Muscovite imperialist MADNESS ! Moscow City Duma deputy suggested that six more countries - Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Should anyone be surprised that this is Putin's and cohorts plan?

Commie fascist to be "denazified" is to raze everything in sight and kill all living seen that are not useful for other purposes.
Should anyone be surprised that this is Putin's and cohorts plan?

Commie fascist to be "denazified" is to raze everything in sight and kill all living seen that are not useful for other purposes.
The mechanism of schismogenesis, the Centrifugal force of the pinball is violently propelled from the crooks of the cross or fylfot.

'Trying not to be a nazi approximates one to nazism far more radically than any irresponsible impatience in destrafication. Nothing could be more politically disastrous than launching a moral case against nazism: nazism is morality itself, heir to Europe's respectable history, that of witch-burnings and pogroms.'
(Nick Land. Making it with Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring Production, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 1995)

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