Muscovite barabarian semi - muslim horde ("rssian") Koba-Hitler´s plans for Europe. " Donetsk and Lugansk , South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria "


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Muscovite barabarian semi - muslim horde ("rssian") Koba-Hitler´s plans for Europe. " Donetsk and Lugansk , South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria "


The day before yesterday, Alexander Borodai, at a congress of the Rodina party in St. Petersburg, said that Donetsk and Lugansk were actually part of Russia, and would soon formally join it. Beard is a “philosopher”, a former friend of Girkin and a “prime minister of the DPR,” one of those smart guys who survived in a Donetsk meat grinder - unlike most “politicians” and “commanders” who have already gone to the other world. In general, mercenaries from Russia for some reason more often survive in the occupied territories than local collaborators.

Borodai was connected with Surkov and, most likely, Malofeev, both of them are now more likely to be in disgrace, but they can’t hide a thing, great thinkers now generate the same ideas: after Crimea and zeroing, a third milestone is needed.

Today it became known that the party “For Truth” by Zakhar Prilepin (who said that there is no democracy and a multi-party system in Russia, there are two of them already) announced that the idea of holding an all-Russian referendum on the accession of Donetsk and Lugansk to Russia would be in her election program , South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria. With this creative initiative, Prilepin plans to go to the State Duma elections. If the idea ignites the hearts of citizens, then United Russia will turn out to be a moderate centrist opposition.

Out of habit, it seems to some that Prilepin is only a marginal nationalist, a field commander like Arseny Pavlov (remember this?), Who likes to brag about his participation in the killings. This, of course, has long been wrong. Now Prilepin is one of the most famous and respectable members of the working group on the nullification of the constitution. The President of Russia has already expressed hope that the members of the group will not scatter and continue regular lawmaking for the benefit of a great country.

Moreover, President Putin, after receiving a mandate for life’s rule, is extremely concerned about “gifts from the Russian people”, which the republics leaving in 1991 for some reason took with them. Apparently, Russian gifts should be returned at the exit: keep this in mind for the future.

Prilepin, this cop soldier of the empire, in turn, gives a very concrete perspective on our future: escalation, conflict with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, new sanctions, isolation of the country. Do not dismiss Zakhar as a madman, he is now a master of New Socialist Realism.

Probably, for the complete greatness of the Second Irredent, due to unrecognized territories, a new organizational form and restoration of the Union (Union State) are not enough. Ideally, not only unrecognized republics should be attached, but also Belarus. Unification in a new country will provide a formal reason for revising borders and requirements for recognition of what is happening on the part of the world.

It seems that some people in the Kremlin are certain that the peoples of Russia on July 1 took arms and are already standing as a single tank battalion, dreaming only of rushing into the last battle and dying for leadership. If you had other plans, such as a vacation, an education for children, or a career, they should be put off.

The cruel farce is that only the delivery manager of Lukashenko, who is rumored to be traded for the vice presidency, is now holding us back from the immediate start of the described scenario. Do not give up, Alexander Grigoryevich!

The cruel farce is that only the delivery manager of Lukashenko, who is rumored to be traded for the vice presidency, is now holding us back from the immediate start of the described scenario. Do not give up, Alexander Grigoryevich!


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Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact - Wikipedia German–Soviet Credit Agreement (1939)
- Wikipedia German–Soviet Commercial Agreement (1940) - Wikipedia German–Soviet Border and Commercial Agreement - Wikipedia German–Soviet Axis talks - Wikipedia Москва должна быть разрушена.

