Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

This article I'm quoting was posted earlier but I just got around to reading the entire thing.

News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media | The Guardian

Unbelievable. Just cruel.

Yea, it really was. But you know what, the Conservative Party wasn't responsible. Idiot leftist Americans want to make this into a 'Conservative = bad' thing... and it really isn't.

Rupert Murdoch = bad

If you think I'm gonna defend Murdoch, you could not be more wrong. He's a amoral POS, but it still doesn't have anything to do with the UK's Conservative Government.
This article I'm quoting was posted earlier but I just got around to reading the entire thing.

News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media | The Guardian

Unbelievable. Just cruel.

Yea, it really was. But you know what, the Conservative Party wasn't responsible. Idiot leftist Americans want to make this into a 'Conservative = bad' thing... and it really isn't.

Rupert Murdoch = bad

My sentiments exactly.
This article I'm quoting was posted earlier but I just got around to reading the entire thing.

Confidential health records for Brown's family have reached the media on two different occasions. In October 2006, the then editor of the Sun, Rebekah Brooks, contacted the Browns to tell them that they had obtained details from the medical file of their four-month-old son, Fraser, which revealed his cystic fibrosis.

This appears to have been a clear breach of the Data Protection Act, which would allow such a disclosure only if it were in the public interest. Friends of the Browns say the call caused them immense distress, since they were only coming to terms with the diagnosis, which had not been confirmed. The Sun published the story.

Five years earlier, when their first child, Jennifer, was born on 28 December 2001, a small group of specialist doctors and nurses was aware that she had suffered a brain haemorrhage and was dying. By some means which has not been discovered, this highly sensitive information was obtained by news organisations, who published it over the weekend before Jennifer died, on Monday 6 January 2002.
News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media | The Guardian

Unbelievable. Just cruel.

You got that right.

Now they are trying to cover their tracks with the dust rake of reasoned and sober subterfuge.

Sure they are. One thing I'd be interested in reading is why anyone on the right would/could think that Murdock isn't doing the same thing here. He owes this country as much as he owes the UK which is nothing. Personally, I haven't trusted the man for years and it's nice to see some of the dirt finally showing.

There for awhile every time one of the Beckians brought up Soros and how dangerous he is, I brought up another foreign born, billionaire that owns dozens of news outlets. Really, who is the most dangerous.

ETA It also went through my mind this morning about the hacked scientific emails.
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This article I'm quoting was posted earlier but I just got around to reading the entire thing.

Confidential health records for Brown's family have reached the media on two different occasions. In October 2006, the then editor of the Sun, Rebekah Brooks, contacted the Browns to tell them that they had obtained details from the medical file of their four-month-old son, Fraser, which revealed his cystic fibrosis.

This appears to have been a clear breach of the Data Protection Act, which would allow such a disclosure only if it were in the public interest. Friends of the Browns say the call caused them immense distress, since they were only coming to terms with the diagnosis, which had not been confirmed. The Sun published the story.

Five years earlier, when their first child, Jennifer, was born on 28 December 2001, a small group of specialist doctors and nurses was aware that she had suffered a brain haemorrhage and was dying. By some means which has not been discovered, this highly sensitive information was obtained by news organisations, who published it over the weekend before Jennifer died, on Monday 6 January 2002.
News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media | The Guardian

Unbelievable. Just cruel.

You got that right.

Now they are trying to cover their tracks with the dust rake of reasoned and sober subterfuge.

No shit Sherlock?

:lol::lol::lol: Did you reach this conclusion all by yourself?
News Corp. shares continued to feel the pain of the hacking mess and dropped for a fourth day in a row on Monday, losing $1.23, or 7.1%, to a six-month low of $16.10 on the New York Stock Exchange. The stock has fallen 13% over the last week.

So far, the fallout from the News of the World debacle has been mostly limited to Britain. However, as the coverage continues to grow around the globe, it is giving new ammunition to critics of Murdoch and News Corp. in the United States.

“It is becoming increasingly clear this scandal was not perpetrated by a few rogue reporters, but was systematically orchestrated at the highest levels of News Corp.,” said Melanie Sloan, executive director of the advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which has called for a congressional investigation of News Corp. “If Mr. Murdoch’s employees can be so brazen as to target the British prime minister, then it is not unreasonable to believe they also might hack into the voice mails of American politicians and citizens,” Sloan added.

The concerns about the shenanigans at News of the World are not limited to groups that see themselves as counterweights to News Corp.’s Fox News and other outlets deemed to have a conservative agenda. Some investors are outraged as well.

On Monday, a group of News Corp. investors led by Amalgamated Bank in New York accused the company of “improper conduct” in a lawsuit filed in Delaware Chancery Court. The suit, a revision of a previous filing against News Corp. over the terms of its purchase of a production company owned by Murdoch’s daughter Elisabeth, said the revelations in Britain show a “culture run amuck within News Corp. and a board that provides no effective review or oversight.”

