Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

London (CNN) -- Media baron Rupert Murdoch has not apologized to the family of a murdered British teenage girl whose phone messages were illegally intercepted by people working for his News of the World newspaper,

Has Barack Obama apologized to the family of the border patrol agent killed by the guns he provided to Mexican drug lords in his botched frame-up of Arizona?

When will Obama apologize and step down for his role in the death of Brian Terry? It was guns his administration to the Mexican cartels that were used to kill him. When will Obama apologize and resign?

When will you learn to post in the right thread! :cuckoo:

Beat me to it.

You can see why I get embarrassed by Americans, right? Left. Right. As a nation, we seem unable to focus on one topic and not turn everything into a rant about the 'opposite side'. And people wonder why our congress critters get away with so much shit... because we're too busy bitching to pay attention.
London (CNN) -- Media baron Rupert Murdoch has not apologized to the family of a murdered British teenage girl whose phone messages were illegally intercepted by people working for his News of the World newspaper, a lawyer for the girl's family said Monday.The scandal over the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone and allegations that terror victims and fallen troops may also have been targeted forced the best-selling 168-year-old newspaper to close up shop this weekend.

Rebekah Brooks, who was editor of the newspaper at the time of the Dowler hacking, should resign, Dowler family lawyer Mark Lewis said Monday.

"She should do the honorable thing," Lewis said. "She was editor at the time Milly was taken. She should take editorial responsibility" for the actions of her journalists, Lewis said.

Cameron connected to hacking scandal? Brooks has since been promoted to chief executive of News International, the company that publishes Murdoch's British newspapers. Murdoch has stood by her so far.

Lawyer: Murdoch hasn't apologized for hacking of murdered girl's phone -

Since the scandal broke during the years of a Labour government, and given that Brown and Blair were both very close to News International, any honest person would be questioning both parties relationship with News International.

I am, however, not surprised that Chris ignores that in his desperate - and somewhat ignorant - attempt to link it to the Conservative Government.... and, at the risk of pointing out the blatantly obvious to the terminally stupid - British Conservatives are closer to the Democrats than they are to Republicans. I guess some people just judge others on a label.... 'Conservative' = bad.


The personal insults make you look silly, really. There is no need for it.

The Cameron headline was left there when I copy and pasted it by mistake.

I couldn't care less about British politics.
Good point.
Why don't you people have a "moral fitness" clause, for the issuance of licence', as does the U.S.?

YOU PEOPLE!!! Fuck you arsehole!

You are too easily trolled :p I could've typed "little" people ;) but chose not to.
London (CNN) -- Media baron Rupert Murdoch has not apologized to the family of a murdered British teenage girl whose phone messages were illegally intercepted by people working for his News of the World newspaper,

Has Barack Obama apologized to the family of the border patrol agent killed by the guns he provided to Mexican drug lords in his botched frame-up of Arizona?

When will Obama apologize and step down for his role in the death of Brian Terry? It was guns his administration to the Mexican cartels that were used to kill him. When will Obama apologize and resign?

When will you learn to post in the right thread! :cuckoo:

I know him. He's a rightie & he resorts to deflection thinking no one will notice :rolleyes:
So, you voted for Obama then?

Anyone who claims the MSM is unbiased is a lefty.
I never claimed the MSM is unbiased.

I work during the day
I work evenings....and I don't post from work...slacker! :razz:

Do you think Clear Channel should be forcibly shut down?
Of course not and not one single politican or pundit I've heard of has proposed shutting down any part of conservative media.

Are you claiming that Eisenhower was "conservative?" Seriously. Dick fucking price caps Nixon?

Come on..

The press was dead set against Reagan, they just couldn't overcome the anti-Carter sentiment of the nation - just as they may not be able to overcome the anti-Obama (Carter the II) sentiment.
Eisenhower was a fiscal conservative. Nixon was a fiscal conservative. The term conservative is too abstract these days...but I know people who think they are conservative think it means that you hate Obama, you're anti gay marriage and anti abortion, you're a "patriot"???, and you love freedomsandliberties.

Yep, those who fail to follow McGovern conservatives have a "disease."
I thought you remembered the 70's?......remember back when the Republican party had moderates and liberals? and the Democratic party had conservatives?....that was because there wasn't 100% advocacy journalism back then.

That you ignore the citations, including Dear Leader himself, trying to ban Fox.
Obama has never proposed banning Fox. They might have discluded one of their pseudo journalists from a press meeting but they're not censoring or restricting them from saying anything they want. It's a shame Fox and MSNBC are even allowed at white house press conferences, they might as well include the Nat'l Inquirer.