"Moscow (AsiaNews) – A recently published book has generated a lot of buzz in Russia. Titled The Great Batu Khan, founder of Russian Statehood (Великий хан Батый – основатель Российской государственности), the tome is by Gennady A. Tjundeshev (Haramos), a historian at Khakassia State University (in Asian Russia, where Tatar-Mongols hail from). Its publication has revived the memory of the times of the "Tartar yoke", when Russia was under Asian rule for more than two centuries, between the 13th and the 15th centuries. It has also inspired some comparisons, especially with President Putin, who was re-elected on 18 March and has acquired the status of tsar and great leader. The great Batu Khan was the grandson of Genghis Khan, who, in 1240, imposed the dominion of the so-called "Golden Horde" on the principalities of ancient Kievan Rus, which disappeared from history as a separate entity. The Tatars were defeated for the first time in 1380 in the Battle of Kulikovo. Dmitry Donskoj, Prince of Moscow, led the way inspired by Sergius of Radonezh. Eventually, the city of Kyiv (Kiev) was against itself by the 17th century, but Asian domination ended only in 1480 thanks to the great prince Ivan III, father of the ideology of Moscow as the Third Rome. According to Tjundeshev’s interpretation, Russia has never freed itself from the legacy of the Tatar Khans; instead, it has made it the basis of its civilisation and state organisation. The idea is not particularly new. Napoleon, contemplating Moscow burning in 1812 from the walls of the Kremlin, uttered his famous words: “Scratch a Russian, you find a Tatar”. Many historians recognise the importance of the rule of the Golden Horde in the development of Russian society. The word money, dénʹgi (деньги), comes from Mongolian and survives in the memory of the taxes that Russians had to pay to the Khans to obtain formal diplomas, Jarliq (ярлык), which today means label, price tag, in modern Russian. Thus, today’s Russia is more the offspring of the Golden Horde than Kievan Rus. Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who conquered the last Kazan khanate in the 1500s, incorporated the main Mongolian leaders into the Russian administration. The tsar of "Holy Russia", to whom many today compare the reigning president (Ivan IV and Putin IV), dropped out of government for a whole year, putting one of his Mongol khans, Simeon Bekbulatovich, in his place. On 19 April, in an interview with Radio Svoboda, Tjundeshev reiterated his thesis. "The Golden Horde introduced the imperial spirit to Russia, and Batu Khan was the true founder of Russian statehood [. . .]. The mindset of Russians is mainly Asian. Even if the population is of European stock, only a small minority think within European parameters. This is why,” says the Tatar scholar, “it is so difficult for Russians to learn to be free; they always need a strong hand to rule them.” “In the Russian Duma everyone always votes as the president wants, like in the Kurultáj of Genghis Khan. The founder of the Mongol Empire at the beginning of the 13th century was in reality a very advanced man for his time, able to adapt to different situations and different cultures, including religions. From the Tatars come nations such as China, India, Turkey and Russia, which embrace different faiths like Confucianism, Islam and Orthodox Christianity.”" Putin heir to the Mongol Grand Khans
Moscuvy has been going down ever since they threw off the "Tartar Yoke". It became a warlike state, stealing Eastern Lithuania, renaming it Belarus, and Southern Lithuania, incorporating it as Western Ukraine, among other stolen territories over the centuries,
Moscuvy has been going down ever since they threw off the "Tartar Yoke". It became a warlike state, stealing Eastern Lithuania, renaming it Belarus, and Southern Lithuania, incorporating it as Western Ukraine, among other stolen territories over the centuries,
Muscovy is "russia" german elite of Muscovy changed the name , form of governance the same

Marx: the 'cradle of Muscovy' was the 'bloody mire of Mongolian slavery',


"Moscow (AsiaNews) – A recently published book has generated a lot of buzz in Russia. Titled The Great Batu Khan, founder of Russian Statehood (Великий хан Батый – основатель Российской государственности), the tome is by Gennady A. Tjundeshev (Haramos), a historian at Khakassia State University (in Asian Russia, where Tatar-Mongols hail from). Its publication has revived the memory of the times of the "Tartar yoke", when Russia was under Asian rule for more than two centuries, between the 13th and the 15th centuries. It has also inspired some comparisons, especially with President Putin, who was re-elected on 18 March and has acquired the status of tsar and great leader. The great Batu Khan was the grandson of Genghis Khan, who, in 1240, imposed the dominion of the so-called "Golden Horde" on the principalities of ancient Kievan Rus, which disappeared from history as a separate entity. The Tatars were defeated for the first time in 1380 in the Battle of Kulikovo. Dmitry Donskoj, Prince of Moscow, led the way inspired by Sergius of Radonezh. Eventually, the city of Kyiv (Kiev) was against itself by the 17th century, but Asian domination ended only in 1480 thanks to the great prince Ivan III, father of the ideology of Moscow as the Third Rome. According to Tjundeshev’s interpretation, Russia has never freed itself from the legacy of the Tatar Khans; instead, it has made it the basis of its civilisation and state organisation. The idea is not particularly new. Napoleon, contemplating Moscow burning in 1812 from the walls of the Kremlin, uttered his famous words: “Scratch a Russian, you find a Tatar”. Many historians recognise the importance of the rule of the Golden Horde in the development of Russian society. The word money, dénʹgi (деньги), comes from Mongolian and survives in the memory of the taxes that Russians had to pay to the Khans to obtain formal diplomas, Jarliq (ярлык), which today means label, price tag, in modern Russian. Thus, today’s Russia is more the offspring of the Golden Horde than Kievan Rus. Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who conquered the last Kazan khanate in the 1500s, incorporated the main Mongolian leaders into the Russian administration. The tsar of "Holy Russia", to whom many today compare the reigning president (Ivan IV and Putin IV), dropped out of government for a whole year, putting one of his Mongol khans, Simeon Bekbulatovich, in his place. On 19 April, in an interview with Radio Svoboda, Tjundeshev reiterated his thesis. "The Golden Horde introduced the imperial spirit to Russia, and Batu Khan was the true founder of Russian statehood [. . .]. The mindset of Russians is mainly Asian. Even if the population is of European stock, only a small minority think within European parameters. This is why,” says the Tatar scholar, “it is so difficult for Russians to learn to be free; they always need a strong hand to rule them.” “In the Russian Duma everyone always votes as the president wants, like in the Kurultáj of Genghis Khan. The founder of the Mongol Empire at the beginning of the 13th century was in reality a very advanced man for his time, able to adapt to different situations and different cultures, including religions. From the Tatars come nations such as China, India, Turkey and Russia, which embrace different faiths like Confucianism, Islam and Orthodox Christianity.”" Putin heir to the Mongol Grand Khans
In the matter of fact, they want much more, than Moldavia and Ukraine.