News Corp.'s British debacle shines spotlight on U.S. operations -
News Corp. shares continued to feel the pain of the hacking mess and dropped for a fourth day in a row on Monday, losing $1.23, or 7.1%, to a six-month low of $16.10 on the New York Stock Exchange. The stock has fallen 13% over the last week.

So far, the fallout from the News of the World debacle has been mostly limited to Britain. However, as the coverage continues to grow around the globe, it is giving new ammunition to critics of Murdoch and News Corp. in the United States.

“It is becoming increasingly clear this scandal was not perpetrated by a few rogue reporters, but was systematically orchestrated at the highest levels of News Corp.,” said Melanie Sloan, executive director of the advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which has called for a congressional investigation of News Corp. “If Mr. Murdoch’s employees can be so brazen as to target the British prime minister, then it is not unreasonable to believe they also might hack into the voice mails of American politicians and citizens,” Sloan added.

The concerns about the shenanigans at News of the World are not limited to groups that see themselves as counterweights to News Corp.’s Fox News and other outlets deemed to have a conservative agenda. Some investors are outraged as well.

On Monday, a group of News Corp. investors led by Amalgamated Bank in New York accused the company of “improper conduct” in a lawsuit filed in Delaware Chancery Court. The suit, a revision of a previous filing against News Corp. over the terms of its purchase of a production company owned by Murdoch’s daughter Elisabeth, said the revelations in Britain show a “culture run amuck within News Corp. and a board that provides no effective review or oversight.”

News Corp.'s British debacle shines spotlight on U.S. operations -
Yes. I saw this too. As far as Conservatives are concerned, ethics are one thing but money trumps it ;)
Other Murdoch papers were hacking records, not just the "News of the World"....

Rupert Murdoch will delay indefinitely his attempted $19 billion acquisition of satellite provider BSkyB as new revelations surfaced that the private medical records of then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s family were illegally obtained by other News Corp. outlets, according to British news reports Monday.

The BSKyB move came in the form of a withdrawal of News Corp.’s offer to spin off its Sky News division, which was required before U.K. regulators would allow the takeover bid to proceed. It does not necessarily end Murdoch’s takeover bid, but will mean “a long delay” as the bid is referred to Britain’s Competition Commission the BBC said.

The news comes as the Guardian reported hackers working on behalf of Murdoch’s Sunday Times and Sun newspapers targeted former Labour party leader Brown’s voicemail and bank, medical and legal records. Gordon Brown's medical records possibly targeted in phone hacking scandal - Reid J. Epstein -

Thanks Chris, I haven't read the whole thread, just the last 5 or 6 pages so it's news to me.

Here is an article by Carl Bernstein I thought was interesting.

The hacking scandal currently shaking Rupert Murdoch’s empire will surprise only those who have willfully blinded themselves to that empire’s pernicious influence on journalism in the English-speaking world. Too many of us have winked in amusement at the salaciousness without considering the larger corruption of journalism and politics promulgated by Murdoch Culture on both sides of the Atlantic.

Carl Bernstein: Is Phone-Hacking Scandal Murdoch's Watergate? - Newsweek

Yeah. Chris is good people. :)
News Corp. shares continued to feel the pain of the hacking mess and dropped for a fourth day in a row on Monday, losing $1.23, or 7.1%, to a six-month low of $16.10 on the New York Stock Exchange. The stock has fallen 13% over the last week.

So far, the fallout from the News of the World debacle has been mostly limited to Britain. However, as the coverage continues to grow around the globe, it is giving new ammunition to critics of Murdoch and News Corp. in the United States.

“It is becoming increasingly clear this scandal was not perpetrated by a few rogue reporters, but was systematically orchestrated at the highest levels of News Corp.,” said Melanie Sloan, executive director of the advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which has called for a congressional investigation of News Corp. “If Mr. Murdoch’s employees can be so brazen as to target the British prime minister, then it is not unreasonable to believe they also might hack into the voice mails of American politicians and citizens,” Sloan added.

The concerns about the shenanigans at News of the World are not limited to groups that see themselves as counterweights to News Corp.’s Fox News and other outlets deemed to have a conservative agenda. Some investors are outraged as well.

On Monday, a group of News Corp. investors led by Amalgamated Bank in New York accused the company of “improper conduct” in a lawsuit filed in Delaware Chancery Court. The suit, a revision of a previous filing against News Corp. over the terms of its purchase of a production company owned by Murdoch’s daughter Elisabeth, said the revelations in Britain show a “culture run amuck within News Corp. and a board that provides no effective review or oversight.”

News Corp.'s British debacle shines spotlight on U.S. operations -

Thank you, I've been waiting for this article. Sadly, I'm afraid it's probably right that the FCC won't be able to help get more balance.
James Murdoch could face corporate legal charges in US and UK over News of the World phone hacking scandal - Telegraph

He has also confessed that he personally authorized out-of-court settlements, widely viewed as hush money to cover up the allegations of telephone hacking.

This is going to get very hot!