Yep, that is irrational - but yer a lefty, so no surprise.
I'm not a lefty.

BTW, I voted for Bob Barr. You do realize that Barack Obama was NOT the Libertarian candidate, right?
I didn't vote for Obama. Bob Barr was an embarassment ever since he tried to sue Bill Clinton for "emotional distress" after the impeachment thing. That guy had absolutely no chance of winning. You wasted your vote, you could have voted against Obama.
Other Murdoch papers were hacking records, not just the "News of the World"....

Rupert Murdoch will delay indefinitely his attempted $19 billion acquisition of satellite provider BSkyB as new revelations surfaced that the private medical records of then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s family were illegally obtained by other News Corp. outlets, according to British news reports Monday.

The BSKyB move came in the form of a withdrawal of News Corp.’s offer to spin off its Sky News division, which was required before U.K. regulators would allow the takeover bid to proceed. It does not necessarily end Murdoch’s takeover bid, but will mean “a long delay” as the bid is referred to Britain’s Competition Commission the BBC said.

The news comes as the Guardian reported hackers working on behalf of Murdoch’s Sunday Times and Sun newspapers targeted former Labour party leader Brown’s voicemail and bank, medical and legal records. Gordon Brown's medical records possibly targeted in phone hacking scandal - Reid J. Epstein -
Last edited:
Other Murdoch papers were hacking records, not just the "News of the World"....

Rupert Murdoch will delay indefinitely his attempted $19 billion acquisition of satellite provider BSkyB as new revelations surfaced that the private medical records of then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s family were illegally obtained by other News Corp. outlets, according to British news reports Monday.

The BSKyB move came in the form of a withdrawal of News Corp.’s offer to spin off its Sky News division, which was required before U.K. regulators would allow the takeover bid to proceed. It does not necessarily end Murdoch’s takeover bid, but will mean “a long delay” as the bid is referred to Britain’s Competition Commission the BBC said.

The news comes as the Guardian reported hackers working on behalf of Murdoch’s Sunday Times and Sun newspapers targeted former Labour party leader Brown’s voicemail and bank, medical and legal records. Gordon Brown's medical records possibly targeted in phone hacking scandal - Reid J. Epstein -

Do you ever keep up?

Colin already posted this.

Oh.... maybe it was because it came from a UK source, and not our own rational and non-partisan media?
I work evenings....and I don't post from work...slacker! :razz:

If I weren't monitoring a dozen clusters and SAN's I'd do something more fun than post politics...

Of course not and not one single politican or pundit I've heard of has proposed shutting down any part of conservative media.

{Talk radio’s suspicions of a movement to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine were confirmed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Tuesday June 24 during her comments at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast. When John Gizzi, an editor for Human Events asked Speaker Pelosi whether she favored a return of the Fairness Doctrine, she told him an unhesitating “yes,” reports Gizzi. }

Pelosi Supports Return of Fairness Doctrine

I think you may not be paying much attention.

Eisenhower was a fiscal conservative.

No, Eisenhower was a social conservative and a fiscal liberal. Eisenhower was significantly to the left of the Kennedy administration, fiscally speaking.

Nixon was a fiscal conservative.

So you think wage and price controls are pretty conservative, huh? A centrally planned and managed economy as the definition of "conservative?"

Actual fiscal conservatism is about free markets - the opposite of Nixon/Ford/Carter economy.

The term conservative is too abstract these days...but I know people who think they are conservative think it means that you hate Obama, you're anti gay marriage and anti abortion, you're a "patriot"???, and you love freedomsandliberties.

Opposing Obama and the fascist economy he promotes is a conservative position. A managed economy, be it Marxist or fascist is anathema to market capitalism, the heart of conservatism. Social conservatism and recognition of the war that the "counter culture" openly wages on American values is certainly part of the conservative movement.

I thought you remembered the 70's?......remember back when the Republican party had moderates and liberals?

The Republicans have Alan Simpson and Olympia Snowe - the far left is alive and well in the GOP

There are no moderates in the democratic party, that I will grant you.

and the Democratic party had conservatives?....that was because there wasn't 100% advocacy journalism back then.

No, there was a 100% managed press. The system of apparatchiks built by America's own Josef Goebbels, Edward Murrow, ensured that only the stories which served the party saw the light of day. America got one side of the news they were permitted - the DNC side.

