw a British comedian. He was talking about his visit to the USA. He said, "They have two parties over there. There's the uh, the democratic party, which is something like our labor party. Then they have the republican party, which is something like our Labor party."

Even foreigners recognize that the dems and reps are the same.
Wrong. The Tories raised taxes in the U.K. to address their debt. ;) :clap2:
Just as I suspected. He's throwing the NoTW under the bus (and all the employees that go along w/ it) so he can get a controlling interest in BSkyB:
updated 1 hour 2 minutes ago
Scandal-plagued UK tabloid preps final edition - World news - Europe -
LONDON — Rupert Murdoch was expected to fly to London to tackle a scandal engulfing his media empire while journalists prepared the last edition of a best-selling weekly they say he has sacrificed to protect plans to expand his television business.
Just as I suspected. He's throwing the NoTW under the bus (and all the employees that go along w/ it) so he can get a controlling interest in BSkyB:
updated 1 hour 2 minutes ago
Scandal-plagued UK tabloid preps final edition - World news - Europe -
LONDON — Rupert Murdoch was expected to fly to London to tackle a scandal engulfing his media empire while journalists prepared the last edition of a best-selling weekly they say he has sacrificed to protect plans to expand his television business.

Thank you Captain Obvious. Colin and I both said that fucking days ago, you stupid twat. What is your problem - if you don't have it spoon fed to you from the media, it's not true?

Jeeeez, you are one dumb fuck.

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