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In the matter of fact, they want much more, than Moldavia and Ukraine.

this is you
Oh, it's just an evidence of impossibility of nationalistic governments of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia to keep minorities in the state.
When Gamsahurdia said: "Georgia is for Georgians!" and start to genocide Abkhazians and Ossetians, they, of course, start to fight for their independence. When Romanian nationalists started to fight Transnistrians - they declared independence, too.
When Ukrainian nationalists declared "Moscowites [Jews, Poles] must be killed! ", and start to murder activists of Anti-Maidan - sure, they asked Russian Federation to protect them.
Russia supported Americans in our war against the evil British Empire, the USA "annexed" two thirds of formally "Mexican" land. It is not good, it is not bad - it is just a natural way of things.
Oh, it's just an evidence of impossibility of nationalistic governments of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia to keep minorities in the state.
When Gamsahurdia said: "Georgia is for Georgians!" and start to genocide Abkhazians and Ossetians, they, of course, start to fight for their independence. When Romanian nationalists started to fight Transnistrians - they declared independence, too.
When Ukrainian nationalists declared "Moscowites [Jews, Poles] must be killed! ", and start to murder activists of Anti-Maidan - sure, they asked Russian Federation to protect them.
If you are about chanting 'Moskaliaku na gillacku', then they began chanting it long before the Euromaidan.

And don't fool around. Russia entering the conflict wasn't about the mythical protection of Russian speakers in Ukraine. It pursued their own interests.
Oh, it's just an evidence of impossibility of nationalistic governments of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia to keep minorities in the state.
When Gamsahurdia said: "Georgia is for Georgians!" and start to genocide Abkhazians and Ossetians, they, of course, start to fight for their independence. When Romanian nationalists started to fight Transnistrians - they declared independence, too.
When Ukrainian nationalists declared "Moscowites [Jews, Poles] must be killed! ", and start to murder activists of Anti-Maidan - sure, they asked Russian Federation to protect them.
If you are about chanting 'Moskaliaku na gillacku', then they began chanting it long before the Euromaidan.

And don't fool around. Russia entering the conflict wasn't about the mythical protection of Russian speakers in Ukraine. It pursued their own interests.
Sure. As well, as American and European protection of Albanians in Serbia was just an excuse for persuing their own interests.
And the Russian Empire persued it's own interests, supporting American separatists fighting against the British Empire.
It is the natural way of things. But it does not mean, that the Americans didn't want to become independent, that the Serbs didn't kill Albanians, that the Georgians didn't kill Ossetians or that the Ukrainian nationalists didn't kill Russians, Poles or Jews.
Oh, it's just an evidence of impossibility of nationalistic governments of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia to keep minorities in the state.
When Gamsahurdia said: "Georgia is for Georgians!" and start to genocide Abkhazians and Ossetians, they, of course, start to fight for their independence. When Romanian nationalists started to fight Transnistrians - they declared independence, too.
When Ukrainian nationalists declared "Moscowites [Jews, Poles] must be killed! ", and start to murder activists of Anti-Maidan - sure, they asked Russian Federation to protect them.
If you are about chanting 'Moskaliaku na gillacku', then they began chanting it long before the Euromaidan.