Obama has never proposed banning Fox.

{The Obama administration on Thursday failed in its attempt to exclude Fox News from participating in an interview of an administration official, as Republicans on Capitol Hill stepped up their criticism of the hardball tactics employed by the White House.

The Treasury Department on Thursday tried to make "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the network pool except Fox News. The pool is the five-network rotation that for decades has shared the costs and duties of daily coverage of the presidency and other Washington institutions. }

Read more: Administration Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview -

Try again.

They might have discluded one of their pseudo journalists from a press meeting but they're not censoring or restricting them from saying anything they want.

They attempted to shut Fox out of coverage. Obama has a LOT of Stalin in him.

It's a shame Fox and MSNBC are even allowed at white house press conferences, they might as well include the Nat'l Inquirer.

The National Enquirer has a better track record than the NY Times. It was they who broke the "Blue Dress" while the NY Times obfuscated for Clinton. It was they who revealed the Condit story, while the Alphabets and managed news covered. It was they who Exposed Edwards, while the Times and Post lied to cover for him.

Yeah, they might as well - America could get better and more honest coverage.

I didn't vote for Obama. Bob Barr was an embarassment ever since he tried to sue Bill Clinton for "emotional distress" after the impeachment thing. That guy had absolutely no chance of winning. You wasted your vote, you could have voted against Obama.

I'm a Libertarian - I generally vote Libertarian. Barr wasn't my first choice, but WAY better than Obama or open borders McCain.
Yet another name coming into the frame. This time Dow Jones CEO, Les Hinton who it seems is about to come under the spotlight for his time between 1995 and 2007, when he was in charge of News International. Looks like the ripples are spreading!
Yet another name coming into the frame. This time Dow Jones CEO, Les Hinton who it seems is about to come under the spotlight for his time between 1995 and 2007, when he was in charge of News International. Looks like the ripples are spreading!


This is gonna run for a while. Rumors in the industry suggest that this is the tip of a very big iceberg. :eek::eusa_shhh:
Has Barack Obama apologized to the family of the border patrol agent killed by the guns he provided to Mexican drug lords in his botched frame-up of Arizona?

When will Obama apologize and step down for his role in the death of Brian Terry? It was guns his administration to the Mexican cartels that were used to kill him. When will Obama apologize and resign?

When will you learn to post in the right thread! :cuckoo:

Beat me to it.

You can see why I get embarrassed by Americans, right? Left. Right. As a nation, we seem unable to focus on one topic and not turn everything into a rant about the 'opposite side'. And people wonder why our congress critters get away with so much shit... because we're too busy bitching to pay attention.

As much profanity as you use and as many names you call people and insults you fling around, I would have thought you were quite above getting embarrassed.
Other Murdoch papers were hacking records, not just the "News of the World"....

Rupert Murdoch will delay indefinitely his attempted $19 billion acquisition of satellite provider BSkyB as new revelations surfaced that the private medical records of then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s family were illegally obtained by other News Corp. outlets, according to British news reports Monday.

The BSKyB move came in the form of a withdrawal of News Corp.’s offer to spin off its Sky News division, which was required before U.K. regulators would allow the takeover bid to proceed. It does not necessarily end Murdoch’s takeover bid, but will mean “a long delay” as the bid is referred to Britain’s Competition Commission the BBC said.

The news comes as the Guardian reported hackers working on behalf of Murdoch’s Sunday Times and Sun newspapers targeted former Labour party leader Brown’s voicemail and bank, medical and legal records. Gordon Brown's medical records possibly targeted in phone hacking scandal - Reid J. Epstein -

Thanks Chris, I haven't read the whole thread, just the last 5 or 6 pages so it's news to me.

Here is an article by Carl Bernstein I thought was interesting.

The hacking scandal currently shaking Rupert Murdoch’s empire will surprise only those who have willfully blinded themselves to that empire’s pernicious influence on journalism in the English-speaking world. Too many of us have winked in amusement at the salaciousness without considering the larger corruption of journalism and politics promulgated by Murdoch Culture on both sides of the Atlantic.

Carl Bernstein: Is Phone-Hacking Scandal Murdoch's Watergate? - Newsweek
When will you learn to post in the right thread! :cuckoo:

Beat me to it.

You can see why I get embarrassed by Americans, right? Left. Right. As a nation, we seem unable to focus on one topic and not turn everything into a rant about the 'opposite side'. And people wonder why our congress critters get away with so much shit... because we're too busy bitching to pay attention.