Wow! It already is hot. Thanks. Imagine Ruperts son admitting to the hush money. But they have enormous power here so I'll be very surprised if he is prosecuted here.
The hacking scandal currently shaking Rupert Murdoch’s empire will surprise only those who have willfully blinded themselves to that empire’s pernicious influence on journalism in the English-speaking world. Too many of us have winked in amusement at the salaciousness without considering the larger corruption of journalism and politics promulgated by Murdoch Culture on both sides of the Atlantic.

The facts of the case are astonishing in their scope. Thousands of private phone messages hacked, presumably by people affiliated with the Murdoch-owned News of the World newspaper, with the violated parties ranging from Prince William and actor Hugh Grant to murder victims and families of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The arrest of Andy Coulson, former press chief to Prime Minister David Cameron, for his role in the scandal during his tenure as the paper’s editor. The arrest (for the second time) of Clive Goodman, the paper’s former royals editor. The shocking July 7 announcement that the paper would cease publication three days later, putting hundreds of employees out of work. Murdoch’s bid to acquire full control of cable-news company BSkyB placed in jeopardy. Allegations of bribery, wiretapping, and other forms of lawbreaking—not to mention the charge that emails were deleted by the millions in order to thwart Scotland Yard’s investigation.

All of this surrounding a man and a media empire with no serious rivals for political influence in Britain—especially, but not exclusively, among the conservative Tories who currently run the country. Almost every prime minister since the Harold Wilson era of the 1960s and ’70s has paid obeisance to Murdoch and his unmatched power. When Murdoch threw his annual London summer party for the United Kingdom’s political, journalistic, and social elite at the Orangery in Kensington Gardens on June 16, Prime Minister Cameron and his wife, Sam, were there, as were Labour leader Ed Miliband and assorted other cabinet ministers.

Carl Bernstein: Is Phone-Hacking Scandal Murdoch's Watergate? - Newsweek
This is going to seriously make a dent in his bottom-line if not do more damage. Everyone on this side of the pond already knows that Fox= GOP-TV. ;)
This is going to seriously make a dent in his bottom-line if not do more damage. Everyone on this side of the pond already knows that Fox= GOP-TV. ;)

It could do more than that.

Murdoch's executives including the head of the Wall Street Journal ran the "News of the World' for years.

We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg.
This is going to seriously make a dent in his bottom-line if not do more damage. Everyone on this side of the pond already knows that Fox= GOP-TV. ;)

It could do more than that.

Murdoch's executives including the head of the Wall Street Journal ran the "News of the World' for years.

We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

I sure hope you're right.
There is talk this morning that Murdoch could conceivably not only lose out on the BSkyB takeover, but could be forced to relinquish his part ownership of Sky on the basis of being an 'unfit' person. I think that bastard's smile may actually be disappearing. Now all we need is for that bitch Rebekah Brooks to be exposed for what she is.
There is talk this morning that Murdoch could conceivably not only lose out on the BSkyB takeover, but could be forced to relinquish his part ownership of Sky on the basis of being an 'unfit' person. I think that bastard's smile may actually be disappearing. Now all we need is for that bitch Rebekah Brooks to be exposed for what she is.

I think she's been exposed. What would be great would be for her to suffer the consequences of her actions. She was Editor in Chief of the NotW while a lot of this went down, she told Gordon Brown that she had seen his sick kid's medical records. That is absolutely outrageous.

There is a wider issue here.... and that is which is more important.... the public's right to know about public figures or their privacy. Without certain 'underhand' practices, journalists will not be able to uncover the truth about someone. However, exactly what is the public's right to know about his kid? I would say we have no right to know.

This whole business is highly questionable.

And.... anyone who has ever bought the NotW or any other tabloid is also guilty to some extent... if people didn't buy it, they wouldn't do what they do to get the story.

Complicated business.
This is going to seriously make a dent in his bottom-line if not do more damage. Everyone on this side of the pond already knows that Fox= GOP-TV. ;)

It could do more than that.

Murdoch's executives including the head of the Wall Street Journal ran the "News of the World' for years.

We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Yet again, you are repeating what Colin and I have both said time after time on this thread. You are funny, Chris. You have no individual thought - none. You're embarrassing yourself.
This is going to seriously make a dent in his bottom-line if not do more damage. Everyone on this side of the pond already knows that Fox= GOP-TV. ;)

Still not getting what this whole clusterfuck is about, are you? :lol: It has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with illegal methods of certain journalists... and rumors within the industry are that it's not just News International.

Rabid whinging about Fox is not relevant to the situation.
There is talk this morning that Murdoch could conceivably not only lose out on the BSkyB takeover, but could be forced to relinquish his part ownership of Sky on the basis of being an 'unfit' person. I think that bastard's smile may actually be disappearing. Now all we need is for that bitch Rebekah Brooks to be exposed for what she is.
Don't know too much about her but at Ed Miliband's press conference(?), that was replayed on BBC World, said that she needed to be sacked. BTW- anyone have any idea why CG is still posting on this thread after I exposed her for knowing fuck all about British politics? :eusa_shhh: :lol:
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What if they hacked some American politicians? This could make Watergate look like Sunday school. Instead of a president going down, it could be their wholly-owned subsidiary, the Republican Party!!!

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