And don't fool around. Russia entering the conflict wasn't about the mythical protection of Russian speakers in Ukraine. It pursued their own interests.
Sure. As well, as American and European protection of Albanians in Serbia was just an excuse for persuing their own interests.
And the Russian Empire persued it's own interests, supporting American separatists fighting against the British Empire.
It is the natural way of things. But it does not mean, that the Americans didn't want to become independent, that the Serbs didn't kill Albanians, that the Georgians didn't kill Ossetians or that the Ukrainian nationalists didn't kill Russians, Poles or Jews.
Sure. As well, as American and European protection of Albanians in Serbia was just an excuse for persuing their own interests.
And the Russian Empire persued it's own interests
who cares abut Nigerian, Bangladesh imperial interests ? you are afro - asia you must know your place , remember fate of your ussr ? your pathetic rf is on the line
nationalistic governments of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia to keep minorities in the state.
"nationalistic governments of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia to keep minorities in the state." propaganda, and you mongol barbarian hordemen are not in position to judge anyone

First Chechen War - Wikipedia › wiki › First_Chechen_War




Various figures estimate the number of civilian deaths at between 30,000 and 100,000 killed and possibly over 200,000 injured, while more than 500,000 people .
As well, as American and European protection of Albanians in Serbia was just an excuse for persuing their own interests.

And the Russian Empire persued it's own interests, supporting American separatists fighting against the British Empire.
I know nothing about it. Something tell me that their help was something like saying that 1000 British soldiers in Estonia help stop Russia from invading East Europe.

or that the Ukrainian nationalists didn't kill Russians, Poles or Jew
You Russians are just masters in half truth and twisting. No one argues that Ukrainian nationalists killed Poles and Jews and Russians in the past. But we are talking about the current events. This conflict has nothing to do with national conflicts between Ukrainians and Poles or Jews, or even the Russians per se.
As well, as American and European protection of Albanians in Serbia was just an excuse for persuing their own interests.

And the Russian Empire persued it's own interests, supporting American separatists fighting against the British Empire.
I know nothing about it. Something tell me that their help was something like saying that 1000 British soldiers in Estonia help stop Russia from invading East Europe.

or that the Ukrainian nationalists didn't kill Russians, Poles or Jew
You Russians are just masters in half truth and twisting. No one argues that Ukrainian nationalists killed Poles and Jews and Russians in the past. But we are talking about the current events. This conflict has nothing to do with national conflicts between Ukrainians and Poles or Jews, or even the Russians per se.
great post , i hope that your words will reach savushkino 55 hearts and minds
As well, as American and European protection of Albanians in Serbia was just an excuse for persuing their own interests.

And the Russian Empire persued it's own interests, supporting American separatists fighting against the British Empire.
I know nothing about it. Something tell me that their help was something like saying that 1000 British soldiers in Estonia help stop Russia from invading East Europe.

or that the Ukrainian nationalists didn't kill Russians, Poles or Jew
You Russians are just masters in half truth and twisting. No one argues that Ukrainian nationalists killed Poles and Jews and Russians in the past. But we are talking about the current events. This conflict has nothing to do with national conflicts between Ukrainians and Poles or Jews, or even the Russians per se.
Join telegram channel "Narodnaya militiya DNR" (or any other) and read about current events.
And yes, EU and Russia use national tensions in Ukraine because they exist.
Oh, it's just an evidence of impossibility of nationalistic governments of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia to keep minorities in the state.
When Gamsahurdia said: "Georgia is for Georgians!" and start to genocide Abkhazians and Ossetians, they, of course, start to fight for their independence. When Romanian nationalists started to fight Transnistrians - they declared independence, too.
When Ukrainian nationalists declared "Moscowites [Jews, Poles] must be killed! ", and start to murder activists of Anti-Maidan - sure, they asked Russian Federation to protect them.
If you are about chanting 'Moskaliaku na gillacku', then they began chanting it long before the Euromaidan.

And don't fool around. Russia entering the conflict wasn't about the mythical protection of Russian speakers in Ukraine. It pursued their own interests.
Sure. As well, as American and European protection of Albanians in Serbia was just an excuse for persuing their own interests.
And the Russian Empire persued it's own interests, supporting American separatists fighting against the British Empire.
It is the natural way of things. But it does not mean, that the Americans didn't want to become independent, that the Serbs didn't kill Albanians, that the Georgians didn't kill Ossetians or that the Ukrainian nationalists didn't kill Russians, Poles or Jews.
Sure. As well, as American and European protection of Albanians in Serbia was just an excuse for persuing their own interests.
And the Russian Empire persued it's own interests
who cares abut Nigerian, Bangladesh imperial interests ? you are afro - asia you must know your place , remember fate of your ussr ? your pathetic rf is on the line
You see, my little British friend, there is only one possible result for such stupid policy - the war.
telegram channel "Narodnaya militiya DNR" (or any other) and read about current events
What for? Are they supposed to open my eyes on something?

And yes, EU and Russia use national tensions in Ukraine because they exist
Of course they exist. I will tell you even more - the current conflict happened because of internal tensions in the first turn.

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