As much profanity as you use and as many names you call people and insults you fling around, I would have thought you were quite above getting embarrassed.

Call someone who gives a shit. It won't be me.
This article I'm quoting was posted earlier but I just got around to reading the entire thing.

Confidential health records for Brown's family have reached the media on two different occasions. In October 2006, the then editor of the Sun, Rebekah Brooks, contacted the Browns to tell them that they had obtained details from the medical file of their four-month-old son, Fraser, which revealed his cystic fibrosis.

This appears to have been a clear breach of the Data Protection Act, which would allow such a disclosure only if it were in the public interest. Friends of the Browns say the call caused them immense distress, since they were only coming to terms with the diagnosis, which had not been confirmed. The Sun published the story.

Five years earlier, when their first child, Jennifer, was born on 28 December 2001, a small group of specialist doctors and nurses was aware that she had suffered a brain haemorrhage and was dying. By some means which has not been discovered, this highly sensitive information was obtained by news organisations, who published it over the weekend before Jennifer died, on Monday 6 January 2002.
News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media | The Guardian

Unbelievable. Just cruel.
This article I'm quoting was posted earlier but I just got around to reading the entire thing.

Confidential health records for Brown's family have reached the media on two different occasions. In October 2006, the then editor of the Sun, Rebekah Brooks, contacted the Browns to tell them that they had obtained details from the medical file of their four-month-old son, Fraser, which revealed his cystic fibrosis.

This appears to have been a clear breach of the Data Protection Act, which would allow such a disclosure only if it were in the public interest. Friends of the Browns say the call caused them immense distress, since they were only coming to terms with the diagnosis, which had not been confirmed. The Sun published the story.

Five years earlier, when their first child, Jennifer, was born on 28 December 2001, a small group of specialist doctors and nurses was aware that she had suffered a brain haemorrhage and was dying. By some means which has not been discovered, this highly sensitive information was obtained by news organisations, who published it over the weekend before Jennifer died, on Monday 6 January 2002.
News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media | The Guardian

Unbelievable. Just cruel.

Yea, it really was. But you know what, the Conservative Party wasn't responsible. Idiot leftist Americans want to make this into a 'Conservative = bad' thing... and it really isn't.
This article I'm quoting was posted earlier but I just got around to reading the entire thing.

Confidential health records for Brown's family have reached the media on two different occasions. In October 2006, the then editor of the Sun, Rebekah Brooks, contacted the Browns to tell them that they had obtained details from the medical file of their four-month-old son, Fraser, which revealed his cystic fibrosis.

This appears to have been a clear breach of the Data Protection Act, which would allow such a disclosure only if it were in the public interest. Friends of the Browns say the call caused them immense distress, since they were only coming to terms with the diagnosis, which had not been confirmed. The Sun published the story.

Five years earlier, when their first child, Jennifer, was born on 28 December 2001, a small group of specialist doctors and nurses was aware that she had suffered a brain haemorrhage and was dying. By some means which has not been discovered, this highly sensitive information was obtained by news organisations, who published it over the weekend before Jennifer died, on Monday 6 January 2002.
News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media | The Guardian

Unbelievable. Just cruel.

Yea, it really was. But you know what, the Conservative Party wasn't responsible. Idiot leftist Americans want to make this into a 'Conservative = bad' thing... and it really isn't.

Rupert Murdoch = bad
This article I'm quoting was posted earlier but I just got around to reading the entire thing.

Confidential health records for Brown's family have reached the media on two different occasions. In October 2006, the then editor of the Sun, Rebekah Brooks, contacted the Browns to tell them that they had obtained details from the medical file of their four-month-old son, Fraser, which revealed his cystic fibrosis.

This appears to have been a clear breach of the Data Protection Act, which would allow such a disclosure only if it were in the public interest. Friends of the Browns say the call caused them immense distress, since they were only coming to terms with the diagnosis, which had not been confirmed. The Sun published the story.

Five years earlier, when their first child, Jennifer, was born on 28 December 2001, a small group of specialist doctors and nurses was aware that she had suffered a brain haemorrhage and was dying. By some means which has not been discovered, this highly sensitive information was obtained by news organisations, who published it over the weekend before Jennifer died, on Monday 6 January 2002.
News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media | The Guardian

Unbelievable. Just cruel.

You got that right.

Now they are trying to cover their tracks with the dust rake of reasoned and sober subterfuge.

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